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Sparks Of Deception

Page 15

by Barb Shuler

  “Get off of me, you sicko!” I gritted out as his grip tightened. His hand moved up to cup my breast. I could feel his erection pressing into my back. The thought of what could happen made me sick. I shuddered and tried to pull away, wiggling to get free.

  “Keep that up and you will find yourself bent over that couch where I'll show you just what you're doing to me.” He kissed the side of my neck and I pulled away. His gripped loosened slightly but he didn’t release me.

  I jerked, holding Ryan to me as she cried. These monsters all needed to be put into a river and drowned. With each of my struggles Ryan cried more. Ignoring the man holding me, I tried to calm her by rocking side to side.

  “Enough! For fuck’s sake keep your dicks in your pants!”

  I turned to see the beast - Miss Jennings - walking to us. She grabbed my arm and snatched me away from the two men. I was trying to soothe Ryan as she clung to me. Her cries had eased a bit but she was shaking so bad. I had to focus on her. If I ignored the others maybe they'd just go away and leave us be. I sat down in the big oversized chair Miss Jennings pushed me towards. I pulled my feet up under me and rocked Ryan as I rubbed her back.

  I started to sing the first song that came to me. We had watched Frozen earlier or was it yesterday now? Whatever, Let It Go was the first thing that came to me so I went with it.

  My voice dropped slightly as she started to settle. I patted her bottom and grimaced. She had a full diaper - of what I wasn't sure though. I motioned to get the beast's attention.

  “Did anyone grab a diaper bag or something? She needs to be changed.” I raised a brow and the beast groaned.

  “You can clean her up in the bathroom. Use a towel or something. She wasn't part of the fucking plan,” she said, her hand waving around.

  I stood and moved toward the door she pointed at. I was a little wobbly at first and the headache I had was intense, but I made it in there with no problem. I shut and locked the door before I looked around. My eyes scanned the room and I gasped when I saw my reflection. There was a red handprint from where Mr. Evans had slapped me, but there was also bruising along the right side of my face. How had that happened? It was no wonder my head was hurting. I shook off my thoughts and looked around the room again. There was a window above the big garden tub. One a person could get through.

  I sat Ryan on the rug by the shower and held a finger to my lips. She knew that meant to be quiet. That was the sign we used when I had them all and Elijah was sleeping. I climbed up on the tub and looked down through the window. Ground floor. Fuck yeah. I flipped the lock and jimmied the window up. After an inch it got stuck. I used all the power I had in me to push it up millimeter by millimeter. I had to get us out of here. Once the window was open I pinched the screen out and grabbed it before it fell. I eased it to the ground by leaning out the window. It wasn't that far to the ground. I could get us out.

  I moved off the side of the tub and scooped Ryan up. I grabbed a large overstuffed towel from the stack by the sink and moved back up onto the side of the tub. I lowered Ryan down and climbed out after her. I picked her up again and wrapped the towel around her and slowly moved around the house, peeking around corners as I'd seen people doing in the movies.

  I heard a loud crash from inside and people yelling. Without another thought I took off running as fast as I could while carrying Ryan. I made a beeline for the trees. We had to get away. I had to keep Ryan safe. Nothing else mattered right now.


  On the Move


  With a few last instructions everyone got themselves suited up. Hatcher and I tapped into the satellites above and did a little scoping out for ourselves. Stella, Trace and that Tank fella were already heading out to the location.

  I didn't know until now that Stella and Trace were bounty hunters. It explained a lot about Trace himself. When asked why the big secret he simply answered with, “You don't want everyone around you to know you're a bounty hunter, unlike what you see on TV shows like that Dog, the bounty hunter show. Surprise is your best friend in this game.” Made sense to me. When they left out they had warrants in hand for the three men we knew were there and a few we hoped were there. Gramps gave them a half hour head start, after that, all bets were off. I was told to sit in the truck when we got there. I was to go and run the tracking, that was all. Right. Sorry, but that was my girl in there. I'd appease them for now though. Popping four more Tylenol, I guzzled down a Mountain Dew before strapping on the vest that Gramps said I'd have to wear. No worries there. Bullets fucking hurt. I got into the back of Drew's truck, SUV, whatever it was and opened my laptop. My fingers brushed the keys and I nodded. “Hatch, I'm in. We are a go,” I said as I looked back towards the other SUV. He was riding shotgun. I waved a signal and went back to looking at the screen. “Gotcha. All seems clear. Let's roll people,” he said as I pulled the map back up and plotted in where we were to meet the FBI team. “The GPS is ready. Let's go get our girls,” I said, as I rolled my neck. I swear my brain was rattling around in there. I’d get some rest later, or whatever else my body needed, but right now I needed to focus on getting the girls back.

  Twenty-Two minutes later we were at the junction of the road where we were supposed to meet the FBI. Part of the original team had cut out and gone to the Mayor's home to arrest the dirty bastard. The more digging we did the more shit we found. It was all a big clusterfuck. No one ever thought to look at him.

  Fuck, not even me. It was obvious now that things he'd said before had been indirectly taken out of context. Like him saying that Dani Lynn had run away from her fame when in fact she had been kidnapped by that nut-job a few years ago. And how he never backed the Sheriff’s Department or the Police Department on the big raids a couple years ago. That was when Kristol and her kids had been in danger. The asshole was in on all of it. I shook off my anger and climbed out of the SUV, sitting my laptop in the open back I sighed.

  “Alpha team to Beta team, we have a situation.”

  Kane's deep, controlled voice came over the headsets so clear we all froze.

  “Copy, Alpha team, I see her. Holding fire on perp, I don't have a shot. Copy?”

  “Copy. Everyone hold your position. Beta team if you get a shot, take it.”

  “Roger that.”

  A few minutes passed and we waited for the all clear to move in. I started to pace.

  “All teams standby, bounty hunters approaching. They get ten and we move in.”

  “Beta team, copy.”

  “We have movement at the back of the property.”

  “Is that… holy hell. Sir, the package is on the move.”

  I gave Gramps a look and he held up a hand for us to hold still.

  “Kane. Sit rep?”

  “Seems your little lady is quite the escape artist. Two bogies on her six though. Thermal says there are five, possibly six ins-”

  He cut off and we waited. The silence was making my stomach churn. Was she okay? How had she gotten out? I was wound so tight, I think if it hadn't been for my skin holding me I would have exploded. Gross sounding but true.

  “Dingo, Marcus grab the package. Troy, Skeeter, take those assholes down silently.” Kane’s voice boomed out over the ear pieces.

  “We need them alive, Kane!” Gramps growled into the mic.

  “Copy that. Keep’em breathing, boys.”

  Alive… that could mean so much coming from him. Not that I cared how they were dragged away from here. Again, we waited in silence as they moved in.

  “All teams, the package is clear. I repeat, the package is clear. Both unharmed, mostly. Bounty Hunters inside and scuffling. Proceed to move in.”


  Moving in close to the house we’d marked was easier than it should have been. These assholes really thought they were out here all alone. I nodded at Trace and Tank as we split up. Trace has a taser in his hand and Tank, well, that big bastard didn't need any help. If his gruff exterior didn't scare the piss out of them
then those hammers he called fists would. On the count of three we went in the back door. There was a scramble of bodies moving about and we split off from each other.

  The moment I saw Courtney and Gerald in the living room with the man on the computer I smirked. “Bounty Hunters, you're under arrest.”

  They looked at me and spread out. “Well, wouldn't she be a nice one to add to our collection?” The Evans man said.

  I snarled.

  “Nah, she's a cunt. Probably tastes like stale beer,” Gerald said. I laughed.

  “Well, you wouldn't know, would ya, you two bit asshole. You've not gotten anything from me except ya ass beaten. Remember? Or were you too out of it to remember?” I had no time to say more before the Evans man charged. I flipped my wrist and used all of my strength to swing Louie. He caught the bastard in the gut and he went down hard, gasping for breath.

  Courtney was next. I caught her in the knee as she went to run for the door. The crunch of cartilage made me wince. That was gonna hurt when it rained. But ask me if I cared? Yeah, no.

  Gerald threw a chair at me, I ducked out of the way and popped up in time to swing and knock the lamp he had in his hands away. He charged and we went over the couch. I made it to my feet and grabbed the bat just in time. I swung up, cracking him a good one to the arm.

  “Give it up, girl. I'm going to gut you like a fish,” he spat. He tossed a book end, or something and I ducked. When I did, he charged. I managed to move just in time to avoid being hit. Fine. The bastard wanted to play hardball? Well, he was about to become the homerun ball in the ninth inning of a tied game.

  “You don’t scare me, girl,” he hissed through his clenched teeth. I may not scare him but I sure as hell busted his ass up. “Why don’t ya put that bat down?”

  “Nah, I kinda like Louie, only man I can give a squeeze and he don’t run off hollerin.”

  “You think you’re a badass, eh? Watch too much TV maybe?”

  “Pfft… that Negan ass ain’t got nothin’ on me. I’ll do more than make ya fucking eyeball pop out, you scum sucking asshat.”

  There was a loud ‘boom’ from outside and I grinned as I charged. He ducked, but I was ready for that. I cracked him across his shoulder. When he hit the floor I did a back swing and cracked him in the jaw. He rolled slightly and groaned. I smirked as I put the blunt end of the bat to his cheek and pressed down.

  “Ya feelin’ lucky now asshole? Eh? Wanna go for round three?”

  “Stella, that’s enough.” I looked up to see Trace coming in with two assholes with arms behind their backs and white zip ties tight on their wrists. He shoved them to the floor and I sighed.

  “Why should you get to have all the fun?” I huffed out my words.

  “Because, that’s how I roll, woman.” He chuckled and slapped me on the ass hard enough to make the bat skid across Gerald’s face. I heard a pop and he let out a cry of pain. I looked down to see blood covering his face and snorted.

  “I didn’t do that. Louie did.”

  I stepped back from them all as the DEA agents, the Sheriff and his boys, and of course the FBI rolled in. One of the FBI agents went to grab Louie and I pulled back.

  “Oh, no ya don’t, bub. Touch my wood and I’ll crack ya one. Capeesh?”

  “Stella Grace, really?” The Sheriff shook his head and the man backed off. I moved to grab the Evans man and zip-tied him, yanking his arms back tight.

  “Where are Lana and Ryan?” I asked.

  “With Derek and Jacks. We left them with the girls.” I nodded at Gabe and took Trace’s hand as we followed everyone out. Tank was going with our prisoners to make sure the right paperwork was done and the bounties paid. Another day, another dollar.


  The ride back to the station was somewhat quiet. I had Lana curled into me and Jacks was sitting with Ryan in the middle seat. The minute they came out of the forest with Kane’s men my heart thrummed. They were both crying, shaking bad and scared shitless. I knew that feeling. I hadn't let Lana go yet, and judging from the look on Jacks’ face, Ryan wouldn't be out of his sight anytime soon either.

  When we got to the station we were swarmed by media, townspeople and family. Robert pulled Lana into his arms and I swear she turned blue in his grip, but she didn't complain, not once. Now we were sitting around the conference table giving a recount of our actions to the FBI’s head man, whatever his name was, and DEA Special Agent Thomas Borne.

  It was so hard to sit here knowing the asshole that had hurt her was in one of the cells down the hall. She didn't remember much, but the bruises on her face said a lot. Ryan had some bruises on her arms and sides where people, probably Gerald, had held her too tight but other than that they'd both be fine. Kris had Mama Jay - who had been at the house with her and Dani Lynn - bring her to town. She was sitting in the corner, Ryan laying against her as she held her. It had taken a bit of soothing to get them both to sit there and relax after the bruises were found.

  I was sure everyone in this room felt like ripping the bastard to pieces. Maybe we should draw straws and each get one good punch into them. Loosen them up for prison, or a fucking firing squad. Did they still do that kind of thing? I'd have to look that shit up.

  “My only other question is what was the result of the injuries Evans, Jacobs and Jennings received?” The DEA agent’s eyebrow arched when Stella snorted.

  “They resisted arrest and attacked me. I fought back, and I don't play fair.” She shrugged as the corner of her mouth tipped up. She was trying her best not to laugh. Well, I beat her to it. I had to lower my head when I felt Drew’s grip tighten on my shoulder.

  “You find that funny, son?” I looked up to meet the agent’s gaze.

  “Yep, ‘cause with all due respect, Sir, the stupid bastards should be six feet under in an unmarked grave for the worms and maggots to eat. They don't deserve anything better.” I growled out the last word. Was he serious? Did he think they deserved better?

  “I happen to agree with the kid,” Kane said, his face showing no hint of emotion. “I think Miss Malone acted in the way she saw fit to keep herself from harm. I'd have put a bullet through their foreheads.”

  “Oorah!” Marcus and Dingo chorused behind him. Kane side eyed them and smirked.

  Without another word the man nodded and shoved papers back into his briefcase. He stood and shook Gramp’s hand, nodded at Kane and his men and left, his men behind him. I kissed Lana on the cheek and we followed everyone else out. It was time to go home and regroup.


  Life Goes On

  Lana - Nine Weeks Later

  Today was the day a few things were going to change. Mama, or I guess I should say, my grandmother, was in court to face the charges she had accumulated over the last seventeen years. She was having to take the heat for the forged paperwork and identification. It seemed there were two sets for each of us. Daddy had found that when he was clearing stuff out of the safe. She’d hidden it well, I'd give her that.

  I was mad at her. I was sad, I mean, she raised me and was the only mama I knew, but the anger and hurt I felt out weighed that. How could she have done all she did and not tell anyone what was going on? Daddy was taking it a lot harder than I was. He loves her deeply, but I'd heard him say on the phone the other night that he'd never be able to trust her again. Thank goodness he knew nothing of her past, or he'd be in trouble as well. It was a mess for sure.

  The other thing happening today was that Daddy was getting to adopt me, again, and this time for real. My biological father, aka, the sperm donor, signed over all rights when he was arrested at the farmhouse where I'd been taken. From what I'd overheard, he was reluctant to do something, I'm not really sure what, so I'd been taken as a way to punish him. Ryan being with me wasn't something they'd counted on though. She may have been one reason I wasn't thrown in a hole somewhere.

  As we walked up the three stairs leading into the main county building my heart hammered in my chest like a drum. I wasn't sure ho
w they'd gotten this pushed through so fast. I stopped when we came to the main hall outside of the courtroom and saw everyone standing there. I ran to my Aunt Trisha and hugged her super tight. She was all dressed up, heels and a snappy business suit. I'd only seen her like this one other time. Though she only lives a couple hours from here in Dallas, we don't see her much.

  “Auntie Trish, I didn't know you'd be here today,” I stepped back and hugged Anna and then Charlie before I moved to Derek. He wrapped his arms around me and I grinned over at aunt Trish.

  “Well, Pumpkin, I'm here to make sure this yahoo here gets this done right,” she said pointing her chin towards Daddy. I laughed and looked around.

  “You're all here for this?” I asked. I was glad, no grateful they were here to support us, I was just overwhelmed.

  “Always, Butterfly. Always.” Derek said, grinning at me.

  “We are your family. We can't let you and Robert go through this alone.” Dani Lynn said as she came up to give me a tight hug.

  “Plus, someone has to make sure Daddy doesn't say something that will get him in trouble,” Anna said, bumping my shoulder with hers. I laughed loud and shook my head.

  “Daddy wouldn't do that, would you Daddy?” I turned towards him and he grinned.

  “Well, that all depends, Peanut. I'll try my best not too.” He brushed a finger over my cheek and I grinned.

  “Don't worry, I'll keep my big brother out of trouble, with the law at least,” Aunt Trish said smirking.

  The outside door opened and I saw mama being lead in. She was in cuffs and her head was down. I chewed on my lip and pushed from Derek and moved towards her.

  “Lana-” Daddy’s voice cut off and I heard someone tell him to let me have a minute. My gaze moved up to meet Sheriff Cartwrights and then Mama’s.

  “May I have a second. You don't have to leave or anything, Sheriff…”


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