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Sparks Of Deception

Page 16

by Barb Shuler

  “Sure thing, sweetheart.” He stepped back a step and I kept my eyes on Mama. It took me a minute to get the words out.

  “I forgive you. I know what you did had to be hard on you. I'm sorry you lost your daughter. I've had lots of time to think over the last couple of months and… no matter how much it hurts, I think I get it. You gave me a good life. You did something he couldn't have done. Maybe one day we can talk it all out, just not now.” I hugged her and moved back to Daddy. He wrapped his arms around me and I couldn't help but shudder as the tears slid free.

  “I'm so proud of you, Peanut. I love you. You are my daughter, no matter what a piece of paper says.” He pulled back and cupped my face and I smiled.

  “You got it, dude.” I giggled and hugged him again.

  “Man, hell, I thought she’d outgrown that Michelle Tanner phase,” Charlie grumbled as I stuck my tongue out at him. I looked around the hall and saw more than one set of glassy eyes. I grinned and leaned against Daddy.

  “Sappy fuckers, come on. Move your asses inside,” I turned to see Stella and Trace behind us. I blinked and looked Stella up and down. There were a few “holy hells” behind us. She had on a tight black pencil skirt, a silky white blouse and heels. Like real heels. She looked good, too. Wow. Who knew Stella could play dress up?

  “Well, I'll be damned. Stella Grace, you look hot, chick.” Anna moved over to her and hugged her neck.

  “Seriously? I'm in a fucking skirt. This is not cool. Let's hurry it up. I need out of this monkey suit.” She huffed as a few people chuckled. I took Daddy's hand and squeezed it as the doors opened to the courtroom.

  “Let's go get you adopted, shall we?” Daddy said, grinning as we all filed into the courtroom. I had to take it all in, as I'd never been in a courtroom before. Today was a way to help us all move on. It was the middle of January after all. A new year, a new forever to start.

  The day was finally coming to an end. The court proceedings had taken up most of the day, and to be honest, if I never set foot in a courtroom again, I'd be okay with that.

  It was official, I was Robert McKenna’s daughter again. The judge here found Mama guilty of a few crimes. Forgery, kidnapping, and a few other things. She was going to jail for a few years. But that's not all. She was being sent back to Kansas - since apparently that's where we were from - for another trial, apparently she had things to answer to there as well. I had gone up and hugged her before I walked out of the courtroom. I couldn't take it. My heart was breaking.

  The last part of the trial for the people that took me, was very interesting. We’d come into the courtroom and sat in the back to watch. My biological father - aka the sperm donor - had told quite the tale of antics while in the hot seat. But something told me he was telling the truth.

  Of course, Principal Jennings blamed everything on the men. She cried and swore she was there against her will. Thankfully, no one believed her story or her fake crocodile tears.

  The man, Mr. Evans, and Gerald got harder sentences than Thomas - the sperm donor - and Principal Jennings. The list of crimes they were being charged with was very long. As Daddy said, the Judge threw the book at them.

  We were entertained while we were in the courtroom. Stella had taken the stand. Her recap of what happened in that house had a few of us threatening to laugh. I sat there and just listened.

  “Ms. Malone, could you tell the court why the three suspects in question,” the judge said sweeping an arm towards them, “had injuries inflicted by yourself on the day in question?”

  “Sure thing. Well, you see when we entered the property we identified ourselves, as protocol calls for. The three subjects in question,” she pointed towards the table where Principal Jennings, Mr. Evans and Gerald Jacobs were seated, “were in the living area. When I came in Gerald and the Evans man attacked. I defended myself with the only weapon I carry, other than my shitkickers that is.”

  That got a few chuckles from the courtroom and the judge gave the audience a glare as he banged that gavel on the bench once.

  “Quiet, the lot of you. Carry on, Mrs. Malone.”

  “Yes, Sir. So you see, when they attacked I knew by things that were said it would be to cause injury-”

  “And yet, you walked away unscathed and my clients have multiple fractures and injuries.” The short man at the other table jumped up to say. I could see Stella was about to lose her cool. I laughed softly as she glared at the man.

  “Those two men both outweigh me by at least a hundred pounds. Did you expect little ole’ me to go easy on them? Sorry sucker, it doesn't work that way. I gave that fight my all. And I did it just like I've done any other hunt. You come at me, I'm gonna do my best to knock the shit out of ya. Period.”

  I laughed at the memories from earlier. They'd all put themselves in danger at some point for me and it scared me just as much as it made my heart grow. My family, all of them, were some of the best people I've ever known. Life is nothing if not full of love. I sighed softly as I looked out over the garden in the backyard and wrapped my arms around my knees. I was home and safe. Nothing else mattered right now.


  Standing off to the side of the porch I watched as Lana looked out over the backyard. Her backyard. She had spent so much time out here over the years. As kids we’d play in the backyard for hours. Lana, Carter and I had always been closer than friends. For years I wondered what it would be like to have a brother like Carter. Being an only child, and the child of a drug addict, made life miserable. If not for them I don’t know where I'd be.

  When I felt something bump into my shoulder I looked over and nodded at Carter.

  “You know, she's thinking about Kelly but trying not to. I don't like that frown on her face,” he said, his eyes moving to her as mine did.

  “Me either. It's going to take time for it all to sink in and for her to be able to move on completely. This was some heavy shit for her to deal with,” I said, my hand tightening around the soda bottle I held.

  “Maybe we should do like we used to? Take her down to the creek. I'll chase her around with worms while you fish.” He was grinning and I knew he was serious. I chuckled loudly and shook my head.

  “Dude, you harass my woman and I'll rip your ears off,” I said.

  “Touchy, sheesh.” He slugged me in the arm and moved towards Lana. I smiled as he sat down beside her on the swing and laid his hand in hers when she flipped it over.

  I moved to her other side when she held her free hand up. Chuckling, I kissed her cheek before she laid against my side.

  “You guys are my guys. Don't forget that. I love you both, and I know you're worried, but I'm okay. Just letting it sink in, you know.” Her words were soft and I smiled. Carter nodded and squeezed her hand.

  “Love you too, Lanabear,” Carter said softly.

  “Love you, my Butterfly, always,” I said before kissing her temple.

  We’d been sitting in silence for a while when Robert came out to the porch with an apron around his hips. I couldn't help but chuckle.

  “Dinner is done, Peanut. You and the boys come eat.”

  “Nice apron Mr. McKenna,” Carter said laughing. Robert Gibbes slapped him on the back of the head and we all went inside. We were still laughing. We’d always laugh. Together we could do that. No one would be left out. Life would go on, and we would all be fine.


  Six Months Later

  Today was special for many reasons. One, I was turning eighteen. Or, I guess as of midnight, I had turned eighteen. I’d made it through High School with an “A” average, 97.6 to be exact and… I was free to be me again.

  Daddy and I had been talking over the last couple of months about college and what would be next for me. I hated school, math especially, so I wanted some time away from it all. With that being said I also wanted to show I was a responsible adult now, so the job hunting had started before school was out. I didn't want anyone handing me anything, since a few offers had been made.
I declined them and went my own way.

  I marched myself into the local newspaper office and filled out an application. They'd been looking for a columnist to write in the “current events” section for months. Needless to say, it didn't take Mrs. Crosse long to say, “you're hired.” It was only part time, for now, but I was super excited. My work in English and the reports I’d done on the school newspaper helped as well. Though, I never wrote there full time either. Just whenever I could.

  With a job set and a new dawn on the horizon I was ready to take on adulthood. That was, if my daddy could let me be an adult. He was so heartbroken the moment I mentioned moving out. He'd been through so much in the last year. So, I'd dropped the mention of it. He’d moved downstairs to the room I was in and we moved all of my things upstairs. One of the spare rooms had been converted into an office/library for me and everything. He really was too good to me. It was his way of giving me my own place, yet still being here to help keep me safe. I truly loved my Daddy.

  As I walked outside I heard something crinkle and looked up. A huge “Happy Birthday Lana” sign was strung from one tree to another. I gasped and looked at the faces of my family. I ran down the back steps and out into the yard. I hugged everyone and grinned as I jumped into Derek’s arms. I kissed his cheeks as he spun me around.

  Everyone yelled Happy Birthday and I had to wipe away the stray tears rolling down my cheeks. Derek sat me on my feet and I was pounced on by little people. After hugging them all I moved back to Daddy and I was presented with a huge cake. I was sure Anna had made it too, judging by the icing. It was so dang good.

  We’d all sat down and had hamburgers, hotdogs and all the potato chips you could think of. The men in this family, dear God they were all pigs. I laughed more than once as there were grumbles about being out of chips. I was sure Daddy had bought the entire chip aisle for this party. God, I loved my family.

  After everyone finished eating, I'd gotten another glass of tea and moved out by the garden. I squatted down so I could gather the babies into my arms. It was game time. And after a few games of duck, duck, goose and red rover I moved to sit on the ground. I was feeling a little off, but nothing too out of place. The littles came charging over and tackled me. I yelled, “woman down” and laughed. They all started to tickle me as one. I squealed and rolled around. I was laughing so hard at their determination. Their smiling faces, their laughs. It all melted my heart.

  Finally I was rescued, yet I lay there trying to catch my breath. I sat up and tried to cough. It was as if the air just wasn't coming. Ugh, my asthma was getting to a point of being a complete nuisances. I searched my pocket and… they were empty. I clapped my hands and both Derek and Charlie moved to my side. I was pulled to my feet and Derek cupped my face.

  “Focus on me, in and out slowly. Don't panic on me. Is your inhaler in your bag?” I nodded and heard the back door slam. My bag was easy to find, since I always left it by the front door. There was also an inhaler in the bathroom, bedroom and the kitchen.

  “La La, I sorries,” I heard from under me. I shook my head. I heard whispers around us and Derek moved to sit me in a chair.

  “Don't worry Tyler. La La is gonna be just fine,” Charlie's voice pulled my gaze up as he moved to push the inhaler between my lips. My body was tingling and the panic I was fighting was starting to win. I tried to hold my breath after he pushed the plunger but I couldn't. The tears started again but this time from fear and frustration.

  “What's going on?” I heard Shelby but I couldn't see her. I tried again to hold my breaths longer. Derek's soft words and Charlie counting for me was helping. When they were both pushed apart I saw Shelby. She looked disheveled, a bit out of sorts for herself, but she was in doctor mode.

  “Someone go get a cup of warm, not hot, but warm water. And a paper bag.” Her hands moved over my neck and then she cupped my wrist with two fingers.

  “Shelby what-”

  “Not the time or place, Charlie. Give me a minute to get Lana fixed up, okay?” She gave him a tight smile and as soon as the bag was here I was pushed forward, face between my knees and breathing into the bag. Twenty minutes later, it was over, I was fine. Tired, but that was normal after an attack like this.

  I'd sat on the ground and had a lap full of babies. Literally. My legs stretched out before me, Carter and Derek flanking my sides, only facing me, and I had babies sitting on my legs. After Charlie pulled Shelby outside the gate for what I assume was a hushed, heated discussion, she had come back to check on me and then they had left. Something was up there, but I didn’t want to know. I’d had enough drama already today.

  When everything was calm again, I'd had to explain to the little ones what happened. They needed to know that I was okay. I’d told them that it was all an accident, that sometimes I got winded and the bad faeries stole my breath. I think it had scared them more than it did me this time. That was until Tyler declared she would kick all the bad faeries in the nuts for hurting her La La. We’d all gotten a good laugh at that.

  Right now, that was all over. We were all calm now, relaxed even, as I read “The Cat in The Hat” to them. The book was held in front of me so they could all look at the pretty pictures. A relaxing afternoon in the yard with my family. This was how it was supposed to be. It was a great end to a fantastic day.


  Are you Gonna Kiss Me or Not - Thompson Square

  Bad Romance - Lady Gaga

  Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons

  Broken - Seether ft. Amy Lee

  Can't Fight the Moonlight - Leann Rimes

  Cloud Nine - Evanescence

  Everybody's Fool - Evanescence

  Feel Invincible - Skillet

  Hemorrhage (in my hand) - Fuel

  Here’s to Us - Halestorm

  House Party - Sam Hunt

  How You Remind Me - Nickleback

  I hope you Dance - Lee Ann Womack

  In the End - Linkin Park

  It’s Been Awhile - Staind

  Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down

  Like I am - Rascal Flatts

  Lovin' You is Fun - Eastin Corbin

  My Kind of Crazy - Brantley Gilbert

  No More Sorrow - Linkin Park

  Room to Breath - Chase Bryant

  Scars - Papa Roach

  Setting the World on Fire - Kenny Chesney (ft P!nk)

  Stronger - Britney Spears

  Supermassive Black Hole - Muse

  The Summoning - Linkin Park

  Those Days - Lindsay Stirling (ft Dan + Shay)

  Transcendence - Lindsey Stirling

  Us and the Night - 3 Doors Down

  Way Down We Go - Kaleo

  We Are Tonight - Billy Currington

  We got the Whip - Audioslave

  Living in your Hell (Book 5) SNEAK PEEK


  Twenty-Seven years ago a life formed, grew and was born into a family where she was supposed to be loved, have a happy life and grow into an adult her parents could be proud of. That life started out well… but things changed, and for the worse.

  There are not many good things I remember from my childhood - before I came to live with my Papa that is. The ones I do remember, I wish I could bleach from my memory and never have to think of them again. See, the memories I have of my father are full of pain and heartache. My mother, well she wasn't much better.

  I grew up in a house that was run by a man who would rather have a bottle to his lips than food on his table. My mother tried in the beginning, from what I can actually remember. I ate a lot of cheese sandwiches that were just a piece of bread, sometimes it was even moldy but it's all I had. I ate even more jelly sandwiches. Grape jelly at that. Needless to say, I can only tolerate cheese in small portions and as for grape jelly… no, I can't even stomach that now. It was a luxury back then to get a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and to have milk to drink or even a hot meal that did not consist of my mother opening a can of.. something and dumping it into a
bowl before me. Half the time I had to pinch my nose and just eat whatever it was. Most of it tasted gross. If I ever said that though, I got swatted, called ungrateful and sent to my room with no food. This is why I wish it could all be washed from my brain. I have serious issues with canned foods, even today.

  The road to life is paved with good intentions and all but, I'm more of the mind to work my ass off and get what I want. I never want to be a burden to anyone, nor do I want to be dependent on anyone else. This is a battle I have been fighting since I was brought to live with my Papa. He wanted to give me the world, and God love him, but I couldn’t allow that then and I don't accept it now. It wasn’t in me to break that cycle. If I have it, I have busted my ass to make it happen.

  Life however has a need to keep pushing me in one direction when I want to go another. Dating Charlie McKenna for the last nine or so months has helped me become a little less OCD about some things, but it also scares the crap out of me. My biggest fears revolve around dating a living, caring man. I mean, what if he finds out about my past and literally drops me like a half cooked tater? I don't feel that would ever happen, not with everything I've seen of the man but the thought is there nonetheless.

  Charlie and the others, his friends who have slowly become my friends, and his family only know me as I am today. The emergency room doctor, the OBGYN, the smiling face who can stay calm in a crisis. That's not the real me, not really. They don't know the neurotic mess I really am.

  Though lately I'm not managing to hold myself together too well. When I moved back to Texas I wondered if I would have this issue. I had nightmares in Colorado after a bad day, but not like it's been since I've been back here. Back to the place where it all started.

  I wasn't sure at first if I could handle it but then, life changed courses again and I met some people that needed my help. I enjoyed my life in the emergency room, and especially loved my job as an OBGYN. Nothing beats helping to bring a precious child into the world. That's how I met the people around me now.


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