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Wild Hearts (Rock Goddess Reverse Harem Book 2)

Page 4

by Romy Lockhart

  I shake my head at him. “You definitely don’t.”

  And now I’m going to be too paranoid to do anything like that again. I’m sure we’ll find other ways to have fun. Or the wine will loosen my paranoia. Yeah, I think it’s going to be that second one.

  The rest of the night is fairly uneventful, as we eat and drink and converse in the place that will always officially be ours. It’s another wonderful night spent with a man I love, at least until we get home.

  “Sasha still crashing at your place?”

  He nods as we get past the gate to the mansion and he closes it behind us. “She’s talking about the big D now. The guy she had staying over went home. She hasn’t talked to Alan yet.”

  “Shit, sounds serious.”

  “I just can’t wait for her to get out of my house,” he says, smiling wryly as I let us back into the mansion. “She’s been driving me crazy every time I go over there. The place is starting to stink of that floral perfume she drowns herself in too.”

  “You can stay here while I’m gone if you want to,” I tell him, smiling at the thought of it. It would be nice to come home to company. Though I do remember telling Nick he’d be coming back when I did. That could be awkward. It would be nice if it wasn’t, but I’m not dumb enough to think it could be anything less. This is all too new to be totally comfortable.

  “It would feel weird to sleep in your bed without you.” He shrugs. “I should make sure Sasha actually speaks to Alan sometime anyway. I doubt she’ll decide to on her own.”

  “She’ll probably make you go with her.” I know Sasha isn’t good with confrontation. It seems weird considering how nosy and meddling she can be, but from what I remember, when it comes down to hard conversations she tends to avoid them for as long as she can.

  “Probably.” He pulls me to him after I switch the alarm on. “I’ll deal with that while you’re gone. For now...” He kisses me, and I wonder idly how I can want this so much when I’m still raw from last night’s prolonged session. I know the answer. I’ll always want this. I’ll always want him.

  He breaks the kiss. “We should go to bed.”

  “Not to the pool?”

  He laughs. “That was just last night’s plan.”

  “That was a plan?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  I kick off my heels and head for the stairs. Last night had been thrilling, but he doesn’t need to surprise me like that tonight. I just want to be with him as much as I can before I leave town.

  He follows and stops me at the bottom to wrap his arms around me from behind and kiss my neck.

  “Did I tell you how much I love this dress?”

  “Your face told me when you saw it.”

  His fingers dance along the material. “These lace panels in particular, are very alluring.”

  There are two tastefully transparent lace panels at either sides of my waist, and one from my cleavage to my neck.

  He leans in and whispers, “I think you should keep this on tonight.”

  And now I can feel how much he loves the dress. I smile. “Asher, take me to bed already.”

  He scoops me up and takes me up the stairs. That’s when I start to realise something is wrong.

  “Can you smell that?”

  He gets to the top of the stairs and puts me down. “Smoke.”

  There’s a thin veil of it escaping under my bedroom door. What the hell?

  “Stay back.” He gets out his phone and moves towards the door. He turns to me. “Go down stairs. I’ll check this out and call the fire department if need be.”

  “The smoke alarms aren’t going off.” I step down a couple of stairs as he opens the door.

  There isn’t a sudden influx of fire, but more smoke seeps into the hall. He goes inside. I follow, putting my hand over my mouth. The bed is on fire. The smoke is dark and rising. Asher dashes into the bathroom and comes back in with the attachment from the shower. He douses the bed, and at first it doesn’t seem to be working. I start to cough and rush to the balcony door to unlock it. The smoke needs to go outside. The fire is out by the time I turn around. My bed is soggy and burnt and there’s something in the middle that’s too blackened to identify. I see the slip of paper on the carpet next to the bed, and I know what it was. I open my drawer to check anyway, while Asher is checking the smoke detector above the bed.

  His book is gone. I pick up Sasha’s note. He shows me the smoke detector.

  “Batteries are gone.” As if there was any doubt that this was done on purpose.

  “They burned your book.”

  He glances down at the bed. “That’s what that was?”

  I nod. “It was.”

  I put the note back in the drawer. I don’t need to ask who would do this. There’s only one person, and I already know she has it out for me. I need to do something about her. I wish I knew what.

  Asher’s expression darkens. “Who would do this?”

  I let out a sigh. It’s time he knew. “Diana. She broke in before, left a note on my mirror.”

  He blinks, staring at me. “What?”

  “I didn’t tell you because it was nothing.” But now I’m wondering how the hell she got back in after the locks were changed. I’m going to have to get a security expert in.

  “She threatened you?” He sounds angry.

  “It just sounded like she was jealous. I didn’t think it was anything to worry about.”

  “Shit,” he swore. “I can’t believe she’s doing this. I mean, I can, but it’s fucked up. I’m so sorry, Eden. You shouldn’t have to put up with this. I’ll deal with it. She won’t do this or anything like it again.”

  He’s right, she won’t. I’m going to find a way to deal with her. Whatever it takes.

  Chapter Eleven


  We sleep in one of the guest rooms with the door locked. Just in case. By sleep, I mean Eden does. I can’t. I just lie there in the dark with my arm around my Goddess, keeping her close. I’m too pissed about Diana’s bullshit to sleep. I should have known something like this would happen when she showed up at the library after I’d started to date Eden. That was what jealousy looked like. She hadn’t sunk her claws in enough to tear us apart, so she’d broken in to freak Eden out. That goddamned fucking bitch.

  Eden hadn’t wanted to get the police involved. They probably wouldn’t have been able to charge Diana anyway. There was no solid proof that it was her. Eden had gotten rid of the message on the mirror when that happened. The fire had been stopped before it got out of control. No-one had gotten hurt. It had been a disgusting stunt, but right now it was nothing more than that.

  I would go speak to her in the morning. If I was late to work I didn’t care. This is more important.

  Eden said she’d call in security. She needed it now more than ever.

  I get up when I see light begin to shine through the curtains. Eden stirs and smiles sleepily at me. She’s breathtaking to look at, even first thing in the morning when most people are at their worst. Not Eden. Always a Goddess.

  “Are you leaving?” She suddenly sounds wide awake, and slightly panicked.

  What was I thinking? I quickly realise I wasn’t. Not really. Now that I am, I know I can’t leave her here alone. I don’t know if Diana’s done pulling these stunts, and she’s not going to feel safe being left on her own after what just happened. “Come to my place. Sasha’s off work today. You can catch up.”

  She sits up and nods slowly. “I’ll make a phone call once I’ve showered and we can leave.”

  Finally, my sister is coming in useful for something. I’ll feel better leaving Eden with her than knowing she’s in this house alone after a break in. “After we’ve showered. I’m not letting you out of my sight while we’re still here.”

  She smiles. “I’ll need to use the bathroom in my bedroom. You can come in once I turn the shower on.”

  I agree as we walk to her room, Eden following me along the hallway as I listen out
for any strange noises. I doubted Diana would have done much more than set that fire and walk away, but I’ve learned never to underestimate what she’s capable of. I come into the bathroom with Eden while she locks the door to the other room. I check the room before I’m satisfied to leave her in it.

  Then I close the door over and wait, my gaze drifting around the bedroom. There’s no real sign of disturbance other than the ruined bed. I’d convinced Eden to use one of the other rooms until she had proper security measures in place. Like an actual team of bodyguards.

  I just prayed she didn’t let Logan come back here. The guy would be nothing but trouble.

  She opens the door and I come inside and lock it behind us. The shower is running. She steps in and smiles at me. “You might as well wash my back for me, Asher.”

  I remove my underwear and take the soap when she hands it to me. “What about the rest of you?”

  She turns around and the sight of the water running over her glorious body makes my dick twitch to life. Mornings are never usually this alluring. I smile as I get in and start to lather up her breasts, but it’s not until I slip the soap between her legs that she gives a sultry moan. I can’t tease either of us any longer. I throw the bar into the sink and pull her to me.

  The kiss lasts seconds, it’s not enough. I crave the sweet release that can only be found in her embrace. I quickly realise full penetration would require too much awkward manoeuvring in this confined space. So I put her hand on my dick and I move one of mine between her legs.

  Her head rests on my shoulder as her hand strokes gently, slowly at first. Her quiet moans are barely audible over the rush of water. Her grip tightens and her movements speed up. Her breasts bounce against my chest as my fingers slip inside her tight cunt. I rub at her clit with my thumb, my pace frantic as my heart starts to race. I want to be inside of her so badly, but her touch feels too good to relinquish. She speeds up more and I come hard, spilling my seed onto her stomach. It’s washed away quickly by the falling water as she moves back and lets go. She arches her back as her eyes lock with mine and widen. I watch her come gasping under my touch, three fingers buried inside her as my thumb strokes her to ecstasy.

  “Oh, Asher,” she expels my name on a soft sigh and it never sounded so good.

  I remove my fingers and wrap my arms around her, bringing my lips down on hers. I realise something I already knew but that just hadn’t quite occurred to me until that moment.

  Eden is mine. I’m hers. No-one can ever take this goddess of a woman away from me. It doesn’t matter how many other men she needs, how many others need her. It doesn’t matter if she needs to be gone for months on end to get her career back, or visit her other lovers.

  She’ll never stop being my Goddess. I’ll never walk away from her.

  Chapter Twelve


  Asher wasn’t lying. His house really does stink of Sasha’s perfume now. It’s the first thing I notice when I walk in to the hallway. Before the line of bras and panties draped over the banister. She hasn’t just moved in, she’s claimed this place as her own.

  “Christ,” Asher curses, shaking his head at the underwear. “Sasha!”

  His sister appears at the kitchen doorway down the hall. “What! Oh... Eden.... Hey.”

  She pulls her robe together as she moves toward us. She still looks like a typical girl-next-door, if said girl got set loose in the beauty section of a department store with a limitless credit card. She hasn’t dressed yet, but her face is fully made-up and she’s wearing enough perfume to choke a horse.

  “Hi, Sasha.”

  “Um, what’s...” She turns her gaze on Asher.

  “Eden’s staying here today. Diana broke into her house.”

  Sasha’s mouth drops open. “Again?”

  I nodded. “Looks like it.”


  “We don’t know. I have to go talk to her. Keep the door locked.” Asher pulls me to him and kisses me quickly before he leaves. It takes a second to cool the heat his lips created. I’m getting addicted to the overwhelmingly incredible sex we keep having. It’s never enough. I could always come back for seconds, and thirds, and, well, you get the picture.

  “I’m so glad you gave him another chance,” Sasha tells me once he’s gone. “He’s like, the best guy in this town. He would do anything for you, Eden.”

  “I’m fully aware of how amazing Asher is.” I wonder how she’d take it if she knew he wasn’t my only guy. It’s only a slightly terrifying thought. I wonder how long it’ll be until she knows, until everyone does. That one sticks with me. It takes a lot of effort to brush those thoughts away. “How are you doing, Sasha?”

  She sighs twice, dreamily the first time and sadly the second. “I met a guy.”

  “You did?”

  She nods and I know that look in her eye. It was the same one she’d always gotten when she was daydreaming about a boy when we were teenagers. She’d had so many crushes in high school I’d lost count.

  “He’s from L.A. Too bad he had to go back there.” She motions to the kitchen. “Coffee?”

  I nod and follow. It’s not my usual morning routine, but I supposed going up to Asher’s bed to crash until closer to noon would be considered rude. He’d brought me here so I wouldn’t need to be alone in a house that had been broken into repeatedly.

  “So things are over with Alan?” She’d married the guy she’d started dating when I left town to sign my record deal. I knew that much. I’d kept up to date with the local paper for a while, sporadically, to see how things seemed in Rapture while I was gone. Her wedding announcement had a full spread in the middle pages. It had seemed lavish, and she’d looked so happy. They both had.

  “Over?” She asks quietly, as if she’s asking herself, then she seems to shake herself off. Taking a deep breath, she nods. “I guess so. That’s what, eight years, down the drain?” She shakes her head. “We were supposed to be trying for a baby.”

  “You were?”

  She starts to pour the coffee. “We did try. For about two weeks. Then he stopped wanting to sleep with me at all. He got busy at work and there were so many nights when he just didn’t come home.”

  “That’s awful. I’m so sorry, Sasha.”

  She shrugs, but I know she’s hurting. “I thought he was the one. Turns out I was wrong.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  She gapes at me slightly, before her expression becomes mortified. “Oh my god, Eden. I’m so sorry. You came here because you broke up with Hunter. I can’t believe I didn’t think about that. Here I am...”

  “It’s fine. He wasn’t who I thought he was. I’m over it.”

  She watches me carefully. “You really are.”

  I wonder what she’s thinking when she breaks into a grin.

  “If you can get over a god like him, I can get over my idiot husband.”

  I have to smile. Hunter had titled himself the King of Rock, which I thought was kind of ripping off Elvis. The media had taken to calling him the God of Rock, not long after he started to date me. It kind of pissed him off until I convinced him Gods were undeniably better than Kings.

  My title was given by the media shortly after my debut album hit the shelves. Goddess of Rock sounded kind of lofty to me. I hadn’t realised how appropriate it was until Cupid convinced me who I really was. Even then, I don’t think I’d really believed it until I was able to use my power as a goddess to save Asher’s life.

  “Does Alan know you’re leaving him yet?”

  She screws up her nose as she passes me a cup. The sugar and cream are laid out on the table already. I add a little of both before I take a sip.

  “He’ll know when he gets the divorce papers.”

  “You filed for divorce already?” Not that I was that surprised. She tended to avoid conflict. Why would she want to speak to him first if she could avoid it?

  “He hasn’t been home in the last week. I’m not waiting around for him like some kind
of idiot. I’m done ignoring his shitty behaviour.” She sits down and starts to drink her coffee.

  “I’m sorry, Sasha. I really thought you two were solid.”

  She sniffs a little but doesn’t cry. “I did too.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I drive out to Diana’s house and sit in my car on her street feeling my anger rise. I have to calm down before I see her. Showing emotion only amuses her. Heartless people tend to react that way to feelings. They mock what they don’t understand. I don’t know what I might do to her if I don’t get a grip before I knock on her door.

  I take a few deep breaths. I’m here to warn her off. I only need to let her know she’s been caught out and that we’re not going to put up with her shit.

  I get out the car and walk to her front door. I don’t ring the bell. That feels too civilised. I punch the door hard with my fist, making loud knocks. It burns away some of the rage I’m stewing in. Some, but not all.

  She opens the door and smirks at me. “Oh look who came crawling around.”

  “Stay the hell away from Eden.” Shit. My anger soars straight to the surface.

  She raises an eyebrow. “Me? When did I ever go near that slut?”

  I ignore the slur. Fixating on it is what she wants me to do. “You come near her, or break into her house again, and you’ll regret ever meeting me.”

  She laughs. “Asher, I don’t know what you’re talking about. If someone’s been in your whore of a girlfriend’s house, it’s not me. I don’t swing that way. Point the finger at her other men first, if you even have the guts to go near them.”

  She tries to slam the door in my face. I push it back open. Her smirk is back. She leans in and whispers close to my ear. “If someone’s been sleeping in Eden’s bed, he’s been fucking her too.”

  She lets go of the door and steps back, slipping the strap of her dress down her shoulder. “You know you don’t have to put up with that kind of bullshit, Asher.”

  I force my rising anger down with thoughts of Eden and how I feel about her. Diana can’t tell me what to think. Her words can’t cut through what we have. I barely notice when she starts to make her move. It’s not until her fingers brush my skin that I snap out of my thoughts.


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