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Wild Hearts (Rock Goddess Reverse Harem Book 2)

Page 5

by Romy Lockhart

  I grab her by the wrist when she strokes my jaw. I don’t want her hands anywhere near my skin. The odd tingling under my fingers makes my gaze fall away from her smirking face. Something strange is happening. I can’t comprehend what, but I see a bright light when I look at my hand. Migraine, maybe. What else could it be? I don’t actually think Diana’s a witch, even if she does act like a wicked one.

  I look back at her, ready to give her one last warning. Her jaw drops and her mouth falls open. She’s staring at my hand. She sees the light too? Shit. What the hell does that mean?

  “You’ve got your own life, Diana.” I finally find words. “Live it, and stay out of ours.”

  I let her go and she shakes her head. “She’s no good for you, Asher.”

  I walk away, knowing there’s nothing more I can do. Talking to her was always going to be futile. I blank out the venom she was spewing. None of that matters. I go back to my car and glance down at my hand warily. The light is gone. I breathe out a sigh of relief and start the car.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Before I know what’s happening, Sasha has invited herself on my trip to L.A. It might not have been such an awful idea, if I wasn’t going to visit my other guy. I hate to think what she’d have to say about that if she knew. She can’t come with me. There’s just no way. I press my lips together and try to come up with something that doesn’t sound like a blatant brush-off.

  “I mean, I could visit my new guy while you’re doing your music business stuff.” Her eyes are all big and dreamy. I can tell she won’t take no for an answer, whether or not she actually waited for an answer. Damn. Why did I have to mention it? Should have kept your big mouth shut, Eden.

  “Um, I’m probably going to be busy the whole time, Sash.” A weak excuse, but it’s all I can seem to come up with on the spot.

  “So, I’ll spend the whole week with Kas.” She gets up and pours more coffee.

  Mine is still barely touched. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Um, you just met him...” I know instantly it’s the wrong thing to say, but it’s too late to take it back now.

  “So what? That doesn’t matter. When you have chemistry, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve known each other.” She’s getting defensive and doesn’t sit back down at the table.

  I get up and go to her. I’m not sure why until I take her hand in mine. The glow is there, the light. I can sense she’s still cut up over her husband. She still loves him, with all of her heart. This new guy is just a distraction. She wants badly to run away from the situation she’s in. To get away from the pain. I sigh. How can I tell her she can’t come now?

  “Sasha, I know it hurts right now, but it’s going to get better. You can’t rush things with this new guy. It’ll scare him off.”

  She sobs softly, and my heart breaks for her.

  “I promise, it’ll get better.” I don’t know if I really know that, or if it’s just what she needs to hear.

  I pull her into a hug and she sobs on my shoulder. “Why did he have to cheat on me?”

  “Sasha, where does Alan work?”

  She backs up and wipes at her eyes, sniffling a little. “The bank over in Haleton.”

  A good two-hour drive away. I press my lips together before I open my mouth again. “I think we should pay him a visit.”

  Her eyes widen as she shakes her head. “What? No. I don’t think so.”

  “I don’t think you should divorce him before you speak to him.” I can’t fully explain it, but taking her to him is suddenly the most important thing to me. It needs to happen, and it has to be now.

  “I look like shit, and he won’t want to see me. He hasn’t wanted to spend any time with me in months.” I can hear the pain in her voice. It stings, but my mind doesn’t change.

  “Sasha, I’ll go in and speak to him, okay? You can wait in the car. I just think he needs to have the chance to explain before you make this kind of decision.” I hope I’m not wrong. I don’t think I am, but I have no idea where this certainty is coming from.

  “Every good Goddess relies on her intuition.” Cupid’s voice startles me. I shake my head slowly at him as Sasha blows out a breath. She’s thinking about it, I can tell by her expression.

  The nod she gives seals it. “Okay. I’m going to get ready.”

  She leaves the room and I let out a sigh. “Would you quit sneaking up on me like that?”

  He smiles as he leans against the table. “It’s my prerogative. I get to sneak around.”

  “Diana’s been in my house again.”

  His smile fades. “What did she do?”

  “Not much. Set Asher’s book on fire on my bed.”

  His stance relaxes. “Seems petty, but it’s not the worst thing she could do, is it?”

  “What is the worst thing she could do, exactly?”

  He shrugs. “She already tried to have one of your lovers kill the other. She’s already been whispering in Asher’s ear. She won’t be able to affect him as easily now. She’ll probably move on to your other lover, if she even knows who he is.”

  “Wait. What do you mean Asher won’t be as easily affected by her now?”

  He glanced to the door. “You’re not worried your hand maiden will come back and hear you talking to thin air?”

  “Sasha takes forever to... What did you just call her?” This guy is infuriating. All he ever does is make my head fill up with questions.

  “She’s susceptible to the will of goddesses. She’s already helped you with one of your lovers. She was put here to serve you,” he explains it all in a droning tone, as if it’s basic shit.

  “Isn’t there like a handbook or something you can give me so I can just know this stuff instead of having to ask you?”

  He laughs. “No. I’m your handbook, Eden.”

  “Great. So, wait. You didn’t tell me why Asher won’t be affected by Diana now. Is it because I saved him?” It has to be, doesn’t it? He’s as immortal as I am since I’d stopped him from dying. There has to be other perks to that too.

  “Simply put, yes.”

  Ugh. He’s so closed with his answers. I’m going to have to start writing down questions I want to ask him. So I’ll actually remember to ask them when he appears.

  “Where have you been, anyway? We still need to do something about Diana.”

  “I told you, you’re not my only Goddess. I have others who need me. And do we really need to do something about her? She can’t directly hurt you, or Asher. Your other lover is in L.A. Out of reach. Keep it that way.”

  “Keep it that way?” I’m pissed now and he can tell. “Are you freaking serious? What happens when I take another lover? What then, genius? She needs to be dealt with.”

  He sighs. “I’ll pay her a visit. I can’t promise anything.”

  He blinks out of sight and I blow out a weary breath. I’m glad Asher is completely safe from her, it makes me feel better about leaving town, but the fact that she exists still bothers me immensely.

  Sasha takes her time getting ready. She’s always been one of those girls with a high maintenance beauty regime. I couldn’t even name half the things she does to primp and preen herself into the very pretty but excessively-made-up woman she is. I make myself breakfast while she’s gone. I don’t want to take the long drive on an empty stomach. The contents of Asher’s fridge make me smile. Everything is so neatly arranged, easy to find. I’ve eaten and cleaned the plates by the time Sasha enters the kitchen.

  At first glance, she just seems as if she’s ready for a night on the tiles. Her dress is sort of retro, but shows off her cleavage and her tanned legs. She looks like she just walked off of a billboard ad from the past, with her 50’s pin-up hair and those crimson lips.

  “Oh, my goodness.”

  She smiles, even if it wavers a bit before she speaks. “This is his favourite dress.”

  “You look stunning.”

  “You think so?”

  I nod. “We should go. We’re burning daylight.” I want to be back before Asher finishes work. One last night together and then I have to head to L.A. The drive to Haleton is one thing, we’ll also have to make the return journey, and we’ll probably be in Haleton for at least an hour or two as well.

  She shakes keys at me. “We can take my car. Driving always helps clear my head, and I kind of need that right now.” Her face pales. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

  “It’s all going to be fine, Sasha. I promise.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Diana turns and leans against the front door when Asher leaves. Her gaze rises to me and a smile starts to stretch out her pink-stained lips. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough.” I have to wonder at the flush to her skin, the dreamy expression on her gorgeous face. “What is it about him that makes women lose their fucking minds?”

  “Lose our minds? Please.” She laughs and moves towards me. “I just like to toy with him. I can’t speak for Eden.”

  “You’re not interested in him?” It had sure seemed like she was flirting her hot little ass off.

  “He’s fun to play with. He takes everything so seriously. And getting his fingers burnt doesn’t seem to stop him from coming straight back to the fire.” She’s getting aroused just talking about it. I can see it in her eyes. She might not be into the guy for the same reasons Eden is, but there’s some fascination I can’t comprehend all the same.

  “You want to take him away from Eden,” I say, watching her carefully.

  She nods slowly. “I do. Not because I want him for myself. Not the same way she does. He’s mine, Logan. I don’t want her to have him. I’d sooner see him dead.”

  I have to stop fucking her. She’s twisted, and I get the feeling she’d enjoy twisting me against Eden as much as she likes playing with Asher. None of this is about emotion for her. She doesn’t give a shit if I care about her. It’s just as well I don’t.

  “Well, Eden is mine. I don’t want him to have her.”

  She laughs. “Oh, Logan. Asher’s only the tip of the iceberg. There are others. She isn’t interested in settling down.”

  Her words stoke my anger. I keep it down. She’s doing that on purpose, trying to piss me off. She can’t fucking help it. It’s who she is. Still, having her close, I can taste black cherries and smoke and I don’t hate it. She stares into my eyes, trying to see the damage her words have done.

  I smile. “Get down on your knees.”

  She blinks and I see the fire in her gaze, before she does as told. She fucking loves being ordered around. I unzip my jeans and pull my straining cock out, running my fingers up and down the length before I let go and reach out to grasp her by her hair. She gasps as I pull her close.

  “Open up, nice and wide.”

  She does as told. I lead my cock into her willing mouth. She closes her lips around it and starts to move. I see her slip a hand under her skirt and it makes me harder. She moans around my shaft, plunging a little deeper. I start to thrust into her. She takes more, and more, each time. I know she’d take everything if I really forced it. She wouldn’t care if it hurt. She’d do anything to please. Oh, fuck, she’s such a hot little slut.

  I come deep down her throat and she swallows with big gulps before I release her. She moves back, gasping. “Oh, Logan, that was...” She removes her hand from under her skirt and she gets to her feet.

  “Did you come?”

  She shakes her head. “I was close. So close.”

  I pull her to me and smile. “If we tear Asher and Eden apart we both get what we want.”

  “I suppose that might be true.” She still sounds breathy and her eyes are so dark I know it would take seconds of stroking to push her over the edge. Did I want to do that? I know how easy it would be to just take from her. This means nothing. I don’t owe her a thing.

  “I like you,” I tell her, watching the tension that pulls through her body, the hint of fear in her eyes as she listens to what I’m saying. “But I won’t hesitate to put a bullet in that pretty head of yours if you try to fuck things up with me and Eden.”

  I lift her skirt and thrust a hand between her legs. She gasps. I use my other hand to bring her chin back up. I stare into her eyes. “Tell me you understand.”

  She presses her lips together before she answers, so low it’s barely audible. “I understand.”

  “Good,” I say, crushing my mouth to hers as I begin to use my fingers on her soaking wet pussy. She was closer to climax than I thought. She comes hard for me in seconds, writhing as her moans are muffled by my tongue.

  I’m getting used to the darkly intoxicating taste of her. I should be worried about that. I might be, if my heart wasn’t still in Eden’s possession. This dangerous woman can’t toy with something I don’t have. She’s mine to play with, for now.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I remember Alan. Sasha started dating him in her last year of high school. He was in college and kind of a geek. She went to stay with him in Haleton on weekends when she turned eighteen. Her parents were weird about it, but only a little. He’d won them over with his devotion to her. Three years wasn’t that big of an age gap. It was normal, and he was sweet. Almost too-good-to-be true.

  “I wish I could turn back the clock sometimes,” Sasha says, as we drive through the desert nowhere of a town between Rapture and Haleton. She sounds wistful. “Things were so good before we decided to have kids.”

  “I remember how he used to look at you, Sash. It was so sweet. He adored you.”

  She sighs happily. “It really was. He really did.”

  Every time I’d seen them together my heart hurt a little. I’d wanted what she had with him, but it was just out of reach. I couldn’t stand the thought of risking my friendship with Asher. I loved him too much to lose him.

  “I’m sure he still does,” I say, knowing it to be true.

  She sighs sadly. “I don’t know, Eden. He’s not the same.”

  “Let’s just not think about it until we get there, okay?” I’d know once I used my goddess light on him. I’d ask for the truth and he’d have to give me it.

  “I didn’t actually sleep with Kas, you know.” She smiles wryly at me.

  “You didn’t? But wasn’t he there for a couple of days?”

  She nods. “We were too drunk the first night to do more than make out. The second I told him I wanted to get to know him better first. I just... The thought of betraying Alan, even if he doesn’t want me anymore... I couldn’t.”

  I knew she still loved him, but the confirmation from her own lips lightens my heart. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

  “How?” She sniffs a little. “Are you going to slap the hell out of that little bitch secretary of his?”

  I snort. “Sasha!”

  “Or you could just take a knife and pop those fake tits of hers.”

  We start to laugh. Her angry outbursts of crazy revenge ideas just sets us both off. Eventually the giggles wear off, and I’m wiping tears from the corners of my eyes.

  The rest of the drive feels less tense. We’re on a mission here, but it’s not going to end badly. I check my phone and send Asher a text to let him know where we are. He doesn’t reply. He must be busy at work. We arrive in town and Sasha’s nerves start to resurface.

  “Oh God,” she mutters as she pulls the car into a parking space outside of the bank.

  “It’s okay,” I say, touching her arm and feeling the light spread to her. It’s just a spark but it seems to calm her instantly.

  She nods. “It’s okay. Thanks for doing this, Eden.”

  Now’s the point where I realise I’m still Eden Rose Masterson, Goddess of Rock, and that the slack jawed stares of the locals as they pass are nothing compared to what I’m going to get once I enter the bank. Shit. What was I thinking? Coming home to Rapture was one thing. Thi
s place is like four times the size. There has to be at least one local photographer who’d jump at the chance to get snap-happy around me.

  I put my sunglasses on before I leave the car, and I walk quickly towards the bank, with a pleasant smile on my face. I get a wolf-whistle and I hear a couple of whispered exclamations, but I make it into the bank without being stopped. My sigh of relief is short-lived.

  The place isn’t busy, not by a long shot, but there are a handful of customers inside, and a damn fine looking Sheriff. Holy hell. I take my shades off to give him a once over in good lighting. Those big dark eyes, that rugged jaw, those sensual lips. Not to mention the muscles straining his uniform.

  You’re taken, Eden, remember. Two hotter than hell boyfriends is more than enough right now.

  Right. I clear my throat and he glances my way. “I’m here to speak to Alan Leman.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “You? Want to speak to him?”

  His gaze drifts over me, and heat sparks low in my belly at his appraisal.

  “He’s an old friend.” I glance around, hoping to lock eyes on him.

  “He’s married. Maybe you should make some new friends.” His scowl would have told me exactly what he thinks of me, if the disgusted tone he used hadn’t already nailed it. He passes me and leaves.

  I shake it off. What do I care if some stranger thinks I’m a hussy?

  I move towards one of the tellers. Alan’s some sort of manager. He might be in a back office somewhere. I can feel eyes on me as I approach, but thankfully the gawkers are too polite to interrupt what I’m doing. I smile at the bleached blonde woman behind the plexi-glass and her face lights up as she looks at me. It’s a warm, welcoming look that the best sales people manage effortlessly. The difference is she doesn’t seem dead behind the eyes.

  “How can I help you?” She has a slightly squeaky voice, large breasts and her outfit is a size too tight. I’ll be surprised if this isn’t the woman Sasha’s been worried about.


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