The Biker's Lucky Charm (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Book 5)

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The Biker's Lucky Charm (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Book 5) Page 3

by Glenna Maynard

  She stops moving as if she knows I’m about to get off to punish me. “Did you enjoy it?” Her voice is no longer laced with passion. There’s a hard, cold, edge in her tone that whips across me like a fistful of daggers stabbing me in the gut.

  “What?” I blink.

  “With Danika. When she sucked your dick. Was it better than me?”

  “Don’t do this.” Snaking an arm around her waist I roll us, keeping our connection. Switching positions so I’m on top. Pam goes rigid beneath me. I shift all my weight to an elbow and stare at her. “Thought we were working past this?”

  “No. You were fucking me.”

  “That all this is? Fuckin’?” I draw out to the tip and slide back in. “When I’m in you there is nothing but love.” I slide out again then drive it back home. “Want to hurt my feelings and punish me, babe? That it? You got off now you’re done.”

  “Yeah, Link.” Her palms move to my chest. “You want to get off, go find your whore and let her finish the job.”

  “Fucking hell. I don’t want anyone else, sweetness.” She pushes against me, but I keep moving. “You love me. Love me inside you. Love it when I fuck you soft then hard. Love when I fill this cunt up with my come. You love it all.” I stroke slow then fast. Fucking her harder and harder with every thrust building my tempo into a crescendo.

  “I hate you.” A tear slides down her cheek as I come inside her. “Let me up.”

  I keep moving slower and softer, gliding in and out of her cream filled pussy. “Bet I can give you number four,” I croon.

  “I said let me up,” her voice cracks and shreds me a little on the inside.


  She turns her head. A sob rips through her.


  I roll off her.

  Pam shoots up out of the bed, stomps to the bathroom, and slams the door shut.

  I shift to the edge of the mattress, dropping my feet to the floor, and scrubbing my palms over my eyes. I let out a breath and stare at the closed door. She’s already out of reach. I grab my jeans off the floor and pull them back on. Over at the closet I see nothing but empty hangers on my side. She didn’t leave me a damn thing to wear. Crazy assed woman. I pull open my drawers in the dresser. Nothing. Not even a clean pair of underwear or socks. I shake my head then try to open the bathroom door. “Open up.”

  “Time for you to go,” she shouts from the other side then blows her nose.

  “Open the fuckin’ door,” I growl.

  “Just go.”

  “Open this door or I’ll break it off the hinges.”

  The door swings open. Pam flies out the door trying to go around me.

  I grab her shoulders. “Why are you crying?”

  “Just leave. I’m not going to tell you again.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Then I’ll go pick up my son and you’ll see us when you see us. I need space.”

  “Don’t even think of threatening me with our kid. No matter how you feel about me shit isn’t cool nor is it your style. I’m gonna give you some space but I’ll be back. And I’ll fucking see my kid anytime I damn well please.” Connor isn’t mine by blood but doesn’t matter to me. Blood doesn’t always equal family. “I’ll send one of my guys over tomorrow to clean that shit in the yard up.” I let her go. I snatch my boots off the floor and grab my cut from the living room on my way out.


  “You look like shit.” Holy slides onto the stool next mine at the clubhouse.

  “Pam put my ass out.” I take a long pull from my bottle of beer.

  “No shit?” He shakes his head. “Might not want to hear it but you bought that shit at full price.”

  “Fucking rip off.”

  “So why’d you do it?”

  “Not in the mood for a lecture. Don’t you have new pussy to worry about?”

  “Not cool. Don’t talk about Hazel like that. Get that you’re pissed but come on, man. Danika? You got a beef with Banks I don’t know about?”

  “Wasn’t like that.” Danika sucking my dick didn’t have shit to do with that fucker.

  “Then what was it like?”

  “I don’t know.” I shrug and go to pull my smokes out of my cut. I tap my pockets in search of a lighter unable to find either. Musta fell out at the house.

  “Need a smoke?” Danika purrs in my ear while waving a pack of cigarettes in my face. Don’t know where the fuck she came from. I don’t recall seeing her when I came in but then again, I wasn’t looking for her either.

  “I’m good. Back the fuck up.” I blow her off, shrugging her away. I don’t bother to look at the bitch to know whether or not she’s offended. Don’t give a fuck what she is as long as whatever she is the cunt keeps the fuck away from me and my wife.

  “I got you.” Holy hands me his pack. “Keep’em. I got another pack.” He flicks his Zippo open and I light one up.

  I glance over my shoulder. Danika’s moved off. Thank fuck. Never shoulda gone there. Paying the price now.

  “That done then?”

  “Never started. Shouldn’t have happened but it did. Now I deal with the fallout.”

  I finish my beer and cigarette. Holy shoves off after getting a phone call. Couple of the brothers are shooting a game of pool and breaking in the new prospect, Nav. Short for Navarro. He’s Bank’s cousin but Slick is his sponsor.

  I debate on another beer but decide to go upstairs to my room and catch a shower and some shuteye. I go to unlock the door but its already open. When I get inside the room, the door falls shut behind me. I glance at my bed and find Danika. In all her naked glory, she nibbles on her finger sucking it between her red stained lips.

  “The fuck you think you’re doing? You need to bounce.”

  “Come on, Link. Let’s finish what we got started. Nobody has to know.”

  “Think you’ve caused me enough shit.” I stomp to the bed and grab her by the arm, jerking her up off the mattress. “Get your shit and get gone.” I gather her pile of clothes and shove them at her as I push her toward the door. I open it up to wave her out and find Pam standing on the other side. “Fucking fuck me.”

  “Wow,” my wife enunciates the word slowly.

  “It’s not what you think,” I grumble.

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re free to do as you please and now so am I. I’ve seen all I needed to.”

  “Tell my wife what happened?” I scowl at Danika.

  “I should go.” The bitch plays dumb, skirting around the two of us but not fast enough.

  “You fucking cunt.” Pam snatches her up by her hair.

  Oh shit. Here we go.

  Pam draws her knee up at the same time she yanks Danika's head down to meet it getting her right in the nose. Blood squirts from her nostrils as she cries out. My wife doesn’t miss a beat slamming her head into the wall. “Fucking whore. Skanky cunt that everyone has fucked. I’ll kill you.” Blood splatters on the wall as my crazy wife rams Danika’s face into the paneling again.

  Viking steps out of his room at the sound of all the ruckus. He rolls his eyes then lets out a low whistle. He knows as good as I do that, I’m damn lucky Prez isn't here. Murder doesn't put up with cat fights in his house. He’s home with his new bride enjoying his wedded bliss. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt me.

  We share a nod, and I grab Pam under her armpits while Viking tries to pry her fingers out of Danika’s hair. A handful of blonde locks falls to the floor.


  “Let me go,” Pam screams, kicking back at my shins, arms outstretched grappling for Danika’s neck.

  “Get her out of here,” I growl toward Viking.

  He wrenches an arm under the whore’s knees and lifts, securing her in his arms, and out of Pam’s reach.

  Chapter Six

  “Cool your shit,” Link snarls in my ear, dragging me into his room at the clubhouse. I don’t know why I came. No. That’s a lie. I needed to see with my own eyes if the text message I got from an u
nknown number had any truth to it.

  I know it was Danika who sent the message. I may be pissed at Link, but I’ll be damned if she thinks she can insert herself into his life and fuck with me. He’s still my husband. I’m still his wife. We share a son.

  I’ll kill her before she puts her skanky lips on him again.

  “If I let you go are you gonna behave?” His furry lips work along the shell of my ear giving me a shiver. A reaction I don’t want to have at his deep voice and breath brushing along my skin painting me with his words.

  I’m all worked up and on edge. Adrenaline pumps through my veins. My nerves are frayed. I’m coming apart at the seams. If I don’t get a hold on this anger, I’m going to do something stupid.

  “Why was she here in your room?”

  “Fuck if I know. I came up to take a shower and get some sleep and the bitch was naked on my bed. Soon as I saw her, I tossed her out. You were here. You saw. Don’t believe me you can ask Holy. He was at the bar with me when the bitch was trying to give me a cigarette, and I told her to get lost.”

  “Let me go.”

  “You believe me?” his fingers slide down my arms, and I lift a shoulder to him. “Whatcha doing here anyway? You said you wanted space.”

  “I had a text message that told me you had her in your room. Came to see for myself.”

  “Swear to fuck I’ll make sure the cunt never steps foot in this clubhouse again or anywhere near me or you.”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Don’t it?” He twists me around and stares at me long and hard. The intensity swirling in his eyes crackles between us. Threatening to suck me under and drown me in him. I can’t get lost in what used to be. Things have changed. I can’t allow the physical attraction we share to drag me down to hell. “We’ll get through this.”

  Wish I could believe him.

  “Who sent the text?”

  “I’m guessing your whore or one of her friends.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  “Yeah. I’m sure you will just like you handled it when she sucked your dick.”


  I hold my palm up in his face. “Don’t. Just fucking don’t. I’m done, Link.”

  His thick and rough digits curl around my wrist, pulling my hand to his chest over his heart. “Feel that.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Only beats for you, babe. If I don’t have you and our son...I don’t have nothing.”

  “You only have yourself to blame. You created this situation.”

  “Think I got here on my own? You’re innocent. Haven’t been pushing me away. Telling me to fuck whoever I wanted, right? I imagined it, huh?”

  My breath catches in my throat. I want to scream in his face that he’s full of shit but he’s not. He’s right. I pushed too hard. “You’re right but nothing I’ve done excuses the choice you made.”

  “Swear to fuck if I could take it back, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I know I fucked us up, but I’m begging you to give me a chance to make it up to you. Want me on my knees? Want me to kiss your feet? Tell me what you want,” he roars.

  “I want to erase her from existence. I want her gone. I want to forget that she ever touched you. That you ever wanted her to.”

  “Want me to go downstairs and cut out her tongue? Slit her throat? Dump her body in a well somewhere?”

  I shake my head. “This isn’t funny.”

  “You see me laughing?”

  “Be honest with me. Did you fuck her today?”


  I glance past him at the bed. The crumpled sheets don’t tell me anything, but the condom wrapper sure as hell does. “Liar,” I whisper. I step around him. “This look like nothing to you?” I snatch the wrapper and hold it up in his face.

  Link knocks it out of my hand. “I don’t know where the fuck that came from. The crazy cunt musta put it there to set me up. You said you had a text.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “You swear on Connor’s life you didn’t fuck her?”

  “Yeah. One thousand percent. Only time anything happened was what you saw. If I fucked her, I’d tell you. I may be a bastard, but I’ve never lied to you. That’s a check you cash.”

  “Maybe so. I can’t look at you without hating you. I want to rip out your heart.”

  “Want to get me back? Tit for tat. Go find you someone to fuck to make us even.”


  “Fuck around and find out how far that’ll take you.”

  “Would serve you right. Only unlike you I’ve kept my vows.”

  “I said I was sorry.”

  “Sorry?” I scoff. “You’re sorry doesn’t mean shit to me. I don’t care what you do, but I’m leaving.”

  “That’s right walk away and ignore me. Pretend your shit doesn’t stink. You’re so damn perfect.”

  “I’m not doing this. I’m going to see Jules and then I’m picking Connor up.”

  “Guess I’ll see you at home, babe.”

  “Oh fuck you.”

  Link smirks at me. “Already did that. Can still taste your pussy.” He licks his lips and moans.


  I grimace. “You sure it’s mine?”

  His face falls, and he jerks as though I physically dealt the low blow.

  I leave him where he stands. I slam the door to his room, and he doesn’t try to stop me. I asked for space so why does it hurt that he’s not chasing after me?

  I quit the clubhouse not seeing Danika anywhere. Maybe she was trying to start some shit but none of it looked good. I don’t know what to believe. The whole situation with my husband has my head all fucked up. My heart too. I don’t think Link is playing games.

  I don’t think my man is playing me.

  I drive to Jules, thankful that I have my sister close by, knowing she’ll always have my back. I’ve always been the strong one who doesn’t sugarcoat the bullshit. Now I need her to pick up the shattered pieces of my life.

  I’m the fixer.

  I don’t know how to fix this. Me. Link. Our marriage.

  Do I expect too much?

  I don’t think so.


  “I never thought Link would do something like that.” Jules shakes her head and shoves a couple of seedless green grapes in her mouth.

  “Join the club.”

  “How are you really? Don’t give me that I’m a badass bullshit.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. Part of me hates him. But the other half of me knows that despite the bad I still love him. He hurt me. I don’t know how to come back from it. How to move past it. Because if I forgive him it’s as though I’m saying it’s acceptable behavior. I’m not that woman.”

  “You’re handling it better than I imagined you would.”

  “I busted her face up pretty damn good.” I smirk, recalling how good it felt to ram that bitch’s head into the wall.

  “She deserves worse for that damn text message and condom bit.”

  “You think it was all a setup?”

  “Don’t you?”

  I shrug. Roane, my brother-in-law comes from the kitchen and hands me a beer. “Thanks.”

  “Want my take?”

  “Depends on if you’re just gonna have your brother’s back on this or if you’ll be straight with me.”

  Roane drops onto the loveseat next to Jules, curling an arm around her shoulder. He takes a hard drink. “Link’s a fool, and I say that freely ‘cause I’d say it to his face. He fucked up. Knows he did. If he wanted to fuck around on you, he wouldn’t sneak around. I’ve known him a long time. I tell you this as someone who has been fucked around on. You know my ex-wife was a lousy cunt. Link may have physically cheated, but I guarantee to you that wound he inflicted would bleed a helluva a lot deeper had there been emotions involved.”

  “You think there’s a difference in cheating?”

  “I do,” he tells me and Jules nods as though she agrees.

  “Would you have taken h
er back?”

  “My situation was different.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “She didn’t love me and deep down I didn’t love her either. You and Link can find your way back. Give it time. You know we talk a lot. He didn’t come right out and say it in so many words, but the man thought you didn’t need him. Didn’t want him anymore. You were so busy being up in everyone else’s business you neglected your own. That’s real talk, Pam. I’m telling you this shit because I love you both. You belong together.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Where’s Connor?”

  “Zoe has him. I should probably go pick him up.”

  “You’ve been drinking, and you’re still upset. You’re staying here. I’m ordering a pizza. We’ll have a sister’s night. Roane can handle Jasper on his own.”

  “Guess that’s our cue to get lost, little man.” Roane finishes his beer and picks his son up from where he was sitting on a blanket in the middle of the floor with his toys.

  Chapter Seven

  After a shower, I head downstairs to rummage in the kitchen for something to eat. I’d eat at home but fuck, I’d be scared of Pam attempting to poison my ass with the opinion she has of me currently. Gotta admit it was hot watching her go after Danika like that. Always known my woman is a wildcat. Seeing her jealous streak gives me hope that there’s a real chance for us to come out the other side of this bullshit.

  I root around in the fridge getting out the meat, cheese, and condiments to make a sandwich. Not the warm home cooked meal I hoped to find waiting on me when I arrived home after weeks on the road doing a security detail on a run for weapon delivery for Birds of Hell. They sometimes get their ammo from a retired Vet in the area who repairs guns and shit. I drop my load onto the counter and search for the bread.

  The kitchen door swings open. Danika slugs through it holding a frozen bag of corn to her bloodied nose. Damn. Pam really fucked her face up. She’s already bruising around her eyes. I ignore her presence and continue preparing my sandwich, slathering mayo and mustard on both inner sides of the bread.

  “I think my nose is broken.”

  “What did you think would happen? Played with fire and you got burned. Best thing for you to do is take your ass off the property and never come back. Next time you pull some stupid shit with an Old Lady you might not walk away.”


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