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Infinity Chronicles Book One: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Series

Page 24

by Albany Walker

  “Really it’s okay. I’m not that fragile,” I grumble the words over his chest. He releases me, but keeps his hands on my shoulders looking down at me.

  “You’re dressed.” Sounding slightly shocked he glances over his shoulder repeating, “She’s dressed.”

  “You guys have snoozed like three or four times.” I brush little hairs and lint from the front of my shirt. My feet are still bare, so I curl my toes in the thick carpet; I’m going to need to ask if I can borrow a pair of socks. At least I won’t need a whole outfit today, but I’m completely out of socks.

  Surprising me Milo asks, “Do we really need to go to school today?”

  “I do. I can’t have the school looking for my mom.”

  Dante sighs, but sits up, his back to me as he spreads his arms wide. “That’s something else we need to talk about.” He groans through the stretch.

  Looking down at the floor I bite my lip. “Later?” I can’t keep the hopeful tone from my voice. My mom’s disappearance isn’t something I want to talk about this early in the morning, or at all really. But I understand I need to tell them, I need to figure out what happened to her, and Ares promised to help.

  “Yes later,” Ares confirms, “but I’d like that picture if you have it so I can do a little research.”

  “What are you looking for? What good is her picture?” I ask, already on my way over to my bag just outside the bathroom door.

  “Right now, I just want to see if anyone I know recognizes her. There has to be a reason she kept everything from you. I need to know what that is.” Ares takes the picture from my hand, not looking at it he leans down and places his lips at my temple. “Good morning Cara,” he whispers just for me to here.

  A shiver skates its way down my spine, curling my toes. “Morning Ares.”

  He grunts but moves away.

  “We need new sleeping arrangements. My legs are cramped from keeping them tucked up all night, so I wouldn’t kick Milo.”

  “Yeah, well if you would have let us move Laura after she fell asleep, we could have all been more comfortable,” Milo fires back, stretching his neck back and forth.

  “I like where she was just fine.” Ares walks into the bathroom, closing the door before anyone else can reply.

  “Sorry.” I feel the need to apologize even though I was sleeping. Not to mention I was pretty damn comfortable.

  “We just need a bigger bed,” Milo offers with a slight grin, he shrugs when my cheeks go red.

  Twenty Three

  I’d emptied my bag, leaving only the things I would need for school, so it wasn’t very heavy as I made my way over to Dante’s car trailing behind Milo, who was drinking a green smoothie he’d whipped up in no time. He had offered me one, but after watching him stuff a handful of spinach in the blender I had to decline. Ollie, on the other hand, had a blueberry muffin topped with thick white icing and big crystals of sugar, which I was more than happy to share.

  Ares and Dante had disappeared together not long after Ares came out of the bathroom. I hadn’t seen either of them since, but Milo said he would be coming any minute, so we headed to the car to wait.

  It wasn’t lost on me that I hadn’t seen Mia either. I’d been looking over my shoulder every few seconds expecting her to walk into the kitchen at any moment and then we would have to explain why I was here.

  Settling into the backseat, I drop my bag at my feet. Milo ducks into the seat beside me, his large duffle bag already stowed in the truck. “I’ll get you a new bag today,” he announces while toeing my ragged book bag.

  “It’s not a big deal, it’ll hold up a little longer.” I don’t want to spend any extra money right now. I’ll need to start a new emergency fund.

  “Laura, that bag is falling apart. How long have you had it? Five years?” He laughs like he’s made a joke, but he’s probably pretty close to the truth.

  “Maybe, like I said it’ll last a little longer.”

  Milo looks over at me, all the laughter gone. “Are you being serious?”

  “Why would you think I was joking?” I feel the frown on my lips.

  “Why wouldn’t you be? You seriously need a new bag… and some new clothes, and shoes,” he adds, crossing his arms over his chest. The to-go cup his drink was in is abandoned on the seat between us.

  “No, those aren’t things I need, they may be things I could use, but I don’t need them. I need to pay my lot rent. I need to buy some food.”

  The driver’s door opens while Milo and I are locked in a stare down. “Shit, I didn’t think I was ever going to get out of there.” Dante slides the keys into the ignition, waiting several seconds before turning over the car.

  “I didn’t say you shouldn’t do those things, I’m just saying that you need the other things too. We’ll go pick up some stuff today,” Milo continues, not willing to drop the subject.

  I’m already shaking my head before Milo finishes. “I have to work today, and I don’t have that kind of extra money right now. It’ll wait. If you don’t want to be seen with me and my bummy clothes and dirty sneakers, then too damn bad.” My arms are crossed over my chest mimicking his pose.

  Dante shifts to look at us in the backseat. “Don’t get involved bro,” Ollie mock whispers from the side of his mouth.

  “I didn’t say a damn word about you paying for any of it.” Milo leans in closer to me, his teeth slightly bared. “I don’t give a fuck if your shoes are dirty, or what your clothes look like, but you need them right? That piddling pile you left on the floor in Ares’s room is just about everything you own. Unless you’re going to start walking around naked, or in our clothes, you need more.”

  Narrowing my eyes at him I fire back, “I’ve made do with that measly pile for years before you all showed up. I just need to do some fucking laundry.”

  “God help me,” Milo looks up at the ceiling and then back at me. “Laura…” He looks down at my rolled up too tight jeans. If I had a pair of sandals instead of my faded gray socks, which are gaping at my ankles, and worn sneakers, I could probably pull off the look. But I know how I look. His eyes land on my battered backpack and he lunges forward, snatching it off the floorboard. Hastily Milo unzips the top, grabbing the contents from inside. I reach over to take it back, but he turns his back to me, keeping my stuff on his lap. I’m not going to fight him for it, I’d never win. Once it’s empty he grabs his own bag and dumps it out on the seat. Pens and pencils roll onto the floor and loose sheets of paper flutter out, landing in a messy heap.

  “Milo,” I warn, finally understanding what he’s doing. He’s tosses his bag, now filled with my stuff, back on the floorboard at my feet. He’s breathing a little heavily and he just leaves his stuff where it landed, not bothering with it.

  “Well okay.” Ollie stretches out the words, tuning back to the front. I kick the black canvas bag at my feet, silently fuming at Milo. I’m not even sure why I’m mad, I should just accept what he’s offering and move on. But it grates on something inside me. I want to feel like their equal. Let’s face it I’m not, well not yet anyway.

  The rest of the short ride to school is quiet. When Dante parks in the student lot, I have a second where I contemplate throwing a tantrum, dumping all my stuff out of the bag and then just carrying in my books and notebooks. Thankfully good sense and practicality win over my childish temptation.

  Dropping my head, I shuffle ahead of them by a few steps. I’m not sure who saw me getting out of Dante’s car, but I really don’t need Delaney on my back today. “I’ll see you in third hour,” Ollie calls from behind me. I give him a half-hearted wave over my shoulder. Not bothering telling Milo or Dante goodbye.

  Feeling the weight of my backpack shift, sliding a little off my shoulder, I look behind me. Milo is there and he’s lifting the strap I don’t have slung on my shoulder. I feed my arm through the loop he’s holding out, not even realizing I had only been using one, like I had to with my bag. Once it’s secured he steps back away from me, letti
ng me continue to the entrance doors.

  Guilt at my behavior stabs at my chest. I open my mouth to apologize, but I catch sight of all the curious faces around us, so I snap my lips together and nod instead. I’ll tell him later.

  Near the end of second hour the girl next to me in the aisle leans over and whispers, “So, you know Milo, huh?” I glance at her, wondering where this is going. Am I going to have another Delany on my hands?

  “A little I guess.” I keep my voice quiet because I don’t want to draw any more attention.

  “He’s going to take us to state.” Her words are spoken kinda dreamy, like she’s already fantasizing about the prospect.

  “Oh, you mean football?” I’m sure she can tell I’m a little shocked from my question.

  Rolling her eyes, she replies, “Yes, I mean football. I’ve been cheering at this shitty school since I was a freshman. It’s about damn time, if we had a few more decent players we would have been there the last two years. But one player does not make the team.” She emphasizes the last part like she’s repeating something she was told.

  “I’m Lisa by the way. Laura, right?” I nod, wondering why she’s introducing herself to me now. “Ugh, I hate Mrs. Vergiels, she’s the worst with all her droning. I mean, does she always have to harp on the reading? I hate reading.” Lisa drops her head to the desk. I look up at the teacher in question. Lisa wasn’t even particularly quiet. Isn’t she afraid she’ll be overheard?

  “I actually like reading,” I offer with a small wince. I sound like a total teacher’s pet.

  “I’m more of an ‘I’ll watch the movie’ kind of girl,” she remarks, looking up from her desk. I grin thinking her drama, though a little over the top, is kinda funny. “Thank God,” Lisa groans, jumping out of her seat the moment the bell rings. “See ya later,” she adds before rushing to the door.

  Ollie is already in his seat behind me when I make it to third hour. His face goes from a leery wince to a wide-toothed grin when I walk in. Wrapping my backpack straps over the back of my seat, I turn and face him while sitting down. “Happy to see me?” I joke.

  “Sooo, happy. How’s your day going?” Ollie reaches forward and runs the tips of his fingers over my inner arm. I swear I feel a lick of heat accompanying his touch.

  “Okay I guess,” I answer reflexively, preoccupied with watching his fingertips ghost over my arm, and the definite warmth it’s causing.

  “Are you still mad at Milo?” His words are whispered. I bite my lip but shake my head in denial. “That’s good, he’s been being kind of dickish, but it’s not really his fault. I mean it kind of is, but it’s not like he means it.” My eyes start to slide closed, the heat of his touch is pooling in more places than just my arm. I register his words, but they don’t seem very important right now, what seems important is the way I want to pull that warmth deeper into me.

  “Laura!” My eyes jerk open when Ollie shouts my name franticly. I jerk back and look around. Class hasn’t started yet but there are plenty of other people in the room. Why did he yell at me? Ollie’s eyes are glassy with panic when I meet them. “Did it work? Are your hiccups gone?” His eyes bulge as he stares at me.

  “Ah yes, that did it, thank you.”

  Ollie smiles, but it’s forced. His hands are under the desk. “Yeah a good scare will make them disappear.” A few heads turn away from us, returning to their phones or conversation. Ollie leans forward, the fake smile still on his lips as he says, “I’m sorry, we can talk about it later.” His mouth barely moves. I swallow and face the front of the room, there was definitely something going, but it’s obviously something we can’t talk about here.

  When class lets out Ollie walks me to the door but keeps a few feet of distance between us. Frowning, I wave as he moves through the crowed halls calling out a distracted, “Bye.”

  Sitting in the stairwell, my usual lunch spot, I expect one or all of them will show up at some point, but I find myself slightly disappointed when they never do. Milo helped me pack my lunch this morning, and by helped, I mean tried to give me three times what I could eat. I still have an apple and carrot sticks I didn’t get to that he refused to let me take out. I do have to say though, the fresh turkey with lettuce and pickles was so much better than my usual peanut butter sandwich.

  I don’t share anymore classes with them until art with Dante last hour, so I guess my questions about what happened with Ollie will have to wait a few more hours.

  Today is the last day to work on our portraits and at the end of the hour Mr. Adams will collect them so they can be judged. I’m under no illusion that mine stands a chance, but I am proud of what I was able to accomplish. I stare at the project I’ve been working on over the last several weeks and analyze each line, finding some spots I’ve shaded too heavily, and some with proportion problems. But the overall piece isn’t bad for someone who had no clue what they were doing to begin with. Mr. Adams deserves all the credit. If it wasn’t for him, I would have handed in a stick figure and rightfully earned a failing grade.

  The seat beside me remains empty, even after the bell rings. Worry gnaws at my stomach. Where’s Dante, what could be keeping him from class today? I know this project was important to him. I don’t know why, he clearly has enough money to go to the college of his choosing, but somehow I know this meant something special to him.

  The class is louder than usual, I think everyone is excited to hand in their work or maybe just to start something new. Mr. Adams doesn’t even try to quiet the room as he makes his way around to each student with last bits of advice. When it’s finally my turn I can’t stop myself from asking, “Will Dante be able to hand his in late?”

  My art teacher tilts his head and looks at me. “Dante already handed his project in earlier today.” Shrugging he adds, “He had to finish up the yearbook cover so it could be finalized. I didn’t mind, he could have handed his project in last week.”

  My eyes go round before I look away. “Oh okay.” He’s with Delaney. That thought makes me forget I was just concerned about him and his portrait. It makes me want to hunt them down so I can stake claim the way she tried to. I shake the notion away. Even though I know our lives are intertwined, I still don’t know everything that entails.

  “Laura?” Mr. Adams calls for my attention, I don’t think I was very good at hiding my disappointment. “I think you’ve really outdone yourself on this,” he adds when I look in his direction. Biting the inside of my lip, I nod my head in agreement. Mr. Adams helps me with a few final details before moving on to the last students.

  When the bell rings I leave my paper, along with everyone else’s, on the teacher’s desk. I don’t rush from class like I usually do. Instead, I take my time I’m feeling indecisive. Should I go to the back lot to see if the guys are there, or just walk over to the diner like I would normally do? As the halls begin to clear I make the decision to go out the back way, and if they aren’t there I’ll head to Maggie’s.

  Ollie is jogging up from the lot as I open the door. He spots me and comes to my side. “I was wondering if you got lost?” he jokes, placing his arm around my neck and hauling me toward the car.

  “We never talked about after school. I wasn’t sure if I should just head to Maggie’s. I thought you guys might have left for the day.” Milo is waiting by the car, he’s looking at me, but he keeps looking away when my eyes land on his. Does he think I’m still mad about this morning?

  “Hi Milo,” I give him a small wave, hoping it’s enough for right now. I don’t want to apologize standing in the parking lot.

  His eyes travel over my face before he responds with a simple, “Hey, good day?”

  I nod, both my thumbs hooked into the backpack straps. It feels so much more comfortable to have the weight evenly dispersed across shoulders.

  Ollie releases me and gives me a slight shove on my back, pushing me to the passenger side of the car. Milo already has the door open and is climbing into the backseat. I move to follow, but he pul
ls the front seat into place before I can. I stop, my fingers going to my lips. Ollie is in the driver’s seat when I duck my head to ask, “Are we not waiting on Dante?”

  “Nah, he has to finish up with the yearbook today. Delaney complained to Mr. Schroder that he wasn’t here most of the week.”

  “Who’s Mr. Schroder?” Placing my bag on the bench, I slide into the passenger seat. “Milo, I don’t mind the back, do you want to switch?”

  “I have an idea,” Ollie answers, grabbing the bag and tossing into the back.

  “Hey,” I admonish but he ignores me.

  “Scoot over here,” Ollie pulls my arm, tugging me to the middle of the bench seat. “Milo, jump out for a minute.” I end up leaning over on Ollie’s side as Milo pushes the seat forward to get out of the back. Thinking he wants me to climb over the seat, I inch over back to the other side and turn. “Good, now hop in.” Ollie adds when the seat falls back into place.

  Milo doesn’t hesitate to get in the front. I’m sandwiched between them. My heart rate jumps a little. I drop my hands into my lap, feeling a little overwhelmed by their presence. Milo’s arm goes over the back of the seat, and around me. I bite the inside of my check when his fingers delve under my hair and reach out to land on Ollie’s shoulder. Milo’s head falls to the headrest behind him, his eyes already closed.

  Now that I can examine him, I see crescents of dark circles under his eyes. He looks exhausted. Did he not sleep well last night? I feel a pang of sympathy. Tonight, I’ll make sure he has a more comfortable place to sleep.

  “He’s fine,” Ollie tells me, even though I didn’t ask. I take another peek at Milo before looking out the front window. Maneuvering the car toward the exit, Ollie waits in the line to turn out.

  When we reach the diner, Ollie puts the car in park and opens his door for me to climb out. Milo is passed out in the passenger seat, his lips slightly parted as he takes deep even breaths. “One of us will pick you up tonight when you get off, if we don’t make it here before then.” Ollie leans in a gives me a quick peck on the corner of my mouth. Before I realize it’s even happening, he’s back in the car with a devilish grin, waving as he pulls away seconds later. I, however, stand there frozen with my fingers over the spot he just kissed.


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