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Infinity Chronicles Book One: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Series

Page 25

by Albany Walker

  Walking into the diner I keep my head low, I don’t know if Maggie was around to see Ollie kiss me. I don’t know what she’ll think if she was. I know she knows about me being in their Infinity, but I’m still so unsure of what that means for all of us. Is Maggie in an Infinity? I’ve never seen any men here visiting her. I know she hangs out with Gus in the back if we’re slow, and I always thought they might have something going on, but it’s definitely not obvious.

  “Hey Laura,” Maggie greets me with a kind voice. I look up, so many questions on the tip of my tongue. “We’ll probably be busy again, it’s the last JV home game of the season.”

  “Let me just put my stuff in the back and I’ll do a quick check of the bathrooms and make sure we’re okay on silverware while I have the time.” Happy for the excuse to escape her too knowing eyes I push past the swinging doors of the kitchen. Gus is standing over a deep stockpot, slowly stirring the contents. He looks up at me and gives me a grunt and wave before his attention returns to his pot.

  Maggie definitely isn’t wrong. We’re slammed most of the night. Tables full of younger kids from school, none of them looking for trouble, but a few are loud and obnoxious. They thin when the game starts, but we still have a steady stream of people coming and going all night.

  I begin to feel the effects of actual tiredness, or the effects of not being around the guys, as the evening gets closer. When I’m busy running around and my mind is too absorbed with everything I have to do, I’m okay. It’s the second I have a chance to breathe when I realize just how exhausted I really am.

  The door chimes again, and I turn to greet the new customer, making sure we have an open place for them. Delaney and three of her friends are looking around the small diner, like they might be searching for someone. I know it’s not me because they’ve all passed over me like I don’t even exist, which is fine by me. I get a slight thrill knowing I don’t have a booth available that will seat four, so they’ll have to sit up at the bar with Maggie.

  Feeling the pressure of someone’s hand on my shoulder I turn. “Excuse us.” The father of a family passes me with his group in tow, leaving the diner.

  “Damn it,” I curse under my breath. Moving over to the table they just left, I stack their dishes and glasses. I back my way through the doors to the kitchen and drop the plates next to the washer. I’ll have to come back to rinse them, I need to get the table wiped off. They had two kids, and there is salt and ketchup all over. Snagging the towel from the bleach water, I wipe down the table and pocket the three singles and change left behind in my apron.

  I know Delaney is behind me before I even turn. I can hear her snooty voice and smell her floral perfume. I wrinkle my nose, she smells like an old lady. It’s probably some expensive stuff, but I think it smells like she’s been walking around a craft shop for too long.

  Fake smile in place I turn and motion for the table. “All yours. I’ll give you guys a minute to look over the menu, can I get you anything to drink?”

  “Oh my God, she actually does speak,” one of the girls snickers.

  Sliding into the booth, Delaney peers up at me all wide-eyed and innocent looking. “Wow, who knew?” Her eyes go back to her friends, and they completely ignore my question about drinks so I don’t linger.

  After checking on a few tables and refilling some drinks, I make my way back over to them, order pad and pen in hand. “You guys know what you want to order?”

  “We were actually just wondering, what’s it like to clean up everyone’s leftovers? I mean, clearly it’s something you like to do, you do it here, and we all know how hard you’re trying with several guys at school.”

  Heat rises in my face. I know what she’s implying, even if it doesn’t make sense. “Did you say you need a few more minutes? No problem.” I turn my back to them. They aren’t worth my energy. I know the truth now, Dante was never her boyfriend. She was the one trying to make it seem like he was.

  “Hey,” Delaney calls before I get too far, “we can’t wait all night. We’d like to order.” Her voice is clipped. My back goes rigid, but I turn back to their table.

  “Laura, when you’ve finished up over there can you help me for a minute?” Maggie calls from the bar.

  “Sure thing, Maggie, I’ll be right there.” This isn’t the first time Maggie has saved me from a customer, but I’m damn grateful she has. Now I have an excuse to get away from them quickly without looking like I’m trying too hard. “What can I get you?”

  “I want fries, and make sure your dirty hands don’t touch them. You didn’t even wash up after picking up money from the table.” I inwardly roll my eyes, I just had my hands in bleach water. Delaney is just trying to get under my skin.

  “And you?” I urge the others.

  “I’ll have fries too, and a diet coke,” one girl fires off.

  “Rootbeer float for me.”

  The last girl bites her lip, her eyes volleying back and forth on the menu, and flicking to the girls surrounding her. “I’ll take a cup of chicken noodle soup and a water.” She pushes the menu away from her, toward the wall. Her face is rounder than the others but she isn’t even close to over weight. The pressure to be thin and perfect is probably paramount in their group.

  “Should be up quick,” I tell them, walking over to the counter. “Thanks Maggie,” I whisper out the side of my mouth, placing the ticket on the spinner and ringing the bell to let Gus know he has an order.

  “Anytime honey.” She gives me a wink.

  I get busy making their drinks, Delaney didn’t order one but I’m making her a water anyway. Maggie will take care of the float when the rest of the food order is up. I place the three glasses on the table with each girl, pulling straws from my apron pocket. I don’t speak to them and they ignore me too.

  I’m able to wipe down a few more tables as they empty while I’m waiting for the girls’ fries and soup to come up. Glancing up at the clock I sigh, less than an hour before I get off.

  Gus rings the bell notifying me an order is up, and I finish wrapping my bundle of silverware and hop off the stool. The door jingles when I’m placing the plates on my tray. It’s empty enough that they’ll be able to find a seat without my help, so I continue what I’m doing and grab ketchup on my way to the table.

  “Fries for you.” I place them in front of the other girl first. “Soup for you, and fries for you. Can I get you anything else?” Delaney’s eyes are looking past me, her mouth hanging open.

  “Oh no way.” Her hushed words have me turning. I know what’s got her attention the moment I see him. Ares is standing at the counter. His back is to us and the slim fit of his trousers and shirt leave little to the imagination, showcasing the fit body underneath. I know, I’ve seen a little of that body.

  Facing her again, I clear my throat. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, no.” She waves me off, her head lowered to the table, but her eyes not leaving Ares. I hear “Dante’s brother” whispered as I walk away. Returning to the opposite end of the counter I finish rolling the forks and knives.

  I think Ares is here for me; he’s probably my ride home, or rather to his house. I get a sick thrill knowing how crazy jealous it’s going to make Delaney. I know it’s immature, but I don’t care.

  Trying not to look his way, I still know the moment he’s done speaking with Maggie and he’s headed in my direction. My breath quickens, along with the beating of my heart. “Hello Cara,” he purrs near my ear after placing his hand on the back of my stool.

  “Hello Ares.” My voice is breathy in response. His body moves in closer and I feel the fabric of his shirt brush against my arm as he does.

  “Excuse me, may I have a refill?” Delaney’s sweet voice coos over to me. I’ve heard her use that tone with Dante before.

  I huff. “I’ll be right there,” I call back loud enough for her to hear. “Sorry, just a sec,” I tell Ares as I slide out of the stool from the other side.

  Delaney is holdi
ng up her glass of water, it’s not even empty. “Thanks.” She pushes it at me without looking in my direction. “Oh hey, you’re Ares, Dante’s brother.” She flips her hair over her shoulder then runs her fingers over her arm. “He told me you just came home. Happy to be back?”

  Ares watches me take her cup and pour it out before adding new ice and hitting the button for filtered water from the soda machine. “Yes, very,” he replies finally looking over at her. His eyes narrow like he’s trying to place her.

  “Dante was at my house before we came here.” Delaney’s eyes are all doe-like as she peers up at him. I drop the water glass a little harder than intended and a tiny bit splashes over the top.

  “Can I get you guys anything else? A box?” I offer for their barely eaten fries. They could have easily shared an order for how little they ate.

  “No thanks,” she says in dismissal and leans around me to get a better view of Ares. He’s still standing a few steps away, his arms crossed over his chest.

  I pull their bill from my apron and set it in the middle of the table, clearing away the empty soup cup and dish. The two packets of crackers are gone, but I don’t see the wrappers. I have to force myself not to move over to block him from her sight. It’s petty jealousy and I won’t stoop low enough to acknowledge it. I ignore Ares as I pass him to take the dirty dishes to the kitchen, I rinse the ones I didn’t have a chance to earlier and the new ones I added, placing them all in the rack to run through the machine.

  When I finally come back out I’m surprised to find Ares sitting in my spot meticulously rolling napkins and silverware. I watch as he lines up the bottoms of the fork and knife and places them on the napkin. Using the first knuckle of his pointer finger to measure how far up to place them, he rolls slowly, making sure it stays completely even. He then tucks them into the tilted rectangular pan we keep them in.

  “Is this your way of telling me I’m slacking?” I joke when I near Ares’s shoulder. He pauses and looks up at me. His tawny eyes shining, it’s not fair how handsome he is.

  “Never, I guess old habits die hard. I used to work here too you know.”

  “Really?” I can’t keep the doubt from my voice. I scan him from head to well-tailored toe.

  Ares chuckles and turns toward me so his knee bumps my thigh. He wraps his hands around my waist like it’s the most natural thing in the world and leans his face near mine. “Don’t sound so shocked.”

  I tilt my head, enjoying the lightness of the banter. “I just can’t picture it. How old were you?”

  “Twelve,” Ares answers around a grin.

  “Oh, I see, did you wear a little suit, maybe even a bowtie?” His fingers tighten over my hips. Darkness bleeds from his pupils. I look around to see if anyone is watching. Delaney and her friends are the only ones paying us any attention, but their table is too far away to see his eyes. “Ares,” I whisper, my lips turning down in a frown.

  He stiffens. “What is it?”

  “Your eyes, aren’t you worried someone might see?” He closes his lids, hiding the dark pools from me. When he reopens them all the darkness has faded, leaving the burnished brown behind.

  “It’s not something I’ve even had to think about for years. I’ll be more careful.” His tone is flat like he’s trying for indifference.

  “Wait.” I place my hand on his shoulder as he prepares to rise. He meets my eyes but looks away quickly. “I was just worried someone would see and know that you… that we are different,” I whisper the last part close to his ear. Leaning back, I gaze at his face. “It doesn’t bother me,” I confess, hoping he can sense the truth in my words. “It’s like I get to see into your soul, I don’t want you to… I mean please don’t hide that from me,” I stammer over the words.

  Ares drops heavily onto the stool. His arms go around me the next second and he squeezes me to him. Lips at my temple he mutters, “Thank you.”

  I pull back, confusion pouring from me. “For what?” Instead of answering me Ares places his lips on mine and gives me a sweet soft kiss then he pulls back. Some of the darkness returns to cover his irises, but most people would just assume his pupils are dilated.

  I know I need to pull away, to stop staring at him or I’m going to lean forward and kiss him. But I can’t make my mouth say the words, or force my body to move away.

  “Laura?” Maggie’s voice cuts through me and I spin away from Ares. “You want Gus to pack you up a box for dinner?”

  “No, the guys are waiting at home for us to eat together,” Ares answers for me. He walks out from behind me and goes over to Maggie’s side of the bar. I still haven’t caught my breath.

  “It won’t last.” I turn to find Delaney watching Ares, but her words are for me.

  “What won’t last?”

  Without looking in my direction she answers, “None of it. You’ll never be more than what you are.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. Delaney’s friends are already heading to the door. I ask, “And what am I?”

  Her eyes finally meet mine, there’s a bitterness there, and in that moment, I think she’s actually trying to warn me. That she’s not just being cruel, but she’s telling me what she truly believes. “Nothing. You’ll never be good enough to hold his attention, either of them. My sister warned me. She told me about the Costa’s, but I didn’t listen, couldn’t listen. Believe me, you’ll wish you had.” Delaney walks out, her back stiff and head held high as she passes Ares with a small wave. “Don’t forget to tell Dante I said hi.” That same sugary sweetness is back in her tone. I shake my head, I can’t believe that just happened.

  Ares waves his hand dismissively, continuing his conversation with Maggie. I turn my attention to the booths around me, it’s almost closing time. Only a few stragglers remain. Giving out my last few checks, I grab the mop bucket from the back and roll it into the bathroom. I could use a few minutes alone anyway. I don’t want to feel bad for Delaney, but I find myself doing just that anyway.

  Twenty Four

  Ares is the only person left in the front when I return from my closing duties. He’s sitting at the counter with a tall glass of untouched soda. His eyes aren’t focused on anything as he gazes toward the wall in front of him. I rub my hands together as I approach. “Ares.” His head jerks in my direction, and he’s already rising from the stool in one fluid movement. “Hey, I was wondering…” I rub the toe of my shoe over the tiled floor. “Could we stop by my place first? I mean if I’m still going back to yours. Or whatever, can we?” The words rush out. It feels weird to assume I’m going back to their house, like I’m inserting myself with them. But I’m pretty sure that’s what’s happening, but I still need to check on the RV to see if my mom comes back at any point.

  Ares gives a quick nod and responds, “Of course. Do you have a bag or anything you need to grab?”

  “No, I left my bag with the guys when they dropped me off.” Placing his palm on the small of my back, Ares leads me over to the door. “Bye Maggie,” I call over my shoulder, letting her know we’re leaving. I’ve been kinda leery of coming into work now that I know she knows about the guys and me. I thought she might question me or treat me differently. But thankfully her demeanor hasn’t changed at all.

  Ares opens my door for me then jogs around to his side. He slides into the SUV, pushing the start button as I’m buckling my seatbelt. “The others are waiting for us at home. Gloria made dinner, but we wanted to wait for you to eat.”

  “You guys didn’t have to do that,” I say immediately, but I get a secret thrill knowing they waited for me.

  “None of us are starving Laura, Ollie has probably been snacking all evening, but we all wanted to wait.”

  I’m glad the car interior is dim so he can’t see the slight tinge of pink on my cheeks. “Well thanks, I guess.” I shrug, not in indifference, but because I don’t know what to say, or how to tell him it means something to me.

  Ares looks over at me then focuses back on the road. “Let’s tr
y to be quick tonight. I think we should probably talk about a more permanent solution regarding your camper over dinner as well.”

  “But—” I start to argue.

  Ares drops his hand on my knees interrupting me. “I’m just saying there are other ways of knowing if your mom comes back without us bringing you here every night.”

  I drop my head, insecurity warring inside me. It doesn’t seem like a lot to ask. I mean, they didn’t even ask when they basically told me I would be staying with them. “Well if it’s too much trouble, don’t bother. I’m capable of checking by myself.” I turn my legs to the door, dislodging Ares’s hand.

  He sighs. “I never said it was a problem Cara, I just said there are better ways of knowing when and if she comes back, safer ways.”

  I lift my lip in a small sneer. “Safer for who? Why wouldn’t it be safe?”

  “We haven’t really had a chance to talk about this with everything else going on, I was hoping we could talk more at dinner. But we really don’t have any information on your mom, and what happened to her. From what I’ve gathered from you, it seems like pretty strange behavior for her. So, there might be more to this than your mom just taking off.”

  I’ve been thinking that all along, but I haven’t really voiced it, or had anyone to talk about it with. My stomach does a flip, it feels more real all of the sudden. “Sorry, okay.” My voice is small.

  “Don’t be sorry Laura, there’s been a lot going on, I have a feeling there’s a lot more we don’t even know about yet. I just… we just want to keep you safe.” Ares turns into the drive of Turtle Creek, gravel crunching under his tires. It only takes a few moments to drive to the back of the park, my camper still stands alone among the tress and blacktop pads.


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