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Born to Ride

Page 43

by Kasey Millstead

  I step inside and slam the door, not waiting around to see if he has anything to say.

  I hear his bike start up a minute later, and then it disappears down the road.

  And my heart breaks just a little more.



  Take me, my sweet, let our two hearts meet.

  “Are you hungry, sweetheart?” Lady says as I walk back into the house.

  I look up at her, barely registering what she’s saying. All I can think about is Axel. My heart aches, and I hate that I’ve let him get in so deep. When did I lose what I was fighting for? Lady Matilda walks over, placing a hand on my shoulder. Even with all her strange make-up, and her more-than-interesting look, she’s gentle, and I need gentle right now.

  “I don’t know how I ended up here,” I say in a small, timid voice.

  “Sometimes we end up where we’re meant to.”

  I shake my head, and let her lead me into the living area. I sit on one of her odd colored couches, and she takes a seat across from me. “You know, Axel is a hard man, but he’s got something inside him that a lot of men don’t have. He’s got fierce loyalty to those he loves.”

  “He doesn’t love me. He doesn’t even like me,” I say, staring down at my hands.

  “But he does, love. He wouldn’t have ridden all the way out here to keep you safe, if he didn’t care what happened to you.”

  I look up, and meet her eyes. “I appreciate what you’re doing here, Lady, I really do. But Axel and me...there’s nothing there.”

  She smiles knowingly. “Love, don’t give up on those that are broken. Because when put back together, they can be the most faithful lovers, but more, they can be the best and loyal friends.”

  I give her a weak smile. “So you’ve known Axel a while, then?”

  She leans back against the chair, and her eyes soften again. “I have known him a solid five years. I have a soft spot for him. He’s like my own son.”

  I feel my smile turn from weak to warm. She cares a lot about Axel, and I’m glad to know he has someone in his life who adores him the way she clearly does.

  “So, you’re not hungry then?” she says, snapping out of her moment.

  “No, thank you, though.”

  “I imagine you just want to shower and rest?”

  I nod, eagerly. “It’s been a long few weeks.”

  “Of course. Come on up, I’ll show you to the guestroom.”

  I follow her up a long, curved stairwell to a wide hall. We walk down, and stop at the second room on the right. She opens it, and I step in. It’s got pale green walls, and a bed in the middle that’s old and rustic, with dark green covers. There’s a cream rug on the wooden floor, and a small, light pine desk in the corner on the left.

  “It’s very nice,” I say gratefully.

  “Make yourself at home. Anything you need, just help yourself. There’s food downstairs, and I’m usually always around. The shower is down the hall to the left. I’ve put fresh towels in the cupboard for you. There’s plenty of shampoo and soaps, so please use them.”

  I smile gratefully. “Thank you, Lady. I mean it.”

  She walks over, pulling me in for a hug. It’s in that moment, that I’m reminded that actually a he. But, that doesn’t matter; the comfort she’s giving me warms my heart. She is all woman, there’s nothing masculine about her, and that gives me a sense of comfort. She pulls back, and smiles warmly down at me. “Get some rest. Goodnight, sugar.”

  “Goodnight, Lady.”



  “Another,” I growl to the bartender, and he slides me another shot.

  I throw it back, slamming the shot glass down.


  “You sure, boss?” he asks, hesitantly pouring.

  “You own this joint?” I hiss.

  “No, boss.”

  “Then shut the fuck up.”

  He slides the drink over, and I shoot it back. The burn eases the aching in my chest. I hate that it aches—I fuckin’ hate that she’s gotten to me. The way she looked at me when I left, I felt like a dog. A fuckin’ no good piece-of-shit.

  “How’s it going, Axel?”

  I hear April’s voice, and I lift my head and turn to see her slide onto the stool beside me.

  “How does it look like it’s goin’?”

  “Bad day, then?” she mumbles.

  “Somethin’ like that.”

  She’s silent a moment, and then she says, “Why don’t you go back for her, if you’re so hung up over it?”

  I turn, and shoot daggers at her. “What did you say?”

  She narrows her eyes, and her expression hardens. “Don’t pretend with me, Axel. I’ve been around you long enough to know what sort of shit goes down in your head. You want her; you’re just too fucking stupid to admit it. Quit being so pigheaded, and go back for her. I know she’s waiting for you.”

  “You don’t know shit,” I growl, skidding the stool back. “And don’t speak to me like that in my club again, or I’ll toss you out on your ass.”

  I spin, and walk out of the room. I can’t deal with these children tonight. I can’t think of anything but her.

  I start walking outside, and the minute the cool night air hits my face I breathe it in, and then ruin that by lighting a cigarette. My head is spinning, and I can feel my keys jingling in my pockets. I begin walking toward my bike, knowing what I’m going to do even before it fully registers.

  I get to my bike, and throw my leg over it.

  Then I start it, and pull out of the parking lot of the compound. I shouldn’t be riding, I already know that, but I can’t stop myself. I need to see her. I need to feel her surrounding me. I need all of her, and I can’t deny that shit any longer.

  I pick up the speed. She needs to know...she just needs to know that she’s not nothing. If that’s all I can give her, then I’ll give it with all I am.

  I ride until I reach Lady Matilda’s driveway. I park the bike in the trees and get off, walking down. If she hears me pull up, I’ll never be able to get in like I need to. My boots crunch on the gravel as I move.

  When I reach the old home, I peer up at the only window with the light on. I know it’s the guest room, and I know Meadow will be in there. I walk to the side of the house, and I take hold of the drain-pipe.

  And I begin to climb.



  Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your love completes me.

  I can’t sleep. It doesn’t matter what I do. I’ve tried a shower, I’ve tried to have a glass of warm milk, but nothing is working. All I can think about is Axel. Tonight he’s haunting my mind, my thoughts, and nothing I can do is going to push him out. So I’ve decided to read as much as I can, trying to take my mind off it. I’m midway through a sappy romance that has me snorting more than it has me intrigued when I hear my window rattle.

  I stiffen, and fear washes up my spine.

  Is someone breaking in?

  My lamp is only dull now, but my eyes are locked on the window trying to see what’s outside. I should call out to Lady, but I can’t make myself move. Fear is funny like that. You know you should run, but your body refuses to acknowledge that need, and freezes.

  I’m sure for the longest moment I don’t breathe, and when the window slides up, I let out a scream. I scurry off the bed, and crash into the nearby bedside table.

  “Whoa, Cricket, it’s just me.”


  My heart is beating so loudly I can hardly hear anything else. I slowly lift myself off the floor to see Axel standing in front of the window. His eyes are slightly bloodshot, and I realize he’s been drinking. What the hell did he ride out here drunk this late at night for? I open my mouth, but he shakes his head. Something in his eyes tells me he doesn’t want me to speak and ruin whatever he’s come out here for. So I don’t.

  He walks around the bed, and over to the door. He locks it
before turning to me. I feel my body become aware of him. He looks gorgeous—not that there’s ever a time he doesn’t. His hair is messy from being in his helmet, and he’s got a good few days worth of stubble on his jaw. He’s the beautiful side of darkness. I feel my lip slip into my mouth, and I clamp down on it, feeling my body becoming anxious.

  When he reaches me, he stretches his hand out, tucking a strand of dark hair behind my ear. Then he steps forward, wrapping a hand around my hip, and pulling me close.

  His mouth closes over mine before I get the chance to think or protest. His lips move softly, claiming mine, bringing me to new heights. He slowly pushes us back toward the bed, and, gently, he lays me down.

  I don’t understand what he’s doing, and I don’t really want to. I just want him.

  I’m sick of feeling like that’s such a bad thing.

  His body moves over mine, and I can smell the leather of his jacket. It’s a smell I’ve always loved, even back when my father used to wear his colors. I reach up, curl my fingers around the tough material, and I tug him closer. With a groan, he complies, and his hand runs down my thigh, lifting it up and over his hip. A whimper escapes my mouth, and he takes the chance to bite my lower lip softly.

  “Axel,” I breathe. “Please.”

  He slips his fingers underneath my nighty, and finds my panties. He circles around them for a minute, before slipping his hand inside and finding my damp sex. He makes an appreciative sound in his throat, before taking hold of my panties and moving off me, taking them as he goes. I lift myself up onto my elbows and watch as he rocks backward and tosses them onto the floor.

  Then I watch with full female appreciation as he grips his belt buckle, and undoes it, before sliding it completely off. He undoes the top button of his jeans, and jerks them down, freeing his cock. I lick my lips. I can’t help it, he looks so fuckable like this. He wraps his hand around his length and begins stroking as he slowly moves back over me. He doesn’t take his jacket off, or even pull his jeans further down—he just slides over me like that.

  It’s so brutal. So raw. So dirty.

  I love it.

  He takes my thigh again, and then he guides himself into my already waiting pussy. I arch into him, smothering my groan into his shoulder as he slowly fills me. I love the feeling I get as I stretch to accommodate him. It’s a feeling of pure satisfaction. He takes my hip in his hand, and he begins to thrust, slowly, driving into me just perfectly.

  “Oh God, Axel,” I whimper, trying to keep as quiet as I can.

  “Fuck,” he murmurs into my shoulder as he drops his head, and keeps up the steady, perfect pace.

  He’s not being rough, and he’s not being gentle. He’s giving me the perfect amount of both. I reach up, and tangle my fingers into his hair, and I lift his head from my shoulder to seek out his lips. He lets me take them, and I kiss him softly, moving my lips over his, and occasionally sliding my tongue out and running it across his bottom lip. My entire body is wound up, and I know I’m ready to come, but I don’t want this moment between us to end.

  “You need to come,” he rasps into my ear. “Now, darlin’.”

  I squirm beneath him, trying to hold back, but it’s pointless. He’s just got me at that point. With one last thrust, I come. My teeth close down on his shoulder to smother my moans, and I hear his almost pained growl as his body stiffens. I prepare myself for the moment where he’ll pull out and find his release in my mouth, but he doesn’t stop thrusting.

  His entire body is stiff, and his eyes are tightly shut, like it pains him to keep going, like it’s going against everything he’s ever known. He thrusts his hips harder, and our skin slaps together. I don’t know what to do. My heart aches for him. I reach up, and I cup his cheek. This seems to soothe him just slightly, and his thrusting becomes a little less desperate.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper.

  He buries his head into my shoulder, and with a ragged, almost feral cry, I feel his cock pulsing deep inside me. His body jerks, and his fists are tight up beside my head as he milks every last drop from his body.

  We lay for a long moment, with him still inside me. I don’t know what to say; I don’t even know if he wants me to say anything. After a moment, he pulls out of me, and rolls off the bed. I watch with a look of confusion as he pulls his jeans up, and runs a hand through his hair. He looks disorientated, but more than that, he looks completely shaken.

  His eyes fall on mine, and I give him a weak, wobbly smile. He leans down, taking the back of my head and bringing me close, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. Then he pulls back and turns toward the window.

  Just as he reaches it, he turns, and stares at me once more. “You’re not nothin’, Cricket, and you never will be,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper.

  Then he climbs out my window.

  And I can’t help the small smile that creeps across my face. Axel just gave me a part of himself. Albeit tiny, it was still a part of him.

  He let me, for just a second; see the broken man hiding behind the monster.



  Cherish what you love, hold onto it with all you have.

  I’ve been with Lady for a week now, and I’m starting to feel a little more comfortable around her. She really is a fun person to be around. We’ve spent a lot of time getting to know each other, and I’ve enjoyed the female company. I don’t see her as anything but female, because that’s what she is to me now. On day six of my time with her, I’m sitting up in my room, staring out the window at the beautiful garden she’s created, when my phone buzzes with a text message. I drag my eyes away from the garden, and stare down at the phone.

  It’s Axel.

  I hurriedly lift the phone into my hand, opening the message.

  A – Coming 2 c u 2nite. Be ready.

  My heart flutters. He’s coming to see me? I’ve hardly heard from him since the night he came through my window, and now he’s letting me know he’s going to be here tonight. I quickly reply.

  M – Be ready for what?

  A moment later he responds.

  A – To take my cock.

  Such a male response, I roll my eyes.

  M – What if I have my period?

  A – There’s always the back door.

  M – You’re an ass.

  A – Are you saying no, darlin?

  M – No, because I’m horny. And BTW, I don’t have my period.

  A – Doesn’t mean I won’t try the back door.

  M – Eat me Axel.

  A – Oh baby, I plan to.

  With a flush and a nervous giggle, I close my phone. I slide from my position at the window, and head out of my room in search for Lady; just to let her know Axel will be coming. I find her in her room, applying make-up. Her hair is up in rollers. I guess she’s got a show tonight. She sees me in the mirror, and gives me a warm smile.

  “Hello love, is something wrong?”

  I walk in, stopping at her bed. I stare down at all her makeup, hair products, clothes and shoes, and my heart aches a little. I never had any of that. I never had a mom to teach me how to do my hair, or paint my nails. Hell, I’ve never even had my nails painted. I must have a sad look on my face, because Lady stops what she’s doing and turns to me, touching my arm.

  “You lost your mom very young, didn’t you honey?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I just guess I never had any of this.”

  Her eyes widen. “You’ve never had your nails painted or your makeup done?”

  I shake my head, and reach up, tugging my hair. “This is the only thing I’ve ever had in my hair, and it’s fading and ugly.”

  She taps her finger on her chin, and her eyes lighten. “Then we’re going to do something about that. Sit down, right here,” she points to a stool.

  I look hesitantly at her. “Oh no, it’s ok. Axel is coming later and...”

  “Even better, don’t argue with me sugar, just sit.”

  I do as she asks, sit
ting on the stool and staring at myself in the mirror. I scrunch my nose up, not entirely happy with how I look. I just feel so...plain. Lady lifts some strands of my hair into her fingers, and inspects them. “You’re not naturally dark, are you?”

  “No,” I admit.

  “Is there a reason you are now?”

  I shake my head. “Not really anymore.”

  “Then let’s get this out, shall we?”

  I beam. “We can?”

  She grins, big and beautiful. “Oh honey, leave it to Lady. We’ll get that out and have you shining in no time. Now tell me, what sort of underwear have you got?”

  I feel my eyes widen, and she laughs. “Honey, if you don’t love yourself enough to wear good underwear, then we have a problem. You have to love being beautiful. You have to love feeling beautiful. Let me tell you,” she says, tapping a brush in her palm. “A man can find you divine, and then go below only to see you’ve got granny panties on.”

  I giggle. “I don’t have grannie panties.”

  “There better not be any cotton ones either.”

  I flush. She shakes her head, and rushes to her phone, lifting it to her ear after she’s dialed a number. “Petra, yes, it’s Lady. I need you to do something quite urgently for me. Go into town, get me the sexiest underwear, dresses, shoes and clothes you can find for a young girl, blonde hair, simply gorgeous.”

  I gape, and shake my head, but she puts up a hand.

  “Use my card. Yes, bring it here when you’re done.”

  She continues to rattle off my size as if she’s lived in my body, which only makes me gape further. Then she hangs up the phone and turns to me with a devilish smile. “We’re going to make him drool.”



  Lady fills my hair with some interesting smelling product that has all the brown just rinsing right out. Then she massages some beautiful creams and conditioners in, tucking it all up in a towel while she works on my face. She cleans my skin, tweezes my eyebrows, and applies a light amount of make-up. Then she sits beside me, and takes my hand, panting my nails. My chest swells with happiness, and a warmth I’ve never felt.


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