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Born to Ride

Page 44

by Kasey Millstead

  “Thank you, Lady,” I say, staring at the pretty light pink she so perfectly applies to my now immaculately trimmed nails.

  “Anytime sweetie, all girls deserve to feel beautiful.”

  “I certainly feel beautiful now.”

  She looks up at me, her warm gaze pinning mine. “And so you should, you’re a very gorgeous girl.”

  I smile, and we continue to chat for hours about boys, dresses, shoes and anything we can think of. By the time she’s had my new clothes delivered, and has dressed me in a stunning pink, halter neck dress, I’m feeling like a whole new person. When I look into the mirror, I see the girl I once was. My long hair is now back to it’s honey blonde, dropping softly down my back in loose curls. My face is clean, and my cheeks are rosy. My eyes shine with happiness. My dress is perfectly fitting for my body type, and the underwear I’m wearing is the reason for my rosy cheeks.

  I hear the low rumbling of a Harley Davidson outside, and my heart picks up. I feel nervous, like I’m about to go on a first date. Lady smiles down at me, her eyes filling with unshed tears. “He’s going to have a fit when he sees you, a fit!”

  I swallow nervously, as I hear the front door slam. Lady shoves me towards the top of the stairs. “Go, make him stop breathing.”

  I quickly hug her, thanking her once again, before heading to the stairs. Axel is half way up when I take my first step down. He skids to a halt, and his eyes widen when he lays them on me. I smile nervously, and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. His breathing deepens, and there’s something powerful in his eyes. He’s looking at me like it’s the first time he’s seen me. His mouth opens slightly, like he’s about to say something, but it closes quickly.

  He takes another step up.

  He stops in front of me and looks up into my eyes. I feel my cheeks heating, and I try to keep my gaze from running down his body, and over that tight black shirt and those ass-hugging jeans. Instead, I keep them on the aqua orbs staring right at me. He reaches up, stroking his fingers through my blonde hair. He’s staring so intensely at me, my heart is hammering. He swallows, and before I can say anything, he leans down and scoops me into his arms, walking us to my bedroom and kicking the door closed.

  The moment he sets me on my feet, his lips come down over mine. I smile and press my body against his, letting my fingers run down over his hard body and back up to tangle in his gorgeous hair. He groans, and turns us, pushing me towards the bed. I go down with one shove, and my dress flies up. I don’t stop it. Axel’s eyes move to my panties, and a sexy grin spreads across his face before he crawls over and positions himself above me.

  “I feel like I’ve stepped back to the last time I saw you, standin’ on that bridge,” he murmurs. “Your beautiful hair flicking around in the breeze.”

  I shiver at the memory. “Am I better like this?”

  His eyes search my face. “You’re fuckin’ beautiful like this.”

  Then he lowers his hands and takes hold of my satin thong, and tugs it. “And fuck, these...”

  I giggle softly. “Lady got them for me.”

  He grins, and gently lowers them down over my legs. “Better not tear them off then.”

  He starts kissing his way up my thigh, until he reaches the middle. He blows a hot puff of air of my clit, and then his tongue snakes out and slides up my slit, causing me to cry out with pleasure. “Oh, God, Axel,” I moan. “I’ve missed you.”

  He consumes my pussy, plunging his tongue into my depths and swirling it over my clit until I’m coming beneath him, little desperate whimpers slipping from my lips. Then he’s standing, taking his clothes off and shoving them to the floor. When he’s standing in front of me, so perfectly naked, I feel my body spark to life. He crawls onto the bed, and sits against the headboard, and then he reaches for me.

  “Ride me, baby. Let me see your god damned gorgeous face while you do.”

  His words have warmth shooting through me, so I quickly unzip my dress and remove my bra before crawling over and onto his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist, and his lips find my throat as I gently lower myself onto his hard cock. He groans as I slide down his length, and he makes little sucking sounds with his mouth as he continues his assault on my neck. I gasp, and wrap my fingers around his arms, gently lifting myself back up before lowering myself again.

  “Fuck baby,” he murmurs. “You’re so fuckin’ tight.”

  He lifts his head from my neck, and looks over my shoulder. Then a growl escapes his throat. “Turn around.”

  Huh? I lift my head and look down at him, and his eyes are wild with need. He lifts me off his cock, and spins me around, so my back is pressed against his chest, but I’m still riding him. I realize the moment I lift my head why he’s done it. There’s a mirror in front of us, and like this, we can both see...everything. He takes my hips in his hands, and he lifts me, and I feel my heart begin to pound.

  I can see his cock slide out of my pussy, and when he lowers me down again, I can see it slip back in. Bolts of need shoot through my body, and I watch as my own nipples harden. Seeing myself like this would usually horrify me, but seeing Axel wrapped around me, his big arms encasing me, his mouth on my shoulder as he kisses me, makes it all so much more...beautiful.

  “Watch with me,” I breathe, as I lift myself up again, watching his cock slide from my depths, before dropping back down.

  Axel lifts his eyes, and his hands come around to cup my breasts. I can see his gaze like this, and it’s wild with lust and want. We stare at each other in the mirror, as I continue to lift myself up and down. His jaw is tight and his hands are rough on my breasts, but I don’t care. I love it. I love every second of it. I can feel my orgasm building, and right when I’m on the edge, Axel rasps, “Watch me when you come, watch me, Cricket.”

  I fix my gaze on him, and I come so hard my body jerks in his lap. He groans, almost in delight, and keeps his eyes on me as he too, begins to come. Watching him lose control, watching the way his eyes almost haze over, and the way his mouth drops open with a groan, has everything inside me wanting more. Needing more of this. Of him. I whimper just from the sight of him releasing alone.

  He’s so perfect.

  Even when he doesn’t see it.



  If you love me you’ll see, I’m everything you’re meant to be.

  Lady is having a party tonight. It’s been four days since Axel came and visited, but since then I’ve heard a little more each day from him. Tonight, I’m hanging out with Lady and her friends. I’m quite used to it now, most nights she has had friends over—three in particular. Trigg, Lisa and Coby. Lisa is a drag queen, too, and Trigg and Coby are bad boys, without fail. They seem like they’re her projects, in a sense. She looks after them like a mother would.

  “There you are, dove.”

  I hear Trigg’s voice, and I turn and see him standing in the doorway with two beers. I’m in the kitchen chopping some cheese for Lady’s platters. Trigg is tall, with blonde hair, and big brown eyes. He has tattoos all over him, running right up his neck, and even down over his fingers. He’s got piercings in his lips, and his ears, and he kind of reminds me of a gothic biker. Tonight, he’s wearing a leather jacket over a gray T-shirt with a set of old, faded denim jeans.

  I won’t lie: there’s something about Trigg that has me uneasy, but he’s been really friendly to me this past week, and I can’t deny that it’s nice to have the idea of a friend right now. I give him a smile, and walk over, taking the beer from his hands. He leans against the doorframe, taking me in, letting his eyes roam over my body before looking back up at me. “What’s happening tonight, dove?”

  I shrug. “Just helping Lady prepare for her party.”

  “She sent me in to help you out,” he smiles.

  I don’t quite believe him. “I’ll go and out check on her, make sure we’re doing what she needs then.”

  I squeeze past him, taking a sip of the beer as I go. I don’t entire
ly like being alone with him. I walk through the living area, and smile and wave at Lisa, who is talking on her phone. She blows me a kiss, and I can’t help the silly smile that spreads across my face. She’s lovely, and funny. I step out front, and run into Coby. He grins down at me. He’s far nicer than Trigg, though I know he’s had a pretty rough life.

  Coby has a massive scar that’s disfigured half of his face. Lady told me he got into a really bad knife fight, and went to jail for a few years. No one ever took care of that wound properly, and it ended up healing really bad. He’s got gentle eyes, though. He’s got dark, olive skin, and blue eyes so light the sky has nothing on them. His hair is surfer blonde, and even with the scar, he’s a very attractive man.

  “Looks like Lady is having quite a party,” I say.

  “’Fraid so, little lady,” he groans, rolling his eyes.

  I giggle. “Well, if it gets out of hand, I’m sure we can escape.”

  He chuckles. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  I flash him a smile, and slip past him onto the well-lit front lawn. It’s evening now, the only time Lady comes to life. I spot her right away, talking to two older gentleman, and when I approach, she smiles at me and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Glenn, Marcus, this is my friend, Meadow.”

  I smile at the two men quickly, and then look up at Lady. “Is there anything else I can help with?”

  She shakes her head. “You just enjoy some food and drink, and mingle. Don’t worry about the rest of the food preparation in the kitchen, I’ve sent someone in to finish it.”

  “Not Trigg, I hope,” I grin.

  She laughs. “No sugar, not Trigg.”

  I smile, and nod. I turn back to the house, and continue sipping my beer. I decide to take a walk through Lady’s extensive gardens. I haven’t yet had the chance.

  I walk down the worn rock path until I reach a massive gazebo. I can hear the faint music from the party, and I guess this is quite a distance away. I take a seat, and finish the rest of my beer. I pull out my phone, hesitating. I want to talk to Axel, but I don’t want to come across as needy either.

  I blink my eyes as I try to focus on the screen. My mind whirls a little, and I shake my head. Jesus, I only had one damned beer. Okay, it’s been a while and all, but seriously? I rub my eyes, and blink again. This is weird. I tuck my phone back into my pocket, and stand, only to see Trigg coming into the gazebo.

  “Oh, I was just going for a walk. What are you doing in here?” he asks.

  I shake my head, still trying to control my vision. “I was just,” I blink rapidly, “taking a walk.”

  “You okay, dove?” he says, but something in his voice isn’t genuine.

  He walks over and takes my hand, forcing me to sit back down. I shake my head. “I think I just need to lie down.”

  “You shouldn’t walk back there. It’s dangerous.”

  I turn and look at him, and he’s staring down at my breasts. My heart begins to hammer, because something doesn’t feel right about this situation. There’s just something screaming at me to get up and run, but my body is tingling all over, and my legs feel numb. Like they’re no longer attached to my body. I open my mouth to speak, but my lips feel heavy and full. I don’t understand. Have I been drugged?

  “You’re so beautiful, Meadow,” Trigg begins, taking my hand. I try to pull it back, but my body won’t work. “You’re so fucking perfect. When I was in jail, I missed women so bad. I just wanted the feeling of being inside a woman again, you know?”

  I shake my head, feeling my world beginning to spin.

  “And then I came here, and like sunshine, you were there. I want you, Meadow.”

  I feel his finger run down the curve of my breast, and bile rises in my throat. I push off the chair, only to land in a heap on the floor. My legs won’t work. I try to stretch my hands out in front of me, but I can’t pull myself along. God, no. Trigg leans down, and takes my body, lifting me up. My back is pressed to his chest, and he’s got his hands over my breasts. I try to squirm.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. God, I want you.”

  His hands squeeze my breasts again, and I let out a little yelp, which was meant to be a scream. Everything in my body seems to have stopped working, and terror fills my veins. Tears leak out of the corner of my eyes, and I feel helpless. My insides are screaming at me to fight, but I can’t fight, my body won’t work. Trigg slides his hands down my belly, and I want to vomit.

  “So perfect,” he murmurs. “I’m going to fuck you, but I promise you’ll like it, Meadow. I promise.”



  My tears get heavier, and the only sounds coming out of my mouth are little squeaks of desperation. His fingers slip under my shorts, and skim my panties, and I feel sick. I want to throw up. How the hell did he get me here? He drugged me. He must have put something in that beer. God, all along, he’d probably been planning this. He’s sick. Lady should have known he was sick. He was in prison...God, probably for rape.

  His fingers slide under my panties, and I feel one of them slip inside me. I desperately try to scream again, but my mouth won’t even open. I’m panting, and I can taste my own tears dripping into my mouth, but I can’t stop him. He’s going to rape me, and I can’t even fight. I move my hand, but the movement is too slow. He takes it, and pulls it around behind me. Pain shoots up my arm.

  His fingers keep thrusting.

  No, oh God, no. I make a strangled sound, and manage to rasp out a please, but he doesn’t stop. “No, dove, you’ll like it. I swear.”

  Sick fuck. I’d never like it.

  He pushes two fingers inside me, and I can feel his erection against my ass. Vomit comes up in my throat, and I’m sobbing. He slips his fingers out of my dry flesh, and lays me on the floor in front of him. He takes my pants, and pulls them down, before discarding my panties. I’m naked from the bottom down. I try to shuffle backward, but my vision is beginning to blur. I’m only catching glimpses of him now.

  I feel the moment when he presses against me, ready to thrust inside me. I can hear his little mumbles, trying to convince himself that I’ll like it. I hiccup loudly, and find myself praying. Praying that something will happen. Just as he starts pushing inside me, I hear a distant voice. I don’t know how far away that voice is, but suddenly Trigg is off me, and he’s pulling his pants up.

  “I’m coming, I was just taking a walk!” he yells.

  Through my haze, I see him looking down at me. “You’ll not remember this, and if you do, and you tell Lady, I’ll slit her throat, then yours.”

  Then he leans down, rolling my body underneath the chair so no one can see me, and he kicks my pants in too. Then he turns and walks off, whistling. I desperately try to move. I need to get out of here. He could come back later; he could finish what he started. I slowly stretch my hand out, taking the phone that fell out of my pants when Trigg kicked them. It takes me a solid ten minutes to find Axel’s number, and by the time I press ring, my head is spinning and I’m starting to drop off into darkness.

  “Yeah?” he answers.

  “A-a-axel,” I slur.

  “Cricket?” he asks. “That you?”


  “Meadow,” he says, more frantically now. “Where are you? Are you with Lady?”


  “Meadow, speak to me,” he bellows.


  “Who drugged you? Did someone hurt you? Where are you, Meadow?” he yells frantically.

  “I...” I begin to sob hysterically.

  “Shit, baby, talk to me.” His voice comes across with more concern than I’ve ever heard before.

  “He tried to r-r-rape...”

  “What?” he says, and his voice is suddenly dripping with venom.

  “I need...h-h-help.”

  “I’m coming, tell me where you are, Meadow?”

  “L-l-lady’s,” I murmur, before the phone slips
from my hand and smashes onto the ground.

  Then everything goes black.



  “Where the fuck is she?”

  I hear the angry roar, and I blink my eyes open. It’s so dark out now, and there are tiny bugs flying around my face. I hear the sound of music, and people chattering. I blink a few more times, realizing I’m alone, and freezing. My teeth begin to chatter together, as I force myself out from underneath the chair, and up into a sitting position. My head spins, and I’m disorientated for a second.

  Until I remember why I’m lying here.

  Cold fear shoots through my body, and I stare down to see that I’m not wearing any panties. Oh God, Trigg. He tried to...oh...bile rises in my throat, and I begin to panic, trying to move toward my clothes as tears trickle down my cheeks. Cool air whips through the gazebo, and I’m still struggling to fight past the cold taking over my body.


  I hear Axel’s bellow, and I snap my head up. He’s here?

  “A-a-axel?” I cry out as loudly as I can. Even then, it’s a pathetic whimper.

  “I don’t know where she is,” Lady cries. “I thought she was in the house.”

  “She’s in trouble,” Axel roars at her. “She’s hurt.”

  I try to reach out for my panties, but my hands are shaking so badly I can’t wrap my fingers around them. My sobbing is loud and crackly, and my heart is thumping. I feel ill, knowing what nearly happened out here tonight. I hear the crunching sound of boots, and I lift my head to see Axel step into the gazebo. The moment his eyes fall on me, anger washes over them, but he drops to his knees in front of me anyway.

  “Shit, Cricket, I got you,” he murmurs, reaching out for me.

  “Oh God, Axel,” I hear Lady breathe from behind him.

  I sob harder, and reach for Axel. He shrugs off his jacket, and wraps it around me before scooping me up into his arms. My bottom half is still bare, and Lady quickly takes off her shawl and drapes it over me.

  “She’s fuckin’ freezing. We need to get her warm.”


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