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My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance)

Page 11

by Flite, Nora

  So worked up, so ready to finally be in the moment, I tensed all over as the waves began. My muscles strangled his cock as it stirred up my insides.

  Then he was there, instructing me from mere inches away, his nose tickling my temple.

  “Come for me, Opal, show me how well you can obey.”

  Like I was a song he knew by heart, an instrument far too familiar in his acute hands, I felt him calling my orgasm to a crescendo. Numb to my own screams, I shook on his cock as his hard chest pressed into my back. So lost in the pleasure, I was dimly aware of his prick when it started to swell.

  He's going to finish in me!

  I wasn't on birth control. How could I be so reckless?

  In a panic, I opened my mouth to argue, but only a hoarse sob escaped.

  At the last second, his cock pulled free, the warm spurts of his semen landing on my skin. Breathing heavy, I relaxed on the table while the last of the aftershocks fled my pussy.

  I can't believe it, did I really... did he...

  I heard someone speaking, was sure it was Onyx. Dampness touched me, rough and sliding over my back. Looking up, I was dismayed when it wasn't my Master, but a girl with long, raven hair.

  I've seen her before... what was her name? Cora? She cleaned off the blonde, too, that night.

  My ankles were freed, as well as my wrists, but I didn't move. Everything ached, I was exhausted and wanted to rest. People were talking around me, I caught snippets of conversations.

  “ wonderful, really...”

  “...yes, I'm excited for the auction...”

  “...think he'll go for her...”

  “...oh, he never buys any of them...”

  Gingerly, I pushed myself up, weak and unable to stand without the aid of the table. Holding the edge, I turned around, fighting through a cloud of cotton as I regained my composure. What is everyone talking about, the auction?

  “Here,” Cora whispered. The dark haired girl offered me the green dress and lingerie I'd been wearing. Taking it, I redressed quickly, conscious now of my nudity. Once more thankful for the masks we all wore, I tied the gown into place. “Where did Onyx go?”

  “Master Onyx,” she corrected, “Is talking to potential buyers.”


  “Yes.” Cora nodded, her collar glinting in the light of a nearby lamp. “All the new submissives are sold off to potential Masters at the auction. The next is two nights from now, Master Onyx plans to put you up.”

  “What?” Blinking, I stumbled backwards. “But I... I thought he was, you know, my Master?”

  Why would he auction me off?

  Panic bloomed like a thorny rose inside of me.

  The other woman gave an indulgent smile. “No, Master Onyx likes to train the girls, but he never takes any as his own. Someone else will buy you, but don't worry, all the Masters are very excited about you.”

  I hardly heard her, I was looking around for Onyx. No, there's no way I'd go with someone else. It's him... him that I...

  Halting my thoughts, scared where they might go, I hurried through the crowd.

  Brushing past everyone, each person becoming just a blur, I moved down the tunnel and into the main room. Whipping my head side to side, I finally spotted him. He was standing by the man I recognized as Helm, wrapped in conversation.

  I didn't know what I had planned, only that I was suddenly in front of Onyx. My hands were clenched at my sides. I knew my eyes burned with the hurt that rolled in my guts.

  Onyx and Helm both paused, staring at me with dubious frowns.

  I spoke first.

  “You can't auction me off!” Lifting an arm, I cut through the air for emphasis. “Not after everything! I won't let you do that to me! Don't you know that I—”

  At once, several things happened.

  Helm moved his arm, and I knew he was about to hit me.

  Onyx grabbed me by the hair first, forcing me away from the attack and into the ground instead. Yelping from the sharp pain in my scalp, I realized through my shock that cheek was being shoved into the rug.

  On my knees, I clawed desperately for the arm holding me still.

  Onyx was stronger.

  His other hand grabbed my wrists, holding them still, leaving me helpless in his captivity.

  “Let me go!” I hissed. I was on the verge of hysteria. Between what my body and mind had endured just minutes ago, and the news from Cora, I was ready to strike.

  To fight.

  His voice was hot on my temple. The tone he used was frightening; placid, emotionless. “Did you honestly, honestly, just walk up and and tell me what I couldn't do, little jewel?”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but he squeezed my hair, making me scream briefly instead. When I quieted, hyperventilating into the rug, he pressed on. “It seems I was mistaken, thinking you were ready to be a slave. I don't enjoy being embarrassed like this. I have rules, and they are to be taken seriously. Always.”

  Rules, I thought bitterly. I know all about your rules.

  “I'll need to put you through more training instead of auctioning you off, which will disappoint many of the other Doms here. Do you know how that makes me look?” Onyx lifted my head, turning me so our noses touched. Through the holes in his mask, I got a good look at his eyes.

  They were boiling with anger, bright and alive with a sense of indignation. They terrified me with how piercing they were, how perfectly blue. I'd seen Seth angry before, but it paled beside this moment.

  He pushed me down roughly. “You're lucky the evening is over. Next time, we'll take your training to a new level, rub out this ridiculous defiance you have. Go, leave me.”

  Pressing my forehead to the floor, I stared at the rug blankly.

  How could he do this to me?

  On weak legs, I knelt, looking up at Onyx and his turned back. Unsure of what else to do, I scrambled, falling through the purple curtains. I fell up the stairs, my eyes blurry with tears I didn't understand.

  I was angry—I was furious!

  I was also hurt beyond words.

  On wobbling legs, I climbed to my room, collapsing on my bed in a heap.

  How could Onyx do everything he had to me—with me—and then casually auction me off to another man? Had I meant nothing?

  I'm such an idiot.

  Those blue eyes smoldered in my brain, reminding me of what I would have to face soon enough. Even if I didn't return to the dungeon below, if I only stayed to finish the painting, I would still have to see him.

  To listen to his words, to see the hands that had teased me to orgasm.

  Seth... Onyx... they were the same person. I couldn't have one without the other.

  Now, cut to my core with the knowledge he didn't even want me...

  I was lost.

  - Chapter Eleven -


  The shower scalded my skin, but still, it wasn't enough.

  I hung my head, hair streaming down, watching the water run down the drain.

  It'd be nice if my memories, and my worries, could just go down there too, I thought. Leaning on the tile, I closed my eyelids and tried to get a grasp on my mind.

  After last night, everything had been ruined. My head ached with the image of those cold eyes; clear as diamonds, just as unbreakable.

  Why. Why did I have to fall for him?

  As much as I had questioned my decision to allow my secret lover to get as close as he had, when threatened by being denied more of him, I'd lost it.

  I touched my neck, thinking of how he had thrown me down when I'd confronted him.

  The auction. How dumb, how ridiculous!

  Yet, it bothered me like nothing else.

  Imagining being sold to some other faceless Dom was a nightmare.

  After all the things he showed me... my biggest fear is losing him.

  Does he really never claim subs of his own? If what Cora said was to be believed, then...

  Frowning, I brushed a damp strand of hair behind m
y ear, ignoring it as the shower moved it back out of place. I lost my mind, for a moment. Told him he couldn't sell me to someone else. That memory was horrible.

  But that wasn't what haunted me now.

  I was scared of the auction. But honestly, I've lost him anyway.

  I'd been stupid, trying to play this secret game. Staying here to paint more art had been tempting, it would have allowed me to indulge with Seth without ever revealing I knew the truth.

  Now, knowing his plans for me, I couldn't keep playing.

  I couldn't keep him for myself.

  And if I told him what I knew... there was a big chance I'd still lose everything.

  I can't win.

  Gritting my teeth in frustration, I slammed my fist onto the tile wall, over and over until my knees buckled. Crumbling to the bottom of the shower, I hugged myself and sobbed.

  I couldn't go back, not after learning I would be sold to someone else. Why would I risk getting caught anymore?

  Seth was a cold, strict man. I had no illusion he'd punish once he learned I'd broken his rules. I didn't know how he'd punish me, but Veronica's warning came to mind.

  She was scared of what he'd do if I rejected him.

  If only she knew my reality.

  That damn gold door. I should have just listened to his rules from the start.

  But if I had, would I have gotten so close to the man?

  You aren't close, I berated myself. You've been lusting after an illusion.

  It's all a game.

  My skin was like a prune when I finally left the bathroom. Wrapped in a robe, I settled on the bed in the guest room. I just need to finish the mural for him. Once I do that, I'll...

  I'll just leave.

  I can't do this anymore. If I go back into that dungeon, I'm just playing with fire.

  Thinking of how his smooth gloves had felt on my flesh, his words whispering wickedly in my ear as he made my body tremble with a lust I never knew, I hugged myself.

  Right. If I go back, I'll only get hurt.

  It's done, it has to be.

  Wiping my cheeks, erasing the dampness from my milky skin, I pretended it was water from the shower.


  The kitchen downstairs was quiet, morning light frail and white where it poured in through all the windows. I moved around on soft feet, the vibe in the air one of respectful solitude.

  I wonder where Seth is, or Corbin?

  Frowning, I poured myself a glass of milk from the fridge, sipping it as I stood by the backdoor. Outside, the world was green with life.

  I wonder if this will be my last week here. If I finish the mural, I'll let Seth know I can't make the time for more projects. That I need to focus on school.

  Sighing, I swirled my drink and mumbled softly to myself. “It's for the best, isn't it?”

  “Is what for the best?”

  The voice came from behind me, close enough that his question moved a strand of my hair. I spun, dropping the glass onto the tiled floor. Together, Seth and I watched the shards of crystal explode, the milk cascading around in a white torrent.

  My mouth hung open, eyes frightened as they focused on the equally stunned face of my employer. Seth had his hands lifted, fingers spread like he was trying to protect himself from an oncoming attack.

  But I could only stare into his sparkling blue eyes, forced to recall the moment I'd seen them last.

  My mind blurred with the memory of his hand in my hair, cheek rubbing into the rug while his words seared through me like red embers.

  Oh god, say something, do something!

  I quickly moved across the kitchen, grabbing a towel and bending to wipe the spill. “Oh god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—”

  “Careful!” he hissed, reaching out in my direction.

  I didn't listen, focusing on the wet mess as I soaked it up, my hands rubbing across the tiles. It was then, as I adjusted myself, that my bare foot found the inevitable shard of glass.

  “Ah!” I dropped the damp towel, wincing at the surprising pain.

  “I warned you!” Seth snapped. Before I could respond, or even try to argue with him, he wrapped his arms around me and scooped me up.

  Holding me close, he looked at the glittering minefield of glass that was once a safe kitchen floor. “Don't you know better than to move around without shoes on after breaking something?”

  My words circled in my throat. He was cradling me protectively, a concept I'd never entertained as a possibility. So far Seth had brought me torture, and he'd gifted me with immense pleasure.

  This was something... new.

  The slight stubble on his jaw, something usually invisible, stood out. He hadn't even shaved yet. I was close enough to nuzzle him.

  Oh shit, what am I thinking!

  “Corbin! Corbin, get in here!” Shouting, he turned and carried me into the living room, holding me like I weighed nothing. Pressed against his chest, I inhaled his scent, the heavy olive oil smell I'd noticed on my first night with Onyx.

  His eyes fixed on me, searching my face. Gingerly, he set me on one of the couches, kneeling on the rug. “Let me see,” he said softly.


  “Your foot, let me see where you stepped on the glass.” He gestured impatiently, looking over his shoulder for Corbin.

  With his lips not so temptingly close, I was able to clear away my sluggishness. I lifted one leg from where it poked from my bathrobe, regretting my decision to not get changed after my shower.

  Seth turned back around, his fingers encircling my ankle. When he leaned in, his nostrils flaring, we both felt my tiny hairs stand straight.

  Is he remembering how he tied my legs apart, how he fucked me blind?

  “Mr. Hart, what happened?” Corbin had appeared, standing by the hallway and looking concerned.

  “Grab me the first aid kit,” Seth said. “Ms. Starling stepped on some glass.”

  “Oh dear, I saw the mess in the kitchen. I'll hurry, one moment.” He was gone like a ghost.

  Seth looked up at me, brows low, his tone heavy. “Does it hurt?”

  “No, not much. It's really not a big deal,” I said, forcing a smile.

  He clearly didn't believe me. His eyes squinted at my heel, hand he ran a thumb across the bottom. The sharp twang made me jump. He'd brushed the cut, and I openly hissed through clenched teeth. “Alright, yeah,” I said. “That hurt.”

  Corbin crossed the rug on fast feet, kneeling beside Seth, first aid kit in hand. As he pulled out a small bottle and tweezers, it was clear that he was planning on removing the glass himself.

  Seth had other ideas.

  Without even looking, he reached out and took the items, still peering at my foot. “Thank you, Corbin. That will be all.”

  I watched the calm, emotionless way the chauffeur remained crouched. Finally, he straightened and gave a slight nod. His eyes were curious when he glanced at me. I shifted with discomfort.

  What was that look for?

  “As you wish,” The driver said, exiting on his perfectly shined shoes towards the kitchen.

  The man at my feet touched the tweezers to the wound. Helplessly, I twitched away. “Sorry, I'll try to keep still.” I blushed, seeing his frown.

  “You don't have much pain tolerance, do you?” he murmured, gripping my ankle as he gently prodded at the small cut. He was very focused, I was caught up in how precisely he worked.

  “No,” I chuckled. “Not really. I guess you'd have to practice to get used to it, and who would do that?”

  “Sometimes an ability to endure pain has its place.”

  I locked my jaw to keep from commenting.

  It was impossible not to recall the spanking he'd put me through on my first night of training. This is too weird, he doesn't know that I get what he means. Right?

  He thinks he's playing with a hidden deck, but I know all of his cards.

  “There,” he said, lifting the tweezers with the shard of glass held between them
. Wrapping it in a napkin, he set it aside. Holding a bottle, he poured the liquid onto a cotton ball, the scent in the air acrid.

  “Peroxide,” I groaned, even before he pressed the wet, burning blob to my foot. “Dammit, that stings!”

  Seth chuckled, winding a small amount of gauze around my heel and ankle. “Don't complain so much. You're fine now, it was a small thing.”

  I know, so why did you react like you did?

  He'd carried me out of the kitchen like the place had been on fire. Seeing such concern and tenderness from Seth was baffling.

  But I...

  I liked this side of him.

  Frowning, I set my foot on the floor, testing my weight. “Thanks, and sorry about your glass.”

  “It's fine. I didn't mean to scare you this morning. I was surprised to see you up so early. Did you have some plans?”

  Opening my mouth, I hesitated. “Yes. I was going to work on the mural so I can finish it before next week.”

  He kept his face neutral, but nodded quickly. “I see. Have you given any thought to my offer, then?”

  I can't, I just can't stay.

  “I... think it would be better if I just got ready to focus on college, my classes. If that makes sense.”

  Seth was a wall; I couldn't read him. His lips—lips I still itched to kiss even now—were as neutral as the color grey. The only thing that gave me a hint he was upset, was the extra second of silence that slid between us.

  Standing, he offered me a hand, his expression stoic. “Ms. Starling, I have nothing but respect for your pursuit of knowledge. I hope you'll decide to come back in the future, when you have the time.”

  Is he upset? If he is, just wait until Opal never returns.

  Warily, I slid my palm in his, noticing how small it felt in his grasp. He helped me up, and I took a careful step. It stung, but it didn't hamper my movement.

  “If you'll excuse me, I have some things to attend to. I have an important event in a few days that I need to prepare for.” His smile was tight as a drum, his back facing me far too quickly.

  I stood there, watching him vanish down the hall. As he left, I turned my head, catching a glimpse of that cursed golden door.

  Its surface was shining, mocking me.

  Yes, I thought sadly, I know exactly what event you're planning for, Master Onyx.


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