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Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga)

Page 38

by Sessha Batto

  “You didn't recognize me,” the interrogator tried to hedge. “You thought I was trying to attack you.”

  “What. Did. I. Do?” the shadow wolf bit out. “I need to know, otherwise I'll never move past it.”

  “You're awfully strong for such a pretty little thing,” Makoto teased to lighten the mood. “You took me down without even breaking a sweat.”

  “I hurt you? I hit you?”

  “Not exactly. You choked me until I blacked out, then you hid in the forest,” the interrogator admitted. “I don't blame you. You had no idea who I was. Please, don't beat yourself up about it.”

  “How bad was the damage?” Yoshi whispered.

  “I spent a week on a respirator while the swelling went down, three more rebuilding my ki reserves.” The interrogator studied the man in front of him. “It really shook Souta. He found me the next morning. I don't know if he'll forgive you so quickly.”

  “He shouldn't forgive me at all,” the elite decided. “I almost killed his friend. It will take time before he trusts me not to do it again.”

  “Sweetheart, I'm not afraid,” Makoto assured him. “You're much better now.”

  “Maybe you should be afraid. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't trust me. But I'm grateful that you do.”

  “I've never been a very emotional person. I never thought I needed anyone or anything. You've changed me. I don't even want to think about going back to a life without you. I wasn't living all those years, just going through the motions. Nothing mattered before I found you in the shower. I didn't even really know you, but I knew I wanted protect you.”

  The shadow wolf just studied the familiar face closely, not even noticing the heavy scarring snaking its way across his lover's visage. Instead, he found himself captivated by the open, honest look of longing the interrogator tried so hard to hide. “I'm feeling a little tired,” he husked. “I think I'll go for a soak. Would you care to join me?”

  Makoto's heart leapt in his chest at the offer, and a broad smile stretched across his face. “I thought you'd never ask.” He scooped up the shadow wolf and headed for the bathhouse at a run, ignoring his laughing protests.

  “I take it you've wanted to join me before. Why didn't you?”

  “Because you would have said yes, whether you wanted me to or not,” came the quiet response. “I wanted you to want me to join you, not just tolerate it.”

  “I have never, ever, tolerated you.” Yoshi reached up to run his index finger down the interrogator's nose before tapping it against the tip in mock chastisement. “I'm just going to have to show you how very much I enjoy your company.” He quickly began to strip Makoto, pushing him into the shower to scrub before pulling off his own clothes and joining him.

  Yoshi efficiently cleaned them both, turning the interrogator this way and that. He appreciated the amusement dancing in his lover's eyes at the pampering, before smacking him firmly on the ass. “Get in the tub, boy.”

  “Yes, master,” Makoto retorted impishly, breath catching when he saw how Yoshi's eyes darkened with lust. “Where would you like me?”

  “Sit on the edge,” came the husky command. “I wish to taste you.”

  “Are you sure? You don't have to.”

  “I know that, silly.” The shadow wolf laughed as he slid into the furo and knelt between long legs. “I've been wanting to do this for months.” He leaned forward to nuzzle the rapidly hardening length, rubbing his face against the bobbing shaft before extending his tongue to lick off the precum leaking from the slit.

  “Mmmmm, I love the way you taste.” The shadow wolf wrapped plump lips around the head, slowly engulfing it, until his nose was firmly pressed against Makoto's abdomen and his lover was quivering with anticipation.

  “Oh, Kami, so good,” the interrogator groaned. “Please move, please.”

  Yoshi smiled around his mouthful, twisting his tongue teasingly around the head as he retreated. He slid back down, gratified by the loud moan ripped from the torture master. The shadow wolf channeled ki to his tongue, painting ribbons of electricity in twisting spirals as he bobbed and sucked.

  It didn't take long before Makoto was panting and groaning continuously, precum running freely from his erection. Yoshi smirked wickedly, using the distraction to his advantage and sliding two fingers deep into his lover's tight heat to assault his prostate.

  “Damn,” Makoto exclaimed as he bucked hard into the heat of his lover's mouth. “I'm so close.”

  The shadow wolf redoubled his efforts, channeling ki to his fingers as well, stroking and rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves. He sped up the bobbing motion of his head until the interrogator came with a broken groan of what could have been his name. Yoshi struggled to swallow around the thick length he refused, even now, to relinquish. Cum dribbled out of the corners of his mouth as his throat worked to swallow around the softening member.

  “That was absolutely amazing,” Makoto managed to gasp. “You are absolutely amazing.” He slid bonelessly into the furo, wrapping burly arms around the elite and tugging him onto his lap for an almost desperate kiss.

  “I'm glad you're still here,” Yoshi husked when the kiss broke. “I was so afraid I'd pushed you away for good.”

  “No chance of that, sweetheart.” The interrogator settled them more comfortably, relishing in the comforting weight resting against his chest. He watched contentedly as the excitement of the day caught up with Yoshi and mismatched eyes gradually slid shut as he passed into sleep, trusting Makoto to keep him safe.


  A week after Yoshi's return the couple was awakened by a thunderous pounding. Makoto yanked open the door to reveal a disheveled Tatsuya. “What's wrong?”

  “Mayu's having the baby and she wants Takahashi,” He took a moment to catch his breath and light a cigarette. “You better tell him to hurry, her mood isn't improving any.”

  “Sweetheart, Tatsuya's here.” The interrogator shook the sleeping man awake. “Mayu wants you.”

  “I'll go see her in the morning,” the shadow wolf replied with a yawn. “It's still dark out.”

  “I know but babies have their own timetable. They always seem to come in the middle of the night.”

  “Mayu's in labor?” Yoshi leapt out of bed. “She's going to kill me.” He quickly grabbed some clothes, running to the door to stick his head out and yell. “I'm coming Tatsuya, two minutes.” He turned to grab his shirt, slamming into the ground hard when he went to take a step and realized in his haste he had shoved both legs into one leg of his pants.

  Makoto returned to the lounge, wincing at the loud bangs and crashes coming from the bedroom. “So, are you ready for this?”

  “Anything has to be better than the last few months,” an exhausted Tatsuya explained. “I feel like I haven't slept in a year.”

  “It only gets worse,” the interrogator offered. “Feedings and diaper changes, better get used to it.” He cocked his head and listened after a particularly nasty crash and the yelped curse accompanying it. “Maybe I should give him a hand?” he suggested, although his heart obviously wasn't in it.

  “Nah, let him get it out of his system. Mayu needs him focused. If he blows some energy off now he'll be more likely to stay calm.”

  “I'm ready.” Yoshi appeared in front of them, thankfully properly dressed this time. “Let's go.”


  When they arrived at the hospital, Yoshi steeled his nerves and walked into the building he'd only recently escaped, pushing aside his own discomfort in favor of helping the friend who'd supported him so staunchly.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he quipped when he pushed open the door to Mayu's room. “How are you doing?”

  “Is that bastard with you?” she panted angrily, turning wild eyes on the startled shadow wolf.

  “Which bastard is that?” He slipped off his jacket and settled comfortably in the chair next to her bed, gently pushing the hair off her face and wiping it with a damp cloth.

  “That inf
antile bastard of a Kobayashi who couldn't keep his dick in his pants and did this to me.” She grabbed hold of Yoshi's hand and squeezed when another contraction swept over her.

  He noted the time, humming soothingly as he listened to her breathe through the pain and joining her for a deep cleansing breath. “That was great. The contractions are only about two minutes apart. It should be just about time.”

  “It's horrible,” Mayu moaned. “I can't take much more. They should use this for torture, as soon as you relax it starts up again.”

  “I can help you.” The shadow wolf reached up and pushed icy strands out of his eyes. Then he carefully traced a series of kanji on her abdomen. “This should transfer most of the pain to me so you can stay focused. So, when the next contraction hits look into my eyes.” He slipped out into the hall, grabbing a cup of ice chips and hurrying back, lifting and resettling Mayu more comfortably before giving her a piece to suck on.

  “It's starting,” she gritted out, voice rising to a strangled howl at the end. Yoshi gripped her hand tightly and leaned over, locking their eyes as he transferred her sensations to him through the connection. The shadow wolf nearly vomited at the wave of pain that ripped through his midsection. Just as suddenly, the contraction ended, and the elite had to fight the urge to turn and run, suddenly unsure of what he had gotten himself into.

  “How are you doing, beautiful?” he managed, voice thick and unsure.

  “That was so much better. Thank you, 'shi-kun.”

  “No problem. Let me know when the next one starts.”

  “Could you go find the midwife?” Mayu asked. “I think it's time.”

  By the time she appeared twenty minutes later the shadow wolf was drenched with sweat and feeling distinctly nauseous. “Alright, Mayu,” the midwife directed. “You're fully dilated, I need you to push with the next contraction.”

  If you had asked him before tonight what the most painful thing he could imagine was, Yoshi would not have thought anything could beat the agony of Takumi's attack. Now he was reassessing that decision. The feeling of being split in two, repeatedly, flooded through the connection they shared each time Mayu pushed.

  Through the haze of the illusion he vaguely heard the midwife speaking to him, and he followed her instructions in a daze. “Look, you can see the head,” the medic exclaimed. So he looked, and felt the world spin dangerously around him.

  Before he had a chance to assess what he'd seen, the shadow wolf was hit with the start of another contraction and he steeled himself for more pushing, only to be pleasantly surprised when the first desperate squeeze resulted in an almost hollow relief.

  “It's a boy,” the midwife exclaimed. “Would you like to cut the cord?”

  “Uh, okay?” Yoshi took the scissors shoved in his hand and carefully snipped where she indicated.

  “Wait just a minute. We're not done yet. It looks like you have a surprise here.”

  “A surprise?” The shadow wolf dreaded the answer even before the question was asked. “What kind of surprise?”

  “Another baby, silly.”

  Nausea ripped through Yoshi at the shattering burst of pain, sending him running for the bathroom. When he came out, wiping his hand across his face, he hurried to his friend's side. “Sorry, Mayu-chan, that was a rough one.”

  “I can't believe you're doing this for me. You don't have to.”

  “I don't want to see you suffer.” Yoshi gritted his teeth as another wave of pain splintered his insides. “I said I'd protect you and the baby... babies,” he corrected himself, “apparently you're having twins.”

  “Here comes the other little one,” the midwife urged. “One more push and you'll be done.”

  Mayu gritted her teeth and pushed as hard as she could, watching with veiled amusement as the shadow wolf paled even further, swaying dangerously when the baby finally made its appearance and that frighteningly hollow feeling rushed over him yet again. “This one's a little girl. She looks just like her momma.”

  After a brisk rubdown the midwife quickly swaddled both infants, plunking them into the dazed elite's arms as she pushed him back into the bedside chair. “You don't want to see this part.” Yoshi gladly took her advice, the odd squishy feeling alone was enough to make him long for the cool tile of the bathroom.

  “Let it go,” Mayu ordered. “I'm fine, and you don't look so good. The last thing I need is to make you pass out and piss Makoto off.”

  Yoshi gratefully released the spell, relaxing as his internal organs seemed to rearrange themselves into their usual positions. “I'm so glad I'm a man. That is no fun at all.”

  He looked down at the bundles carefully cradled in his arms and a soft, warm smile spread across his face. He cooed tenderly, stroking a single finger ever so lightly across the tops of their fuzzy little heads. “One of each. Now I need to go find another dog,” he muttered absently, totally captivated by the tiny infants studying him with serious eyes.

  “I'm sorry.” He shook himself out of his stupor. “Here are your babies, Mayu-chan. They're so beautiful, just like you. I'll go get Tatsuya so he can come see.” Yoshi made sure the kunoichi was safely settled before making his way outside, where he found the usually controlled Kobayashi pacing and smoking like a chimney.

  “What happened, is she okay?” the expectant father blurted.

  “Congratulations, Tatsuya,” the shadow wolf replied with a tired smile. “It was twins, a boy and a girl. Mayu's doing great. She wants to see you.”

  “Twins?” Tatsuya squeaked. “As in two babies?”

  “Yup, they're beautiful. You're a very lucky man. I'm gonna go home now and get some sleep. Tell Mayu I'll stop by to see her tomorrow.” With a wave and a nod he turned and trudged toward home as the nervous father rushed inside to meet the new members of his little family.


  The next several months were extraordinarily busy ones for the shadow wolf, and he found himself looking forward to each new day and the challenges it would bring. As he stood near the door he swept his eye around the comfortable space, appreciating just how far the shop had come since the day Makoto first brought him here.

  His relationship with the stoic interrogator had also made a great deal of progress. Yoshi's attitude had undergone a paradigm shift since his release from the hospital. He was determined to enjoy the interrogator's company, still fearing the day would come all too soon when Makoto would see him for who he really was and reject him.

  Not today, he decided. Today is going to be perfect. After long hours of hard work, and much debate over the pros and cons of every decision, Takahashi Books was finally ready to open for business. With one last look around he stepped up to the front door, took a deep breath and raised the blind hiding the interior from view, settling comfortably behind the counter with the volume he was currently devouring.

  Fifteen minutes later he was pulled from his reading by the tinkle of the bell over the door. “Good-morning.” Yoshi never lifted his eyes from the page. “How can I help you?”

  “Hey brat, nice place,” Genki replied casually. “I just wanted to stop in to wish you luck... and check out the erotica section.”

  “I should have known you'd have an ulterior motive.”

  “I'm hurt,” the sage retorted. “Here I take time out of my busy day to wish my favorite nephew well with his new venture.”

  “In the first place, I'm your only nephew.” The shadow wolf marked his place and put down his book. “In the second, I'm afraid I don't carry that crap you like, it's hardly rare or exotic. I do happen to have some more refined erotica. Things that cater to a less pedestrian taste.”

  He stood and moved around the counter, tentatively embracing the sage. “It's good to see you Genki,” he declared with a lazy smile. “When did you get into town?”

  “I got in last night, I couldn't miss the big day. I thought we could split a bottle of sake to celebrate.”

  “Maybe later. I have the kids right now.” Yoshi indicate
d the large double pram parked behind the counter. “I can't set a bad example for them.”

  “What kids?” Genki asked. “I thought you liked men.”

  “Tatsuya and Mayu's twins, he's on an assignment and she has her apprentice to train. I'm the doting godfather with plenty of time on his hands. I watch them when they're both busy.”

  “You babysit? The infamous shadow wolf, most dangerous assassin in all the shuudan? Are you sure they didn't scramble your brains in that nuthouse?”

  “Watch it old man,” Oushi growled from the shadows next to the carriage. “Your stupidity is showing again.”

  “You're right. I'm sorry, Yoshi. I just can't imagine taking care of one baby, much less two.”

  “I couldn't either until these little sweeties were born.” The shadow wolf cooed tenderly as he gently smoothed the blanket covering the sleeping pair. “I helped Mayu through her labor. When they finally made their appearance, it made all the pain worthwhile.”

  “All what pain?” Genki asked. “What did you do?”

  “I helped Mayu with her labor. The pains were killing her so I just cast a spell—” The elite shrugged and pushed the hair out of his eyes. “You know.”

  “What are their names?” The sage peered into the carriage, only to find himself pinned by two curious sets of eyes.

  “The little bruiser on the left is Kiyoshi and princess Ko is on the right.” The shadow wolf reached in and lifted the little girl up to rest against his shoulder, gently rubbing his fingertips up and down her back. “He's living up to his name, that's for sure. I swear all he does is eat and sleep.”

  “Like his father at that age.” Genki watched the little boy's eyes slip shut again as his sister studied him over the elite's shoulder.

  “That's right, you knew Tatsuya as a child,” Yoshi said. “Would you like to hold her?”

  “No, no, no, no, that's fine, no thank you,” the sage babbled, shaking his head and making slashing motions with his arms to indicate just how much he didn't want to.


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