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Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga)

Page 39

by Sessha Batto

  “Here you go, princess,” the shadow wolf whispered as he deposited her in the reluctant man's arms. “Meet your uncle, he was one of your grandfather's favorite students. He's very strong and wise... and old.”

  “I'm out of here.” Genki passed the infant back to her enthralled godfather. “Do you want to have dinner later?”

  “I need to check with Makoto. I'll have to let you know.” Yoshi tucked the sleepy baby back into the pram.

  By mid-afternoon the shop had seen a dozen or so customers, and the shadow wolf had not only made his first sales, but had several requests to track down particular volumes, something he was looking forward to using his espionage talents on. Around three o'clock Mayu finally came to pick up the twins. She cooed delightedly at her babies as she chatted with her friend, until she noticed the time and raced off to get dinner ready.

  When the bell rang just after five, Yoshi called out. “Sorry I'm closed. Please come back tomorrow.” He gasped when strong arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him into a firm chest.

  “I'll be happy to leave if you'll come with me,” Makoto's familiar voice rumbled in the shadow wolf's ear. “I want to go spar with you.”

  “Is that what they're calling it these days?”

  “Just because you're not on active duty, doesn't mean you don't have to stay in shape,” the interrogator reminded him. “You still have to pass your annual evaluation next month.”

  “Yare, yare. I seriously doubt I'm in danger of failing my evaluation.”

  “Fine. Then I just want an opportunity to get my hands on this enticing body of yours.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere. Let me grab my stuff and we can go 'train'.” Yoshi grabbed his jacket and stuffed the book he'd been reading in his pocket. He linked his arm with the interrogator's and pulled him outside, turning to lock the door before strolling companionably toward the training grounds.

  “You were serious?” the elite asked.

  “Of course. I want to spar with you. You may be a genius, but you still need to keep your hand-to-hand skills sharp.”

  “But, I thought, you know—”

  “No, I don't know,” Makoto chuckled. “Explain it to me.”

  “I thought it was a euphemism, you know, for making out.”

  A smile twitched at the corners of the stoic interrogator's mouth, but his voice was serious. “While I think that sounds lovely, no, it was not a euphemism. If you want me, you're going to have to earn me.”

  “You are so mean.” The shadow wolf stripped off his jacket and shirt, stretching seductively before his face became blankly serious and he dropped into a ready stance, stretching out one arm and flicking his finger in a 'come hither' gesture.

  About ten minutes into their spar, Makoto found himself pinned to the ground, Yoshi plastered to his back. He flexed his muscles in preparation for throwing the lighter man off, only to stop dead when he felt something firm pressing insistently against his ass.

  “You win,” the interrogator conceded, quickly flipping their positions. A startled shadow wolf found himself lying on his back, looking up into endless onyx eyes. “Now, to give you your prize.” He teased open plump lips to ravish the sweetness of his lover's mouth. When a throaty moan escaped, Makoto took it as a sign to move on, leaving a trail of hot, open mouthed kisses down Yoshi's sweat slick torso until he came to the waistband of his pants, tearing them open to release his semi-rigid cock.

  “You never even noticed, did you?” The interrogator swiped his tongue down the rapidly swelling length. “Fighting got you hard.” He wrapped his lips around the head and ever so slowly slid, until his nose was buried in soft colorless curls, swallowing several times around the twitching flesh before retreating.

  Yoshi threw back his head and let out a howl, instinctively thrusting up into the wet heat. The interrogator responded by redoubling his efforts. The shadow wolf let out a piercing shriek when a hand began to rub and squeeze his heavy sac, eyes rolling as he fought to hold on against the onslaught of pleasure. He was finally undone when the interrogator's tongue flicked against the hyper-sensitive slit and he came with a gasp, flooding Makoto's mouth with his seed, and twitching uncontrollably when his lover continued to suck the dwindling length.

  “Mmmmm, I've missed that,” Makoto purred. “I love the way you taste.”

  Yoshi could only nod weakly in response and gratefully relax as his lover scooped him into his arms and cast a spell to move them home, eyes slipping shut as he was deposited on the bed.

  “You rest, sweetheart, you've had a very busy day. I'll go fix dinner.”

  Makoto hummed happily as he hunted through the refrigerator, quickly assembling an array of leftovers. He put the soup on to heat and stuck the chicken in the microwave before grabbing a blank piece of paper and scribbling a quick note. “Anybody here?”

  “I am,” Oushi rumbled. “What do you need?”

  “Could one of you take a message to Hayashi Hoshu?”

  “Is it important?” the massive wolf wanted to know. “I'm kind of tired.”

  “Well, I have an idea for a surprise for 'shi-san, but I need the council's help. I think Hoshu is most likely to be sympathetic. I guess it could wait until tomorrow.”

  “If it's for the boss I'm sure I can get Onchu to take it,” Oushi decided after a moment's thought.

  “Could you call her for me?” Makoto pulled the containers out of the microwave and ladled soup into bowls. “Yoshi's worn out. I need to take care of him.”

  “Of course.” Oushi briefly disappeared, then reappeared with his pack mate in tow.

  “Can you take this to Hayashi Hoshu and wait for his reply?” Makoto asked respectfully as he showed the familiar the note.

  “Sure, I guess so. It's for the boss, right?” Onchu asked.

  “It's about a surprise for him, a nice one. So it's for him, but he doesn't know about it.”

  “That sounds like it would be okay.” The lean grey wolf daintily picked up the folded paper and bounded out into the night.

  “Wake up sweetheart.” The interrogator gently shook a bony shoulder. “You need to eat after such a busy day.”

  “I'm too tired to—” the shadow wolf began, trailing off when the scent of food reached his sensitive nose. “You cooked?”

  “I heated,” Makoto admitted. “Since I couldn't ask you what you wanted. I thought this way you could pick and choose.”

  “Thank you.” Yoshi pulled his lover down for a lingering kiss. “You're very good to me.”

  “You've had a very busy day. You opened for business, watched the twins, sparred, and had your first orgasm in way too long,” He added with a leer. “I think you've earned a little pampering.” The corners of the interrogator's lips lifted into a wide, delighted smile. “Besides, I enjoy fussing over you.”

  “You know that doesn't make sense,” Yoshi pointed out. “I know what you do all day. The last thing you need is more pressure.”

  “There is nothing in this world I'd rather do than take care of you.” Makoto hated any suggestion of a connection between his duties and their relationship. “Just because my job requires me to act like a bastard, doesn't mean I am one.”

  “That's not what I meant. I don't think you're a bastard. What I meant was, it's not easy to get inside people's heads and figure out what makes them tick. I think it takes more out of you than you realize, and having to coddle me is just another stressor in an already hard life.”

  “Coddling you, as you put it, is the most normal, most necessary, part of my day. I didn't realize just how cut off from everyone and everything I really was. I mean I knew it, but I didn't feel it, if you know what I mean.” Makoto relaxed minutely when the elite nodded in agreement. “Now that I've let you into my life I don't feel numb anymore. It actually makes doing my job easier, because now I have someone to protect.”

  “It's not that different for me.” Yoshi twined his fingers with his lover's. “I trusted you on some instinctual level b
efore I knew you. I wanted to talk to you years ago, after you were released from Iwagashi shuudan, but I didn't think someone so brave would want to spend time with a whore like me. I know I haven't done a good job of showing it. I'm not good with words, but you are special to me. You are the one I chose.”

  “I don't understand, sweetheart,” the interrogator replied, confusion apparent on his face. “Chose for what?”

  “Chose to share myself with just because I wanted it, just for pleasure,” Yoshi clarified with a brilliant blush. “No duty, no deals, no ulterior motives, just because I wished to. Do you know how life-changing that is for someone like me?”

  “I can't have been the first person you slept with willingly,” a shell-shocked Makoto retorted. “You were thirty-five.”

  “Before Kobayashi-sama I was too young, afterward, let's just say it never crossed my mind.” The shadow wolf's blush deepened. “I never even masturbated. I just didn't make the connection between sex and pleasure until a few hours before you pulled me out of that Yakuza's house. I think I probably would have killed myself after that if not for you.” He pinned his lover with sharp eyes, making sure he had his complete attention. “I never wanted to leave you. I did not choose to go to Kazuki. Once there, though, I stayed when I could have escaped. I know that hurt you and I'm not sure how to make up for it. Kazuki and I were very alike in many ways. I betrayed his trust and it resulted in his death. I couldn't leave after that. I owed it to him to stay until the end.”

  “I'll admit I've been horribly jealous at times.” Makoto grasped the younger man's chin in his hand to prevent him from looking away. “But I've never, ever, had any second thoughts about what I wanted. I want you, 'shi-san, just you, good and bad. You've done your best. So much better than anyone could have imagined, and the past is not worth worrying about.” He quirked a small smile and changed the subject. “Now that that's out of your system do you think we could eat?”

  “Of course.” Yoshi patted the bed next to him. “Get comfy and we'll have a bed picnic.”

  Several hours later Makoto disentangled himself from the slumbering shadow wolf and slipped out of the messy bed, snagging the tray to drop in the kitchen. He snatched up the paper on the table, tension evident as he scanned its contents, relaxing when he realized that both Hayashi Hoshu and Kikuchi Naoki would back his proposal. Tatsuya is sure to agree, he owes Yoshi for the twins, he decided. Daisuke is a shoe-in as well. Who does that leave and what do I have on them?


  Makoto paced the floor of the teahouse nervously, appreciating the symmetry of once again meeting with the council in this out of the way place. This is will be a lot more pleasant conversation... I hope. The interrogator anxiously awaited the first arrivals. When Hoshu and Naoki appeared together he took a huge breath of relief, both men pulled a lot of weight with the council as a whole, their support could only strengthen his chances.

  He murmured greetings to the various clan heads as they arrived, smirking inwardly when he realized that Genki was present this time to stand for the Takahashi clan. He better cooperate or I'll sic Oushi on him.

  When everyone was finally seated Makoto stood and respectfully addressed the gathering. “Kobayashi no Shuhan-sama, elders,” he began with a polite bow. “I have asked you here today for personal reasons. I need your help in order to accomplish my goal.”

  “And that would be?” Hoshu asked.

  “I wish to wed my most precious person, but I cannot unless you change the marriage laws. We already share a home, a business, a life. I just want to make it official.”

  “Who is this lucky person?” Koga Aya immediately demanded.

  “Takahashi Yoshi,” the interrogator replied. “I want to marry another man, and I need your help to do it.”

  “No,” Souta's voice rang out from behind the Shuhan. “You can't marry him.”

  “What is your problem, Sou?” Daisuke growled. “Just because you don't have the balls to stand up for your relationship, doesn't mean Makoto can't.”

  “This isn't about us,” Souta retorted implacably. “I'm not going to let you sidetrack me. This is about Makoto marrying the man who tried to kill him. If you all agree to this it will be like acquiescing to murder.”

  “Watch your mouth, Fukazawa,” Makoto spat back. “Insult Yoshi again and you and I will have to take this outside.”

  “I understand your concern, but I'm afraid that is between Takahashi-san and Sasaki-san. I think you should leave now,” Hoshu decided. “You're an unnecessary disruption to these proceedings. Shuhan-sama will be fine with all of us here.”

  “Dai?” Souta asked.

  “Just get out of here.” The Shuhan knew he was in no mood to deal with his lover at the moment.

  “Souta's wrong,” Makoto insisted. “Yoshi didn't realize it was me. He's much better these days. I think I can make him happy. If you'll let me, that is.”

  “And if we do not?” Endo Akihiko wondered.

  “Then we shall go to the Kai shuudan, or Nakamura shuudan for that matter. We're Kobayashi ninja, I'd prefer to do it here, in our home with our friends, but you won't stop me.”

  “I think it's time we discussed it,” Narita Daichi jumped into the discussion. “Troublesome as it may be. The other shuudan have long realized that, among ninja in particular, same sex relationships are very much the norm. We should be encouraging as much stability as we can.”

  “But it's immoral,” Aya barked. “Not to mention disgusting. We can't encourage such behavior. Even if we forget the moral question, I'm worried it will affect the birth rate. We don't want the strong bloodlines to die out.”

  “That is no longer an issue,” Naoki explained. “Artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and surrogate mothers are already used by infertile couples. There is nothing preventing same sex couples from utilizing the same methods. Besides, we already have far too many orphans. We should respect the wishes of our comrades who don't want to risk leaving more children without parents. Who knows, maybe some of our orphans will find new homes because of it.”

  “I still don't see any reason to change the status quo,” Akihiko insisted. “No one is preventing them from living together and doing whatever questionable things they want in the privacy of their own home. I don't want my children and grandchildren growing up to think such things are normal.”

  Makoto watched warily as Genki finally joined in, standing and holding up a hand to silence the babble before starting to speak. “All of you know me, and my reputation.” He watched as the assembled elders relaxed and a chuckle ran around the room. “I, personally, find great joy in the opposite sex. My nephew, however, is a different matter. I resisted his choice, to the point where we couldn't even be in the same room.” The sage paused and locked eyes with the worried interrogator before he went on. “I think you will all agree with me that Yoshi has had a particularly nasty career. He's earned the right to be happy, and Sasaki-san makes him happy. I, for one, would back the proposal for that reason alone. Beyond that, however, I look around just this room. Almost half the people here are in a same-sex relationship. These are your friends and colleagues, how can you deny them the right to any happiness they can find?”

  “So,” Daisuke said grimly. “Does anyone else wish to express their opinion?” The Shuhan carefully raked his eyes across the assembly, unwilling to move on until everyone who wished to speak had been heard. “Fine, shall we put it to a vote then? Sasaki-san, if you could wait outside for a few minutes?”

  “Certainly.” Makoto bowed deeply. “Thank you all for your willingness to hear me out.”

  After a long wait, the door to the tea house opened and a smiling Daisuke called Makoto back inside.

  “Sasaki-san, I am delighted to tell you that the council has agreed to your request. The marriage laws will be amended. You are free to wed Takahashi-san.”

  “Thank you all. You have done me a great favor.” The interrogator gave a deep bow. “I will not forget your kind

  “No,” Hoshu replied. “You have done us a favor by forcing this issue. It is long past time for us to join the other shuudan on this point. I think I speak for the entire council when I say I hope you both find many years of happiness together.”

  “Take care of my nephew.” Genki moved forward to shake the interrogator's hand, “Or I'll have to hunt you down.”

  “I treasure him above all else,” Makoto assured him. “Never doubt I would give my life for him.”

  “Let's hope that never becomes necessary. You'd have to fight him for the privilege of martyrdom first. You're a strange pair, that's for sure, but you make him happy and I'm grateful for that. Now get out of here. You've got a wedding to plan.”

  The normally stoic interrogator fought the urge to skip as he left the makeshift council chamber and headed home. Excitement coiled in the pit of his stomach as he tried to predict the perfect time to carry out the next step in his plan.

  I'll just have to wait until he's home and see how his day went. It doesn't have to be today. He hurried to the market, humming as he moved from stall to stall gathering ingredients. Makoto picked up his pace, practically fleeing through the crowded square as he kept thinking of things he really should have.

  By the time he left the market and headed toward home the interrogator was weighed down by bundles and packages. “'shi-san, are you home?” He breathed a sigh of relief when his greeting went unanswered. Great, I have plenty of time to set things up. He turned and headed into the kitchen, nearly jumping out of his skin when Pi-natsu suddenly appeared in front of him.

  “What are you doing?” the wolf asked. “What's all that stuff for?”

  “It's a surprise for Yoshi. Nothing bad, I swear.”

  “I think I should be the judge of that,” the familiar retorted. “I've known him a lot longer than you have.”

  “You have to promise not to tell him,” Makoto cautioned. “I don't want you to ruin it.”

  “Just spit it out already.”


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