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Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

Page 7

by Lexie X

  Piper put her neck into it, using the flat of her tongue to pressure her roommate's clit. The overwhelming sensations had her own body on fire, and that strange spontaneous pleasure was no longer difficult at all. In heaven, she licked eagerly. The experience bolstered her rising bliss, and the pressure within built to a surprising intensity.

  Isabella gripped the sheets on either side and moaned loudly.

  It didn't take long. Using her tongue in faster and faster rhythm, Piper began working in longer arcs, trying to reach inside as best she could to feel the blonde's inner walls clenching. Just as she got to the depth she liked with each lick, Isabella gave a little half-scream, arched forward, and squeezed her legs around.

  Suddenly crunched by thighs on either side of her head, Piper had no choice but to keep tonguing, her face pressed hard into her roommate's slit. The act was enough to push her over the edge to her own burst of intense pleasure, and she rode the blissful heat to a powerful high as her working tongue felt Isabella clench hard.

  The blonde squeezed her legs and tummy hard once, twice, and a third time, her entire body flushing red as she moaned her way through a violent orgasm.

  Juices gushed against Piper's mouth and chin as they both came together, and the sweet taste sent her orgasm to a whole new level. She rode it as long as she could, feeling on the verge of passing out, until Isabella finally released her legs and pushed her back gently.

  "Oh… oh my god…" the blonde breathed, lolling her head back. "Holy crap…"

  "Good?" Piper asked, feeling proud of herself and utterly satisfied.

  "Incredible," Isabella breathed, gripping her head gently. "Incredible! That fucking tongue, so much better than fingers! And you. You finally licked pussy! How was it?"

  Red-faced from exertion, covered in sweat and juices, Piper felt completely open and trusting. She smiled as she admitted it. "I came…"

  "Really?" Isabella asked, eyes wide and happy. "Like, without touching? Like last weekend?"

  Piper nodded, her smile turning sheepish.

  "How was it?"

  She bit her lip. "It was great. It feels way different, and it's harder to make happen… but this time was the first time it was as good as when I… you know, use my hands."

  "Awesome!" Isabella replied, smiling broadly. "Then it's settled, you'll use your mouth from now on!"

  Her heart pounding, Piper felt a sinking feeling form in her stomach. She'd meant for it to be a one-time thing—a gift for her roommate for being so awesome that night, not some new level to their 'helping each other out.' But Isabella usually got her way, and she could already feel her own mental gears turning rapidly as parts of her began trying to justify and rationalize doing it again.

  She returned to her own bed and collapsed on top, once again wondering where exactly this little arrangement was going to take her…

  Chapter 7

  Piper stood in the dorm bathrooms, toothbrush in hand, her absent eyes idly tracing her own image in the mirror. Two girls used sinks on the other end of the row, but they had no way of knowing what she was thinking. What would they think of her if they knew she'd just licked another girl to orgasm for the second time? The night before had been a drunken, emotionally charged, and crazy event—but doing it again in the morning could not be explained away by excuses.

  She stood frozen, still tasting Isabella on her lips, her mouth still full of lingering sweetness, her nose still detecting hits of that intense feminine scent. She lowered her toothbrush slowly; she'd resolved not to masturbate to what she'd done despite overwhelming heat begging for attention, but that lingering flavor and scent cut through her resistance.

  Walking casually past the two girls at the other sinks, she wrapped her sundries inside her towel and proceeded into a shower alcove. Trembling, she slid the curtain shut and carefully placed her towel and other items on a tiled ledge before adding her pajamas to the pile.

  Turning the shower on, she let the warm water flow over her as she remained paralyzed on the edge of indecision. She knew herself; she knew her own lack of willpower, and that any move to touch herself or relieve her own arousal in the slightest way would break down her inhibitions completely. Her body sent continual little warm waves through her, promising intense pleasure, but she just scrunched up her face instead.

  Helping out Isabella—actually, it had really become more like servicing her—had gotten way out of hand. How had their awkward porn-watching sessions turned into this? Running over the chain of events as the water ran over her face, she tried to make sense of it all. She'd gotten caught watching porn by Isabella, and then they'd masturbated together to alleviate the awkwardness—or something. All of the blonde's rationalizations and flimsy reasons now seemed a series of vague shadows that she couldn't quite pin down. Had Isabella just been manipulating her? It felt impossible to be sure either way.

  All those reasons had seemed so sensible at the time, and now she was eagerly crossing her own room to fall to her knees and lick a girl! Isabella had simply woken up, yawned, stretched, and tugged her panties down with a grin. Reliving that moment, Piper could still feel the excited smile on her own face as she'd responded to Isabella's beckoning hand.

  Why the hell did all this turn her on so much? Standing there in the shower thinking about it, she felt her lower body tense instinctively. Tight little thrills ringed her waist, threatening to move her toward pleasure whether she touched herself or not. For some reason, her rising feeling of helplessness only seemed to make her arousal stronger. On the verge of tears, she screwed up her face and let her hand go to work.

  Almost of their own accord, her fingers sought her aching mound and immediately went about relieving her painfully powerful arousal. Covering her own mouth with her free hand to keep from making noise that might be heard in the other showers, she leaned her side against the tiled wall and slid two fingers roughly inside herself. Gripping her mound with her palm and finding her favorite spot with her fingers, she pleasured herself forcefully, seized by anger, stress, and lust.

  A building wave of intense bliss undulated throughout her body and mind as she repeatedly recalled every detail of tonguing and fingering Isabella's perfect, bare, and pink slit.

  Gripping her own face harder, she suppressed a squeal. Her body writhed under the streaming water as she came to a powerful clenching orgasm. Riding the high for as long as she could, she let herself get lost in remembered sensations of Isabella's gorgeous body—and, while purely animal and without thought, she let go of all of her stress and confusion and simply enjoyed the memories.

  Coming down, she sighed and slumped onto the tiled ledge next to her things. Her stress and confusion began slowly returning alongside her thoughts, but her gripping arousal had been satisfied for the moment. Catching her breath, she took that rare moment of clear thought to get a grip on herself and try to think of a plan. The only problem was, she had to figure out what she wanted first.

  Returning to her room in just a towel, heart pounding, she softly closed the door and placed her things on her nightstand.

  "How was it?" Isabella asked, her eyes on her laptop as she sat cross-legged on her bed and tinkered online.

  "Really good," Piper replied, sitting on the edge of her bed and trying to find the courage to bring up her concerns.

  Isabella looked up from her computer. "Good! So our openness is working for you?"

  Caught off guard by her roommate's concern, Piper nodded dumbly. "Yeah…" She wanted to ask if the blonde was ever going to return the favor, but such a question seemed almost mean after her friendly concern.

  "It's fun doing whatever we want, isn't it?" Isabella said. "It's going to be a good year."

  Part of Piper's mind whispered suspicions that Isabella was just carefully gauging her emotions after this newest step between them, but it was hard to suspect her of such sinister manipulation in the face of that cute smile and those genuine eyes.

  "I'm going to the library later to study," the
blonde asked, matching her gaze. "Want to meet me there?"

  Feeling subtly paralyzed, Piper could only nod.

  "Great. See you there at four."

  She watched as Isabella packed up her laptop and books and headed out, slamming the door unthinkingly behind her. The loud slam woke her up from her daze, and she immediately winced. Why was it so hard to stand up for herself and speak frankly in front of Isabella? Now that the blonde was gone, she felt free of some spell, as if Isabella's delicate features and lively eyes had enchanted her into awkward confusion.

  She knew what that feeling was, but she didn't want to admit to herself that she was growing increasingly attracted to her roommate. She sat in her towel for some time, arguing with herself mentally. Between calling it all off and having Isabella return the favor, she'd instinctively preferred the latter—and now this crush-like feeling had her behaving like putty in the blonde's hands—but Isabella was a girl! How could this be happening?

  Idly rubbing herself under her towel without realizing it, she reasoned that it must be the result of all the fooling around. Surely sexual interaction and chemicals and everything could get a person wrapped up in almost anyone, and it surely helped that Isabella was everything she wasn't—popular, gorgeous as hell, outgoing, and always in control.

  Yeah, that was it. It was just confusion, lust, jealousy, and a little bit of awe. Squeezing her thighs against her hand, she settled on that explanation. It made sense. It was a good line of reasoning.

  She stared down at her caught hand, gauging her reignited arousal.

  If that was all true, then it wouldn't be the same with anyone else. It would feel weird or strange or taboo like it should.

  Getting dressed in a daze, her heart threatening to pound out of her chest, she rationalized herself into a plan. All she had to do was service somebody else, and, when it didn't feel the same, she could rest assured that she wasn't—

  She cut her own thought off, scared of actually turning her fears into words.

  Walking around the massive unfamiliar gym her college had constantly reminded her about in emails and posters, she tried not to look out of place. Sneaking furtive glances at the girls running on treadmills and cycling on bikes, she wandered throughout the complex, fighting her own raw nerves.

  How did one go about picking up a girl, anyway? In her experience, guys had just come up and annoyed her constantly in the middle of things… she couldn't handle the thought of walking up to some girl and complimenting her in the middle of a workout. How would the girl even know she was hitting on her? It would just seem like she was overly friendly—and even if the exercising girl realized her intent, there was every chance she'd get shot down horribly the same way she'd shot down guys her whole life.

  The whole plan seemed to be a disaster in the making.

  Following educated guesses from half-remembered television shows and teen movies, she ended up at the back half of the girl's locker room, where a wide open space served as communal showers. The white-tiled area hung heavy with humidity, but nobody was using it when she first walked in. Taking up position at the farthest shower, she tried to still her racing heart and resolved to wait.

  A few girls came and went as she pretended to shower, but none did anything except quickly shower and leave. One heavily tattooed and raven-haired girl did glance her way a few times, but nothing came of it. She considered meeting her watcher's gaze and saying something, perhaps a dumb joke, but the intimidating girl finished up and left before she built up the courage.

  Finally giving up, she toweled off, headed for her locker, and began dressing.

  "You newbies are so funny."

  She turned in surprise, finding the tattooed girl to her left and slipping on a black tank-top next to an open locker. Her surprised glance gave her just enough time to see a red bra disappear under black fabric.

  "And you're so obvious about it, too!" the girl laughed.

  Embarrassed, Piper looked up at her face.

  She had a rather hard look about her for a girl, but she was still most definitely feminine. A little dot marked where an eyebrow ring used to be, right above humored brown eyes.

  The girl's smile curled into a smirk. "You really think you're going to strike up a conversation in a shower?"

  "I… I really don't know what I'm doing," Piper found herself admitting, her head rushing with heated embarrassment.

  "That's for sure," the girl replied. "You don't meet girls here. You gotta go someplace where they know what's up. Like that bar on Third."

  Piper managed a nod. "Um, thanks…"

  "Sure thing." The girl finished dressing and wandered off with one last kind-hearted laugh.

  Yeah, that wasn't going to happen, she told herself. The thought of walking into a bar with such obvious intent, her inner taboo urges practically on display for the world—no, that was out of the question.

  There was only option left. She'd tentatively toyed with the idea while in the shower, but she'd hoped not to have to resort to the possible degradation and humiliation it might bring. Shaking her head and sighing at her own knowing stupidity, she wrote out a text to Julie.

  The redhead practically leapt up from her corner table at the coffee shop. "Sorry about last night," she insisted. "I was way trashed, and I don't even know what I was thinking."

  Piper slowly sat opposite the other girl, surprised by her apology. "Thanks… yeah, that was horrible."

  "I'm so sorry," Julie said again. "I'm glad you texted me, I didn't want to just leave that hanging in the air between us. Can we still be friends?"

  "Um, I'm not sure," she replied, carefully measuring her words. "What made you do that, anyway?"

  "Well, when Isabella told me what you two were doing, I guess I just didn't know that was… a thing that was alright to do," Julie explained, frowning. "I didn't mean to insult you. I was just drunk, horny, and kind of caught off guard by the whole idea…"

  "Were you jealous at all?" Piper asked, not sure how she felt about the redhead's explanation and apology. Some of it seemed similar to her own insecurities and feelings, so maybe there was something to learn.


  "Of Isabella."

  Julie looked around at the other coffee shop customers for a moment. "…a little." She then froze, and backtracked. "I mean, not like, jealous of that in particular, just like… she has everything, and seems to take it for granted. And my roommate is a total bitch, while Isabella gets…." She waved her hand in the air in confusion. "This!"

  Piper frowned. "I guess that makes sense."

  "So are we alright?" Julie asked, biting her lip sheepishly.

  "Yeah, I guess… just don't do that again…"

  Nodding, Julie leaned forward conspiratorially. "But… it's all true, though?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "You really do that for Izzie?"

  Suddenly defensive, Piper narrowed her eyes. "What did she tell you, exactly?"

  "Holy crap, so it is true," Julie said, noticing the deflection. "And you're… straight…?"

  "Yes!" she whispered back angrily, shaken by the question.

  "How did she get you to do it?" Julie continued asking in hushed tones, making sure nobody else would hear them. "The girl's a great manipulator, but this…"

  Burning bright red, Piper trembled with anger and embarrassment. "Stop."

  Julie froze. "I'm doing it again, aren't I?"


  "I'm sorry," she said, pulling back. "I'm just interested. I've never… seen anything like this. How am I supposed to treat you two?"

  "We're just roommates that are very open with each other," Piper hissed, repeating Isabella's explanation. "It's fine. It's college, we can do whatever we want."

  Julie opened her mouth, closed it again, frowned, then spoke. "So you fool around if you feel like it, but you're straight… so you're not like… together?"

  "No!" Piper whispered back fervently, feeling other customers glancing their way.
  "So you could… fool around with someone else if you wanted?"

  Shaking her head, Piper struggled for words. "That's… that would be… there's a respect I think… an understanding…"

  "But she's going on dates," Julie said, her tone pointed.

  Recalling her black spiral into depression while waiting back at the room during that date, Piper froze up. Feeling suddenly very vulnerable and cast aside, she recalled her very reason for texting Julie in the first place.

  The redhead watched her intently, still trying to convince her. "So you could fool around with someone else if you wanted…"

  Feeling momentarily very black, bitter, and sexual, Piper decided to jump right to it. "Julie, do you mean you?"

  The redhead hesitated. "Well…"

  "Go to the bathroom."


  "The women's bathroom over there. Go to it."

  Julie's eyes widened. "You're serious…? I didn't really think—"

  "Go!" Piper hissed.


  She watched while Julie picked up her purse, looked around nervously, and walked to the coffee shop bathroom. A moment later, she stood and followed the redhead, slipping into the small room beyond and locking the door. The space was meant for one person, but it was rather large, thankfully clean, and decorated darkly with brown and green coffee shop colors.

  Julie stood back near the opposite wall, clearly nervous.

  "Scarier when you're not drunk, isn't it?" Piper asked, feeling the urge to be sharp and mean.

  "Yeah…" the redhead responded, laughing shakily. "So… how exactly does this work?"

  "Well," Piper said slowly, moving toward her prey. "You want what Isabella has? That's what you're going to get."

  Julie raised both hands, her purse clutched awkwardly in one. "I'm not so sure this is a good idea."

  Tired of being manipulated and used, Piper pushed the redhead back against the wall. She moved up against the other girl, breathing in her face angrily for a moment, surprised by her own vehemence—and then she slid down, moved to her knees, and slid her hands up Julie's skirt.


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