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Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

Page 8

by Lexie X

  "Seriously, if this is a joke, you two got me," Julie said, her tone trembling.

  Looking up with sharp eyes, Piper locked gazes with the girl, making it very clear she was not joking. Curling her thumbs in soft fabric, she pulled Julie's panties down in one swift motion.

  "Oh my god…" Julie whispered, clutching her purse and the wall.

  Piper grabbed one of the redhead's hands and made her hold her own skirt up. Kept compliant by confusion and fear, Julie did as she was shown, gripping the fabric and keeping it up.

  Leaning in, Piper found herself approaching her second bare female sex. Julie's mound was slightly different in shape, and she had a large triangle of red hair above her long hanging lips. The sight ignited a spark between her own legs, and she realized that she was literally salivating with anticipation. That certainly called into question her rationalizations and excuses, but deeper urges were taking over and making it hard to think.

  Realizing with a little shock that she had somehow taken control of the situation, she also realized that Isabella's subtle implicit policy was not in effect here. There was nothing stopping her from touching herself during the act. Reaching down eagerly, she shoved a hand under her own shorts and answered the intense heat within.

  Julie moved slightly—and Piper put her other hand up, stilling the girl. After a dark look of warning, she took a moment to enjoy touching herself; she leaned in, keeping one hand pressed against the redhead's tummy, and brought her face within an inch of her prey's mound.

  This close, she could feel the beginnings of radiated heat, and she could smell a hint of musky complexity and sweat that was vastly different than Isabella's sweet scent and somehow intensely personal.

  "Oh my god, oh my god…" Julie whispered repeatedly above her, sounding scared.

  Grinning, and enjoying her unexpected control, Piper let a warm breath roll across the redhead's sex. Feeling her shudder, she did it again, teasing with several long exhalations. Finally, she placed her mouth just above Julie's mound, and let out a long, slow breath that prompted an almost imperceptible movement forward—an implicit surrender. Moving in the last quarter-inch, she let her whole mouth come to rest on soft wetness.

  Julie's thighs tensed and her tummy expanded slightly as she held a deep breath in anticipation and fear.

  Slowly, mouth pressed in a wide circle around soft flesh, Piper probed forward with her tongue, tracing the tip along Julie's long, hanging lips. Teasing first down along the velvety edge of her sex and then back up to her protruding clit, Piper marveled at how different Julie's most intimate parts were from Isabella's. Her larger lips added far more complexity to her efforts to lick, but her larger clit was much easier to focus on.

  Above her, Julie let out an explosive breath and took in a sharp gasp as the direct stimulation to her clit broke through her fear.

  Pulling back an inch to smile upward at the redhead's surprised wide eyes, Piper pushed out her tongue as far as it could go and then thrust forward, penetrating deep between slick folds.

  Julie convulsed but kept staring at her, visibly unable to believe what was happening.

  Moving her hand from Julie's tummy to grip her soft butt cheek, Piper pulled her forward to thrust with her tongue as hard as she could manage, eliciting quiet gasps from above. Every little reaction and feminine sensation fueled Piper's arousal, and she began rubbing herself harder, building toward a fast and hot orgasm. Feeling that she didn't have long, she moved up to suck on Julie's clit, finding it just large enough to flick with her tongue inside her mouth.

  Julie reacted violently, dropping her skirt so that she could use her hands to cover her own mouth before she gave off any noises that might get them caught.

  Enveloped under the skirt, but too engaged to care, Piper breathed hard through her nose to keep up the efforts of her masturbation and sucking. Julie's musky scent and humidity filled her senses.

  The two girls began moving together in quickening rhythm. Piper rode between Julie's bucking and squirming thighs with her mouth, her own orgasm desperately anticipating the redhead's release.

  When Julie stopped moving, tensed up, and made a strained little noise of pleasure, Piper knew she'd reached her peak—and her own body responded, letting her orgasm explode through her, her pleasure spiking with each of Julie's little spasms and sighs.

  Julie came for a good, long minute—and then pulled away, her expression dazed as she returned to reality. Keeping her gaze on her hands and clothes, she quickly pulled up her panties and fixed her skirt.

  Still on her knees on the cold bathroom floor and oddly satisfied, Piper just watched her timid tormentor get dressed. She didn't need to ask if it had been good, because she knew it had been. She could also tell Julie was conflicted; torn between how good it had felt and how confused the whole experience had made her.

  "Um, thanks," Julie finally said, before practically bolting from the bathroom.

  Biting her lip and feeling the urge to laugh for some reason, Piper stood and checked her cellphone. Her humor vanished as she realized that it was almost four. She quickly fixed her clothes and rushed off, hoping to get to the library quick enough to meet Isabella.

  There was no time to get the smell of Julie's sex off her breath.


  Chapter 8

  Without any chance to process what had just happened or why she'd done it, Piper reached the library just a minute or two past four. Red-faced, she walked quickly through the stacks and looked for Isabella.

  "You're late," the blonde called out to her as she passed.

  Pulling back abruptly, Piper turned down the row and headed for Isabella's table.

  "You run here?" her roommate asked with a smirk, noticing her flush.

  "Lost track of time," she replied, plunking down in a chair to catch her breath.

  Isabella nodded, watching her carefully. "I know how that is."

  As she sat there under the blonde's scrutiny, Piper felt herself flushing again, but this time with embarrassment rather than exertion. The rush of grabbing and taking Julie—the high of feeling in control—was quickly leaving her, now replaced by nervousness and attraction. Struggling to keep hold of her confidence, Piper faced her roommate squarely. "So, what are we studying?"

  Isabella looked around their hidden corner for a moment. "You're studying me," she whispered, her eyes alight. "Get under the table."

  Piper curled her toes inside her shoes at the exciting and terrifying thought of doing their private thing outside the safety and privacy of their dorm room. "What?"

  "I'm too horny to focus," the blonde replied. "Get under the table and get me off."

  She glanced around nervously. "Here? You can't be serious."

  "I've been here for hours, and nobody has come by once. Besides, you'll be under the table, and the angles are all wrong. They won't notice you even if they do walk by."

  Piper could tell Isabella was confident she'd be able to convince her to do it. That alluring self-assurance tugged at her willpower even as she protested. "I just don't think it's a good idea."

  Isabella flattened her hands on her open textbook, gazed right at her, and leaned forward to whisper. "I'm not wearing any underwear."

  Feeling a spark between her legs, Piper resisted squirming. Unable to speak for fear her voice would crack, she just shook her head.

  Isabella's smirk widened at that token resistance. Leaning even farther over the table, she brought her cleavage up and her face close. "We both know what you're here for, Piper. It's not studying, because you didn't even bring your books…"

  Trembling, Piper froze. The blonde was right—but she still shook her head.

  Isabella's eyebrows furrowed as she seemed to smell something unfamiliar.

  Realizing that her roommate might be close enough to detect Julie's juices on her breath and on her face, Piper pulled away, barely hiding her panic. "Fine!"

  "Thought so," Isabella said with a small laugh, sliding back into her

  Looking around with fear and consternation, Piper scooted her chair and slid awkwardly under the heavy wooden table. Feeling ridiculous, but oddly secluded by the antique table's hanging carvings and offered darkness, she crawled over to her roommate's skirt.

  The last of her sense of control and power faded as she rolled up Isabella's skirt and set eyes on her perfect slit again. She'd given in to avoid being caught for what she'd done with Julie, but now that she was here, she felt her urges taking over. It was so much fun, and she did have such strong orgasms after. What was the harm in helping out her roommate?

  Shaking her head as if to cast off the rationalizations buzzing around her mind, she looked away from the alluring sight between her roommate's open thighs.

  Soft but firm hands slipped under the table's edge, gripped her head, and pulled her forward.

  Feeling her insides react and perceptible wetness creeping along her panties, Piper knew she was lost. One of her many rationalizations got through, and, a moment later, she let herself be guided in. Making contact with those soft, smooth lips, she found that Isabella was already aroused—she hadn't been exaggerating about being too horny to focus. Had she been masturbating back here in anticipation? That thought urged her on, and, without realizing it, she ended up fully eager again.

  Her thrusting and lapping tongue parted heated folds that were already slick with juices, and she reveled in returning to the sweet flavor of her regular girl, as compared to her new experience with Julie. Although her tongue kept working, her thoughts froze for a moment as she came back to that phrase: her regular girl? The idea seized her focus with all sorts of implied connotations and questions.

  She hadn't been thinking about the future, but their helping each other out showed no signs of stopping. Was she going to be licking Isabella's pussy all year long? That vulgar and alluring thought filled her with energy. She lapped harder, gripping her roommate's bare thighs to brace herself. Was she going to return home on Thanksgiving and hang out with her family as normal, the whole time thinking about rushing back to bury herself between her roommate's thighs? What if a guy asked one of them out? Would they still—

  Confused, turned on, and—for some reason—desperate, Piper pulled Isabella forward a few inches, using her whole mouth and a quickly added finger. She wanted, more than anything, to give her roommate an incredible orgasm. She had no thoughts beyond an animal need. She wanted Isabella to want this; to keep wanting it.

  Above her, Isabella gripped the edge of the table, straining to keep her heavy breathing quiet. Clearly surprised by her servicer's fervor, the blonde fought to keep from squirming in her seat.

  Lapping hungrily at her roommate's clit as she curled her finger against her G spot, Piper kept with her twitching movements, reading her subtle responses to build her impending orgasm to powerful heights. Caught up in the moment, she impulsively decided to cross a barrier she hadn't even realized existed between them.

  "Come on," she whispered. "Come for me…"

  On either side of her head and gripping the edge of the table, Isabella's knuckles whitened as her fingers clenched harder. "Wha…" she breathed, unable to speak coherently between quiet gasps. "What…?"

  Summoning up the specter of her confidence with Julie, Piper managed to overcome her own surprise at actually speaking her desire aloud; that, and she knew Isabella had heard her the first time. "Come on my face," she whispered again, driving home the point.

  Isabella's legs trembled and her thighs squeezed in, but Piper rode her bucking body with relentless intent, tonguing her clit and fingering her faster and harder in response to each rising and gasping moan.

  Her body halfway under the desk, Isabella jumped one hand from the edge of the table to her mouth, roughly turning a loud scream into a muffled squeal.

  Feeling inner walls clenching tightly around her finger, Piper increased her efforts even more, pushing her roommate deeper into her intense orgasm. Isabella jumped, nearly falling from her chair—and a gush of juices splashed against her face and ran down her chin.

  A moment later, Isabella pushed away, sat up, and looked around to make sure nobody had seen them.

  Climbing out from under the table, Piper looked down, trying to wipe wetness from her mouth and neck. "It's all over my shirt…"

  Isabella looked around almost at random, her face flushed and her expression changing rapidly between different emotions.

  Piper watched her, not sure she'd ever seen the blonde truly flustered before. "Did you just…" She searched for the word for a moment. "Squirt? I didn't even know that really—"

  "I gotta go," Isabella cut her off, packing up her books. She stood, her limbs visibly trembling. "See you later…"

  Piper watched her go, unable to get up and leave with her shirt so clearly wetted. Waiting for Isabella's juices to dry, she sat in her secluded corner and tried to figure out what the hell had just happened between them.

  Isabella didn't return to the room for hours. Sitting on her bed in dismay, Piper texted her roommate one small message, but managed to keep from sending any more than that to avoid seeming desperate or clingy.

  The day's events raced through her head endlessly, but she came no closer to figuring out what any of it meant. Her complete change in personality while practically attacking Julie had her almost scared of herself even though the lingering sense of control and power kept her longing to find that spirit again. And then her complicated feelings around Isabella and what they were doing together only left her more confused. The blonde had definitely had an amazing orgasm, even squirted on her face—so why had she gotten so flustered and run off like that? Had it been the dirty talk; the verbalizing of her perverse desires? Had she crossed a line or done something wrong by speaking like that?

  And still, she sat in bed, painfully aroused and full of need, but too shaky and emotional to answer her own urges. Behind all her racing thoughts, the taste, feel, and slickness of the most intimate areas of both girls danced in her senses, fueling her inner heat.

  With shaky fingers, she found herself texting Julie again, not sure what her own intentions were—and wondering at how easily she could spend the whole day servicing girls. A third time in the same day? The more she gave in—the more she sank into girl sex—the more even just thinking about it turned her on. That was a thought which, itself, both scared her and aroused her even more.

  Surprised by the door opening without warning, she sat up quickly in bed.

  Isabella entered, her manner reserved and her focus on her backpack and laptop and textbooks. Sitting quickly in her bed, she spared not even a passing glance and said nothing.

  "Um, hi…" Piper offered, trying to broach the awkwardness.

  "I've got a date tonight," the blonde responded, her tone slightly curt as she pulled a box from her nightstand and began looking for earrings.

  Piper looked down at the floor. "A date? On a Sunday night?"

  "Yeah, and we're definitely going to be coming back here. I'm pretty horny."

  A little taken aback, Piper kept her head low, but looked up at her roommate out of the corners of her eyes. "Couldn't I… help with that?" she asked slowly, already knowing this conversation wasn't going to go well.

  Isabella didn't look at her, instead focusing on trying on earrings in the mirror. "It's nice of you to offer, but we—" She paused. "—that whole thing is just backup. I've got a few dates lined up, and probably won't need it for quite awhile. One of these dates could even turn into a boyfriend, and then who knows…"

  Subtly trembling, Piper nodded absently, trying to decide just how much she wanted to push the issue. She knew that further questions would just make her seem needy and pathetic, Isabella would respond with even harsher refusals, and she'd just end up more hurt, angry, and confused. "Great, well, have fun."

  "I plan to."

  Making up some excuse, Piper abandoned the room, choosing to wander the halls of her dorm building rather than sit on her bed fee
ling terrible a moment longer. She checked her phone constantly, but found no response from Julie.

  Feeling claustrophobic, she left the building and hit the cool night air with relief. Not sure where she was going, but not about to return to her room, she found herself wandering toward Third. Without really meaning to, she found the bar that the tattooed girl in the locker room gym had mentioned that morning.

  Gulping, she studied the exterior.

  It didn't look any different from a normal bar. A few guys and girls were smoking cigarettes out front, but they looked like any other college students. Was this really a lesbian bar? She stood just down the street watching for several minutes, pretending to text on her phone, and wondering what the hell she was even doing there.

  "Hey," said a voice behind her.

  She turned to find the tattooed girl from the gym walking up to her. She had her hoodie up against the fall chill, and her shoulder-length black hair peeked out from the edges. She paused at a reasonable distance, looked at the bar, and then back at her. "You going in?"

  Piper raised her shoulders and grimaced sheepishly. "I… I just kind of wandered down here. I wasn't really going anywhere in particular."

  The girl laughed, though not derisively. "Alright." She took another few steps, but then paused and turned her head. "You want to go in and have a drink…?"

  Piper debated for a moment, but then decided to be honest. "I don't think I'm ready for that."

  "Fair enough." The girl casually reached out and lifted her hand by the wrist, taking her phone. "But you're too cute to pass up. I'm gonna put my number in here, and you should text me when you feel like it."

  Heart pounding, Piper could only nod dumbly. "You think I'm cute?"

  The girl responded with a humored smirk as she pressed numbers, choosing to ignore the silly question. "I'm Jessie."

  "Um, Piper."

  "Nice to meet you, Piper." Jessie pressed the phone back into her hand. "I know how it is. If you text me, it's not a commitment. We'll just get a coffee—or a drink. Whatever works for you."


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