Book Read Free

Naked Hustle

Page 16

by Trey Parker

  “Wait. Poison? I think I know him?” The name made her cringe. Latoya was confused.

  “How do you know Poison?” Pat turned to her like he was surprised.

  “Well, I just know him from work. Through a mutual friend. So, he’s part of the organization too? Isn’t he dangerous?” Latoya was concerned but was afraid to ask too many questions.

  “He just joined us recently. And dangerous? Ummm. When we need him to be. Just know that Poison is responsible for security for us. You are very safe around him. Trust me.”

  Poison came from downstairs. “Nice to meet you, again, Latoya.”

  “Likewise,” said Latoya.

  Pat’s phone started ringing. “Hold on. Taq is calling me. Yes boss. Yes, she’s here. Ok. Ok. Will do.” He hangs up.

  “Taq is here. Come outside with me.” Pat walked outside.

  Poison grabbed Latoya’s wrist and stopped her in her tracks as she started to follow Pat. With a low voice he spoke,

  “Remember. That night never happened. Ok?” insisted Poison.

  Latoya nodded in agreement and looked down at her wrist waiting for him to let go.

  He smirked then released her wrist.

  She continued outside, and to her surprise she sees Taq standing beside a pink Lamborghini.

  “Toy, I got you a toy,” he said.

  “You can’t be serious! What the fuck! This isn’t mine?!”

  “Come play with it. Because it’s yours.” He winked as he stepped aside and pointed for her to get in.

  She ran down to him and gave him the biggest hug and kiss. Then he slipped her the keys. The interior was pink and black. It had BV on the head rest. She put the key in the ignition and cranked it up.

  “I’m about to take it for a little spin! Baby you gone come with me?!”

  “Nah you go ahead. You need to enjoy it by yourself.”

  She swerved off into the road. The engine felt so strong. It was powerful. It was fast. She felt like she was in a Fast and Furious movie, all she needed was Tyrese and Vin Diesel. Now, she could see why people loved luxury cars. There’s no way that she could go back to a regular car after this. She got to the road in front of the property and there was no traffic so she decided to put her foot on the gas. She got up to 100 mph then she slowed down. Scared to do too much, she was on the road for ten minutes then she went back to the property.

  “Did you like it?” asked Taq.

  “I love it, baby! Thank you so much!” she said giving him another hug as she walked in the house.

  “Good. I have one more thing for you. Follow me.”

  She followed him to his room, which was enormous. His bed was the size of two king beds. He had a 72-inch TV on his wall. He went to the dresser next to his bed. He pulled out a black cloth. Opened it. It was a huge gold necklace laced with diamonds and it read Mrs. BWS. It was so shiny; the diamonds were dancing like Chris Brown in a music video.

  “So, the car is a gift, but this is a symbol of my love for you. Now, I love this organization that I built. More than anything. For me to name you the first lady of BWS is a big fucking deal. I dreamed of having a woman represent my shit, but this by far exceeds my dream,” said Taq looking at the chain.

  “You are just… I don’t even know what to say. How much did this cost?” asked Latoya.

  “More than you can imagine. Put it on!” Taq held it to Latoya.

  Latoya put it on and looked in the mirror.

  “That shit look good on you too. But remember, this isn’t some shit you can wear out on the regular. Better yet. NEVER wear it out unless you are with me or Poison. People will be hating and shit and they’ll try to rob you just because.”

  “Ok. So, when will I be able to wear it?” She said looking in the mirror.

  “Well first, you have to wear it when you’re not wearing anything else,” he said as he approached her and started to unzip her jeans. After moving all day, Latoya was tired and not really in the mood for sex, but she figured that since Taq had just bought her $200,000 car and moved her into his luxurious mansion that she would have to probably bite the bullet.

  Their lips met again viciously like they had missed each other. He ripped off her shirt and bra and they started towards the bed. She assisted him in pulling off her jeans and then her panties. She took off his shirt and unbuckled his pants. She got him naked, got on her knees and went straight to giving him head. He deserved it. She grabbed his dick and licked it like an ice cream cone. Then she made sure her mouth was as wet as can be. Her mouth was so wet her hands started slipping off of his dick. She played with the head using her tongue. He started moaning and that turned her on.

  After head, he told her to turn around and to get on all fours on the bed. He comes up from behind her and lifts her waist up until she’s doing a handstand. Ass in the air, as she held her balance upside down, and he holds her waist, he starts licking her clit. She was in a twilight zone. She never got her vagina ate upside down before. It took her two minutes to have an orgasm. He then lays her down on her back. And starts fucking the shit out of her like he was mad at her. After ten minutes of him on top, he had an orgasm and he came all over her stomach.

  “Don’t nut on the chain!” she said trying to move the chain from her stomach.

  “Damn! Too late!” he said as he tried to aim somewhere else at the last minute.

  “Ahh shit. Well that was smart of us,” Latoya said shaking her head.

  He laughed. “It’s cool. I got some jewelry cleaner that can get it all off. We’re going to need it for tonight. So, wash up. Get dressed. Tonight, we’re going out to celebrate.”

  Latoya went to her room to start getting dressed. Her bags weren’t even unpacked. She sorted through her luggage to pick out what she was wearing for that night. She decided to put on her black dress with Christian Louboutin heels along with the BWS chain. She looked at herself in the mirror on the bedroom wall. She never looked as good or felt as good as she did tonight. After an hour and thirty minutes of getting dressed and doing her makeup. She walked out of the room. Taq, Pat, and Poison were sitting in the living room dressed up and ready to go.

  “You look stunning baby!” said Taq.

  “Thank you!”

  “And have you met Poison yet?”

  “Yes, I’ve met him,” said Latoya.

  “Good. Well, he’s security for us now. He’s here to protect you, ok?”


  “Ay Pat take a picture of me and the first lady. We have to let everybody know who the queen of this shit is.”

  They posed together and took the pic.

  “This shit bout to break Instagram, watch,” said Taq.

  And it did. Before Taq posted that picture and tagged her in it, she had 25K followers on Instagram. Shortly after, she had 32K followers. Apparently, this was a big deal.





  31. Idols become Rivals

  Taq, Pat, Poison, and Latoya were in the car on the way to a party in the city to celebrate. They were in a Mercedes truck. Taq and Latoya were in the back seat, while Pat and Poison were in the front. Moments after Latoya made her debut on Taq’s Instagram page, Latoya got a call from Farren. Latoya ignored the call on purpose. Farren calls again. Latoya ignores it again but this time she texts Farren, “Hey What’s up?” just to see what she wanted.

  “Girl, what are you doing?!” said Farren.

  “What do you mean what am I doing?” she replied.

  “This shit with Taq?! All up on Instagram and shit flexing. I told you this nigga was no good. You just never listen huh!?”

  “Farren. I don’t see why it’s such a big deal. Do you and Taq have history or something. Let me know now.”

  “No, we don’t. I’m just trying to protect you. He’s a dangerous guy, you could get your heart broken, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I’m a big girl Farren. I don’t need you trying to te
ll me what to do and what not to do with my love life. Let me develop my own opinion about Taq and not just listen to yours,” Latoya then turned off her phone so that she could enjoy the night.

  They arrived at the venue and parked right in front in VIP. One thing about Taq, he made sure that he didn’t look like a drug dealer. He had on a grey blazer button down with some hard-bottomed shoes.

  They all showed up to the club together around 1:30 a.m. They walked right up to the VIP line. When the security guards saw Taq, they moved everybody out of the way as he walked up. Everyone sized Latoya up. Guys and girls.

  When they walked in, it was like walking in with a celebrity. The DJ started calling them out.

  “Looks like some real money just walked in. BWS is in the building. What’s up Taq! Shout out to the first lady of BWS, Black Vanity, I see you.”

  Once they got in the VIP section. People in other sections started slowly coming and speaking to Taq. Out of respect. He introduced Latoya to every single one of them as Mrs. BWS.”

  “You’re too popular for me,” Latoya said.

  “Oh really? Is this too much for you?!”

  “No. It’s fine.”

  “Tell me what’s on your mind? Be honest,” asked Taq.

  “Just thinking.”

  “Thinking about what?”

  “Thinking about just how successful you are at such a young age. You’re 32 and you’re wealthy. You should be on the Atlanta Under 40 list. Or maybe even the Forbes Under 40 list.”

  “Come on, baby. Who wants to put a drug dealer on a prominent list like that? You’d have the Feds all over me then.”

  “Don’t look at it like that. You said that you wanted a way out, right? Then maybe you should try to rebrand yourself, change up your image and promote entrepreneurship in the community. Educate the youth. Talk about the businesses that you have, and maybe you can invest in other people’s businesses. The possibilities are endless.”

  Taq nodded. “I’ll think about that. See that’s why I need someone like you. To bring me fresh ideas and a new perspective.”

  Taq’s Estate

  After partying hard. The club closed and they were walking in the door around 4:30 a.m.

  “So, which room am I sleeping in?” said Latoya walking down the hallway.

  “Is that even a question?” asked Taq.

  “Yes. That’s a legitimate question. I have my own room so I’m not sure if I get to sleep with you.”

  “Yes. You have your own room in case you get tired of me for a night that’s all.”

  “Ok. Just making sure,” said Latoya.

  They opened Taq’s bedroom door. They both froze and stopped dead in their footsteps. What they saw startled them and almost gave them a heart attack.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?!” said Taq.

  Pat and Poison ran to the room to see what all the commotion was about. Poison pulled his gun out from his waist.

  They found Farren lying comfortably on his bed with nothing but red lingerie on.

  “Taq you gone tell her the truth?!” asked Farren.

  “Red. What are you talking about how did you get in here?!”

  “You’re in love with me! You know you are! And you just up and find someone to replace me?! And out of all people, Black Vanity? A chick that I molded and taught the game!”

  “Replace you?! Farren you just did work for me. We never did anything together?! We never fucked. None of that.”

  “But you took me out on dates! Did you tell her that?!” said Farren.

  “Twice and that’s it! And they were for business purposes only! Pat and Poison, please get her out of here!”

  “No don’t you do this shit to me Taq! You know I was supposed to be Mrs. BWS! You told me you were looking for a queen. You said it!”

  Both Pat and Poison came and grabbed Farren.

  “Poison don’t touch me! We go way back! I’m the one who introduced you to Taq! If it wasn’t for me, you would’ve still been killing for pennies. Get your hands off me!” she said struggling as they carried her out.

  “What the fuck was that all about?!” Latoya asked.

  “It’s exactly what it sounded like. She thought she was going to have your spot but she didn’t.”

  “Ok, how does she work for you?” asked Latoya.

  “Her and Poison did a job for me recently, that’s it.”

  “Oh my God. It all makes sense now! So, you killed Booker?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Why lie to me?! I was there. You orchestrated that whole thing?! You almost had me killed!”

  Taq turned to her and looked her square in the eye. “I swear to God on my parents’ graves I didn’t know who you were at the time. I’m sorry. Farren just insisted that someone join her and she picked you. If it was up to me, she would’ve done it all alone.”

  “But why?! Why did you have to kill him?!

  Taq grabbed Latoya by the shoulders held her firmly. “Latoya, listen to me! And I need you to internalize what I’m about to stay. If you’re going to be with me and we’re going to make this relationship work, you’re going to have to understand that we NEVER speak like that around here, ok. Don’t ever question my business dealings. Ever! That was a business transaction that went south! That’s all! I don’t know anything more than that. And you better not speak of that ever again around me or anyone else; do you understand?” said Taq with his towering voice and his eyes piercing directly through Latoya forehead.


  Business is Booming

  After that crazy first night of Latoya moving in with Taq, everything eventually simmered down. Life was smooth sailing for Latoya. She didn’t have to dance anymore. BWS was paying her 10K a month from the business account. Taq paid her that specifically so that she didn’t have to dance. He respected the naked hustle, but not for Mrs. BWS. He wanted her to make money in other ways. And she did. Her new found notoriety started paying off. Her club appearance bookings started shooting up now that she had a song named after her and she was the first lady of a mysterious mafia group. People were DMing her left and right to show up and party with them. A thousand here, a thousand there. How can you beat that? Being the first lady of BWS had its benefits. Her brand was growing. Her social media followers were growing. Her bank account was growing. People loved the pink Lamborghini too. It was her trademark.

  Club appearances were the easiest money maker for her. She just shows up. Partys. Gets paid then leaves. This night she was at Opium Nightclub. It was a big night with lots of celebrities. She brought the pink Lambo out tonight, of course. Parked it right in the front of the club. It was a super long line. As her and friends walk up to the VIP, in her peripheral, she saw a familiar face. Wanda. She was standing in line by herself. They made eye contact and she walked right past her.

  “Wait y’all, before I go in. I see an old friend of mine.”

  “Old friend?” they asked.

  “Yea, old friend. I feel bad just walking by her. Should I bring her with us?”

  “Shit. You’re one of the hosts. The club is paying you to get in not me,” said one of the girls.

  “Yea you’re right. I’m going to get her.”

  She walked back to the back of the line. And waved towards Wanda.

  “Wanda. Come with me.”

  “You sure? I don’t mind paying,” said Wanda surprised.

  “Just come. It will take you forever to get in. Just come, I got you.”

  She got out of line and followed Latoya.

  The club was crazy. Latoya could feel that Wanda felt awkward around her and her new friends. But she didn’t care. The bottles and sparkles started coming in. Latoya made sure that Wanda drank up and enjoyed herself. Once the liquor started flowing, Wanda started to speak her truth.

  “Toy, I just wanted to let you know that I’m sorry for not talking to you after what happened. And I forgive you,” said Wanda with a slur.

  “No need for
apologies, girl. You did nothing wrong.”

  “Yes, I did. I never gave you the opportunity to explain what happened. I just turned my back on you and sided with Tina,” said Wanda.

  “It’s ok. I apologize for it as well. I moved on from it. I’m stronger from it.”

  “And I’m sorry for not being a skinny bad bitch like your new friends that are here with you. Y’all are some dime pieces and my fat ass is bringing y’all average down. They probably hate that I’m here. They’ve been looking at me sideways ever since I joined y’all. If they say something slick I might have to punch one of them in the throat.”

  “Girl, you are good. These girls ain’t my real friends. They are just here for eye candy. And if they say something slick to you, don’t worry, I’ll punch them in the throat for you.”

  “That’s good to know. That’s why I love you! So, I have a question for you, since they aren’t your real friends. Can you and I be friends again? Because Tina and I fell out and I’m friendless at this point. I mean who goes to the club by themselves, a lonely bitch like me.”

  Latoya looked at Wanda. “Anybody that I consider punching someone in the throat for has to be my friend.”

  Wanda smiled and they both hugged.

  Waffle House 4:00 a.m.

  Wanda and Latoya met up at the Waffle House after the club. The other girls went their separate ways.

  “Girl! Tonight was epic! It felt like the old days! I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!” said Wanda.

  “Me neither. I’m so happy to see you.”

  “No, I’m happy to see you! I thought that you would never talk to me again! I thought you were too big for little ole me now!”

  “Never that. Question, in the club you mentioned that you were friendless? What happened between you and Tina?” asked Latoya.

  “Actually, Tina and I don’t speak anymore,” said Wanda.


  “Well, after she moved out of Marvin’s place, Tina and I moved into an apartment together. We just agreed to split rent until she got her own place or found a new man. But it didn’t work out at all. At first, everything was ok, but then she started getting upset with me about every little thing. She would talk about how the apartment was dirty and how she wasn’t used to dishes staying in the sink. I put up with it as long as I could, until I overheard her on the phone, saying how she felt like she was living in a pig’s pen and called me a slob of a roommate. After that, we had an argument and I just packed up my shit and left. Her and I haven’t talked since.”


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