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Page 9

by Nicole Dykes

  That odd sense of pride swells in my chest again. I’m the only guy she’s let inside her. Fuck. “You tell her where you were?”

  “I told her I was working.” I quirk an eyebrow, and she laughs. “Not a total lie.”

  “I don’t remember talking much about business.”

  She flushes, and I take a drink of my coffee. “Are we working today?”

  We should. I have a lot to do before this hotel opens, but I don’t want to think about work. My eyes skim over her pretty face as she takes another careful drink of coffee. “Probably.”

  “At least we know the bed is comfortable.”

  “Product testing is important.”

  I love the flicker of playfulness in her eyes. Though this side of her is dangerous. She’s letting me see a part of her not many see.

  And the guilt stabs me as sharp as a knife.

  “Do you always test out the beds before you open hotels?”

  I study her intently. Is she asking me if I always fuck someone in the beds? Stay the night with someone? She doesn’t seem jealous. “Not with someone else, but I do test the beds. And the showers. The food. Everything has to have my stamp of approval.”

  She takes another drink. “I like that about you. Details are important.”

  “I won’t open a hotel unless it’s somewhere I’d stay myself.”

  Her eyes drift around the room. “Well, I’d definitely stay here again.”

  This is all going to blow up in my face very soon, but I can’t help myself. I place my coffee on the table next to the couch and lean closer to Lola. “You can’t say that for certain yet.”

  She also puts her coffee down, her hands resting on the sofa cushion between us. “And why is that?”

  I grin, showing her my own playful side, one I thought was long gone after my father took a steak knife to the back of my hand. “You haven’t tested the shower yet. What if the water pressure is shitty?”

  Her teeth move over her bottom lip while her hand moves to the button on the shirt she’s wearing. She flicks it open, exposing her flat stomach and full breasts to me. “Gee, what was I thinking?” Her voice is low and husky as she looks at me with desire, setting me on fire and making me feel things I don’t want to admit. “We should try it out.”

  I don’t waste another minute, grabbing her and lifting her into my arms to carry her into the bathroom.

  This is going to end badly, so I might as well enjoy it now.

  By the time I get home, it’s dark. I spent all day with Hayden in the hotel. Mostly naked. Although we did manage to get some work done. I’m ready for a hot shower and some sleep when I notice the kitchen light is on.

  I walk into the kitchen and see Viv at the kitchen table with a glass of wine, the bottle still out on the table.



  She turns to look at me, her pretty eyes rimmed in red as I approach with caution and slip my purse from my shoulder, placing it on the table as I take a seat.

  I place a hand over hers. “What’s wrong?” I study her. She looks tired, still pretty but too worn-out for her mere twenty-two years. “Did Sawyer do something?”

  That dick. If he cheated on her, I swear . . .

  “What?” She wipes a tear away from her cheek and shakes her head. “No. Sawyer hasn’t done anything.”

  I close my eyes momentarily and then look back at her. “Asher.”

  “I don’t know why I let him get to me.”

  I hate being in the middle. I’m loyal to a fault. I would die for my two remaining brothers any day, but I consider Vivienne a little sister, and her sadness guts me. “What did he do?”

  She sniffles and takes a drink of the white wine in her stemless glass. “He’s your brother. I won’t put you in the middle.”

  This is why I love Viv. One of the many reasons really. She’s incredibly strong, but I want her to lean on me. “I’m not going to tell you again, you may as well be my little sister. Now tell me what happened.”

  “Baz called him.” That’s nothing out of the ordinary. The kid already knows how to use technology better than most adults and frequently video calls Ash. She takes another drink. “A woman answered.”

  That had to hurt like hell. “Oh, I’m sorry.” I pause a moment, then ask, “She wasn’t naked, was she?”

  Knowing my little brother, it is entirely possible.

  Vivienne shakes her head, but she isn’t laughing. “No, but she was wearing his shirt. Her hair all messy. He seemed pissed that she answered his phone, but who knows. I wouldn’t put it past him to ask her to answer it just to mess with me.”

  Unfortunately, I wouldn’t either. I love Asher so damn much, but he has so much growing up to do. “I’m sorry, Viv. I’m sure that hurt.”

  “It shouldn’t. I left. We weren’t ever together. So, none of it should matter.”

  I see how badly she’s hurting, and it kills me. “I know you loved him. I’m sure it’s never easy to see someone you love move on or whatever the hell he’s doing.”

  “Probably banging the entire female population at KU.”

  “But . . .” I don’t know how to offer any comfort. Still I try. “You and Sawyer seem happy.”

  Her smile is genuine but still sad. “I really care about Sawyer, but I haven’t been able to . . .” She swallows, her eyes meeting mine, and I know what she’s saying.

  “You haven’t slept with him?”

  She shakes her head. “Not yet.” She takes another sip. “We’ve gotten close. And I want to, but . . .” She looks away. “I don’t want to get hurt again. And Sawyer . . .” She puffs out a breath and meets my eyes again. “Sawyer doesn’t even trust himself not to hurt me. They’re so similar.”

  “But there are differences. Like you’ve said, Sawyer at least admitted he has feelings for you.”

  “Yes. At least he’s willing to try.” She takes another drink of the wine, finishing it off. “Your brother is a dick.”

  I wonder how many glasses she’s had, and I stifle a laugh. “Yeah. They both are.”

  She laughs, her shoulders shaking, but it almost sounds like she’s crying. “I just need to fuck Sawyer.” I try not to show my discomfort. And she continues, “I mean, he’s really, really good with his hands.” She touches her lips with her fingertips. “And his lips.”

  I’m walking a fine line here. I don’t want to betray my brother, but I want her to be happy. “You don’t owe Asher anything. I think the distance is good, and it’s good for you to explore other . . .” What’s the right word? Not dick. “People?”

  She laughs at that, clearly tipsier than I originally thought. “You mean dicks. And you’re right.”

  “No. I really . . . I mean, you’re a strong, confident single woman, and you can sleep with whoever you want. Or not sleep with whoever you want. I never slut-shame.”

  “Penelope recommends being a slut.”

  I snort and roll my eyes with a smile. “Of course, she does.”

  I’m have no idea how many people she or Linc slept with to try to move on from Colt’s death and each other before they officially got together. And she owned it. I’ve always envied her free spirit when it came to sex.

  She shrugs. “It’s time to try something other than a Sterling cock.”

  “Oh my God, Viv.” I blush and laugh. “How much wine have you had?”

  She giggles and looks at the bottle. “Too much.”

  She’s gonna regret that tomorrow when she has a four-year-old jumping on her early in the morning. “Well, don’t do anything with a clouded mind. If you’re sober and still want to sleep with Sawyer, go for it.”

  She smiles and nods her head appreciatively and then eyes me. “So, you spent the night working huh?”

  I feel guilty for lying to her earlier, but I didn’t want to explain over the phone. “I was with a client.”

  She studies me. “You bad girl.” She laughs. “Sleeping with a client, huh?”

  I f
eel no shame for sleeping with Hayden. In fact, the memories only make me smile, a big goofy smile I can’t erase from my face. “I did.”

  She looks oddly proud. “The hot asshole?”

  I laugh, I’ve told her about Hayden. “Yes. And he’s not so bad.”

  “Yeah, they never seem so bad when they’re making you come.”

  I laugh again. I like drunk Viv. She’s a lot more open, kinda like Penelope. “I started to like him before I came actually.”

  She smiles. “That’s great. It’s good to see you happy, Lola.”

  “That’s all I want for you and Ash. And Penelope and Linc. And my mom.”

  She plays with the wine bottle, holding it by the neck and letting the bottom edge roll over the wooden table. “You love hard, Lola Sterling. But our happiness is up to us.”

  “I’m starting to get that.”

  She swallows, and I watch the movement of her throat, the anguish she carries. “I loved your brother. Deeply. With everything I had. I would have stayed with him forever.”

  My smile is gone as I listen to her confess what I already knew. “It could still happen someday.”

  Even if that thought scares me to death. I don’t want to watch them destroy each other. “He doesn’t think we’re a good fit, and he’s right. We would be an absolute disaster. But maybe I'm not meant to be happy.”

  “That’s not true, Viv.”

  Her eyes peel away from the wine bottle she was staring at like she was in a trance, and she looks at me. “I seem to only be attracted to men who will hurt me.”

  “Sawyer has grown up a lot.”

  “And still . . . your first inclination when you saw me upset was that he did something bad.”

  I flinch. “I care about you. I don’t want to ever see you hurting.”

  “Life is painful. Love is even more painful.” She places her hand over mine that’s resting on the table. “Your client, huh? Are you dating him? Or just sex?”

  “I don’t know.” It’s the only answer I have. Hayden and I didn’t really discuss what we were after our night together.

  “Well, you seem awfully happy.”

  “I was a virgin.” I don’t know why the hell I just blurted that out, and she’s clearly surprised. I’ve never told anyone, not even Penelope.

  “Ummm . . . Wow.”

  “Yeah . . .” I feel like an idiot. I guess because she confessed something to me, I felt I also needed to.

  “Was he good?”

  Not why did you wait so long? Not you’re a freak. “Yes.” I smile and bite my bottom lip. “Really, really good.”

  She laughs. “Sounds like you waited for the right one for the job.”

  I smile. “I think I did, but we barely know each other. I guess I was tired of being so in control.”

  “I think certain people bring that out in us.”

  “Are you talking about my brother or Sawyer?” My eyebrow kicks up, and she laughs.

  “Both of them. They both have taught me things about myself and helped me not to be so uptight all the time.” She shrugs her small shoulder. “I guess I owe Asher for that.”

  “I hope you guys can be friends again someday.”

  She stands from the table, swaying slightly but holding on to the table to steady herself. “I wouldn’t count on it, Lola.”

  She takes a deep breath and starts to leave the kitchen.

  “Never say never.” I say to her back.

  She turns around, her face somber. “I don’t know how to be his friend after loving him. But he’ll always be Baz’s uncle, and that, I won’t mess with.”

  I give her a nod, and she turns away, heading to her bedroom that is thankfully on this level.

  I’m worried about her. And Asher.

  But I’m still smiling as I make my way up to my bedroom, feeling lighter and freer than I have in a long time.

  And I know it’s all because of one dangerously sexy man.

  Lola’s black Louis Vuittons dig into the middle of my back as I devour her sweet pussy, making her scream. I can’t get enough of this woman. Her heels burrowing into my back muscles only intensify the pleasure.

  We’re both completely naked except for her heels, and as she comes, screaming my name, her fingernails clawing my biceps, I suck harder on her clit as two of my fingers stretch her.

  I didn't want her to leave yesterday, and when she showed up at my house today—to work—I ended up taking her up to my room, caveman-style over my shoulder and stripping her naked.

  Her hands move to my hair as she tries to push me away, the pleasure too intense. I smile against her, lapping her once more before her legs drop to the side. I drag my mouth up to her belly button, swirling my tongue around it and up to her nipple, nipping it hard enough for her to hiss with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

  My bare cock is sliding along her slickness, but I don’t enter her as my lips crash against hers. I can’t stop thinking about her.

  I’ve never felt like this before, and it’s disturbing.

  She nibbles on my bottom lip. Her voice is full of gravel and lust when she says, “Make me come again, and I'll give you a present.”

  I kiss her lips and push my body up, away from her. Grabbing her hip, I flip her over and then pull her flush against me. My chest is against her back with her on her knees. My hand wraps around her throat, not applying a lot of pressure but holding her to me as my other hand snakes down between her breasts and over her flat stomach to cup her pussy. “I’m pretty sure you’ve already done that.”

  She doesn’t pull out of my grasp, just leans back against me, totally relaxed, and it does insane things to me. “I’ll give you something else.”

  I smile, my fingers easily sliding through her wet folds and dragging over her clit as I slide my other hand up her throat to her chin, tipping her head back into a slightly awkward kiss, but it doesn’t matter.

  Somehow we’re connected as I release her chin, my mouth moving to her neck as I line my cock up at her entrance from behind, entering her with one sure thrust. We both groan as I pinch her clit and she clenches around me.

  Once I'm inside her, my arm wraps around her waist, pulling her to me as we fuck with reckless abandon, my fingers on her clit, driving us both toward a crashing orgasm.

  We aren’t even finished yet, and already, I want her again. This is fucking bizarre.

  Her hands grip my wooden headboard as she leans forward, giving me better access to her tight pussy. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

  Her back arches. I know she’s close from the way she tightly squeezes my cock and her voice goes into a higher octave. “I never knew this could feel so good.”

  There’s that pride again.

  It’s not long before she’s coming around my cock and I'm emptying inside of her, one hand in her hair and the other still strumming her clit. My teeth nip along her neck. I want her for myself. A sick feeling of wanting to keep her and never letting her go washes over me. I feel oddly possessive.

  She leans back against my chest as my dick begins to soften inside her before I pull out and lay back on the bed, taking her body with mine. She rolls so her chest is against mine and looks into my eyes. “This is so strange.”

  I know what she means. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”

  She presses a kiss to my lips and then climbs off my body, my own shuddering at the loss of contact as I sit up and watch her walk in only those heels out of my room.

  Where the fuck is she going?

  She returns with a small, cardboard bakery box in her hands, a fork and a lighter. “Where did that come from?”

  She shrugs. “I had it in my bag.”

  She grabs my dress shirt from the floor, pulling it on over her shoulders. Although I hate seeing her covered, I don’t hate her in my shirt. She brings out my inner caveman, that’s for sure.

  “What is it?”

  She smiles and sits down on the bed. “I missed your birthday.”

  She o
pens the box with a slice of what appears to be lemon cake inside with two candles, one a three and the other a zero. She lights them and then places the lighter on the table next to my bed. “You were with me on my birthday.”

  She smiles again, a wickedly sweet, sexy smile on her beautiful face. “I didn’t like you then.” She laughs. “And we were working. That doesn’t count.”

  I stare at the cake. I can’t remember the last time I celebrated a birthday. My grandma tried, but I wasn’t fond of them even as a little kid after I moved in with her.

  “Make a wish and blow them out.”

  My eyes meet hers. “I don’t believe in wishes.”

  Her face nears mine. “Well. I. Do.” She takes a deep breath and looks down at the cake between us. “At least now.”

  Again, guilt fills my body, and I hate I’m giving her false hope. Like I could be good in her life when all I'm destined for is to bring strife, a curse that will destroy her.

  “Blow them out, Hayden.”

  I take a deep breath and look down at the flickering candles, making the only wish I can think of.

  That she won’t hate me forever.

  I blow the candles out, and she smiles, her finger swiping through the frosting and then bringing it to my lips. “You have to take the first bite. It’s a rule.”

  “Where did you get all these rules?”

  She laughs as I bring the tip of her finger to my mouth, sucking off the frosting and making her swallow tightly. “My mother. She always tried.”

  “And failed?”

  She shrugs her shoulders, taking her own taste of the cake’s frosting using the same finger that was just in my mouth. “She always tried to make us the perfect family, but we just weren’t.”

  “No family is perfect.”

  “She wanted us to be for my father. I guess she hoped that way he’d stop cheating on her.”

  I bristle, her father sounds like a real fucking dick, and I hope I never meet him. “That’s sad.”

  She doesn’t argue and hands me the fork. “Here’s to thirty.”

  I take the fork from her, securing a bite of cake, but instead of bringing it to my mouth, I move it to her lips. She smiles, opening her mouth and allowing me to feed her. My heart thrums in my chest, aching, knowing I need to come clean.


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