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Shifters in the Snow: Bundle of Joy: Seventeen Paranormal Romances of Winter Wolves, Merry Bears, and Holiday Spirits

Page 40

by J. K Harper

  “I think it’s safe enough,” she said, smiling up at him.

  Taking more care with his steps, he held her through that song and the next before bringing her back to the table, toes intact.

  She sat and took a sip of her drink. “I know it’s still early, but do you think we could go home soon? I’m getting a little tired,” she said, not quite meeting his gaze.

  Crap. Joss should have anticipated how much this would take out of her. Violet was still recuperating. He should have taken her home after the meal. Selfish as it was, he was glad he hadn’t. Holding her like he had—kissing her—had been more than amazing. Her taste lingered on his tongue, and his body still hummed from the feel of her body against his.

  “Yes, of course. I shouldn’t have kept you out this long.”

  He helped her stand, and she wrapped her fingers around his. Not in the vise she’d held onto him with when they’d come in, but in the way a woman held her lover’s hand.

  He’d normally have gone out to find Miga and the others to thank them for all their hard work, but not tonight. He’d be sure to do that in the days to come, but right then, he had to take care of his mate. That meant getting her home so she could rest.

  She stopped him with a small sigh as they walked past the new house on their way home.

  “Do you think it will be ready before the baby comes?” she asked almost timidly.

  “I think so. The outside is all but done now, and they’re working on the rooms on the inside. I imagine we’ll be able to move in a few weeks.”

  “Wow, they work fast.”

  He grinned at her and then glanced at her belly. “They know there’s a deadline coming. They want to see us settled before the baby makes an appearance.”

  She nodded and stroked her hand over her stomach.

  “I’d take you inside, but it’s not safe in the dark. Heaven only knows what you’d step on.”

  Violet took a quick breath then looked away from him again, but not before he noticed the rosy hue on her cheeks. “That’s okay.”

  “Is everything alright?” he asked. He sure as hell hoped she wasn’t regretting their kiss.

  “Yes, fine,” she said breathlessly.

  She wasn’t panicking or pulling away from him, but something was off.

  “Ready to go home?” she asked.

  Home. In the past two days, he’d seen her come farther and farther out of her shell. She’d prepared food without being prompted and explored the house more, but nothing too extensive. Joy flooded his entire being at hearing her refer to it as their home. “Yes, let’s go.”

  He flicked on the living room light as they walked in, expecting her to release his hand and go to the bedroom, but she didn’t. She stayed with him as he went into the kitchen and poured them both a tall glass of juice. If she wanted to hold his hand, he sure as hell wasn’t going to deny her. He loved the feel of her skin against his, even if it was just her palm and fingers.

  Normally, he would have carried both glasses, but she still held his hand, so he handed one to her and took the other. “Want to sit on the couch for a while?” he asked.

  “That would be nice.”

  He crossed an ankle over his opposing knee once they settled on the couch, then rested their joined hands on top. “What a night.”

  Violet took a deep breath and smiled. “It was something. That’s for sure.”

  “I wish I had known your sister was in the village. I would have brought her to you much sooner.”

  Violet’s eyes clouded for a moment but then cleared. “Let’s not discuss that right now. I’m still digesting it myself.”

  The smile was still on her face, but the tension around her lips had him backtracking. He didn’t want her worried or stressed out. “Okay. What would you like to talk about?”

  Her gaze flicked to the floor, then quickly up again. “Us.”

  He waited for her to continue. After their kiss on the dance floor, this conversation could go either way. He hoped it would be in his favor.

  “I know we’ve just met. And it seems like it’s too fast, but I want us to get to know one another better,” Violet said in a rush.

  Her fingers tightened around his, and he brought them up to his lips. “I’m all for that,” he told her, then took a drink of his juice, becoming quiet again so she would continue.

  “I think we should start sharing the bedroom.”

  The juice he’d swallowed nearly came rushing back out with his cough. Of all the things Violet could have said, that he hadn’t expected.

  Her eyes widened, and she drew in a sharp breath. “Of course, if you don’t want to—”

  “I want to. Believe me, I do, Violet. But do you think you’re ready for that? I don’t mind sleeping on the couch.” The idea of them sharing a bed had his blood rushing to his groin.

  “I think it’s important. I want to, and I’m ready for it,” Violet insisted.

  “I don’t know, Violet. Being near you is like heaven for me. Sleeping in the same bed,” he hesitated, “I just don’t know if—”

  “I know what you’re getting at, and I’ve thought about it. I know you might react to me in a physical way, and it doesn’t frighten me.” The redness of her cheeks deepened, but she didn’t look away.

  Determination shone in her eyes. She had her head tilted up in that stubborn way he was already learning to love. If this is what she wanted, then so be it. “Okay.”

  Chapter 12

  Breathing had never been this difficult. For a second, she thought Joss was going to deny her, and she hadn’t been prepared for that rejection—not in the least. One of the things she thought she knew about men was that they usually let their libidos make decisions for them. She’d all but offered her body up to him on a platter, and he’d hesitated.

  Another woman might have been hurt by it, or even afraid that he was refusing her because of her pregnant state, but this was Joss. He’d never given her any indication that he was anything but considerate and kind. She would chalk this up to more of his thoughtfulness. Besides, she wasn’t an idiot. His cock hadn’t lied as they’d kissed or when they’d danced. It had been hard, willing, and ready. Now she had to convince her mate to use it.

  For the first time since they’d left the pack house, she disentangled her fingers from his and stood. There was no point in pretending. She wanted him. “I’m going to get ready for bed. Will you join me?” she asked, her heart hammering away as she waited for his answer.

  For a second, it looked like he might protest again, but then she lifted her hand, silencing him.

  “Please, don’t deny me. Unless you don’t want me.” She looked down at his crotch, and sure enough, it was pressing against his zipper “Don’t push me away. I know what I want. I know what I’m capable of handling. Let me make that decision for myself.”

  * * *

  Joss could barely hear Violet’s words over the pounding of his heart. She wasn’t only offering to share the bed. She wanted to share her body. And even though it was something he desperately wanted, he couldn’t help the anxiety from surging forward. It was too soon. Their fragile bond could so easily be damaged or even severed. All it would take would be one mistake on his part, and they’d be at the starting line again.

  But what choice did he have? Lie to her? That wasn’t going to happen. He couldn’t look into her eyes and tell her he didn’t want her.

  “I’ll be in there shortly,” he found himself saying. Then with a little smile, Violet turned and headed to the back of the house, her cute little pink dress flowing around her legs with each sway of her hips. Yeah, he was a goner.

  He listened from his spot on the couch as she got ready for bed, then made her way to the bedroom, expecting to hear the door click shut behind her, but she left it open. He gave her a couple of minutes to get settled before following.

  When he entered the room, Violet sat on her knees in the center of the bed with one of his T-shirts covering her body from his sigh
t, bathed in the light of the lamp she’d left lit behind her. He’d bet that if she stood, the hem would go halfway down her thighs. With her hands by her side, she looked the perfect image of innocence and vixen. Her long hair fell around her shoulders, and with the light shining at her back, she looked like she had a halo. His very own angel. Her breasts jutted out before her, and her nipples poked at the soft white fabric keeping them from his sight. He came closer, watching her every step of the way. If she so much as flinched, he swore he’d stop and head back to the couch. Too much was riding on this.

  He grabbed the back of his shirt in his fist and pulled it over his head. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t look away. Her soft lips parted, and she looked down his chest to his waistband, then up again, swallowing when she reached his face again.

  Damn. It was hard enough to be in there with Violet, but to have her looking at him as though she wanted to devour him strained his tenuous control.

  When he reached for the snap of his jeans, her gaze followed his hands, and she wet her lips. Try as he might, he couldn’t hold back the moan. She was sexy as hell, and she wasn’t even trying. Maybe that was part of what made it so arousing. She didn’t even know how much of a temptation she was sitting there all covered up, yet so exposed.

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered.

  Had he? Bracing himself—for what, he wasn’t sure—he popped the snap, then lowered the zipper. There was no way he could hide his cock. It was so full and hard that it ached. It didn’t matter that he had underwear on, there was no disguising his erection.

  Her gaze stayed glued to him as he stepped out of his jeans and tossed them to the chair in the opposite corner.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked as he stepped to the edge of the bed. Leaving would be hell, but he’d rather do that than hurt her in any way.

  She nodded quickly. “I’m sure.”

  Those two little, breathy words went straight to his groin.

  When she scrambled back toward the headboard, he thought she’d had a change of heart or the panic had returned. He braced himself for the hurt and mistrust he was sure would be shining in her eyes, but when she looked at him again, her eyes shone, not with recrimination, but with passion. Violet pulled the sheets down, waiting for him to join her. “I don’t know which side of the bed you prefer,” she finally said.

  Which side of the bed? That was her biggest concern? Joss sat on the edge, facing her. “I’ll be happy on either side as long as you’re comfortable,” he assured her.

  Her smile grew, and she scooted farther back, leaving him the side closest to the door. It made sense. With him lying between her and the door, it was the safest place, instantly making it his preferred spot, as well.

  Chapter 13

  If Joss didn’t get a move on, Violet thought she might scream. The fact that he was so concerned about her reaction to having sex with him made her all the surer that it was what she wanted. She hadn’t been a virgin when Karak had taken her. She’d known pleasure with a man before. The fact that she hadn’t known it while in captivity didn’t negate that. And it didn’t mean she equated sex to the horrors forced on her by her captors.

  Joss sighed then took a deep breath. He was going to try to talk her out of it. The worry in his eyes didn’t lie.

  Before he could say a word, she reached for the hem of the T-shirt she wore, hesitating for a moment at the idea of showing her mate her swollen belly. Joss’s chest rose and fell with his quick breaths as he let his gaze rove over her. The small appreciative noise coming from his throat gave her the courage she needed to bring the shirt the rest of the way up, then off.

  Her heart leaped as he devoured her with his gaze. Her nipples tightened, and a sweet throb pulsed between her legs.

  “Jesus, Violet,” he all but growled. “You’re so fucking gorgeous I can barely keep my wolf contained.”

  The thought of him losing control should have scared the crap out of her, but all it did was make the throb beat faster in her clit. If he didn’t do something soon, maybe she’d have to tackle him instead.

  Joss shifted to his hands and knees and crawled across the expanse of the bed between them, looking his fill the entire time. “I want to touch you, Violet. Will you let me do that?” he asked.

  Yes. Hell yes. Violet wanted to scream the words, but only managed a nod.

  He adjusted the pillow, positioning it under her head better from where it had gone askew when she’d scrambled to the top to pull the blankets down. Bringing his hand up, he stroked a finger gently along her jaw, then lowered his head and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth.

  Cupping her cheek, he turned her face, claiming her mouth, moaning when she opened up to him. Yes, that. More, her she-wolf whispered.

  Violet’s heart pounded. The beast inside her rarely communicated anymore. Some days, she’d swear it wasn’t there at all, but heat seeped from her core, filling every inch of her. More than ever, she wanted to rub herself all over Joss, and she didn’t have to guess what was happening. The wolf wanted her mate, and Violet was more than happy to comply. When Joss would have pulled back, she gave a little growl.

  His lips against her tightened in a grin. He sucked her bottom lip between his and gave it a little tug between his teeth.

  “May I?” he asked again as his hand stroked a path from her shoulder to the top of her left breast.

  “Please,” was all she could manage.

  When his hand curved around her and his palm grazed her sensitive nipple, she arched into the touch.

  “More,” she begged.

  Joss stiffened. “I don’t want to go too fast. I don’t want to scare you.”

  He still wasn’t sure, but she was, and she had a feeling that showing him she wasn’t afraid would go a lot further than telling him. So Violet reached for his other hand and brought it to her other breast. “That feels amazing, Joss. I can’t wait for you to kiss them. I need you to—so bad,” she said as she thrust deeper into the touch.

  He groaned and squeezed both breasts, kneading her flesh. Each time he did, her nipple scraped his palm, driving her to the point of madness, but he didn’t rush. When she thought she’d have to push him again, he changed the way he held her and rolled her nipples between his thumbs and fingers. He closed his eyes and moaned at the same time she did.

  “Yes. Please, Joss” The pulse in her clit throbbed hard, and all he’d done was play with her breasts and nipples.

  Without saying a word, he opened his eyes and looked straight into hers, raising an eyebrow in silent question. Violet nodded quickly. He licked his lips, and when she whimpered and arched her back, thrusting her chest higher, he finally lowered his mouth to her nipple.

  Her moan started off soft but grew louder as he increased the suction on her breast. It had been so long since she’d had an orgasm, she might go off with nothing more than he was doing. It felt that good.

  She hadn’t realized she’d moved at all until she felt the soft strands of his hair between her fingers. She was holding him to her breast. He flicked his tongue over the glistening peak, then sucked it between his lips again.

  She inadvertently gave a tug as the pleasure rushed through her, zinging from her nipple to her clit and back again. Joss’s lips curved into a smile, but he didn’t let go. Looking down at her mate, his mouth on her body, the pleasure he was bringing her was almost more than she could take.

  “I need more, Joss, please,” she panted. The ache between her legs grew. She squirmed on the bed, trying to squeeze her legs together, desperate for relief, but it wasn’t enough.

  He released her and grazed his teeth first along the swell of her breast, then around her already aching nipple. “Tell me what you want, Violet.”

  Heat rushed to her cheeks, but she was beyond caring. She needed, and Joss could help her. “My clit. I need some pressure down there, please.”

  “You want my hand or my mouth?” he said, his voice deeper, raspier than she’d ever hear
d it.

  “Your hand—your fingers—please.” She didn’t wait for him to ask, spreading her legs apart enough that he could not only see every bit of her, but he could easily reach. Violet held her breath as he stroked his hand down her belly, cupping the hardness in his hand for a moment with a smile playing on his lips, then moved lower. The heat of his palm reached her first, and she moaned before he touched her. She wouldn’t last long. She’d have to make it up to him afterward, because right then, nothing could stop her from reaching for the pleasure he promised.

  He slid one finger down her slit, then up again, circling her swollen clit before trailing down again. Violet couldn’t contain her moan. She lifted her hips off the bed, helplessly demanding more, but he kept the strokes light.

  “Do you want me to suck on your nipples again, Violet?” he asked with a growl.

  “God yes, please,” she begged. She hadn’t been aware that she still held his hair in her fist until he lowered his mouth to her again and her hand followed.

  The moment he had her nipple between his lips, he sucked—hard. At the same instant, he flicked his finger over her clit, then back again. Her scream came from deep within as pleasure coursed through her.

  She was so close. Her hips bucked against his hand as Joss continued his onslaught. He pulled away only long enough to capture the other nipple and give her another few swipes, bringing her all the way to the edge of her climax without toppling her over.

  Her lungs burned as her ragged breaths couldn’t keep up with her body’s demands. Her legs shook, and the pulse in her clit throbbed in a heavy beat, each one making her blood pump faster and faster in her veins.

  Joss pulled away and nipped at the tender flesh of her breast, making her jump, then moan as the sting morphed into pleasure. He slowed his fingers, teasing her entrance before sliding up again. When he came back to her, he circled, then paused, his finger poised for entry. She closed her eyes and tried to thrust her hips up to meet him, but he wouldn’t let her.


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