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Shifters in the Snow: Bundle of Joy: Seventeen Paranormal Romances of Winter Wolves, Merry Bears, and Holiday Spirits

Page 41

by J. K Harper

  “Tell me you want me inside you, Violet. That you want my fingers,” he said, his voice rough—barely human.

  “God yes, please, please, please,” she chanted as he bit the skin just below her nipple, making her whimper and her pussy tighten around emptiness.

  He captured the taut peak again, and then slid his finger all the way in.

  Violet gasped at the sweet intrusion, then moaned. The walls of her pussy clenched his digit as he retreated then slid it home again. “More,” she whispered, hardly able to voice the word.

  When he pulled out again, he came back in with a second finger, and her breath caught in her throat.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, each word coming out louder than the last. Deep in her psyche, a small voice told her to be quiet. That noise was not tolerated, but she shoved it aside. It was too good. She couldn’t stop.

  When he curled his fingers and stroked deep inside her, she had no hope of avoiding it. Her orgasm crashed over her as pleasure overtook. Her heart pounded, and her pussy gripped his fingers in a stranglehold as he continued driving them into her. He slowed his movements as she came back into her body, finally pulling them out when she was limp on the mattress in front of him.

  Joss lay next to her and pulled her close. She would have to move—do something—very soon, but her body wasn’t quite ready. All the strength in her muscles had melted into a puddle of sexual bliss. Once she found the strength again, she’d take care of him. Violet lay her head on Joss’s shoulder and closed her eyes. She’d rest for a minute, and then she’d see to his pleasure.

  Chapter 14

  Joss lay there for a while, listening to Violet breathe. He’d known the instant she’d fallen asleep. Her breaths had lengthened, and her body had all but melted into him. He couldn’t stop smiling. Giving Violet pleasure had driven his wolf wild with want, but also satisfied him in a way nothing else could.

  The fact that the wolf had been so close to the surface had worried him, though he’d tried not to show it. Had she put those delicate little hands of hers—or heaven forbid, those sensuous lips—on his body, he would have been a goner. It was bad enough that he’d almost given her a claiming bite when he’d bitten her breast, but the way he’d been feeling, he wouldn’t have been able to be gentle in taking her. So when she’d fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder, it had been a relief.

  With a contented sigh, he tightened his arm around her and finally closed his eyes. They’d figure out their dynamics in due time. For now, he was happy that she trusted him—if not with her heart yet, at least with her body—and that he got to sleep with her snuggled at his side.

  A deep moan filtered through Joss’s sleep-fogged mind. He’d never had a more vivid dream. Violet’s tongue flicked over the tip of his cock, tasting the wetness pearling at the tip. He thrust his hips involuntarily toward her lips. He moaned again, bringing him closer to wakefulness. If he wasn’t dreaming, then Violet was doing a lot more than sleeping. His body stiffened as he opened his eyes. With the pale morning light streaming through the bedroom window, she looked like an angel.

  She had her lips poised above the head of his cock and was looking up at him with passion shining in her eyes. “Good morning,” she whispered before she took the head into her mouth.

  Joss grasped the sheet on either side of his body and moaned. Pleasure pounded through him, pooling in his balls, making them ache with the need to release. “Violet, what are you doing?” he asked, his voice raspier than he would have liked.

  She pulled off him with a pop, then gave him another lick before meeting his gaze. “I’m taking what’s mine,” she said. She looked at him, her eyes determined, almost daring him to deny her.

  He was no fucking idiot. He was hers. Just as Violet was his. And if she wanted his cock in her mouth first thing in the morning, who was he to deny her?

  “Fuck, that feels good,” he encouraged as he rested his head against his pillow again.

  She didn’t hesitate, bringing that warm, wet tongue of hers back to his shaft, licking all the way down to his balls and up again. By the time she made it back to the crown, he was gripping the sheet so tightly that he heard a soft rip, but he didn’t care.

  She took her time, driving him crazy with each swipe of her tongue, each lick, and every gentle nibble she placed upon his flesh.

  Not wanting to come too fast, he’d stopped watching her exploration shortly after she’d started, but when the mattress shifted and her heated mouth left his body, his eyes sprang open. She looked all the way up, a small, uncertain smile upon her lips, as she draped a leg over his thighs, bringing her pussy within inches of his raging hard cock.

  “Is this okay?” she asked, her voice less confident than it had been before.

  He grunted, barely comprehending that she’d felt the need to ask. “Fuck, yes,” he said a little too emphatically.

  Her smile broadened, and she brought herself up so that she was poised above him. She tried to reach him, to hold him steady for her to take him, but her belly got in the way. She gave a frustrated huff.

  “I’ve got it,” he told her as he reached down and held his cock. The pulsing beat in his shaft mirrored the one in his balls. He couldn’t wait to feel her flesh surrounding him.

  Violet adjusted her hips and lowered herself over him one inch at a time until he was fully sheathed. Her heat and tightness all but strangled his cock.

  Joss groaned as the pleasure spiked through him. After having her glorious lips on his cock for so long, there was no way he was going to last. Rather than pull his hand away once she was in place, he brought it down between them. When she lifted herself over him and then came back down, he stroked her clit, making her gasp.

  Her heavy breasts swayed with her slow movement at first, bouncing faster as she picked up the pace. All the while, he stroked her clit, moaning each time he did when her pussy tightened its grip on his cock.

  His balls drew up tight, and the pulse pounded through his shaft. He flicked her clit faster—harder—as Violet rode him. She threw her head back and lifted her hands to her breasts, tweaking her nipples as her moans grew longer and louder. He’d never seen anyone sexier in all his life. Her breasts, round and heavy in her hands, made him want to have another taste. Rather than detract from her beauty, her belly made her look more feminine. Add to that being able to watch his cock disappear into the heaven of her body, and he couldn’t hold back.

  He grabbed hold of her hips, and when she came down over him again, he speared into her. Her scream filled the room as her pussy clenched around him. With a final thrust, he drove himself home, filling her with everything he had as she milked him with her climax.

  His cock was still jerking inside her when she came forward. Her weight pressed against his chest for nothing more than a moment before she pushed herself up a couple of inches. She looked into his eyes. “You’re mine,” she declared, before leaning down again and biting his chest.

  Fiery pleasure lashed through him again, making him cry out as the mating claim took hold. The wolf part of his soul howled its pleasure as the human part basked in the sensations rushing through him. He tightened his arms around her as his need to return her bite flooded him.

  She stiffened in his arms but didn’t lift her head from where she’d rested against his chest, right above his heart where his wound was already healing. “Not yet, I’m not ready,” she whispered. A small patch of dampness pooled on his skin beneath her cheek.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” he whispered, but he heard the muffled sob she tried to hide. After everything she’d been through, it was amazing that she’d allowed him near her at all. That she’d extended her trust to him at all was a miracle. So he’d have to wait a while before he could claim her. So what? She needed the time, and he sure as hell would give it to her.

  She sniffled and shook her head. “I’m sorry.”

  He tightened his arms around her and held her close. “I’m not. Not even a little. It’ll happen
, but not until the time is right.”

  She lifted her head and gave him a wobbly smile. “You’re not mad?”

  He brushed the hair out of her face and gave her his most reassuring smile. “Not in the least. You’ve honored me with your trust. You’ve given me the pleasure of your body. You’ve even staked your claim on me, binding me to you forever. So I haven’t bitten you yet. That’s okay. We’ll do things our way. In our own time. No one said the mating bites had to be exchanged together. And it doesn’t make it any less wonderful because they aren’t.”

  Violet wiped her cheeks. “You’re sure?”

  “Positive,” he told her and leaned up to kiss her nose. “Now, let’s get a bit more rest. The sun has barely risen, and I’m not ready to get out of bed yet.” He didn’t tell her that with her body still surrounding him, he may never want to get out of bed again.

  She smiled at him. “Me neither,” she admitted as she snuggled closer.

  Reaching over, he pulled the blankets to cover them both. The last thing he wanted was for Violet to get off him, so when she stayed right where she was, he wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes.

  Chapter 15

  As much as he hated to do it, Joss forced himself out of bed a few hours later. He’d promised the crew at the house that he’d be by to lend a hand today, and he was already late. It was bad enough that he’d left them to do the bulk of the work while he stayed home and tended to Violet’s needs. Of course, they all understood and encouraged him to do so, but he wanted to have a hand in building their home. Put his stamp on it, so to speak.

  So after a quick shower and a few not-so-quick kisses, he’d packed a sandwich and left Violet at home. If he were visiting the site, he’d have taken her with him, but he’d be there for a while, and she’d get bored, not to mention uncomfortable. No, it was best for her not to come. Besides, she’d mentioned going for a short walk to take in some of the autumn colors before the snow began to fall. It would do her good to regain some of her independence.

  He hadn’t mentioned that one or two of the men would be following close by if she wandered outside of the village. She wouldn’t see or even hear them unless they purposely made their presence known. It wasn’t a rule, but with the Mahehkan wolves hanging around the Komoro territory, it didn’t hurt to be a little extra cautious.

  Joss was busy hammering away inside the house when Argram showed up, his scowl deeper than usual. “What’s up?” he asked the Alpha, not bothering with pleasantries.

  “We’ve been approached by the Mahehkans. Their leader wants to meet with me.” Argram snarled through clenched teeth.

  “So, let them come. The bastard won’t stand a chance in a challenge against you.”

  Argram growled. “It’s not me he’s coming for.”

  Joss’s hammer stopped mid-swing. He didn’t have to ask who he was. “What do you mean?” Fury filled his entire being. That bastard had better not be coming for Violet.

  Argram gritted his teeth so hard he had to have chipped a tooth. “The one they name Karak says his mate is held here against her will.”

  “No,” Joss yelled the word. “Like fuck he’s going to get his hands on her ever again. I will kill him first.”

  Argram grunted his agreement. The other men had stopped their work and now surrounded them. “Let him come,” one of them said as he gave Joss a brotherly pat on the back. “He’s on borrowed time anyway.”

  “I don’t have to allow him passage into the village,” Argram stated.

  “It’s time to end this. Let Karak in.”

  * * *

  Violet took a deep breath and wrapped the sweater she’d brought with her tighter around her body. The days were getting cooler, and there was a definite crispness to the air that meant only one thing. Snow soon. The leaves had mostly fallen, but the scent of the season still lingered in the air. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been free to go for a walk for no other reason than to enjoy the forest around her.

  She’d gone a mile, two at most, when she heard a twig snap to her left. She whipped her gaze in that direction and just about screamed when she found Zeyde standing only a few feet away from her. Lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t even heard her sister’s approach.

  “Zeyde, you scared the crap out of me.”

  Her sister shrugged, but the small quirk of her lips told her that she wasn’t serious. “Why are you out walking alone?”

  Violet looked around but didn’t see anyone else. “Because I can?”

  Zeyde shook her head and smiled for real this time. “It’s not safe.”

  Violet grinned. “Sure it is. I have an escort.”

  Zeyde’s eyebrows rose. “You noticed?”

  It was her turn to smile. “Of course, I noticed. I might have been daydreaming when you showed up, but I wasn’t when I left the village. I will admit, they’re pretty good at hiding, though.”

  Zeyde looked at her booted feet. “So, are you going to leave with me?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m not. My home is with the Komoro pack now.”

  Her sister gave her head a shake. “Do you think he’s going to want to keep you around after the baby? That he’s going to want to raise another wolf’s child? Think about this, Violet. What man would do that?”

  A small sliver of doubt sliced through her, but she squashed it. “Joss would. He’s a good man, Zeyde. You may not be able to look past what those assholes did to us, but I can. I refuse to live in fear or deny myself happiness because of them. I won’t let them win, and you shouldn’t, either.”

  Violet spun on her heels, intent on walking back to the village—back to Joss—when a flash of brown and gray fur sprang from the brush straight toward them.

  “Run, Violet,” Zeyde screamed at her as the wolf leaped. In an instant, her sister shifted, shoving her aside as she jumped to intercept. Cold dread filled her. She’d never forget that gray and brown coat or the nasty scent of the bastard who had fathered her child. Karak had come for her. Zeyde circled him, snarling long and loud. What was she doing? She was no match for Karak. She’d get herself killed.

  “Zeyde, no,” Violet screamed, but her sister ignored her.

  Karak lunged, and Zeyde met him halfway, teeth gnashing and claws slicing through flesh. Droplets of blood splattered around. Fear freezing her in place, Violet could only watch as the monster who’d held her captive knocked her sister to the ground. Growls erupted around her, and a moment later, a much larger wolf had Karak pinned with its massive jaw around his neck. Another wolf, equally large, paced between her and Zeyde, keeping both women in its sights as it looked for more threats.

  Only when it seemed satisfied there were none did he come to her. He whined and gently nudged her with his nose, urging her to get moving. Violet tried to take a step, but her knees shook so hard she thought she might fall flat on her face. Karak was there. He had found her. Had it not been for the Komoro men, Zeyde would be dead, and Karak would have taken her.

  Try as she might, Violet couldn’t take her eyes off Karak. He lay there, docile as could be, but she knew there was nothing submissive about him. She almost wished he’d put up a fight and give the other male a reason to end his life, but he was too smart for that. No, he’d bide his time, and when he thought he could win, he’d come back. He wouldn’t stop.

  The wolf nudged her again, and this time, with Zeyde’s plaintive whine, she was able to move. She rushed over to her sister and ran her fingers through her soft brown fur. “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice shaky. There were no bones poking out anywhere, but when Violet lifted her hands, blood covered them.

  “Come on, we have to get you back to the village,” Violet told her, but Zeyde lay there, panting. The fur on her head was damp with perspiration. “Shit.”

  What the hell was she supposed to do? She couldn’t carry her sister all the way back. Maybe, had she not been so far along, but at more than seven months, they’d never make it. Her heart pounded, but sh
e had no choice. She faced the huge silver grey wolf still standing guard. “You have to carry her,” she told him. Then, realizing the demand she’d made, she tried again. “Please, can you help us?”

  It spared her a glance then his gaze snapped back to Zeyde. His growl came fast and sharp, making Violet stumble back. What the hell had she done? “Please, no, don’t hurt her,” she begged.

  The wolf’s body shook, then he threw his head back and howled—or rather roared—long and loud. She’d never heard a wolf howl like that. Violet took a tentative step toward her sister, giving him a wide berth. She had to get Zeyde away from him.

  Another thundering roar came at her from the direction of the village, then another from somewhere behind them. That one was close—too close. Her heart hammered against her ribs, and her lungs burned for air. They were Komoro men, but she didn’t even know who was hiding beneath all that fur. For all she knew, they weren’t any nicer than Karak. No, that was crazy. The wolf had been protective of her until it had scented Zeyde. It didn’t make sense.

  “It’s okay. I’m just going to take my sister and go,” she whispered so softly she couldn’t be sure he’d heard. She took another step toward her, and the wolf’s lips pulled back in a silent snarl. Okay, so that wasn’t going to happen.

  Violet stood with her feet rooted to the ground. She didn’t let her gaze stray from the beast, but she didn’t make eye contact, either. She couldn’t see how any wolf that size would see her as a threat, but she wasn’t taking any chances.

  Relief poured into her as the sounds of men shouting and wolves pounding the forest floor reached her ears. They’d be able to help. They’d know how to deal with this. The wolf had been protective of her until it had sniffed out her sister.


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