Dark Genius of Wall Street
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Mangold, Ferdinand
Manhattan Elevated
creation of
George Gould loses
Gould ruins Cyrus Field's play to control
Gould's plan to purchase
Manhattan's Swamp
Mansfield, Helen Josephine "Josie"
after death of James Fisk
appearances at Grand Opera House
on death of James Fisk
Edward Stokes affair and
as mistress of James Fisk
Margaretville Hospital
Marrin, Joseph J.
Marsh, Nathaniel
Martin, Henry
Masterson, Hugh
McComb, Henry
McHenry, James
Gould's confrontation with
Gould's move to corner gold and
manipulating Erie stock for A&GW
organizing coup within Erie board
McLaury, John William
McQuade, James
Merritt, George
Metropolitan Elevated
Gould's bear campaigns
growth of
Manhattan Elevated and
Metropolitan Opera House
Mexican-American War
Michigan Central Line
Miller, Daniel S., Jr.
Miller, Helen Day. see Gould, Helen Day "Ellie" (Miller), wife
Mills, Darius Ogden
Mills, Ogden
Miniegerode, Meade
Missouri Pacific
1884 depression and
Abram Gould with
expanding web of
George Gould loses
Gould acquires
strike at
money market
Moore, Lucy. see Fisk, Lucy (Moore)
More family (mother's kin)
More, Alexander Taylor (grandfather)
alcoholism of
marriage of
mousetrap invention of
More, Betty Taylor
More, Iram (cousin)
mousetrap incident
relationship with Gould
surveying with Gould
More, John
More, Mary (mother)
More, Nancy (Harley)
Morgan, J. P.
Morosini, Giovanni Pertinax
elopement of daughter
Gould, Smith & Martin account books and
on Gould's anonymous charitable giving
Gould's bear trap and
Gould's relationship with
Washington Connor & Company employment
Morris, Clara
Morton, Levi P.
Mount Vernon Ladies Association
Munn, John P.
Myers, Gustavus
Narragansett Steamship Company
National Banking Act
National Trust for Historic Preservation
New Jersey Southern Railroad
New York Central
New York Commercial Advertiser
New York Elevated
Gould gains influence on
Gould's bear campaigns against
growth of
Manhattan Elevated and
New York General Railroad Act of 1850
New York Herald
on Black Friday
on Erie's enormous safe
on federal gold policy
on Gould's burial
on Gould's death
on mousetrap incident
on questionable Erie manipulation
on Western Union consolidation
New York Loan and Improvement Company
New York State Agricultural Society
New York Stock Exchange. see also Wall Street
"Gold Room"
evolution of
financial panic of 1873–1875 and
New York Sun
New York Times
on Black Friday
on genius of Gould
on gold conspiracy
on Gould and Fisk evening score with Vanderbilt
on Gould's burial
on Gould's death
on Marrin attack against Gould
New York Tribune
on 1860 Wall Street
on Black Friday
on gold conspiracy
on Marrin attack against Gould
on Western Union consolidation
New York University (NYU)
New York World
Gould condemns railroad strikers
Gould purchases
Gould sells
on Gould's death
on Gould's grief at death of Ellie
on Gould's love of railroads
on Manhattan Elevated
Ninth Regiment, N.Y. Militia
Norcross, Henry
Northern Pacific Railroad
Northrop, Alice (niece)
on Cyrus Field
on Gould helping her family
on Gould not being afraid to die
on Gould's attitude toward press
on Gould's burial
on Gould's personal qualities
marriage of
on Russell Sage's cheapness
on threats to family's safety
Northrop, George W. (brother-in-law)
Jay's health at wedding of
leather manufacturing business of
suicide of
Northrop, Howard Gould (nephew)
Northrop, Ida (niece)
Northrop, Reid (nephew)
Northrop, Sarah
Norvell, Caleb
NYU (New York University)
Occidental & Oriental Steamship Company
Oliver, James
at death of Gould's sister
on Gould as student
visits from Gould
Oregon and California Railroad
Oregon Steamship Company
organized labor strikes
Orton, William
Osborne, Anna (grandmother)
Osgood, Charles S.
Osheowitz, Michael
Otis, H. N.
Pacific Mail
Pacific Railroad Act
Pacific Steamship Company
Palais Mediterranee
Palen, Anna
Palen, Caroline
Palen, Dr. Gilbert J.
Palen, Dr. Gilbert M.
Palen, Edward
Palen, Gilbert
leather manufacturing business
marriage of
relationship with Gould
Palen, Walter Gould
Panic of 1857
Patchin, Joseph
Patenotre, Yvonne
Patterson, James W.
Paulding, William
Peckham, Judge Rufus
Pennsylvania Railroad
Perkins, Charles E.
Pierrepont, Judge Edward
Pike's Opera House
Plymouth Rock
Porter, Horace
Pourtales, Count Joseph
Pratt & Gould
bought by Gould
business problems
Panic of 1857
partnership formed
Pratt, Abigail (Watson)
Pratt, Beda (Dickerman)
Pratt, Esther (Dickerman)
Pratt, George Watson
Pratt, H.D.V.
Pratt, Julia. see Ingersoll, Julia (Pratt)
Pratt, Mary (Watson)
Pratt, Suzi (Grimm)
Pratt, Zaddock
great fortune of
memoirs of
newspapers demonize Gould about
owed money upon Gould's death
partnership with Gould. see Pratt & Gould
powerful ego of
tragic personal life of
Providence steamship
Pruyn, Robert H.
Pulitzer, Joseph
Pullman, George M.
R&W (Rutland & Washington Railroad)
Railroad Times
1887 Inters
tate Commerce Act
Albany & Susquehanna (A&S)
American Refrigerator Transit
Atlantic & Great Western (A&GW)
Baltimore and Ohio (B&O)
Boston, Hartford and Erie (BH&E)
Central Branch
Central Pacific
Chicago & Northwestern
Delaware & Lackawanna
Denver Pacific
elevated. see Manhattan Elevated; Metropolitan Elevated; New York Elevated
Erie. see Erie Railroad
Hudson River
Kansas & Texas (Katy)
Kansas City
Kansas Pacific Railroad. see Kansas Pacific Railroad
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
Missouri Pacific. see Missouri Pacific
New Jersey Southern
New York Central
Northern Pacific
Oregon and California
Pacific Railroad Act
profiteers in the Panic of 1857
Rutland & Washington (R&W)
Texas & Pacfic
Troy, Salem & Rutland
U P. see UP (Union Pacific) Railroad Wabash
Ramsdell, Homer
Ramsey, Joseph H.
Raphael, Henry L.
Rapid Transit Commission
Rathbone, Major Henry R.
Reeder, Andrew H.
Reformed Church of Roxbury
Reid, Whitelaw
Reiff, Josiah
Republican Party
Rogers, Hiram
Roosevelt, Cornelius Van Schaack
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rose's Brook
Gould family members return to live near
Gould's ancestors settle in
Gould's career at Roxbury Academy
Gould's childhood in
Gould's last trip with grandchildren to
Nellie gifts town of
response to Gould's death
Russell Sage Foundation
Ryan, Love B.
Sage, Olivia (Slocum)
Sage, Russell
background of
cheapness of
Gould's relationship with
Manhattan Elevated securities
near murder of
price war with Gould's railroad
Schell, Richard
Scott, Tom
Seligman, Jesse
Seligman, Joseph
Selover, A. A.
Shakersville Road Corporation
Sharp, John
Shattemuc Canoe Club
Shearman, Thomas G.
A&S Railroad war
death of James Fisk
Erie board vs. Vanderbilt
Shepard, Finley J.
Shrady, Sarah Cantine (daughter-in-law)
Sickles, Daniel E.
Simons, M.R.
Sinclair, George
Sinclair, Guinevere
Sinclair, Jane
Sinclair, Sir Edward
Sisson, Charles
Slocum, Olivia
Smith, Gould & Martin trading firm
Smith, Henry N.
Albany & Susquehanna Railroad and
failed partnership with Gould
Gould trading gold through
Gould's move to stealth bear
Northwestern Railroad and
Pacific Mail and
of Smith, Gould & Martin
Snow, Alice. see Northrop, Alice (niece)
Snow, Charles Henry
Snow, Helen Gould
Snow, Henry Nicholas
"special stinkpot"
Speyers, Albert
Squires, David
Squires, George
SS Central America
Stanford, Leland
Stanton, Edwin M.
Stead, W.T.
Stedman, Edmund Clarence
Stokes, Edward S. (Ned)
affair with Fisk's lover
comparing Marrin attack with
contest with Fisk
killing of James Fisk
trial and sentencing of
Stone Jug schoolhouse
The Story of Helen Gould (Northrop)
The Story of the Western Railroads (Reigel)
Strong, George Templeton
Supreme Court
Sutherland, Judge
Swamp, Manhattan's
Sweeny, Peter B.
Talcott, Hannah
Talleyrand-Perigord, Duc Hellie de
tanning. see leather tanning business
Taylor, Moses
Taylor's Hotel
telegraph business
1884 competitors to Gould's
Gould builds American Union
Western Union. see Western Union
Tenth National Bank
Terry, Margaret
Texas & Pacfic
Gould purchases
Thompson, Henry
Thoreau, Henry David
"Thugs of Erie"
Thurman Act
Tilden, Samuel J.
Tillson, Oliver J.
Tripler, Thomas H.
Troy, Salem & Rutland Railroad
Tunkhannock tannery
Tweed, Boss
conviction and death of
death of James Fisk
dining hangout of
elected to Erie board
political defeat of
protecting Erie from British shareholders
representing Vanderbilt
The Twelve Temptations
U.S. Treasury
Black Friday testimony and
Butterfield as assistant treasurer
gold conspiracy and
Gould's wish to manipulate gold
greenback price of gold after Civil War
Union Pacific. see UP (Union Pacific) Railroad
unionism, labor strikes
United States Express Company
United States Hotel
UP (Union Pacific) Railroad
Gould loses control 1884–1890
Gould saves fate of
Gould seizes control
Gould tames Pacific Mail
history of
UP (Union Pacific) Railroad, Gould's management of
acquiring more railroad properties in West
amalgamating rival lines
building up business along UP track
combined assets of
focus on business fundamentals
independent lines and
newspapers demonization of
overview of
public view of
telegraph business
testimony on Capitol Hill
touring UP line regularly
Van Amberg's Circus
Van Amburgh, Peter
Gould farm business
Gould tin business
marriage of
on Pratt's Kingston speech
visits from Gould
Van Valkenburg, John W.
Vanderbilt, "Commodore" Cornelius
background and career of
Civil War profits of
comparing Drew with
Erie Bill and
Erie executives vs.
Erie shares and
Erie vs. New York Central rate war
Gould and Fisk even score with
on Gould's personal appearance
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Line purchase
Union Pacific control of
Vanderbilt, William H.
Gould allies himself with
overseeing family interests
surrenders Western Union to Gould
Vanderbilt, William K.
Villa Marianna
Villard, Henry
Wabash Line
Wainswright, Carroll Livingston
swright, Edith (Gould)
Wainswright, Stuvyesant II
Wall Street. see also Gould, Jay, career on Wall Street
Civil War and
evolution of New York Stock Exchange
late nineteenth century
profiteers in the Panic of 1857
Wall Street: A History (Geisst)
Wandle, Richard
Ward, Attorney General
Wardell, Thomas
Warshow, Robert I.
Washington Connor & Company
Watson, Abigail
Watson, Mary
Watson, Peter H.
Weed, Thurlow
West Settlement
Westbrook, Theodore R.
Western Union
1884 competitors
George Gould loses
Gould consolidates American Union with
Gould merges A&P with
organized labor strike at
wet-spent tanbark process
White, Justin
White, Stanford
Willard Hotel
Willard, Edward K.
Williams, Ben
Willis, Nathaniel Parker
Wilson, D. M.
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, Price & Company, Leather Merchants
wireless business. see telegraph business
Wood, Annie
Woodlawn Cemetery
Woodward, W. S.
Work, Frank
compensation owed to
on Erie Board
efforts to takeover Erie
failure of Vanderbilt's injunctions
suspended from Erie board
World War I
Wyoming Coal and Mining Company