Dark Genius of Wall Street
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death of
as president of New York Elevated
Field, David Dudley
death of James Fisk
Field Codes
Gould's relationship with
Fifth Avenue Hotel
Fifty Years on Wall Street (Clews)
Finley, Nellie. see Gould, Helen "Nellie" (daughter)
Fisk & Belden
Fisk, James, Jr.
boyhood of
Chicago Fire and
comparing Gould with
creating "Thugs of Erie"
creating Fisk & Belden
death of
Edward Stokes and
Goulding deal
Grand Opera House partnership
Josie Mansfield and
marriage of
peddling business of
side businesses of
start on Wall Street
Fisk, James, Jr., Erie
A&S Railroad war
abusing law as board member
bear trap with Gould
as board member
federal suit vs.
fight against Vanderbilt
New York Central and
resigning as vice-president/controller
stock manipulation
Fisk, James, Jr., gold purchases
Black Friday. see Black Friday bulling up price
Gould's move to stealth bear
Fisk, James, Jr., personal qualities benevolence of
as consummate salesman and promoter
hard-work and intelligence of
love of military
managing press
memorials after death of
physical appearance of
popularity of
self-indulgence, exhibitionism
as swindler
theatrical nature of
Fisk, James, Sr.
Fisk, Lucy (Moore)
death of James Fisk
estate of James Fisk
marriage to James Fisk
relationship to Fanny Harrod
Fisk, Minna
Florence Gould Garden
Forbes, John Murray
Forty Years of American Finance (Noyes)
Fowler, William
Frank Jay Gould Pine Grove
Franklin Telegraph Company
Frost, Charles
Fuller, Robert H.
Fulton, Robert
Furlow Lake
Gardner, John
Garfield, James A.
Gould's gold speculations and
Gould's testimony on Black Friday
murder of
UP Railroad and
Garrett, John W.
Garrison, Commodore
Garrison, William
George C. Barnard locomotive
Gibbons v. Ogden
Gibbons, Thomas
Gilbert, Judge
Glenelg Country School
Godfrey, Cyrus O.
Gold Exchange Bank
Black Friday
function of
setting up
gold speculations
Black Friday
bulling up price
commodity price manipulations and
federal policy manipulations and
first speculation in
Gold Exchange Bank and
reputation ruined
as stealth bear
Tenth National Bank and
Ulysses S. Grant and
Gold, Abraham (great-grandfather)
gold, Civil War and
Gold, Esther (Bradley), great-great grandmother
Gold, family name change to Gould
Gold, Nathan (ancestor)
Gold, Nathan, Jr. (ancestor)
Gold, Samuel (great-great grandfather)
Gold, Talcott (cousin)
Gould Library
Gould, Abraham (grandfather)
Gould, Abram (brother)
birth of
farm work and
Gould educates
Gould's homes open to
inheritance from Gould
Missouri Pacific career of
Union Pacific career of
Gould, Anna (daughter)
father's estate
at Gould's death
life after death of father
personality of
Gould, Anna (Osborne), grandmother
Gould, Anna (sister)
on birth of Jay
closeness with Frank
on Gould driving her to church
on Gould's health problems at eighteen
Gould's help to
Gould's reunion with
inheritance from Gould
on mother
suit vs. George for mismanagement
Gould, Bettie (sister)
on the aftermath of Civil War
on Gould's friendship with John Burroughs
Gould's homes open to
inheritance from Gould
marriage of
on Pratt's Kingston speech
as schoolteacher
Gould, Captain John
Gould, Daniel (ancestor)
Gould, Edith
Gould, Edith (Kingdon), daughter-in-law
children of
death of
George's marriage to
indulgence and ostentatiousness of
Gould, Edwin (son)
good works after father's death
Gould grooming to take over for him
at Gould's death
inheritance from Gould
personality of
wedding of
Gould, Edwin, Jr. (grandchild)
Gould, Eliza
Gould, family name changed to
Gould, Florence (La Caze)
Gould, Frank (son)
at Gould's death
Gould's estate
interest in Roxbury
life after death of father
suit against George for mismanagement
Gould, Frank Miller (grandchild)
Gould, George Jay (son)
birth of
death of
estate of
financial talents of
Furrow Lake and
Gould grooming to take over for him
at Gould's death
as guardian of Anna and Frank
indulgence and ostentatiousness of
lives led by children of
marriage to actress
mismanagement as chief executor of estate
mistress of
personality of
second set of children of
Washington Connor & Company career
Gould, George Jay III
Gould, George, Jr. (grandchild)
Gould, Gloria
Gould, Helen "Nellie" (daughter)
after mother's death
birth of
good works after father's death
at Gould's death
as guardian of Anna and Frank
marriage of
personality of
Gould, Helen (Kelly)
Gould, Helen Day "Ellie" (Miller), wife
birth of George
death of
declining health of
friendship with Sarah
Gould's devotion to
on Ninth Regiment of N.Y. Militia
personalities of her children
qualities of
reaction to George marrying actress
trip abroad
Gould, Hezekiah (ancestor)
Gould, Howard (son)
at Gould's death
loss of fortune after death of father
personality of
Gould, Jay
ancestors of
boyhood friendship with John Burroughs
death of
death of Ellie
education at Albany Academy
on at Beechwood
education at Hobart
education in mathematics
father of
Fifth Avenue homes
gives up plans for college education
Gouldsboro named after
health problems at eighteen
last will and testament
Lyndhurst and
marriage to Ellie
mousetrap incident
near murder of Russell Sage and
old friends of
personalities of children
reputation after the Gouldsboro war
reputation as ingenious scoundrel
threats to life of
trip abroad
tuberculosis and
wrestling skills
Gould, Jay, career on Wall Street
1887 Interstate Commerce Act conference
A&S Railroad
brokerage firm partnerships
Chicago & Northwestern Railroad
cross-country railroads
elevated railroads. see elevated railroads
elusive retirement of
Erie Railroad. see Gould, Jay, Erie Railroad
financial worth in 1882
gold. see gold speculations
Grand Opera House partnership
learning tricks
mentoring relationships
as modern day-trader
prosperity at time of father's death
Russell Sage collaboration. see Sage, Russell
Rutland & Washington Railroad
self-start as curb wheeler
Smith, Gould & Martin
Tenth National Bank
testimonies on Capitol Hill
Troy, Salem & Rutland Railroad
Union Pacific Railroad. see UP (Union Pacific) Railroad
Watson and Erie Railroad case
Western Union
would-be corporate raiders vs.
Gould, Jay, careers before Wall Street
Burhans store
Leupp and Lee partnership. see Leupp, Charles M.
as orator
Shakersville Road Corporation
survey teacher at Roxbury Academy
writing History of Delaware County
Zaddock Pratt partnership. see Pratt & Gould
Gould, Jay, Erie Railroad
A&S war
abusing law as board member
adding ferryboats
British suit against
brokerage firms
case against
coup within board
Drew manipulates stock in
ferryboat business
fights against Vanderbilt
framing British and Wall Street shareholders
framing British shareholders
framing Erie Bill
Gould's fortune after ouster from
Gould's lucrative side deals
Grand Opera House offices
lucrative side deals
Morosini and. see Morosini, Giovanni Pertinax
politics within
problems of
settles all claims against him
Gould, Jay, personal qualities
as "smartest man in America"
attitude toward press
awareness of the shortness of life
benevolence through anonymity
collecting antique classic works
devotion to family
disdain of alcohol
economy of action
editorials after death
enemies of
even temperedness of
exhaustion of
financial abilities of
friends of
on honesty
James Fisk compared to
love of children
love of flowers
mentoring relationships
as orator
physical appearance
poor health of
problem-solving skills
public view of
relationship to Abram
religious beliefs
reputation after death
reputation as villain
romantic arts
as socially uncouth youth
Gould, Jay Fred (nephew)
Gould, Jay II (second grandchild)
birth of
inheritance from Gould
as tennis champion
WW I service of
Gould, John Burr (father)
alcoholism in later life of
on birth of George
birth, marriage and children of
failing health of
funeral of
political beliefs of
Roxbury tin business and
tragic life of
Gould, Kingdon (first grandchild)
birth of
happy life of
WW I enlistment of
Gould, Kingdon, Jr.
Gould, Marjorie
Gould, Mary
Gould, Mary (More), mother
Gould, Mary (Polly), sister
death of
engagement of
on Gould's failing health at eighteen
illness of
Gould, Mary Ann (Corbin)
Gould, Maugham Carter
Gould, Nancy (sister)
Gould, Sarah (sister)
friendship with Ellie
on Gould refusing father's tin business
on Gould's feelings about his father
Gould's health at wedding of
inheritance from Gould
leather manufacturing business of husband
memories of Gould's childhood
memories of mother
as schoolteacher
Gould, Sarah Cantine (Shrady), daughter-in-law
Gould, Sophia (Kegler)
Gould, Viola Kathrine (Clemmons)
Gould, Vivien
Goulding, John
The Goulds (Hoyt)
Gouldsboro Manufacturing Company
Gouldsboro tannery. see also Leupp, Charles M.
Gouldsboro War
Gouldsboro, naming of
Grand Opera House
overview of
purchasing with Erie money
The Twelve Temptations extravaganza
Grant, Julia
Grant, President Ulysses S.
discussion with Boutwell
Gould cultivating
Gould's gold speculations and
Gray, Amos
Greeley, Carlos S.
Greeley, Horace
Green, Norvin
Grimm, Suzi
Guggenheim, Daniel
Hall, George
Hamilton, Alexander
Hardenbergh land grant
Harlem Railroad
Harley, Nancy
Harriman, Oliver
Harriman, W.H.
Harrington, George
Harris, Clara
Harris, Hamilton
Harris, Ira
Harrod, Fanny
Hart, William T.
Hayes, Nehemiah
Heath, Robert A.
Heath, William
Herter Brothers
Hilton, John
History of Delaware County (Munsell)
History of Delaware County and the Border Wars of New York (Gould)
on Calico Indian down-renters
fire destroys manuscript
on migration of ancestors
the writing of
Hodgskin, James B.
Hopkins, A. L.
Horsley-Beresford, Arthur George Marcus Douglas de la Poer
Horsley-Beresford, John Graham Hope de la Poer
Horsley-Beresford, Marcus Hugh de la Poer
Horsley-Beresford, Vivien (Gould)
ough, Reverend Asahel
Anna's marriage to
Gould's help to
Gould's reunion with
Howard Association
Hudson River Association
Hudson River Railroad
Hughes, Elizabeth
Huntington, Collis P.
Central Pacific line and
compromise with Gould
dealings with Gould
ICRA (Interstate Commerce Railway Association)
Ingersoll, Julia (Pratt)
Ingersoll, Robert G.
Ingraham, Daniel P.
Inman, Israel
International Jazz Festival
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
Interstate Commerce Railway Association (ICRA)
Iowa pool
Jaffray, Edward
James Fisk, Jr. ferryboat
Jay Cooke and Company
Jay Gould ferryboat
Jekyll Island
Jerome, Leonard
Jordan, Eben D.
Jordan, Marsh & Company
judges, Supreme Court
Kansas & Texas (Katy) Line
Kansas City Line
Kansas Pacific Railroad
amalgamating rival lines
American Union agreements with
Gould achieves control of
Villard's investment in
Katy (Kansas & Texas) Line
Keene, James R.
Kegler, Sophia
Keith & Barton Ranch
Kelly, Helen
Kelso, John
Key, Philip Barton
Kimber, Arthur
Kingdon, Edith. see Gould, Edith (Kingdon), daughter-in-law
Kirkside Park
Klein, Maury
Knights of Labor
La Caze, Florence
La Force, Elizabeth
La Force, Jean Comte de Caumont
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Line
UP Railroad and
Vanderbilt purchases
William H. Vanderbilt heads
Lane, Frederick
coup within Erie board and
on Erie executive committee
Gould's bear trap and
Lawlor, Frank
leather tanning business
with Leupp and Lee. see Leupp, Charles M.
Northrop-Palen speculation
Pratt & Gould partnership. see Pratt & Gould
Tunkhannock tannery
Lee, David W.
background of
Gouldsboro War and
Leupp and
Leupp's estate and
Leupp's mental state
Leupp's suicide
partnership with Gould
Legal Tender Act
Leupp, Charles M.
background of
estate settlement of
Gould's first dealings with
mental state of
newspapers demonize Gould about
partnership with Gould
suicide of
Leupp, Laura
Lincoln, Abraham
Lockwood & Company
Lockwood, Legrand
Lombard Street
Lord and Burnham
Love Letters
Loveland, William A.H.
Lynch, Tommy
MacCracken, Henry Mitchell
MacIntosh, Charles