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Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

Page 9

by GG Shalton

  Amelia sat on a chair by her window. Her dressing room had a beautiful vanity with several soaps and perfumes. Her trunks were soon delivered by the servants, and Wilma ordered her a bath.

  After a bath, she took time to study her reflection in the looking glass. She stood sideways, backward, and forward. Her body was no longer a child. Would she feel the same after tonight? She would no longer be a girl, but a woman. He would exercise his husband rights and take her innocence away.

  Her thoughts turned to Andrew—a man she did not choose but was forced to marry. He may have bargained for her body, but she was determined he would never have her heart. That only belonged to the one she would choose. Closing her robe, she moved away from the looking glass.

  Hearing movement in the sleeping chamber, her body tensed. Trying to mask her nervousness, she resolved herself to her fate and opened the adjoining door. He stood without a shirt beside the bed. Her eyes locked on his bare chest and bulging muscles that were chiseled into his skin. Quickly, she looked away taking a seat by the fireplace.

  “Did you like what you saw, Amelia?” A cynical laugh escaped his mouth. “It’s okay love, you don’t have to answer that.” He poured two glasses of wine. Andrew took off his pants and put on a robe while she stared into the fire. He took the chair beside her and handed her the glass. Amelia accepted it not speaking.

  “I hope you like your new home. I wish I didn’t have to leave tomorrow as I wanted to give you a personal tour, but I have an urgent matter I must resolve. I will be back in a few days.” He finished his glass of wine and placed it on the table. He stood up and knelt in front of her.

  She had not touched her wine. He took the glass from her hand and put it on the table. He lightly touched her face. “Relax. I promise I will be gentle. I want to do nothing but please you tonight.”

  He took her hand and placed light kisses on the inside of her wrist. The move gave her chills, and she looked away not able to concentrate. He gently placed kisses up her arm until he reached her lips. Not pressing too hard as he skillfully nibbled on her bottom lip before opening his mouth and searching for her tongue. Her body tensed but she did not move away from him. He placed his arm underneath her legs and braced her against his chest lifting her from the chair without breaking his kiss. He carried her over to the bed placing her in the middle. He broke his kiss to crawl up beside her and placed light kisses along her jawline while softly touching her throat. She arched her back in response as he pulled her closer to him.

  The intimacy of his touch as he explored her body immersed her into feelings she had never experienced. He moved his kisses down her neck to her chest as the smell of sandalwood and masculinity intoxicated her. He untied her robe and pushed her arms gently to the side. Her resistance finally broke and it began to feel natural to be giving herself to this man. Allowing him access to her most private areas of her body no longer embarrassed her. Her modesty was lost as their bodies intertwined and became one.

  Andrew’s body shook as he took her to be his true wife. The possessiveness he was feeling was new to him. He desired her with his whole soul and it felt different than a tryst. He never wanted to let her go. The knowledge that she belonged to him made him want her more and explore the feelings he was encountering.

  Their breathing subsided, and he turned over in the bed taking her with him as he tucked her next to his side. He kissed her neck wanting to make sure she was okay. “Amelia, that was incredible, sweetheart.”

  Her body stiffened at his words as her breathing began to slow down. He squeezed her tightly a little worried. “Are you well? Did I hurt you?”

  She seemed apprehensive by his closeness and lack of modesty. “I am well,” she answered not looking at him. Carefully avoiding his stare, she covered her body with a blanket shifting in his arms.

  Andrew was hoping for more openness about her first encounter with making love. But he didn’t want to push her. Her affections were guarded and he longed for her to initiate his touch. She had been a virgin and he knew he must be patient. He kept awake watching her until he felt her breathing deepen and he knew she was asleep. Amelia was a bit of a puzzle to him and he wanted to spend more time with her. They lay in each other’s arms for the rest of the night until he had to leave. Not wanting to disturb her, he kissed her head and left the room.

  Chapter 9

  The next day Amelia woke up alone. Andrew told her he would be gone in the morning. Her body ached and was sore—all she longed for was a warm bath. She pulled the bell for her lady’s maid and wrapped a robe around herself. Tears welled in her eyes showing an emotion that she could no longer control. Weeks of frustration overwhelmed her. Unable to make her own decisions and being passed around like a pawn in a game between men came to a head. She sobbed thinking about her own will being ripped from her and how her future was looking bleak.

  Amelia tightened the robe around her as a chill ran through her body. The way she felt last night was confusing and any enjoyment was temporary. She was married to a man that would never love her. A broken man that loved only himself. Her whole life she was either a burden or used by people that could never love her back.

  She wiped her tears walking to the basin looking for a cool rag to wash her face. If only she had a mother who could teach her the things women should know. Was her mother dead? One of the servants told her a story when she was little that her mother ran off and was not dead. When she told her father, the servant was dismissed. The story was denied.

  Her maid entered the room and curtsied. Amelia quickly tried to hide her tears. Wilma tried to approach her, but Amelia lifted her hand. “I desire a bath. If you could ask the footman to bring up some water.” She turned away from her maid and sat on the chair near the window.

  “May I assist you with your bath, Mrs. Baird?” She asked inquisitively, not showing any sign of her earlier folly with the other servants.

  Amelia thought back to her cruel words a few days ago. She didn’t trust her. “No, you may not. I will not need your services today.” Her sharpness was evident in her words.

  After a long pause, the maid answered back. “As you wish.” She left the room and a few minutes later the footmen appeared with buckets of steaming water. Amelia thanked the footman and readied herself for the day.

  The house smelled of pine oil as she walked along the corridors. Woodwork and marble decorated the home throughout all the floors and walls. Huge carpets lay in various rooms matching the tapestries and paintings. The house was exquisite. Amelia could hardly believe the furnishings—detailed and expensive. She heard voices in the kitchen and felt her stomach growl. She craved some tea and bread. The voices went silent when she entered the room.

  “Are you lost, Mrs. Baird? We can send a tray up to your room or you may dine in the dining room.” A heavyset woman with a gray bun who she guessed was the cook and somewhat in charge gestured toward the door behind her. The kitchen servants looked at each other in shock. A few others were enjoying their breakfast at a table inside the kitchen. They were smiling and whispering.

  Amelia shook her head. “I thought I would just serve myself a piece of bread from the kitchen.”

  The woman shook her head with a repugnant stare. “That won’t do at all, Mrs. Baird. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Miss Haughton and I am the head cook. I know you were otherwise engaged last night with your husband so proper introductions were not made. The kitchen is not for the mistress of the home. We will gladly provide anything you may need within our capabilities. If you will please take your leave to the dining room, we will bring you some bread and tea.”

  Amelia’s face burned with the implications of her being engaged with her husband. She had never been addressed in such a way from a servant. Not knowing how to respond she chewed on her bottom lip. “Should I go over menus with you?”

  The housekeeper snorted. “I have
been providing the menus for Mr. Baird and his associates for over five years—every meal including his dinner parties. I am more than capable of continuing to plan on my own.”

  Amelia’s mouth fell open. She was being treated like a child and an outsider. The other women snickered in the kitchen. She didn’t have the strength to address the insolence of the staff. She had hoped they would be kind to her. Feeling her discomfort, Wilma stood up from the table.

  “Mrs. Baird, if you would like to sit in the dining room. I will bring you your bread and tea.”

  Amelia left the room. Only hunger forced her to go to the dining room. Wilma served her and a footman stood in the room ready to assist if asked. The bread was good but not as good as hers. Amelia liked to put a touch of honey in the dough making the bread sweet. Perhaps one day she would be allowed to use the kitchen. She thought Andrew might like to try her bread. After finishing her meal, she decided to spend time in the library. In the future, she would take a tray to her room for her meals. She didn’t have the stomach or willpower to go near the kitchen. Eating alone in the dining room made her feel even lonelier.

  The next few days went by slowly. Anytime she left the room the servants were obedient but often made her feel uncomfortable with all their secrets. No one tried to get to know her. She wished Rachel was there and hoped to write her soon. Her solace each day was her walks outside. Although never alone, as guards would watch her from afar.

  The gardens needed some attention and she decided to ask Andrew for some garden tools. Playing in the dirt would be a welcomed pastime. She knelt on the ground by a stone fence and ran her hands over mounds of soil. It was moist and could probably produce beautiful flowers. She thought about painting the landscape—another favorite pastime she engaged in growing up. The ground was wet with dew and beginning to soak through her gown. She stood up and wiped the dirt off her skirt. Her new home was growing on her. After exploring more of the garden, she headed to the house.

  She ordered her daily bath to soak in the bathtub.

  “Wilma, I will need your assistance today. I would like to wash my hair.” Amelia stood in her robe handing Wilma some rose soap.

  “Of course, Mrs. Baird.” She retrieved a ceramic pitcher to help rinse the soap from her hair. Amelia disrobed and stepped into the steamy water. After washing her body, she leaned her head back with her eyes close allowing Wilma to lather the soap down her hair.

  Amelia could sense Wilma’s distraction. She felt her stand up and move away from the tub. A few seconds later, she heard the door close and Wilma return to the tub and rinse her hair. Amelia was a little annoyed at her inattentiveness with soap in her hair and eyes, “Wilma, where did you go?”

  There was no answer.

  “Wilma?” Amelia pulled away from her and rubbed her eyes with her hands. Looking up she gasped. “Andrew!” She was mortified at being so exposed.

  He laughed at her expression. “Good Morning, sweets. I sent your maid out of the room so I could help you instead.”

  Amelia was dripping with water realizing she was naked and quickly tried to cover herself with her hands from his prying eyes.

  He grabbed her hands. “You’re beautiful, Amelia. Please don’t cover yourself up.” He picked her up out the bathtub and held her in his arms.

  “Andrew, don’t carry me. I will get your clothes soaked. I am dripping wet.” She tried to push away from him, but he held on tighter.

  “Nonsense. I don’t care if you get me wet. I don’t plan to have my clothes on that long.” He grinned as he placed her on the bed and took off his clothes. He kissed her and joined her on the bed.

  He whispered between kisses, “I missed you while I was gone and couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He touched her face gently. “I wrapped up my business a day early and traveled all night so I could be with you sooner.”

  After making love, he held her, wanting to know how she liked her new home. “So, tell me about your week. Are you getting familiar with your staff?” Andrew held his head up with his elbow rubbing her arm. Her hair was tumbled down partially covering her. He had never seen anyone more beautiful.

  Amelia was unsure how to answer him. “I guess you could say I am now familiar.” She looked away biting her lip unconsciously.

  He frowned with concern. “What is amiss?”

  She shook her head trying not to cry. “Nothing really.” Not able to hide her emotions her breath caught in her throat. Her eyes watered threatening tears to drop onto her cheeks. He touched her face. “What is it? Tell me.”

  She rubbed her lips together. “I don’t wish to upset you. I can handle it.”

  He pulled her close to him and buried his face in her neck. “Amelia, please tell me why the staff displeases you. I will terminate all of their employment if that is your wish.”

  After a hiccup, she closed her eyes. “They don’t like me. Mrs. Haughton said I wasn’t allowed in the kitchen. She told me my help with the menus would not be needed and she would decide what you would eat. The rest of the staff talks about me behind my back and often laugh at me, whispering when I walk into a room.” Tears escaped and she quickly wiped them away.

  Andrew’s jaw tightened and his face turned red. “I will address this immediately. No one will treat you this way. Especially servants.”

  Amelia’s eyes widened as her voice trembled. “Oh no! Please don’t say anything. I will handle it. If they know I came to you it will only be worse when you leave.”

  He held her close to him. “Shh. Don’t fret, sweetheart. I only want to speak to them. I promise all will be well. What about your lady’s maid?”

  Amelia leaned back to make eye contact. “Wilma? She is the worst one of them all. She laughed with them regarding… Never mind. She can’t be trusted.”

  Andrew tilted his head holding her eyes with his. “Regarding what? Tell me.” Amelia looked down to fidget with her hair. Taking a deep breath, she looked away to answer his question. “It was about that night at the inn. The servants were saying you were improper with some of the help.”

  Andrew’s nostrils flared. “Lass, look at me. I was not improper with any serving wench. She sat in my lap uninvited, and I told her my wife was upstairs and I refused her services.” Amelia didn’t know how to answer. She looked at him as he kissed her on the nose. “Get dressed, and I will meet you downstairs.”

  The servants were gathered together in the entry hall. Andrew stood in the middle of the staircase. He held out his hand to take hers when he saw her come down the stairs.

  “I would like to formally introduce my beautiful wife as I was unable to when we arrived a week ago. She is now mistress to all my estates. The staff will ultimately report to her and she will make all staffing decisions. Mr. Charles will return in a few weeks from taking care of his mother and will remain as the butler. He will also report to my wife.” He squeezed her hand pausing for a minute to look at her. “She likes to bake and will have full run of the kitchen, and I have asked her to personally plan all my meals.” He kissed her on the hand giving her a wink. “As my wife, she is to have the same courtesy that you give to me.”

  He turned to Mrs. Haughton. “If you would be so kind as to make a picnic basket for us as I plan to take my wife riding. We will be dining out this evening.”

  Amelia’s face burned at his acknowledgment. She saw the shocked faces and angry looks from the staff. He wasn’t finished and called for Wilma. “Yes, Mr. Baird?”

  “My wife will be interviewing for a different lady’s maid. She will no longer need your services, and there will be no letter of recommendation. Because of her generosity alone, we will provide you one month’s severance. You can thank my wife for that, as I would have dismissed you with nothing.” He turned and kissed Amelia on the cheek. “Please meet me in the stables in one hour. I have a surprise for you on o
ur bed.” He walked away leaving a stunned Wilma and Amelia.

  Amelia climbed the stairs back to her room. When she arrived, a package was sitting on the bed. He must have had someone put it there for her. She couldn’t help but smile as she opened it. It was a riding habit. The material was beautiful and golden in color. She dressed in a hurry, asking the chambermaid to help her.

  Andrew was waiting for her by the stables. Two horses were saddled, and he carried the basket and a blanket. He helped her mount and she followed him into the countryside. The estate was beautiful and the scenery was breathtaking. There was a lake nearby on his property and they stopped to put the blanket beside the water. He helped her sit down and took the fruit and wine out of the basket. She smiled and accepted a glass of wine. Taking a drink, she relaxed as the warmth of the liquid filled her body. He took a small box out of the basket and handed it to her. She slowly took it, confused by his grin. The box was red silk and when she opened it, a diamond necklace welcomed her. Her mouth fell open at the sparkling beauty. “Oh, Andrew. This is beautiful.”

  He took it from her and put it around her neck. “I noticed that you have very few jewelry pieces. A problem I hope to rectify.” He turned her around and kissed her lightly on the mouth. “It looks great on you.”

  She felt her necklace with her hand. “I am almost afraid to wear it.”

  He laughed, taking her hand and kissing it. “Nonsense, it pleases me to see you wearing it.” He sat back down seeming happy that he surprised her. Looking over the water, he sighed. “I love to look at the lake. It’s home to many fish, but I have not the time to go fishing. I can’t wait to take my sons.” He leaned back on his elbows watching Amelia as she drank her wine, glancing over the lake.

  She smiled and looked down at him. An infrequent site indeed for her to smile in his presence. “What about your daughters?”


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