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Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

Page 10

by GG Shalton

  He chuckled, amused at her defense., “Of course. They will learn to fish as well.” He reached over touching her face to kiss her. He had hoped she was now more accepting of him as her husband. Her melancholy was taking a toll on him. He could command many men and hundreds of employees were at his beck and call. But having his wife indifferent to his affections had bothered him more than he wanted to admit. She responded to his touch and he held her close drinking in her kisses. He laid her down on the blanket caressing her neck. Her surrender excited him and he wanted her more than ever before.

  Sounds of a horse coming near interrupted their embrace. Andrew sighed in frustration. He looked up to see Brian dismount. “Forgive me. I would not have come if it was not urgent. We received word that our business deal is ready to be signed and they need you at the warehouse as soon as possible.”

  Andrew took Amelia’s hand. “Forgive me, my dear. I will escort you back to the house and take care of this business quickly. Please dress in the dress I bought for you. I want you to meet some of my friends this evening. They invited us to their home for a dinner party.” He stood up assisting her onto the horse as they rode back in silence.

  Andrew arrived home later than he wanted. He quickly bathed and went to look for Amelia as they were running behind. He ordered two carriages for the night. One for them and one for his men. He caught a glimpse of her in the doorway, and his eyes took a moment to adjust to her beauty.

  She was stunning.

  The dark burgundy dress fit her womanly curves tightly making him weak in his knees. He had known beautiful woman all his life, but his wife stood out more than any other woman he had ever known. She wore the diamond necklace he gave her that accentuated the sparkle in her green eyes. He did enjoy spoiling her.

  “You are beautiful, my dear.” He walked over and kissed her on the cheek. “I will be the envy of every man there.” She looked away blushing.

  Chapter 10

  The home was of modest size in a busy part of the city. It was an hour’s ride away by carriage. Andrew explained to her that the woman hosting the party was a childhood friend who grew up on the same street that he did. She worked in some of his establishments and was loyal. Her husband was introduced to her through Andrew and he ran one of his factories. The other guests were either close friends or business associates of Andrew. Amelia twisted her hands as nervousness took over her body. Meeting actual friends who may judge her made her worry.

  A pretty woman with dark hair opened the door. “Andrew! You’re over two hours late. We almost started without you.” He kissed her on the cheek and took Amelia’s hand. “Better late than never. May I introduce you my lovely wife, Amelia?”

  The woman smiled admiring Amelia. “She is lovely. I am Jean and so glad to meet the woman who brought Andrew Baird up to scratch. Many women have tried and failed. You must be very special, dear.”

  Amelia was not sure how to take the woman’s comment. How many women had Andrew been involved with? Was he still seeing any? Amelia pushed the thoughts out of her mind. “Nice to make your acquaintance.” She gave her a guarded smile and looked away.

  Jean must have felt some of the tension and looked at Andrew with a raised brow. She then looked at Brian. “Come here you stranger. I missed you the last few dinner parties. Give me a hug.”

  Brian hugged her and walked with her into the drawing room where guests were drinking and conversing before dinner. Andrews’s men followed close behind. A few of the couples came over to greet Andrew. He introduced Amelia to many people and left her by the fireplace as some of the men led him away for a brief private chat.

  A scantily dressed woman approached Amelia as she feigned interest in a painting. “So, you are the newest?”

  Amelia gazed over at the woman who had a painted face. She tried not to stare at her but was distracted by the redness of her cheeks. She raised her brow. “Pardon?”

  The woman snorted proudly lifting her chin. “I am Sophie. I am sure you have heard of me. I knew that he would marry someday. But you’re nothing but a child playing dress-up. That innocent look does nothing to stir a man’s desire. He will grow tired soon.”

  Amelia was sure the woman had just insulted her. She was confused by her slurred speech and insinuations. Part of her wanted to tell the woman to go hang. But she decided to just walk away from her. The woman followed her to the other side of the room. “You don’t walk away from me. I know your father is a baron. That doesn’t make you better than us. We have known Andrew for years.”

  Jean came to interrupt the conversation. “Sophie, that’s enough. Leave Mrs. Baird alone.”

  Sophie looked at Jean. “Mrs. Baird? This is ridiculous. Look at her. He won’t be satisfied with only one woman.”

  Amelia tried to steady herself grabbing onto a table. Jean took Sophie by the arm and pulled her away from the scene. One of Andrew’s men approached Amelia. “Mrs. Baird, are you well?” Amelia’s eyes widened. “Yes, thank you.”

  A young woman approached Amelia. “Never mind Sophie. She is just jealous and had her heart set on Andrew for years. She wasn’t even invited tonight but showed up knowing Jean wouldn’t send her away. They used to work together by the docks.” She laughed while taking a drink of wine. “I am Josephine. I am married to Georgie who works for Andrew.”

  Amelia nodded not saying anything. Josephine stepped closer and whispered. “The truth is we are all a bit shocked. Andrew had a reputation of a lifetime bachelor. The fact that he married an English woman from nobility has surprised us all. He didn’t seem the marrying type. He lives for his business and has always wanted to build an empire. He had a woman in every city. Forgive me. Perhaps I have had too much wine and shouldn’t be telling you all of this. Please don’t tell my husband.” She walked away in a nervous hurry and joined a group of other women.

  Amelia stood speechless. She never met such ill-mannered people in her life. She would remain silent the rest of the evening hoping for a quick escape after dinner. Andrew joined her a few moments later and escorted her to the dining room. The dinner conversations were different than what she was used to. It was obvious many of them wanted to please Andrew, often talking about their accomplishments with his business interests. Andrew called them his friends, but they were more of his cronies vying for his attention and acceptance. It made her nauseous. He would never own her despite his thoughts on the matter. It was obvious to her that he must have many indiscretions. He only saw her as a conquest and someone to have his children. She would close her heart no matter how much he tried to open it.

  After dinner, Josephine went to the piano to play music. A few of the men moved some of the furniture out of the way so they could dance. Amelia did not want to stay and sat alone near the corner of the room trying to avoid the constant stares from Sophie and the other women. Jean approached her trying to get her to join the others.

  “Hello. Are you not well?” Jean took a seat next to Amelia’s chair. “I hope you enjoyed dinner. Did you know that roasted goose is one of Andrew’s favorites?”

  Amelia shook her head politely not speaking. She didn’t want to be there any longer and propriety forbade her to voice her opinion. Instead, she looked down into her lap.

  Jean looked with sympathy at Amelia. “Can I call you Amelia?”

  Amelia looked up and made eye contact with her. She would prefer the woman didn’t call her by her first name. Amelia suspected that she may have had a past relationship with her husband given the familiarity of their greeting. It made Amelia feel awkward. Not knowing how to answer without appearing rude, she nodded her head with acceptance.

  Jean smiled. “Amelia, I had hoped we could be friends. Andrew is like a brother to me. We grew up together, and he has always been my protector until I married one of his close friends. I want him to be happy, and I hope you can both find happiness together.”

  It was hard for Amelia to believe anything that Jean was saying to her, so she gave her a guarded smile and said, “If you will excuse me.” She stood up dismissing Jean to look for her husband.

  Jean stood up beside her and touched her arm again. “Amelia? Did I say something to upset you?”

  Amelia pulled her arm out of her grasp straightening her shoulders. Remembering her manners, she decided to act in a manner appropriate of her station. A baron’s daughter. “Not at all. If you will excuse me, I must find Mr. Baird.” She turned on her heel and walked toward the staircase where she saw Andrew. When he saw her, his face lit up. “There you are. I saw you speaking to Jean earlier and left you alone to get to know each other.”

  Amelia nodded and whispered in his ear. “Is it possible to leave?”

  He looked at her with concern. “Are you not feeling well? You look a little pale.” Amelia nodded her head and looked away from him. He put his hand around her waist and whispered in her ear. “I will tell the groom to fetch our carriage and we can say our goodbyes.”

  Andrew approached Jean and told her Amelia was not feeling well and they would be leaving. Jean nodded her head. “Of course. I hope she feels better.”

  Andrew asked the servant to fetch Amelia’s cloak. They were standing by the front doors getting ready to leave when Sophie approached them. Jean tried to grab her, but was unsuccessful. Sophie stood by Andrew rubbing up against him in front of Amelia. “Are you leaving so soon? We didn’t get a chance to dance, Drew. Remember how we use to dance?” She eyed him seductively and giggled.

  Amelia removed her hand from his arm and turned to walk out the front doors. Andrew looked back at his wife and scowled at Sophie. He unattached her hand from his arm and left her standing there as he ran after Amelia who was walking briskly toward the carriage.

  He caught up with her. “Wait!” She was holding back tears and kept walking. He walked beside her until they reached the carriage.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart. She is nothing to me.” He wiped the tears from her eyes and helped her into the carriage. Amelia felt a chill and looked around the carriage. “I forgot my cloak.”

  He touched her face. “Wait here, and I will go get it.” She nodded leaning back against the cushions. Her mind raced with thoughts of the night. It was not exactly jealousy that she was feeling but humiliation. That woman flirting with her husband in front of her. The gossip would be relentless.

  Andrew stormed through the front door grabbing Sophie by the hair in front of all the guests. No one dared stop him. She screamed out as he pulled her until she fell onto the floor. He knelt and grabbed the back of her neck. “If you ever show disrespect to my wife again, I will ruin you. You don’t ever speak to her again. Her name will never be on your lips. If I find out that you even looked her way, I will make you pay every day for the rest of your life. Are we clear?”

  She nodded and screamed out again. “Let me go!” Jean rushed over and stood between Andrew and Sophie. She grabbed his arm. “Let us talk for a minute. I will assure she understands.”

  He shook his head. “I have to go. Amelia is upset and waiting for me. I only came back for her cloak.” The servant handed it to him. He looked at Jean. “I will come to the Tree Lounge tomorrow. Meet me there and we can talk then.” Jean nodded and watched him walk out the door.

  Andrew entered the carriage and took the seat beside Amelia. He took her hand and kissed it gently. He slid his arm around her and held her next to him the entire way home. She fell asleep in his arms and he carried her upstairs to their bed. He undressed her and tucked her in beside him. She stirred a few times but stayed asleep until he snuggled close to her.

  “Andrew? Did you carry me?”

  He kissed her on the cheek. “Yes, you were very tired and I didn’t want to wake you.”

  She closed her eyes. “I am very sleepy.” He smiled as she drifted back to sleep. The next morning, he left her sleeping as he went back into town.

  Jean was waiting for him at the Tree Lounge—a tavern that Andrew owned and Jean managed for him. She saved a private table for them in the back.

  She laughed as they ordered a few drinks. “It’s not a party if someone doesn’t get hurt.” Andrew smiled, loosening his cravat. “It’s warm in here.”

  Jean pressed her lips together trying to find the right words. “How is Amelia?”

  Andrew took a long breath. “She slept most the way home and was still sleeping when I left this morning. She will be fine, just probably exhausted.” Andrew shook his head. “Why did you invite Sophie? Were you trying to make me angry?”

  She puckered her lips. “Are you mad? I didn’t invite her. She just showed up. I made her promise to behave if I let her stay.”

  Andrew creased his brow. “No matter. I don’t wish to speak of her. What did you think of my Amelia?”

  She lifted the corner of her mouth. “Darling, it doesn’t matter what I think. You’re already married.” Jean smiled, wiping some crumbs off the table.

  Andrew leaned back. He studied his friend’s face and accepted a glass of brandy from the server. He took a drink enjoying the sting that went down his throat. “What does that mean?”

  She took a drink of her wine. “Oh, stop Andrew. She is obviously very easy to look at and I know her beauty is why you married her. I doubt you really know much about her.”

  Andrew tilted his head. “Of course, I know all about her. She is my wife and we are intimate.”

  She snorted. “That is just like a man to say something like that. There is more to women than their bodies, Andrew. The poor girl is so frightened and untrusting of her surroundings that she barely speaks. It’s like she suspects everyone and holds secrets if you ask me.” She took a drink of wine looking at Andrew who didn’t say anything back as he thought about her revelation.

  Jean cleared her throat. “Has she ever had an actual conversation with you? Honestly, she probably only answers your questions. I challenge you to pay attention and see if she asks you anything about your life? Or is she just obedient and agrees with what you say not ever telling you her true feelings.”

  Andrew drained the rest of his drink and gestured toward the waitress for another one. “That’s ridiculous. Of course, we have conversations.”

  Jean shook her head. “Andrew, I am your friend. Trust me when I tell you that you don’t know the girl at all. You are so blinded by her beauty that you fail to see that she is miserable. It’s clear to me that you are smitten, but does she return your affection? I have never known you to fall for any woman. Not even Loren who you were with on and off for years.”

  Andrew looked away at some patrons who just entered the tavern. He recognized an old friend and turned back to Jean. “I appreciate your concern, but we are good. If you will excuse me, I want to speak to Bartley. I haven’t seen him in a long time.”

  Chapter 11

  Amelia finished up her last interview for her new lady’s maid. Beatrice was her favorite and just a few years older than her. Her references were limited, but she felt at ease with her. She could start right away, and Amelia jumped at the chance to have someone to talk to. The rest of the staff only gave her customary greetings keeping their distance. Some of them were upset over Wilma’s dismissal especially her mother who remained the head cook. Amelia was hoping to convince Beatrice of her good nature before the others had a chance to poison her reputation. She walked Beatrice to the front door after she accepted the position just as Andrew came home.

  Amelia smiled and made introductions. Andrew seemed very pleased with her choice. “I am happy you will be joining our staff.”

  Beatrice curtsied. “Thank you, Mr. Baird. I am looking forward to the opportunity.” Andrew held the door for her as she waved goodbye to Amelia.

  Andrew kissed her on the cheek. “I see you have been busy.”
/>   Amelia took in a deep breath, “Yes, your solicitor sent five applicants. Beatrice was my favorite.” Amelia walked with him toward the drawing room. She poured him a glass of brandy and a cup of tea for herself. Andrew thanked her and patted the seat next to him on the settee.

  Struggling with his words, he stared at her curiously. He reached for her hand rubbing circles on her skin with his thumb. “I spoke to Jean briefly today.” He made eye contact with her as if measuring her reaction.

  She stared at him blankly waiting for him to continue.

  Andrew continued, “She thinks you’re lovely. It’s just that…”

  Amelia narrowed her eyes and pulled her hand away. “What did she say?” A nervous feeling came over her. She reached for her cup of tea and took a sip.

  Andrew reached for his glass and took a sip of brandy. “She wants to have tea with you tomorrow.”

  Amelia was suspicious. “Just tea?”

  Andrew stared into his glass contemplating his response when he finally looked up at Amelia. “Do you have any questions about me? Something maybe a wife should know about her husband?” He observed her closely waiting for her to respond.

  She paused for a few moments and began to chew on her bottom lip. She shrugged her shoulders. “I hardly know.”

  Andrew touched her arm. “There has to be something.”

  Amelia took a moment before replying, “Very well. I guess I have wondered how old you are.”

  Andrew chuckled at the irony of the question. “Of course. That is something most wives know about their husbands. I am two and thirty.”

  Amelia accepted his answer and sighed, debating within herself. She finally looked at him with a raised brow. “There is one more thing that I can’t get out of my mind.”


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