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Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

Page 12

by GG Shalton

  Ian snorted. “That sounds grand. To be surrounded by a bunch of couples. Can you have Jean bring one of her girls?”

  Andrew shook his head with amusement. “It’s a proper dinner with my wife. We can go to the Tree Lounge afterward.”

  Amelia looked away as she lost her smile. “We should go so I can alert the staff about the dinner.” She looked back at Andrew. “If you will excuse us?”

  Andrew stood. “I will escort you back.”

  Ian stood and held out his arm for Amelia. “Allow me, brother. I want to get to know my new sister.”

  Andrew sighed but knew his brother meant well. He is probably the only man on earth who he would allow to slight him and escort Amelia home.

  Chapter 13

  The servants paraded a feast for the impromptu dinner party. Andrew sat at the head of the table with Greg on one side and Amelia on the other. Ian sat next to Amelia whispering jests into her ear. Amelia chuckled and whispered back a few times laughing. Andrew narrowed his eyes annoyed at their childish behavior. His other guests tried to capture his attention by speaking of a new factory, but he found it difficult to concentrate as his attention was pulled toward his brother and his wife.

  His jaw flexed in frustration. “Ian?” He said sharply to get his attention off his wife and to acknowledge the other dinner guests.

  Ian looked at Andrew innocently. “Yes, brother?” He grinned back at Amelia as though they shared a secret.

  It infuriated him.

  Andrew took a drink of water studying them both. Tension rang throughout the dining room. He tried to calm himself as his jealousy consumed him. “Tell us about your plans.”

  Ian smiled sarcastically enjoying his brother’s discomfort. “Of course, brother. My plans are to live off your generosity for the next few days and then go to London. I hear London women are something to see and I may need to check it out for myself.” He winked at Amelia.

  Turning his attention back to his brother, he leaned back in his chair. “I do have a few friends I want to visit. Which reminds me—may I stay in your London residence?”

  Andrew rolled his eyes. “I will let you stay, but I have some work for you to do while you are there. I won’t have you living there for free.”

  Ian laughed out loud. “Of course, Andy.” Ian turned to Jean and started asking her about the Tree Lounge. The guests began to speak as the tension in the room faded and they moved on to more pleasant topics.

  Andrew took a bite of his chicken not looking at Amelia. He was angry at her banter with his brother. She was his wife and he would not allow that type of behavior. It was rude to him and his guests. Furthermore, why was it so easy for his brother to make her smile? She enjoyed Ian’s company more than she ever did his. He had never seen her so relaxed and happy.

  After dinner, Ian suggested they play charades. Andrew excused himself and took Brian and Greg into the other room. He would not play a child’s game. It surprised him that Ian played with the women. Ian was at Amelia’s side and Andrew could hear them laughing from the study. After his conversations with the men, he joined the others. He was unable to sit by his wife because Ian sat beside her on the settee. They were in whispered conversations as they played their turns. Jean approached Andrew as she excused herself from the game.

  “Are you well?” she whispered as her brow creased with concern. They walked to the other side of the room toward the fireplace unnoticed by the group.

  “Of course.” His mouth formed a straight line. Jean touched his arm. “Stop it. I know you better than you think. You’re upset.”

  He sighed. “Why is it so easy for Ian to make her happy?” He looked away trying to mask his emotions. Andrew hated looking weak in front of anyone. To his business associates and everyone else, he was powerful and feared. With his wife, he was anything but.

  Jean shook her head. “Andrew, I think you are too hard on yourself. She is very young and is in a world that is hard to understand. Ian is immature and she relates to his childish side. They mean no harm to you. She will favor your strength when she needs to. You will be her protector and the father of her children. She will learn to care for you in time.”

  He looked at Jean whispering through his teeth. “I don’t like it.”

  She took a drink of her wine. “It’s harmless. All you will do is push her away if you insist on being a brute.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “If I had my wish, I would steal her away from the world and keep her all to myself.” He walked away and poured another drink. The couples stopped their game and claimed fatigue as they left the party. Andrew said good night to all his guests and escorted Amelia up to bed.

  The next day Andrew organized a picnic for his friends. He hoped to interest Amelia in some activities to show her a different side of him—he was not all business and could have fun. He decided they would go riding and eat a picnic by the lake. The men wanted to do some rowboat races, and Ian was like a little kid challenging any of them to race.

  The group mounted the horses and Andrew helped Amelia onto her sidesaddle. Brian had brought Julia, and a few of the guards came with them. Amelia dressed in a dark orange gown that brought color to her cheeks. Andrew could smell her floral scent. He stayed near her as they rode on the property near the lake.

  Most of the men organized the boats to compete in the races. Andrew took a seat beside Amelia on the blanket. She cheered for Ian and Andrew joined her as the tension of the race proved to be competitive.

  She smiled. “Are you racing today?”

  He laughed. “I prefer to watch with you.” He took her hand and held it as they watched the race.

  Brian and Ian were the finalists, and both were disqualified for rocking the boats and wrestling each other into the water. They both came to shore dripping from the fall into the lake.

  “He cheated,” Brian yelled, trying not to laugh.

  Ian patted Brian on the back. “It’s not a problem, old man. We can call it even.”

  Brian picked Ian up. “I will show you an old man.” Ian laughed as Brian put him back down. Amelia seemed to enjoy the teasing and the mood of the atmosphere. Everyone was having an enjoyable time. A few servants served chicken, cheese, bread, and fruit.

  Andrew kept her close to his side for the rest of the afternoon not wanting to share her with his brother. Even if their acquaintance was harmless, he wanted to keep him at bay. As the afternoon dwindled to evening, the group went back to the house and Ian left to go out to Tree Lounge with some of the guards. Andrew stayed with Amelia ordering a tray for dinner to their room.

  “Tell me, my dear. Did you enjoy yourself today?” Andrew loosened his shirt removing it and stayed in his breeches. Amelia looked away not wanting him to know that she was watching him. She turned toward her wardrobe looking for a nightdress. “It was fun to be outdoors for a change.” She went behind her dressing screen, uncomfortable to change in front of him. He smiled at her shyness.

  She came out from behind the screen and saw him lying on the bed. He had a bowl of fruit and two glasses of wine. He handed one to her and she took it sitting on the chair and not the bed.

  He tilted his head. “Amelia, join me on the bed.” She hesitated but obeyed.

  “Do you think Ian would like to go to the art museum? He said he likes paintings.” She took a bite of fruit.

  Annoyed that she would bring up Ian, he shrugged his shoulders. “Probably not. I have never known him to like art. He said he liked paintings because you paint. If you want to go to the art museum, then I will take you.”

  She wrinkled her brow. “I didn’t think you would want to go.”

  He took a drink of wine. “If it pleases you, then I will not deny you a trip there.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I just thought we could do something with Ian being that he is
our guest. You both seem so different from each other.”

  Andrew studied her face, growing weary of the conversation. “We are very different. I always protected Ian, and was forced to provide for us when I got older. He seems carefree because he never had any responsibilities.”

  Amelia shook her head. “He just likes to have fun and people like being around him.”

  He snorted. “It may seem like he is fun to you, but he is irresponsible, impulsive, and rash. Honestly, is that what you want? Someone that floats through life?”

  She rolled her eyes. “That is ridiculous. I was only trying to be nice and take your brother to the art museum.”

  He took her hand. “Amelia, don’t you know that I would do anything to make you happy?”

  She looked down at their hands. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Andrew let go of her hand, upset from her fascination with his little brother. “I will be in my study.” He grabbed his robe and went down the stairs.

  Andrew kept Ian busy the next few days carefully keeping him away from Amelia. She withdrew to her room spending time with Beatrice. After a few days, Ian said his goodbyes to go to London. Andrew announced that he would be leaving as well for at least a week or two to attend to some business out of town. Amelia never asked questions on his whereabouts, she gave no reaction to his departure.

  He insisted on having dinner with her the night before he left. Determined to please her, he tried to gauge her attention. “Amelia, I asked the cook to make apple tarts for dessert. You seem to favor them.”

  Amelia smiled briefly. “Thank you.” She offered no other words, looking down at her plate and shoving her food around.

  Andrew tried again to get her to converse with him. “I thought we could take a wedding trip when I return. Just the two of us. I was overly busy when we returned from London and would like to rectify that.”

  Amelia looked up eagerly. “Can we go back to London?”

  Andrew was leery of her question. After all, Ian was on his way to London. He raised his brow. “London? No, I thought maybe Ireland or other parts of Scotland. We could even sail somewhere if you wish. We could stay along the coast and enjoy the sea air.”

  Amelia’s face fell. She took in a deep breath. “I don’t think a wedding trip is necessary. We have already been married over two months.”

  He was angered by her rejection and chose to remain quiet. Bitterness, combined with antipathy fueled his anger, making the rest of the evening intolerable. They ate in silence.

  After dinner, Amelia excused herself to her room and he went to his study. Later in the evening he left to go to one of his clubs leaving her to sleep alone.

  The next morning Andrew awoke to an empty bed. He was annoyed Amelia was not there to say goodbye. He dressed quickly and gathered his men to finish packing the carriages. He excused himself to go find her.

  She was painting in the field by the lake. He thought she looked beautiful sitting under a tree with the sun streaming through her hair that was loose along her back. His body ached for her.

  “Amelia, I was looking for you. We are ready to leave.” He got off his horse and walked to her. Her maid walked away carefully looking the other way to give them privacy.

  Amelia turned from her painting with a guarded smile. “I wish you a safe trip.”

  He took her hand and pulled her up off the ground. “I will miss you.”

  She tensed at his words. He felt her resistance and pulled her closer to him. He took his hands and wrapped them around her waist and placed his forehead on top of hers. “Please say you will miss me.”

  She closed her eyes unable to say anything. He sensed her hesitation and chose to kiss her instead. He pulled back and cupped her face. “If you only knew the thoughts I have of you.” He smiled and kissed her again on the forehead. “I will be back in a week or two.”

  She nodded. “Goodbye, Andrew.” She sat back down and started painting.

  Chapter 14

  The butler Mr. Charles came back to work a few days after Andrew left. He was an older gentleman with good manners and took an immediate liking to Amelia. She admired his direction with the staff members. He was the only one who could control Mrs. Haughton. Beatrice’s antics ceased at his return causing some order to come back to the kitchen and mealtime. The staff respected his orders, and it made Amelia’s job easier. The staff had resented her, but now she had a partner.

  Mr. Charles was amusing, often teasing her in a good-natured way. He helped her hang her paintings and organized workers to hang new tapestries that she chose. She enjoyed her new freedom in her own home and worked hard redecorating parts of the house. Mr. Charles helped her plan menus and even baked apple tarts with her despite Mrs. Haughton’s silent protests.

  Mr. Charles often went to the library in the evening. He agreed to play chess with Amelia at her insistence. He thought it was improper, but when the rest of the staff had retired for the evening, Amelia would sometimes find him in the library and they would play a game of chess.

  “Mrs. Baird, I believe you are letting me win.” He smiled as he won again. Amelia scowled at him. “Nonsense. I never let anyone win. I want you to teach me your secret.”

  He grunted. “Then it wouldn’t be a secret.” The old man chuckled. “Oh, Mrs. Baird, you do make an old man smile. Your problem is that you wear your emotions on your face. I know the move you are going to make. A lot of chess is studying your opponent. You are easy to read, Mrs. Baird.”

  She smiled back. “Nonsense. It’s part of my strategy to make you think that is the move I am going to make. Perhaps I will let you win for our real game tomorrow evening.”

  Mr. Charles shook his head. “You do have some wit. Mr. Baird is lucky to have you. You’re not only beautiful but a challenge.”

  He took a drink of his tea and started cleaning up the pieces of the chessboard. He glanced up at Amelia. “I have known him for years, and you are the only woman that I ever met that he took a fancy to. I know he has had woman acquaintances before, but not one he wanted to marry. I can see how he surrendered to your charms, Mrs. Baird. Forgive me if I have spoken too frankly. I heard a rumor that he is very tolerable since he met you.”

  Amelia smirked unsure what to say about his kind words. “Honestly, Mr. Charles, it’s no secret how we married. I can hardly take credit for anything Andrew does.” Wanting to change the subject, she took a deep breath. “Tell me again how you came to work for my husband. You’re so different than the other staff.”

  He nodded. “I worked for a family in London. Most of the children were grown and married. The man was a viscount and borrowed a lot of money from Mr. Baird. When he couldn’t pay, he collected the collateral. Many of the staff members lost their jobs and I was on my way out. Mr. Baird spoke to me at the residence before he sold it and offered me a job at his own residence in London. After a few years, he thought I did an excellent job and made me the head butler at his main residence in Edinburgh. He is a fair employer and pays well. He is feared by a lot of people and has a ruthless reputation, but I find him honest and generous. He helped me out financially when my mother took ill.”

  She thought about the kind words regarding Andrew which was not a common occurrence. “I am happy he could assist you and that you work for him.” She stood up from her chair to put the chessboard away. “In fact, I believe it was probably his smartest decision.”

  The butler shook his head. “No, my dear. The smartest decision was marrying you.”

  Amelia blushed. “Oh my. You are a flirt, Mr. Charles.” He laughed and stood up escorting her out of the library to go up the stairs.

  Amelia was painting outside early the next morning. She jerked her head with a light panic as Andrew kissed her neck. He laughed at her shock. “You’re in the same place that I left you a few weeks ago.”

  Amelia relaxed and looked at him. “Didn’t you know that I sleep here when you are out of town?”

  He enjoyed her banter and kneeled beside her. “I have a surprise for you. I want to take you to a special place.”

  She shivered as the wind blew colder. “Today?”

  Andrew took her arm and pulled her up from her blanket. “Yes, today. We will pack some blankets and a basket of food. It may be cold so dress warmly.”

  Amelia crinkled her nose. “Where is it?”

  Andrew shook his head. “It’s a surprise, so my lips are sealed. We must be on our way we are losing light. Hurry.”

  Amelia went upstairs and dressed warmly for her outing with Andrew. He had arranged for a carriage for just the two of them. Only one guard drove them and two guards would follow far behind them in a separate carriage for protection. He wanted their outing to be as normal as possible. He waited for her downstairs and assisted her into the carriage.

  The drive to Edinburgh was long and a bit bumpy. Andrew entertained her with conversation and with wine, cheese, and some small cakes. “Do you enjoy music? I don’t know if I ever asked you that or not.”

  Amelia nodded taking her attention away from the window and turned back to Andrew. “I do enjoy music. When I went to school, I took piano lessons and we would dance on weekends in our rooms.”

  Andrew smiled. “I must admit that I don’t dance often, but I did learn to from some old acquaintances. Not quite the ballroom dancing that you would be accustomed too, but I learned those dances as well. I thought it would be good for my image.” He lifted the corner of his mouth.

  Amelia laughed out loud. “Oh yes, A moneylender must learn to ballroom dance.”


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