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Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

Page 13

by GG Shalton

  Andrew kept a smile on his face. “Is that what you think I do for a living? Lend money?”

  The smile faded from her face. “I thought… I mean, people owe you money. I do hear things. I guess I don’t know what you do for your business. What would you expect me to say?”

  Andrew studied her face. “I don’t think anyone who knows us would ask you that question. Just tell them I am a businessman.”

  Amelia looked away out the window again. “Did you want to give me a hint of where we may be going?”

  Andrew scooted over closer to Amelia and tickled her. “You are impossible in keeping patient.” Amelia squirmed at his tickling and started to giggle as he held her in his arms. “I love to hear you laugh.” He cupped her face and kissed her on the mouth. “You are so beautiful to me.”

  She batted her eyes. “You do like to tease me, Mr. Baird.”

  The carriage slowed and Andrew looked out the window. He turned to Amelia. “We are here. I will have to hide your eyes.” He took a piece of cloth to put over her eyes.

  Amelia took her head back. “My eyes? How will I walk?”

  Andrew smirked. “You have to trust me. I will not let you fall.”

  Andrew led Amelia up a hill and she could hear the ocean roaring onto the beach. She could taste the salted sea air and it smelled like fish. Andrew held her arms, slowly guiding her into a building and up a spiral staircase to the top floor. They entered inside a door and Andrew took the cloth off. Amelia opened her eyes and saw a view of the ocean from a tower. It was the most beautiful picturesque view she had ever seen.

  She looked at Andrew. “Oh, Andrew. This is beautiful. Are we in a tower with windows on all sides?”

  Andrew smiled at her. “It’s a lighthouse. It helps navigate ships with a beacon of light. I own it now and the land it sits on. I thought you could paint in this room.”

  Her heart beat rapidly in her chest. She looked around the small room and there was a desk, table, and small bed. Plenty of room to paint. The windows showed three different views of the ocean—a magnificent sight. “I don’t know what to say. You surprise me sometimes, Andrew.”

  He came up behind her and put his arms around her waist. “I only want to make you happy, Amelia. I just wish you would let me.”

  Her resistance was melting. No one had ever done such a nice gesture in her life. Turning around, she looked at him in the face. “I am without words. I would love to paint in this room.” She stepped away from him looking out a different window. “I feel like I am in the middle of the world up here.”

  He smiled and took out the wine, pouring her a glass. “Let’s make a toast to happiness.” She took the wine and toasted with him. After they drank, he took their glasses and put them to the side. Gathering her into his arms, he kissed her gently. She responded without pulling away, welcoming his touch, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He carried her to the small bed in the back of the lighthouse. Taking his time, he kissed her, lightly caressing her back. He slowly unlaced her gown, taking off her dress and laying her down beside him. They made love the next few hours as her body betrayed her enjoying his touch. Loathing him was turning to longing.

  She found herself having feelings for him. “Andrew?”

  He ran his finger gently down her arm. “Yes, love.”

  Searching his face, she took a moment to answer. “Thank you.”

  He reached over and kissed her. “I would deny you nothing if you would let me.”

  The ride back was full of contentment. There were few words spoken, but Amelia laid on his arm and fell asleep. He carried her up to their room and held her the rest of the night. The next morning, he woke her apologizing, but he had been pulled away for a few weeks, but promised to stay longer when he returned.

  Chapter 15

  Amelia spent the next few days painting inside as the weather was dreadful. Andrew was away on business again, unsure when he could return. A part of her missed him although it was hard for her to admit. To keep herself from going stir-crazy, she went into the village and worked with her art teacher.

  Beatrice and Alfred were getting closer. Amelia insisted they spend more time together giving Beatrice a Saturday night off. As much as she enjoyed her company, she knew the couple needed time together too.

  After helping Beatrice dress, Amelia found herself alone. It had been a while since she didn’t have Beatrice to spend time with. She felt lonely and decided to go to the library. Perhaps Mr. Charles would be up for a game of chess or she could at least find a book to read to pass the time. She was excited for Beatrice to come home so she could tell her about her time with Alfred.

  Entering the library, she realized it was empty, Mr. Charles must still be working. She lit a candle to help move around the room. The books were a little unorganized and it took her some digging to find something to read. A movement by the side of the desk startled her. She held the candle out toward the desk and gasped as someone grabbed her from behind.

  “Shh! It’s me. Don’t scream.” Amelia recognized the voice immediately and quickly turned toward him. The heat of his body radiated against her, and she could smell a musky outdoor scent. She nearly lost her balance. “Billy? What are you doing here? Are you mad?” Amelia was astonished to see him.

  He touched her face. “Do you have any idea what I have been through to find you? Is that any way to greet me?” He took the candle from her hand and placed it on the desk. He embraced her, squeezing tightly. “I told you I would find you if you ever left me.”

  Closing her eyes, she breathed him in. She didn’t let go of him and felt the tears burn in her eyes. He rubbed her back, and she trembled while a sob escaped. “I can’t believe you are here.”

  He cupped her face. “Sally told me about your last visit. Forgive me for not being there to help you.” He let her go and walked around the library touching some of the paintings and admiring the furniture.

  He whistled. “I heard you married well but had no idea how well. Your husband must have a fortune.” He stepped toward her and touched her face. “Does he treat you well? Sally told me you had no choice and was forced to marry him.”

  Amelia looked away and glanced toward the door. She hoped Mr. Charles would not interrupt them. “My father made the arrangements. He needed the money. I accepted it and did what I had to do for my family.” That wasn’t exactly the truth. Her feelings for Andrew were changing. It may have started out that way, but he was proving not to be cold and heartless.

  He looked at her and ran his fingers over his stubbled chin showing a day or two of growth. “Do you want to be with him?”

  Amelia looked down, unsure how she felt about Andrew. She whispered. “I hardly know.”

  He sat on top of the desk and raised his brow with a half-smile. “Do you think about me?”

  Amelia felt herself swallow. “It doesn’t matter. I am married now.”

  He took her hand and kissed it. “Amelia, it does matter. I love you.”

  She stared at him in disbelief. “Love?” No one had ever told her that.

  He stood up from the desk. “Yes, I traveled all the way to Scotland to tell you that.”

  She turned away from him and walked toward the bookcase. He came up behind her leaning toward her ear. He whispered, “I also may have found your mother.”

  Amelia widened her eyes and she turned around to face him. “What? Are you serious?”

  Those words took her breath away. Billy was the only one she told her secret too. She felt her mother was still alive and may be using a stage name. He had promised to find the truth for her.

  He rubbed his lips together staring at her with excitement in his eyes. “Yes! A friend of mine thinks he knows her. Come away with me, and I will show you.”

  She gasped. “I can’t run away with you. Are you mad?”r />
  He smiled and kissed her cheek. “No, not mad. Just in love with you.” He reached for her hands and held them up to his mouth kissing her knuckles. “I want you with me. We can have a good life together if you will give me a chance. Now, come on love, grab what you can, especially anything we can sell.”

  He released her hands and looked around the room for any valuables and opened the drawers in the desk. “I met a few friends on my way here that will help us take a boat to France. Where does your husband keep the cash?”

  Lost in thought of her mother she didn’t hear him for a few seconds. He asked her again for some cash, looking up at her and expecting an answer.

  She looked up at him. “I have some pin money in my room. I don’t know where he keeps his cash.”

  Billy walked over to her and pulled her waist against him. He leaned down touching her chin, brushing his lips against hers. She returned his kiss, familiar with his touch. She put her forehead against his. “You found my mother for me?”

  He whispered in her ear. “I told you I would find her for you and I did.”

  Amelia’s head was spinning as her eyes burned with tears at the possibility of finding her mother. Could it be possible that he really found her? Thinking about his offer and her situation made her chest feel heavy. She looked over towards the library door and eyed Andrew’s coat on the hook. It reminded her of her husband and she hesitated, knowing she couldn’t do it. She looked at Billy. “Wait! I can’t go with you. I am married, Billy. It wasn’t my choice, but I am still married. My husband is dangerous and will come after us. They call him Black Baird because of his reputation. I can’t let anything happen to you.”

  Billy snorted, amused at her worry. “Amelia, I am not scared of your husband.” He puffed out his chest. “He took what was going to be mine. I should be the one mad.” He leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Look, we don’t have much time. The boat is leaving in the morning. We can talk about your husband later.” He took her arm. “Who knows, maybe he will annul the marriage once you are gone.”

  Amelia pulled back. “I don’t know, Billy. I am frightened to leave with you.”

  He snapped at her in frustration. “I am leaving tonight with or without you Amelia. If you want to find your mother, then you will come. Hurry.”

  Amelia couldn’t think straight. Billy charmed her from their very first meeting trying to woo her. She knew his adventures and stories might be a bit exaggerated, but he was the first boy she had ever kissed. Sally called him a small-town ruffian. But she fell for him all the same. Her heart was torn, but the desire to find her mother won the battle within her and she would take her chances. Besides, she couldn’t bear the thought of him leaving and her never knowing if her mother was alive.

  She bit her bottom lip. “Fine. I will be just one minute while I pack a bag.” They heard the front doors open and Amelia gasped backing back into the library. “The guards are back inside. We can’t get to my room right now. You will have to go without me, and I can meet you later.”

  Billy took her hand. “I won’t leave you. We don’t have time for you to get your stuff. But we can sell your wedding ring. That will help us once we get to France. Let’s get out of here.” Amelia took his hand and followed him out the side door from the library. They ran toward the bushes and away from the house.

  Mrs. Haughton stood outside the cracked library doors. She was coming to get Amelia regarding the message she had received earlier—Andrew was on his way home and would arrive within a few hours. He had requested dinner with his wife. She smiled as she heard the whole conversation and witnessed the young couple’s reunion. She went expediently to the guards to let them know of Amelia’s betrayal and deception.

  Bull was with the guards when Mrs. Haughton spoke of Amelia’s departure. He called for all the guards to come to the entrance of the house. Within twenty minutes, fifteen men were waiting for orders. Mrs. Haughton told them that the couple was headed to France by boat. Bull sent the men to the docks to find Amelia and the man she left with.

  Andrew arrived home a few hours later. He was surprised to find Bull waiting for him by the door when he entered the home. Bull’s face looked grave and he struggled with his words. “Sir, there has been some disturbing news, and I must speak with you at once.”

  Andrew walked past him and looked around the house barely listening. “In a moment, Bull. I want to speak to Amelia first. I will meet you after dinner.” Andrew walked up the stairs.

  Bull shook his head. “Forgive me. It’s about Mrs. Baird.”

  Andrew stopped climbing the stairs and slowly turned around. “What did you say?”

  The front door opened and two guards walked in. Andrew looked around at the guards who entered the room noticing their sober expressions. “Would someone tell me what is going on? Where is my wife?” He walked back down the stairs.

  Bull looked down unable to meet Andrew glare. “She is gone, sir. I have my best men looking for her.” Bull looked up and watched Andrew’s face turn red.

  “What do you mean she is gone? Where did she go?” The vein in his temple began to throb with his anger.

  Brian walked into the room and stepped between them. “Bull, tell us what happened from the beginning.”

  Bull nodded. “Mrs. Haughton came to us a few hours ago and heard Amelia speaking with a man in the library. They were making plans to leave Scotland. She heard them leave out the side door and came to tell us right away.”

  Andrew felt his world darken. “A man?” His rage consumed him as it built up in his chest. “She was with a man?”

  Brian touched his shoulder. “Andrew, we need to find out the explanation. There could be a good reason why she left.”

  He glared at Brian. “Bull, bring Mrs. Haughton to me immediately.” Bull left to find Mrs. Haughton.

  Andrew paced in the drawing room as Mrs. Haughton entered. “Mrs. Haughton, please sit down and tell us the exact story of what you heard in the library.”

  Mrs. Haughton took a seat and lifted her chin. “Well, I was on my way to the library to tell Mrs. Baird about the message you sent regarding your early arrival. That’s when I heard voices. I thought it peculiar and stood outside the library doors trying not to interrupt when I saw a young man embrace Mrs. Baird. You can imagine my surprise.”

  Andrew choked on his drink and coughed at his shock. He motioned with his hand for her to continue. She looked at Brian who nodded his head. She cleared her throat. “I heard him say that he came back for her. She was upset he had waited so long. That’s when I saw him kiss her and told her that he would take her to France. I nearly lost my balance trying to hide behind the door. However, I continued to listen and he mentioned that she could cash in her wedding ring. She kissed him back and they left out the side doors. I knew that girl was trouble.”

  Andrew’s breathing became rapid, and he walked to the wall punching a hole through it. His fist drew blood and Mrs. Haughton shrieked. Brian escorted her out of the drawing room and closed the door behind her. “Andrew, Bull has men looking for her down by the docks. We will find her.”

  Andrew knocked a vase off the side table and grabbed the linen tablecloth wrapping his hand with it. He bit back a retort and walked to the door. “I will be in my study. Bring me Amelia’s maid. I want a full report of the men’s findings within the hour.”

  Chapter 16

  Amelia’s mind was racing as they took an unmarked carriage to the docks. Billy introduced her to his friend Adam who drove the carriage. He kept his eyes out the window making sure they were not followed but held on to her hand.

  “Adam knows the truth, but we will have to tell others that we are married. That way we can share a cabin.”

  Amelia’s nerves caused her hands to dampen. Billy was a bit reckless and she started having doubts about his ability to tel
l her the truth. She closed her eyes trying to relax. Andrew was not due back for a few more days. The thought of her husband dug into her chest. Betrayal was a complex emotion. She assured herself that he wouldn’t be able to find her. A small part of her felt cowardly for leaving without saying goodbye or leaving a note.

  She looked down at her dress. “I may need some essentials for our journey. I left with no clothing.”

  He eyed her body with his eyes. “I like you better without clothing.” He laughed at the look on her face. “I am just teasing you. I will send Adam to retrieve something from his friend’s house. He has a wife and can probably find you something.”

  Amelia looked away blushing. There hadn’t been time to plan their escape and the desire in his eyes gave her room for pause. She was not sure what he would expect from her. Her only thoughts were about finding her mother. He rubbed her hands. “Amelia, forgive me for not rescuing you sooner. Was he terrible to you?”

  She shook her head ignoring the tension in her body. “Not terrible. He was gentle with me. But he could be a tyrant to other people. He wanted his way at any cost.” She didn’t want to speak of him.

  He kissed her head. “I know this is hard for you. You can trust me. When Sally told me you were married, I knew it was because I was not there to take you with me.”

  The carriage slowed and finally stopped. The doors opened and Adam told them to hurry. Billy escorted her through the back alley to a brown door. He opened it and it led to a staircase. Amelia could hear muffled music in the front of the building. They went upstairs to an office where two rough men sat behind a desk. “Billy, you’re late.” They looked at Amelia. “Is she the one you told us about?”

  Billy nodded taking Amelia’s hand. “Yes, this is my wife. We will be taking the boat in the morning. Charlie said we could sleep in the storage room. I have my stuff ready to go. You will be paid once we get to York.”


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