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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 4

by Jillian Neal

  Trying to envision his life in ten years, or twenty, wasn’t something Logan did very often. He lived for the moment, and that had always been the way he’d gone through life. He didn’t see the point in trying to predict the future.

  Until the night that Adeline had decided that she was ruining his life and had moved back into her mother’s apartment and broken up with him, the future had seemed like an inevitability but just always out of reach. That horrific night had forced Logan to look at his future in blatant acridity, and he’d known instantly that a future without Adeline wasn’t anything he wanted a part of. She was all that mattered, all he wanted, or would ever need. If she was there, he was happy and complete. If she wanted children, then that was fine with him, and he would do his damndest to be a good dad, just like his father. All he wanted was to be with her until he drew his last breath. That was all that mattered. Suddenly Logan knew precisely what he had to tell her -- the truth.

  Emily returned after taking her time with drinks and bags of chips for the three of them. She’d been trying to give he and Rainer time to really talk. Logan drew a long sip of Dr. Pepper. He was getting anxious again. He needed to see Adeline, to touch her, and to know that she was really all right.

  Brad reappeared a few minutes later and smiled at Logan.


  “She’s back in her room. She’s just waking up, and she’s asking for you.” Brad informed Logan. Logan’s heart faltered slightly as he stood.

  “Can I see her?” He begged.

  “Yeah, just you for right now though.” He offered as an apology to Rainer and Emily.

  “That’s fine,” Emily assured him. “We’ll be right here.”

  “She asked for you the entire time we were putting her under, and she’s still asking for you, while she’s coming out of the anesthesia. I’d say she’s just as crazy about you as you are about her.” Brad slapped Logan on the shoulder as he made the observation.

  Not really interested in a commentary on he and Adeline’s relationship from Brad, Logan edged towards the doors. Brad ran a magnetic cast through his hand as he waved his hospital badge over the locking mechanism, which made the doors swing open.

  “Come on.” He guided Logan through.

  Logan ran his hands over his face and tried to will Brad to walk faster.

  “There was a very slight amount of damage from the rupture that we weren’t able to heal.” He walked and talked slowly. “I don’t think it will affect anything, but it could make conception minutely more difficult for the two of you. Medio Dawson and I agree that in time her body will most likely heal it on it’s own. It’s rare for a Valedeto predilect to have a cyst in the first place, since we heal so readily. We think it’s the sheer amount of stress she’s been under lately. It affected her energy slightly and therefore affected her cells.” Brad stopped outside of a room with the door closed. “You can go on in. She should be awake by now, and I’d definitely still use the cast until you decide you want kids.” Brad tried for a joke, but Logan wasn’t really in the mood.

  “Thanks,” Logan reached for the handle and jerked the door open. He stepped around Brad and shut it back. He didn’t want Brad or anyone else to see her. He just wanted to see Adeline and to feel her. She gave him a weak smile as he moved to her quickly.

  “Baby,” Logan took her hand and seated himself in the chair by the hospital bed. “Are you ok?” He blinked back tears; she looked so weak and frail. Adeline turned slightly towards Logan and then grimaced and clutched her side.

  “Don’t move. I’ll move anywhere you want me.” He stood and reseated himself on the bed beside her so she could see him without turning.

  “I feel much better actually.” She whispered. “Little sore and weak, but at least it’s gone.” Logan leaned and brushed a kiss across her forehead. He couldn’t stop himself. He needed to kiss her. His lips craved her skin like a parched man craved water.

  “Brad said you yelled at him.” She was smiling up at him sweetly.

  “I didn’t yell.” Logan stumbled over his lie. She laughed but then grimaced again and moved her hand to her abdomen. She resituated herself slightly.

  “I kind of think that’s really sweet and really sexy.” She informed him in a whisper. Logan gazed at her adoringly as a slight chuckle escaped his lips.

  “Do you?” He reveled in the sound of her voice. She nodded.

  “I do.”

  He saw the slight twinkle that he loved returning to her eyes, and he grinned at her as his heart swelled.

  “Well then I did yell, really, really loudly.” He goaded. She giggled softly. The sound righted his entire world. Adeline was quiet for a few minutes while Logan told her how much he loved her, and how worried he’d been.

  “Logan, …” she urged in a pained whisper.

  “What, baby, are you hurting?” He panicked, but she shook her head.

  “Will you stay with me tonight? I know I work here, but I’m scared to stay by myself.”

  “Baby, …” Logan rubbed her hand in his own. “They’d have to pry me out of here with a crowbar. I’m not going anywhere! I’ll leave this room when I can take you home with me.” After giving him a thankful smile, Adeline yawned.

  “Do you want to go to sleep, sweetheart?” Logan wondered if he should sit somewhere else so she could rest, and he wouldn’t mind putting off the inevitable questions that were going to come. She was an Obstetrics Medio, after all. Adeline shrugged but didn’t release his hand.

  “Maybe in a little while.” She hemmed. “So,” Adeline swallowed harshly and seemed to force herself to say whatever was coming. Logan braced. “Did it damage my ovary when it ruptured?” She locked her beautiful onyx eyes on him. She was making certain he wasn’t lying.

  “A little bit,” Logan felt his heart fracture as tears welled in her eyes. “But Medio Dawson and Brad think that your body will continue to heal all on its own, beyond what they were able to force it to do today. Brad says the effect, if any, would be minute.” He took both of her hands in his. He was desperate to soothe her. He reached and wiped the tears tenderly off of her face.

  “But what if I can’t…?” She stuttered, but Logan shook his head and touched his index finger gently across her lips to quiet every fear of her heart.

  “Ad, just listen to me, ok? It’s like there’s a tiny chance it would affect your getting pregnant but not much at all. My understanding of how all of this works is that you just keep trying until it takes, and if you decide that you really want kids, because you know I don’t care, I only want you …” He wiped away more tears before he continued. “Then I am more than happy to repeatedly have sex with you until I knock you up, for as long as it takes.” He pledged as she laughed through her tears.

  “Oh, it hurts to laugh.” She winced.

  “I’m sorry,” Logan immediately regretted teasing her.

  Once he’d settled her back down and held a cup of ice water for her to sip through a straw, she still seemed to study him.

  “You really don’t care?” Disbelief and fear echoed in her tone. He gave her his own version of the signature Haydenshire smirk as he shook his head.

  “I don’t, Adeline. I told you, if you want kids then we’ll have kids, if not then I’m perfectly happy as long as I get you.” He brushed another kiss across her cheek. She let her eyes close in an extended blink as he moved away and she reveled in his kiss. After he made certain that she believed him, he moved back to the chair beside the bed.

  “Why don’t you sleep, baby? I’ll stay right here, and Em will probably force her way back here to check on you in a little while.” He teased again just to see her smile.

  Before she could respond, Medio Dawson and a nurse entered after an abrupt knock.

  “Feeling better Adeline?” Medio Dawson moved to the machines at Adeline’s head. She seemed pleased with the readings and turned to Logan.

  “And this must be Logan?” She gave Logan an overly appraising huff.

sp; “Oh, uh, yes ma’am.” Logan stood and offered her his hand. She scowled and held up her own hands as disgust etched her harsh features.

  “Germs!” She grimaced, as she indicated why she wouldn’t shake his hand.

  “Right,” Logan reseated himself with an eye roll. Medio Dawson was a little over the top.

  “Well, I’ve never had a patient ask for her husband as many times as Adeline asked for you, while we were putting her under. I figured I needed to meet the guy with his claws in our Adeline. Must be a quite a man.” Her tone bordered on a disgusted sneer.

  “He is!” Adeline vowed uncomfortably. “But he’s not my husband yet.”

  “Well, if anyone had let me know what was going on, I would’ve been back there.” Logan was still furious with the Medio and the nurse for not telling him anything for so long, especially if Adeline was asking for him. The thought of her pleading for him and him not being there made him physically ill.

  “See Erma, I told you he’s just like the Governor.” Medio Dawson huffed. Logan rolled his eyes but then a broad grin spread across his face as Erma commented.

  “Oh, Janet, I just remembered Governor Haydenshire phoned from Albuquerque and said that Adeline was to be kept here until Logan was certain that she was ready to go home.” She quipped with a slight headshake.

  “Yes, well,” Medio Dawson scoffed. “Logan, if you’ll just step out, we’ll get her bandages changed. You can head on home. She should be ready to leave around noon tomorrow.” Medio Dawson directed haughtily. Terror filled tears leaked from Adeline’s eyes.

  “I don’t think so.” Logan commanded. He squeezed Adeline’s hand and brushed a tender kiss on her forehead. “I’ll stay right here while you change the bandages. And I’ll stay right here until she’s released tomorrow, unless I determine that she needs to stay longer. And in that case, I’ll still be right here!” Logan dared either the Medio or the nurse to argue with him. He wasn’t certain which was more satisfying the stunned expression on Medio Dawson’s face or the adoring one on Adeline’s. He crossed his arms over his chest. He wasn’t moving.

  “Well, that will depend entirely on Miss Parker’s wishes; although, I will say you are perfectly capable of staying by yourself dear. You certainly don’t need a man to stay with you.”

  “I don’t want him to leave.” Adeline shook her head and clung to Logan’s hand. “I mean unless you don’t want to see them change the bed pad thing.” She choked uncomfortably. If ever there was an opportunity to prove to her that he was in this for the long haul, Logan knew this was the time.

  “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. I’ll be fine.”

  “It’s up to you,” Medio Dawson quizzed Adeline. She considered for a few minutes as Logan rubbed her hand in his own and prayed that she’d let him prove himself.

  “It’s fine. You can change them.”

  With a resolute nod, the nurse flung the sheets and blanket back off of Adeline. She began to shiver though Logan wasn’t certain if she was cold or nervous. He moved to the bed as the Medio lifted the gown she was wearing. Tears leaked out of Adeline’s eyes as they pulled a large square disposable padding out from underneath her. The motion made her wince and gasp in pain.

  “Shhh, it’s ok,” Logan soothed. “Easy, geez, she just had surgery!” He spat viciously as he turned from Adeline as the Medio rolled her to her side rather forcefully. The padding on the bed under Adeline was covered in blood the remnants of the cyst Logan assumed, but Adeline looked terrified that it would scare him off. As if the fact that she bled was going to make him run from the room and from her.

  His only concern was that she wasn’t in any more pain and that she knew that he wasn’t going anywhere. There was no internal bandaging and, as far as Logan could tell, changing the bed padding was the only thing that would have to be done until her body had dispensed with the blood from the cyst.

  Adeline clung to Logan as Medio Dawson pressed around in the general area to make certain that it continued to drain properly. Logan stopped short of screeching at her to get her hands off of Adeline that she was hurting her. He swallowed down his fury as he assumed it was necessary and used all of his flagging energies to let Adeline squeeze his biceps forcefully. He whispered that he loved her, that he wasn’t going anywhere, and that it would be over soon.

  A few minutes later, Logan helped change Adeline’s hospital gown. He asked if she’d like Rainer to go home and get her something more comfortable to sleep in. She looked anguished, and Logan knew instantly that she would like that but didn’t want to be any trouble to Emily and Rainer.

  “Lay back, sweetheart.” Logan eased her back onto the pillows stacked behind her.

  “It would be best if you would sleep.” Medio Dawson was still glaring at Logan. “The more rest you get the faster you’ll heal, and your Gifted energies will be restored. I’m heading home in an hour or so, but I’ll check on you before I go. No work for a week, and no physical strain for the same length of time. You can resume sexual activity once the bleeding has stopped for a full twenty four hour period, but take it easy Mr. Haydenshire.” She huffed indignantly.

  Logan narrowed his eyes and turned a baleful glare on the Medio. He ground his teeth and tried to reign in his fury.

  “Obviously!” He spat. Adeline took his hand and tried to soothe him, but she had no access to her Gifted abilities yet. Medio Dawson made her exit while Erma changed the fluid bags on the IV.

  “She kind of hates men.” Adeline explained with Erma nodding her agreement.

  “Yeah, well the feeling is mutual!” Logan huffed. Adeline and the nurse both giggled. Brad made another appearance and asked Adeline if anything felt tender or if there was any unbearable pain. Logan asked if he would send Emily in, when he got a chance. Emily appeared a few minutes later and looked anguished. She rushed to Adeline’s bedside.

  “Are you ok?” As Logan had set his shield cast over Adeline so that she could use his Gifted energy to restore her own, Emily stopped short to keep from intercepting his shield.

  “I’m ok.” Adeline yawned. She was still clinging tightly to Logan’s hand. He lowered his shield, and Emily gave her a tender hug.

  “Ok, Rainer and I will go home and bring both of you clothes for tomorrow and you something to eat.” She gestured to Logan. “Anything else?”

  “Yeah, will you bring her that navy blue, Ioses t-shirt of mine from last year?” Logan winked at Adeline. She beamed her elation that he knew that was her favorite.

  “That’s my favorite too! It’s so soft. I sleep in Rainer’s all the time.” Emily nodded her agreement.

  “Will you bring my toothbrush and some of those pads in our bathroom? I’ve seen the ones here, and they terrify me.” Adeline explained her request. Emily chuckled and began making a list on her phone.

  “Done. Anything else? Can you eat?” Emily took in the IV. Adeline sighed and shook her head.

  “That’s just a bag of fluid. I’m sure they’ll be in with broth soon, but that’s probably all I can have.”

  The Pain

  Logan awoke in the middle of the night. He was stiff from sleeping in a hardback chair against the cold concrete wall. Adeline was shifting constantly and moaning. Logan leapt up. He panicked instantly.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” He studied her and tried to locate the source of the obvious pain.

  “I think the pain pills wore off, and I don’t have enough energy to make it stop hurting.” Her lip trembled in her pain as she writhed in the bed. “Go get somebody, please!” Tears spilled from her onyx eyes.

  “I’ll be right back!” Logan raced out the door to her room. He frantically searched the empty corridors until he located an orderly.

  “Adeline Parker, she’s hurting! She needs more pain medication. She should have had it…” Logan rolled his left wrist and took in the time, “three hours ago!” He demanded furiously.

  “All right, man, I’ll find her nurse, but I can’t give out pills.” The order
ly clearly thought Logan should have known that.

  “Quickly! Like now!” Logan demanded. With a shrug, the guy meandered back towards the nurse’s station. Not happy with the response he’d been given, Logan continued to search the hospital corridors at three in the morning. He finally located a nurse and Logan demanded her medication.

  The nurse followed Logan back to Adeline’s room and checked her chart. She proceeded to take her blood pressure and then, to complete Logan’s fury, she commented that it was elevated.

  “Of course it’s elevated! Look at her! She’s in pain.”

  “Logan,” Adeline tried to scold, but her body was contorted from the pain in her abdomen.

  “Ok, I’ll be right back.” The nurse informed them. To Logan’s relief, she returned a few minutes later carrying two pills and some water. Over an hour later, Logan rubbed Adeline’s leg tenderly and soothed her back to sleep.

  She awoke again several hours later and had dramatically improved. Her energy had been restored, and when Logan finally convinced her to let him check the padding on the bed, he found it nearly clean. The morning shift came in and Brad came to check on Adeline.

  “The worst of it seems to be over.” He checked Adeline’s chart. “Medio Dawson will be in soon. Once she clears her, you can take her home, Logan.”

  An hour later, Logan had pulled his Accord around. He was thankful that Rainer had driven it up for him, when he and Emily had returned with his dinner the evening before. He helped Adeline walk slowly down the corridor and then seated her gently.

  “You ok?” Logan quizzed nervously as he drove home and tried to avoid potholes or turns. Adeline nodded and gave him her sweet smile, the one that generally made his heart pound frantically.


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