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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 5

by Jillian Neal

  “You’re so sweet, and you took such good care of me. I will never deserve you.” She gushed.

  “Stop. You know that isn’t true.” He informed her for the hundredth time. She rolled her eyes and grinned at him as he drove.

  “I’m so glad that’s over with and that I’m going home. I have so much more empathy for my patients now. Seriously, those beds are horrible.” Logan chuckled. He was astounded by how much better she was in just twenty-four hours.

  “Rainer and Garrett have the twins at our house so I can help watch them and take care of you.” He wasn’t certain how much of the logistical planning of the next few days she’d actually heard.

  “I still feel terrible we’re missing Emily’s challenge and your parent’s big party tomorrow.”

  “Ad stop. Believe me, I would so much rather spend the day just the two of us hanging out at our house than stuffed into my tux, smiling until my cheeks hurt, and listening to people tell me how great dad is, not that I disagree.” He was surprised Adeline seemed to believe him.

  “But I know you would love to see the Angels and the Bombers duke it out.”

  “So, we’ll go to the next challenge. I just want you to get well, ok?” Logan eased the car down the gravel path to the guesthouse. He managed to get the car parked with Adeline only wincing twice.

  “I’m sorry.” He vowed repeatedly. Rainer and Garrett appeared in the garage as soon as he’d turned off the car.

  “Need some help, Miss Adeline?” Garrett smiled as he moved to open the passenger side door for Adeline. He practically lifted Adeline out of the car and eased her into the house. Logan lamented the fact that his big brother’s rippling muscles had come to the rescue of his fiancée; though, he supposed he should have been thankful.

  The ride home had taken its toll, and Adeline looked exhausted again. Logan settled her in the bed, and helped her pull off the sundress she’d worn home so nothing would press against her abdomen. It had been an ingenious idea of Emily’s. Logan admitted. He helped Adeline into a t-shirt and covered her up in the quilts on their bed. She fell asleep almost instantly, and Logan tiptoed back out into the living room and shushed the twins.

  “How’s she doing?” Rainer looked truly concerned.

  “Much better.” Logan allowed himself to breathe. “She’s just really tired. There was a lot of blood loss, you know.” Rainer and Garrett both grimaced.

  “So, there’s still no way you can come tomorrow?” Rainer urged hopefully. Logan shook his head and feigned sorrow.

  “No, she’d never make it through a party like that, but if we went she’d try to. She’ll be up and around in a few days. We’ll be at the debates next week.” Logan assured them.

  “And she’ll be good for Em’s birthday right?” Rainer asked nervously.

  “Yeah, definitely. That’s over two weeks away, and she can’t wait. We’ll be there. No worries.”

  Rainer sighed and glanced at his watch.

  “All right, I’m headed to Boston with a plane full of Angels.” He chuckled. “So… should be interesting.”

  “We’ll see you tomorrow, man.” Garrett pledged. He and the rest of the family were flying up with the twins for the party Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately the Senate fleet of jets couldn’t be used for the family as they were heading to an event for the Governor, so they all had to fly Gifted commercial.

  Emily had been planning the epic gala for her parents all week and was having a ball doing it. Rainer had helped when she’d asked. He’d been happy to be doing something to help Governor Haydenshire and to be giving financially to the campaign. The Governor couldn’t turn down his vast funds, and Rainer finally felt like maybe in some small way he was paying back the Haydenshires for all they’d done for him.

  “All right, I’m gone. Tell Adeline I hope she feels better.” Rainer called as he grabbed he and Emily’s suitcases and headed to the Hummer.

  Fire Watch

  ~Rainer Lawson~

  Rainer waved to the officers at the checkpoints at the gates to Haydenshire Farm as he headed to Alexandria to pick up Emily. He stopped briefly at the gas station, raced inside, and then jumped back in the car. Rainer summoned the energy in the air around him and pushed the pedal on the Hummer. He sent the car shooting forward. He was late. He made it to Angel’s Arena in just under fifteen minutes, a new personal best.

  He quickly casted the Hummer in a new shield cast Vindico had taught him. It continually drew power from the air and gained intensity the longer it was left intact. He headed inside after flashing his badge to all of the security and Iodex officers situated throughout the stadium.

  Emily looked nervous as he entered the field. Chloe was giving out boarding passes to the Angels personal jet to each of the Angels. Rainer joined a cluster of men in the back of the field. They were all awaiting their significant others. The Angels were dismissed, and Emily moved to him quickly. She handed him the boarding passes.

  “What’s wrong?” Rainer took Emily’s hand.

  “I’m just nervous. I mean I’ve never thrown a huge party like this before, and this is kind of important. Chloe and Garrett apparently had a huge blow up, and now she keeps trying to get information out of me.” Emily informed him in an agitated hiss. He guided Emily back to the Hummer and tried to decide which part of Emily’s lamentations he should delve into first.

  “What did Chloe and Garrett fight about?”

  “Oh, well, apparently my brother and Chloe went to a club Monday night for Labor Day, since we weren’t at the beach. She saw him flirting with another girl. So she went home with a different guy, and he got mad and then took two different girls back to his place. They were still there when Chloe showed up at his house later that night to apologize.”

  With his mouth hanging open in shock, Rainer had no idea how to respond to that.

  “Yeah,” Emily sighed. “I love him, but I really wish he wouldn’t date my friends.”

  “So, I guess that’s why Garrett’s coming up tomorrow with your family instead of tonight with the Angels.” Rainer concluded.

  “You got it.” Emily crossed her arms over her chest as Rainer unloaded their luggage and followed her behind the stadium to the Angels hanger, which housed the large, luxurious plane that carried the Arlington Angels anywhere they might be challenging.

  “I know he’s freaking out about Vasquez. I mean, I can feel it whenever I’m near him.” Emily’s tone turned from frustration to concern. “I just really wish he wouldn’t drown his sorrows in various, unnamed women.” Rainer knew she was right. He just didn’t know how to fix the problem. Garrett had been even more brash and wild ever since he’d unloaded his pistol into Roberto Vasquez a few weekends ago.

  The many varied Angels pilots and coolant officers began boarding the plane. Rainer followed Emily on board. There were several large closets for the luggage and the seats were all lambskin leather. They were arranged in small coves for the passengers to tuck into.

  “You two gonna join the mile high club?” Dana chanted as she passed the seats Rainer and Emily had chosen. Emily looked momentarily confused, but then she blushed and shook her head. Rainer waited to see if he needed to tell her what that meant.

  “There are three private rooms on the jet. Chloe and Garrett usually take one, but since they’re fighting you could probably grab theirs.” Dana urged excitedly. “We’re using that one.” She pointed to a closed door labeled suite three. Paran was staring at his wife like he would take a bite right then and there, if she offered.

  “Uh well,” Emily hemmed. “My dad is running for Crown Governor, and I just somehow think that if Rainer and I did make use of one of the suites…,” Emily gestured back to the rooms, “it would somehow make it into every Gifted publication between here and L.A. so I’m gonna go with no.” Rainer chuckled as Dana nodded her understanding.

  “Maybe after the election.” Dana offered kindly.

  Rainer’s heart raced as he tried to imagine having sex in an
airplane with Emily, while everyone in the entire plane knew what they were doing. He shuddered slightly. Emily laced her fingers through Rainer’s.

  “Maybe,” she shrugged. There didn’t seem to be anything else to say. As soon as Dana and Paran made their way into the suite, Rainer leaned to whisper in Emily’s ear.

  “Baby, if you want to join the mile high club, I will rent us a plane so that only you and I, and perhaps the pilot, know what we’re doing.” She gave him an adoring gaze and nodded her understanding.

  “I’m really still pretty new to all of this, and I really like sex on the ground.” She teased. Rainer laughed heartily as he wrapped his arm around her.

  The plane taxied away from the stadium and climbed into the sky. Fifteen minutes later, they were landing at Boston Logan. The Angels jet with its full flight crew of Gifted pilots flew with a great deal of speed.

  “Oh, sad for Dana. I guess Paran’s an early bird.” Emily whispered as Rainer choked on the sip of Dr. Pepper he’d just swallowed. After coughing and clearing his throat, he stared at Emily in utter shock.

  “Uh, and where did you hear that terminology Miss Haydenshire?” He quizzed incredulously as he tried not to laugh as Paran and Dana exited their suite. He looked slightly dazed, and she looked highly irritated.

  “Rainer, I have seven older brothers, remember?” She giggled over his shock.

  “Who I am apparently going to have to have a discussion with over what they say in front of you.” He declared as he retrieved their suitcases from one of the luggage closets.

  “Rainer, I’m not twelve anymore. I know all about lots of things.” She sassed.

  “Is that so?” Rainer gazed at her adoringly as he led her off the plane.

  “Yes,” Emily drawled in a quick retort. “Quiz me!” They walked through Boston Logan Airport following the rest of the team to the vans that would be taking them to the Orange Grove Hotel, where the team was staying in the top floor suites. Governor Haydenshire’s gala was being held in their ballroom the following evening.

  “Quiz you?” Rainer stated incredulously. He tried not to laugh but failed miserably.

  “Yes, quiz me! I bet I know way more dirty stuff than you think I do. Like I knew what cleaning your pipes meant, and Adeline didn’t. Remember at the beach?” Rainer shook his head and continued to laugh.

  “Em, baby just because your brothers are uncouth and say stuff like that in front of you does not mean that I would ever, ever repeat half of the things they say, especially to you.”

  “Ok, I know, and that’s really sweet, but I just don’t want you to think you have to protect me all the time.” She lamented as they climbed into one of the vans.

  “Baby, protecting you is the most important thing that I will ever do. I’m sorry if it gets on your nerves, but, sweetheart, I love you more than life itself. Keeping you safe is my job. I’m your shield. I’m sorry, but that’s how I’m wired.” To his relief, she swooned and tucked herself up under his embrace as the van driver summoned and casted the engines. They arrived at the posh hotel in just under five minutes.

  Bellmen rushed out of the front doors to load the luggage onto carts and to welcome the team.

  Mr. Lawson

  “Ok,” Chloe called. “For any of you that might want to see outside of your hotel room and have a little fun, after I get to my room and put on lipstick we’re….” She grabbed Fionna and jerked her closer. Fionna looked annoyed. “Heading out to party with the Harvard guys down in Cambridge. So just text me if you want to go.”

  Rainer stopped just short of rolling his eyes as he took Emily’s hand and made their way to the concierge’s desk.

  “So, are you going to party with Harvard guys?” Rainer goaded.

  Emily giggled and shook her head.

  “Nope, I was kind of hoping to have a party for two with this really good looking guy from Venton.” She flirted with a hungry look in her emerald eyes. A broad grin spread across Rainer’s face as his heart picked up pace.

  “Venton, huh?” He quizzed. “Anybody I know?” He handed the envelope containing Emily’s Angel passes and credentials to the concierge.

  “You’d probably recognize him, if you saw him.” Emily assured him with a great deal of spicy sass. Rainer swallowed down raw need as he allowed his eyes to trace down her curves. The tight jeans she’d worn put her backside on luscious display, and, as usual, her cleavage had his mouth watering to see more. He took the envelope back from the concierge, and led Emily past the grand staircase to the hotel bar and towards the elevators.

  “Well, be careful, baby. I wouldn’t want anyone to take advantage of you.” He hissed in her ear as he shot her a cocky grin. She gave a slight shiver that set Rainer on fire as she pulled him onto the elevator.

  “Actually…,” she whispered in his ear as some of her teammates followed them, “I’m really hoping he will.” Her hot breath caressed over his neck in heated swirls that drove Rainer wild.

  His mind was full of the many different ways he’d like to take advantage of Emily, and Rainer was shocked when Chloe moved in front of them as the elevator halted on the top floor.

  “So, are you coming with?” She urged excitedly. Emily shook her head.

  “No, I have to get a bunch of stuff done for the security check tomorrow before the party, then we’re heading to bed.” Rainer was deeply impressed with Emily’s resolve not to allow her teammates to talk her into things anymore. They had indeed learned their lessons, but Chloe wasn’t going down without a fight it seemed.

  “Oh, come on, Em. Just come have a few drinks first.”

  Emily feigned regret.

  “I can’t. I just have too much to do, but you have fun.” She called as she pulled Rainer towards their room.

  “We can go if you want?” Rainer offered kindly.

  “I don’t want to go. I’m not doing anything at all that might make dad look bad. Peterson will do anything to bring him down, and besides I would much rather spend some time with you. It’s been awhile you know.” She looked mildly uncomfortable to be pointing this out.

  “I know.” Rainer pledged. “Believe me!”

  “Besides she just wants me to come because she’s hoping that I’ll tell Garrett about the guys she’s going to hang all over and bring back to her suite.” Emily stated firmly. Rainer was certain she was correct as he lifted the key card to open the door to their suite. Suddenly the door opened and a maid stepped out.

  “So sorry, Mr. Lawson, I was just restocking your towels.” She cooed sweetly before pushing her cart out of the room. Emily smiled at her kindly and thanked her for the towels. She started to step in the room, but Rainer grasped her forearm and halted her instantly.

  “I want you to pretend you dropped something, and then we’re going to lean down and look for it.” He hissed. Emily stared up at him in wide-eyed terror, but she followed her instructions.

  “Oh! My earring!” Her fear echoed in her call. She and Rainer knelt down to search for the nonexistent earring.

  “What is going on?” Emily hissed as she pretended to look.

  “I don’t know, but as soon as our maid turns the corner I intend to find out.” Rainer watched the maid as he pretended to expand his search.

  “Found it.” He called as the maid disappeared. Emily stood and swallowed harshly. “Stay right here, baby.” Rainer took one hesitant step into the room. He cupped his hand and summoned as Emily watched from the hallway. He turned his hand outward and his heart raced as he scanned the room for energy sources.

  He concentrated and picked up on the static electricity in the curtains and sheets. He let his shield flow over the electrical outlets and halted. There were three outlets in the room one was projecting vastly more energy than the others. It was the perfect place to hide something that required a battery, as a Gifted person had to be extremely thorough to pick up on the slightly higher level of energy than what would normally be held in an outlet.

  He continued his sca
n over the phone, the clock, the lamps, and then found another source tucked underneath the desk in the room. This one was visible from where Rainer was standing. He pulled his cell from his pocket and moved closer to the desk. He leaned down and peaked around the chair so he could see then he returned to Emily in the hallway.

  “This is Vindico.” He answered on the first ring.

  “Hey, it’s Rainer.”

  “What’s wrong Lawson?” Vindico interrogated.

  “Just one second, and I’ll tell you,” Rainer huffed. Vindico waited as Rainer glanced around. A moment later, Fionna came out of her suite.

  “Can I use your suite for just a minute, Fionna?” Rainer asked kindly. She looked just as stunned as Emily as she nodded.

  “Sure, of course.” She held the door for him. She and Emily followed Rainer into the suite and closed the door behind him.

  “There’s a high powered wire in our room, and there’s something else. I’m thinking a camera, in one of the electrical outlets. The outlet is about waist high and situated just to the left of the TV on a dresser so the camera would cover the bed and most of the back of the room. I didn’t scan the bathroom yet.” Rainer informed Vindico. Emily gasped as Fionna’s mouth fell open in shock.

  “Tell me you’re not telling me all of this near that tap.” Vindico pled. Rainer rolled his eyes.

  “No, of course not, but if it is a camera it might’ve caught me entering the room. I only went in a few steps.” Rainer warned. “So is this Wretchkinsides or Peterson?”

  “As of right now, I consider them one in the same.” Vindico quipped.

  “Do you want me to remove them?” Rainer asked.

  “No,” Vindico stated readily but then seemed to pause to consider. “Ok, Lawson, listen to me, and do exactly what I’m about to tell you.” Rainer concentrated. He wanted to make certain that he did whatever Vindico needed him to do.

  “There are hundreds of hotels in Boston. I want you to go back in your suite and wait on your luggage.” Vindico instructed. “Act natural kiss, talk, whatever. When your luggage arrives, I want you to set the largest suitcase you brought in front of the outlet with the camera then I want Emily to tell you that she wants to go out. You agree, and then, after you’ve scanned the bathroom, go in there, and put your toothbrushes and whatever else you’ll need for tonight into a bag that Emily can carry as a purse. Then I want you to go downstairs and ask the concierge to call you a cab. Tell them you’re going out and that you won’t be in any state to drive back later.” Vindico elaborated.


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