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Reality Check

Page 14

by Sophie Martin

  “Sure! It would be funny as hell, too. Just for a day, though. I don’t think Jason would forgive me, otherwise.”

  “Yeah,” was all Dominic could say. He kept imagining the big shifter as a playful, fluffy kitten.

  “Now, let’s go back to work,” Eric stated, and that was exactly what they did.

  * * * *

  Dom and Jim spent three more days at Jason’s. During the day, while Jay and Toby were gone, Dominic would train with Eric while Jiminy spent time catching up with Ty. Jim called his brother every day, of course, but there seemed to be no further problems. As a matter of fact, from what Jimmy told Dom, the other fey and Joel were getting along really great. Dominic was surprised. His cousin was a very straightforward, down-to-earth guy and Dom never suspected he would take news of the paranormal world existing quite so well. Apparently, he was wrong.

  After four days of intensive work, Dominic could say he felt its results. He could now feel his wolf being with him all the time, but the creature was happy to let him be in charge. It only got more active during his and Jim’s make-out sessions. Still, the beast only let him enjoy sharpened senses and did not try to take over, for which Dom was eternally grateful.

  It was his fourth day, and Eric lifted all the dampening spells from the garden. It was a kind of test to check if the beast was now able to resist the allure of all the sounds and smells. Dominic passed with flying colors.

  “Okay,” said Eric, “that’s everything that I can teach you. You’re as blended with your wolf as possible until you actually go through your first shift.”

  “What do you mean?” Dominic had to stifle the sudden urge to growl at the maddening god. Only the thought of seeing those weird, whitening eyes helped him stop himself in time. He didn’t want a repeat performance. Those eyes were truly scary, and what the god could do… Better not even think about it.

  “What I mean is that there is only so much you can teach a shifter before their first shift. It is like a preparation for that big event. The first shift is a big deal in most shifters’ lives. It is the ultimate union of two halves of your soul. Before it, the shifter has a dual consciousness. The animal within him is mostly independent. There is a rift between it and the human half of that shifter. Only after they start taking on their animal form do the two parts of shifters’ soul merge together and start working as one.

  “What I taught you is supposed to give you a base on which you will build from your first shift onward. It is the only way to prevent those two halves clashing and driving you mad during the shift. You’ve learned all you could. There is a tentative truce between your human consciousness and your animal side, built on your common want of Jiminy as your mate. Both the human Dominic and the alpha wolf within you recognize him as the partner you want for the rest of your life and both sides would do anything to protect him and make him happy.

  “Such devotion isn’t very common among shifters anymore. They are too much human now. They tried so hard to blend with the rest of humanity that they lost much of their uniqueness, their traditions and customs. Not many shifters now wait for their prospective mates to show up. Even though in olden times, there used to be up to ten people showing up during a shifter’s lifespan who could be their prospective mates. With the tempo of today’s lives, they can’t be bothered waiting and searching.”

  Eric’s expression turned reflective.

  “Anyway,” he continued, “you have a foundation on which you can build to bond with your wolf. You need to regularly do the exercises I taught you to keep the truce with your animal. As long as it knows you’re not going to push it away or deny you both your mate, it should be calm enough and let you drive, so to speak.” Eric smirked, the expression almost as annoying as Tyler’s. And that meant something, since Dominic thought Tyler to be the most annoying person in the world. “But you cannot do anything else until you have shifted for the first time,” the god finished, and turned back to go inside.

  “That’s it?” Dominic was floored. “Just try and exercise and hope for the best? And what do you mean, shift?” he blurted out. Eric turned back to him with a frown on his face

  “Well, shift…you know, into a wolf?” he said in a questioning voice.

  “Like a wolf-wolf or like a werewolf in this show for teenagers?” Dominic asked, truly desperate now.

  “What? No!” Eric seemed really shocked. “Turn into a wolf, of course. The whole werewolf thing is just a myth. You surely know that?”

  “And how the hell would I know? I wasn’t born a werewolf, remember? I have no idea what’s gonna happen. If not for Jim’s brother, I wouldn’t even know there was any danger.”

  “Well, to be exact, you were born a wolf shifter, just without ability to shift. And I think we have one more thing to do before you can go back home.” Eric got this weird expression on his face. It reminded Dominic of a plotting villain of a cartoon movie, the one who rubs his hands together as he gives an evil laugh.

  “Tyler!” Eric boomed all of a sudden and the sound seemed to echo in the neighborhood. Ty emerged from a house, his face contorted in a snarl.

  “What the hell are you thinking, you crazy god?” he whisper-shouted. “We do have neighbors, you know. What will they think of such an inhuman sound, what do you reckon, huh?”

  “Calm down, kitty.” Eric seemed truly amused “I made it only audible for the house’s residents. No one else heard a thing.”

  “You just love fucking with me, don’t you?” Tyler ground through clenched teeth.


  A low growl came from Ty’s throat, but he swallowed it and asked, “What did you want with me?”

  Dominic had to admit he enjoyed seeing the annoying tiger so flustered. It was usually Tyler making everyone else miserable, so to see the tables turn for a change was really amusing. Well, at least for Dom, it was.

  “It seems that we overlooked one really important part of Dominic’s training, and one that I can’t help him with, at that.”

  “Which is?” Tyler looked impatient.

  “He didn’t see a full shift.”

  “He didn’t…” Tyler started, not understanding, and then something must have clicked in because he only said, “Oh.”

  “Yeah, oh,” Eric said, walking closer to the door from where Jim emerged to see what was going on.

  “So you want me to show him?”

  “That’s basically why I called you here. I didn’t see any other shifter in the house since Jack went to work.”

  “Smartass,” grumbled the tiger-shifter under his breath. Still, he obediently started undressing and Dominic had to avert his gaze. Sure, Ty’s body was really impressive, but Dom had only eyes for one slender fey.

  “Okay,” said Eric, “now watch him closely.” Dominic rolled his eyes at the god’s teacher-voice, as he started calling it in his head. Still, he turned his gaze to the tiger all the same. He didn’t want to anger the capricious divine being. Eric could be really scary when he wanted.

  Dominic watched in astonishment as Tyler went to kneel on one knee and rested his hands on the ground, kind of like a sprinter would before going into starting position to run, then a shimmering golden glow encompassed his body and the air around the man started to slightly quiver like in a mirage. Next thing Dominic knew, there was a huge-ass tiger sitting in the garden. The animal was watching him with what Dominic could swear was a self-satisfied smirk. It showed its teeth and Dominic was sure the stupid shifter enjoyed Dominic’s quickly beating heart.

  “Okay, I get it,” he said, swallowing loudly. “So shifting means turning into a real animal. Nothing Hollywood-y about it,” he said, pretty sure he just created a new word. But what else was he supposed to call those creatures with changed features you saw in the movies? They were straight from the Hollywood.

  Tyler changed back and got dressed. He smirked at Dom before heading back inside. Dominic couldn’t really answer to that. He was still too shaken. Jim came to him and hugged h

  “Let’s go inside. I think we all deserve a nice cup of coffee.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Their journey home was uneventful. Jim seemed giddy to see his brother, but Dominic didn’t feel half as confident when it came to Joel. His cousin had just learned that the paranormal world existed and that Dominic himself was a werewolf. It had to be a shock for him. Dom didn’t know what to expect from Joel.

  They were always close growing up, more brothers than cousins. Dominic didn’t want it to change. Joel was one hundred percent human, as Tim confirmed, so Dom had no idea how he’d react to the whole magical paranormal drama. Dominic didn’t know how to react to it himself, and he was supposed to be a shifter. All this shifters, vampires and gods made him feel somehow inadequate. The only paranormals that did not bother him were fey. If he was sure of one thing about this mess, it was that he was happy he met Jimmy.

  They were tired when they reached the apartment, and the one thing Dom did not expect was to be met by the sight of his cousin and Timiny sitting on the sofa in the living room together and discussing something in low voices. As soon as Dom took a step inside, the conversation stopped and Joel turned to him. Dominic froze, not knowing what to expect. Joel stood up and approached him.

  “Well, well, well, if it’s not my prodigal cousin. The one that can turn into an animal and never mentioned anything to me. How’re you doing, fur ball?” he asked with a smirk and embraced Dom. Dominic relaxed and hugged him back.

  “Well, I can’t turn into an animal, actually, at least not yet. And I only just discovered I’m a werewolf. I bet I was more surprised than you were when you learned about the paranormal world.”

  “Yeah.” Joel laughed. “I just bet you were. Gone into heat, have you?”

  “Hey!” Dominic turned to Tim “You didn’t have to tell him that particular bit!” he grumbled. Tim only smiled that reserved smile of his.

  “Sure I did. It was the whole point of the story, wasn’t it? That’s how you learned of being a wolf shifter. They’re the only ones going into heat,” Dominic huffed, annoyed, but said nothing. He came all the way in, letting Jim come inside after him. Dom draped his shoulder over Jiminy’s and pulled the fey closer.

  “Joel, I’d like you to meet Jimmy, my…boyfriend?” he said, lifting his voice in a question at the last word and looking at Jim. Jiminy smiled and nodded. “Boyfriend,” Dom stated more decidedly, and then added, “Though we hope to become mates soon. Did Tim explain about mates to you?”

  “Yeah.” Joel smiled his crooked smile. “He did. Well then, I guess congratulations are in order.”

  “Wait with it until we actually do the deed,” Dom said.

  They all came into the living area and sat on the sofas.

  “So you know the story,” Dominic started, “now, what’s yours? You didn’t call to tell me you were gonna crash at my place.” There was no accusation in Dom’s voice, only curiosity. Joel lost his happy mask for a moment when he answered.

  “Linda and I broke up. She kicked me out of our apartment.” Dominic’s eyes grew huge at that.

  “Man, that’s harsh. You were together for what, five, six years?”

  “Five and a half, but hey, who’s counting, right?” Joel gave a sad smile.

  “Shit, I’m really sorry. What happened?”

  “Well, one day she up and said she doesn’t love me anymore. Oh, and that we will be happier apart than we are together. And that it will be beneficial for both of us. Anyway, she told me to find someplace else to live. So I came to yours to crash for few days while figuring out what to do now.”

  “Hell, bro, I have no idea what to say…” Dominic was stunned. He had never really liked Linda, but he didn’t expect her to behave like such a bitch, either. He had a feeling the woman didn’t like him for some unknown reason and would avoid him at all costs. But from what he knew, she avoided all of Joel’s family, so he wasn’t an exception. Still, for her to behave in such a way…It was cold, real cold. Just then, Tim got up and pulled Jimmy after him.

  “Let us leave you guys alone. I’m sure you’ve got lots to discuss, and I’d love to catch up with my brother as well.” They then proceeded to leave the room and Dominic didn’t try to stop them, even as he followed Jim with a yearning gaze.

  “Wow, you’ve got it bad, mate.” Joel laughed, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. Dominic glared at him, but his cousin only rolled his eyes and kept his feet where they were. Dominic decided to let it go this time and asked instead, “So…what are your plans when it comes to finding a place to live?”

  “Well”—his cousin grinned showing off straight, white teeth—“it’s all sorted now. You’ll be glad to hear I sorted it all out while you were gone.”

  “Is that so?” Dominic was surprised. It wasn’t easy to find a good apartment to rent for an affordable price. “And just where is it that you’re moving to?” he asked, and Joel’s grin widened.

  “Not far at all,” he said. “As a matter of fact, just across the hall.”

  “What?” Dom frowned. “But that’s where Mrs. Downey lives. The old lady the Jones brothers are renting a room for a workshop from.”

  “Yep. But it looks like Mrs. Downey was wanting to move in with her sister for a while, but didn’t want to sell her apartment, as she wants to leave it to her grandson in the future. So she is more than happy to let me rent it for now, since she knows me and all.”

  “She always liked you better,” said Dominic, frowning, but without real heat.

  “Well, she has a great taste in men, then.” Joel laughed and the conversation took a lighter turn.

  * * * *

  “So what do you think about your brother accompanying Jo to his ex-girlfriend’s apartment to pick up his stuff?” Dominic asked Jim later that evening.

  “Well…” Jiminy thought for a moment before answering. “I’m anxious, that’s for sure. I know logically there is no danger for Tim in going with Joel. Your cousin is more than prepared to defend my brother if anything happened. But I can’t help but worry. I know it’s illogical, but it will take me longer than that to stop constantly worrying over him.” Then Jim’s voice took on a more playful note. “But on the other hand, we’ve got the apartment to ourselves tonight. What do you think we should do about it?” He took a step closer and traced his hand over Dom’s pectoral muscle, feeling the other man’s heat through the thin cotton of his shirt. Dominic’s eyes filled with heat and he trapped Jim’s hand under his while at the same time grabbing the fey behind his neck and pulling him closer with his other hand.

  “I think,” he said against the other man’s lips, “we should definitely”—he give him a small peck on the mouth—“take”—another quick kiss—“advantage”—and another—“of that.” He finished with a proper toe-curling kiss.

  “Mmm,” said Jim, licking his lips when they finally parted. “I think you’re right.” He pulled away and, taking hold of Dominic’s hand, pulled the bigger man after him to the bedroom. When they got there however they didn’t start anything immediately. Instead, Dominic pulled Jim to sit next to him on the bed. He then took the fey’s hands in his and looked him deep in the eyes asking, “Jim, I know we haven’t known each other that long and that we are two different species, but I have felt something for you almost from the moment we met. It might not have been the most fortunate meeting and under the best circumstances, and yet something about you captivated me. I have never felt for anyone what I feel for you. I realize I’m not the biggest catch, what with me being a werewolf and not even realizing it until you told me, and also not being able to shift into my wolf form, but after seeing how very dangerous the paranormal world can be, I want to be there for you. I want to take care of you and protect you from danger.”

  He looked really uncomfortable, and Jim could see a slight blush adorning his cheeks. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, Jiminy Jones, would you agree to be my mate, to have a chance for forever with you?”

  Jim was suddenly rendered speechless. He knew they had spoken about it, knew Dom told him he and his wolf were in agreement about them being Jim’s mate, but he never expected the wolf-shifter to come out and ask Jiminy to mate with him. He had expected more apprehension, more trouble accepting the paranormal world by Dominic. Jiminy knew he was falling for the big wolf, but was he truly ready to enter into an irreversible bond with him? Was he sure he wanted to have his heart broken if Dominic decided he could never love him? Jim knew he was already halfway in love with the shifter.

  All these thoughts passed through his head in the span of seconds. And then there was the answer. After what happened to Timiny, Jim now knew how very fragile life could be. How many dangers lurked in the world, ready to rip loving people apart? He knew there was no point waiting. Dominic seemed sure about his decision and Jiminy knew the man’s inner beast was more than convinced about their possible bond. Still, he had to ask one more time. Just to make sure.

  “Are you really sure that’s what you want, Dom? You know once we’ve join in a mating ritual, there is no coming back. We’ll be bonded mates, exclusive for each other as long as we live. There will be no going back.” He was nervous saying that, but he had to spell it out for Dom. He had to be certain it was what the other man wanted. Dominic looked at him earnestly and nodded.

  “I’m very sure, Jimmy. I know we’re made for each other.”

  “Then yes!” Jim exclaimed and then couldn’t help himself but to laugh with joy. “I want to be your bonded mate! I want to go through the ritual with you.” He leaned forward and kissed Dom hungrily. When they finally parted, they were both panting. And then Dom asked all of a sudden, “Erm, and what does this ritual entail, exactly? There won’t be any dead chicken and black candles, will there?” He looked a bit shaken as he thought of it. Jim laughed at that and explained.

  “No, there won’t. The mating ritual happens during the actual joining of our bodies. You will have to make my wings produce the dust and then enter the werewolf heat yourself. Then once we are connected intimately, I will speak the words of the ancient mating spell and thus bind my magic to you. You will become the keeper of my inner magic, and my protector. My power will fuel you, making you stronger, resistant to the spells and curses of other magical beings and, altogether better suited to protect me from the dangers of paranormal world.”


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