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Reality Check

Page 15

by Sophie Martin

  “Wow. Okay. I can do that.” Dominic looked kind of shocked, and Jim was suddenly worried.

  “What is it, sweet? Did you change your mind? I will totally understand if you did. We don’t need to do it, you know. We can look for some other way of being together without you becoming addicted to the dust. I’m sure Timmy will know of something. He used to spend his entire life in the palace library when we were just kids. He’ll surely know something to help, and I—”

  “Whoa!” Dominic suddenly grabbed both Jim’s hands, which had started to flail around frantically without the fey actually realizing it. Jiminy was a nervous rambler. Every time he got excited, stressed or simply nervous, he would start talking a hundred miles per hour. Dominic knew that, and did the only thing that was bound to stop the flow of words. He kissed him.

  “Mmm, that’s much better,” Dom said, looking into Jim’s slightly unfocused eyes.

  “I do not want to go back on my word, sweetheart,” he added in a serious voice. “It simply shocked me how much responsibility will lie on me. You will depend on me to protect you from the dangers of the world I have no idea about. What if I’m not there when you need me? What if someone ambushes me and uses me as bait to get to you? What if I’m unable to change into wolf form? I won’t be any good at protecting you from other shifters then. I’m scared, Jimmy. I’m terrified of letting you down.”

  “Oh, sweet.” Jim exhaled loudly. “You had me scared there for a moment. I thought you had changed your mind.” His face grew serious then, and he said, “I know it sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t. It’s like any other mating in the paranormal world. The bonded mates are responsible for taking care of each other. They’re supposed to fulfil each other’s needs and be there for one another in case of any danger. It’s the same with humans, I think, at least to an extent, and in theory. The difference in pixie matings is that we’re not really useful in an actual fight. So the only thing we can provide for our mates in terms of support is the strengthening properties of out mating dust.

  “But you are already a strong and capable man, Dominic Sawyer. You are a powerful wolf in your own right, as Eric told you. The change will come eventually and until then, you are more than able to fight in your human form. Or have you forgotten that you fought a demon and lived to tell the tale?”

  From his face Jim could tell Dominic had indeed forgotten that little tidbit of information. “You’re a strong man Dominic Sawyer, and a former soldier. You will protect me just fine.”

  Dominic leant forward and kissed him again. This time, it was a slow, leisurely joining of lips and tongues. A slow dance, rather than a rushed, silencing peck on the lips.

  “So…” Jim said what they broke apart.

  “So…” copied Dominic with a happy grin on his face.

  “Are we going to do it?” Jim was suddenly, strangely shy.

  “‘It’?” Dominic looked positively amused. “What are we, teenagers again? Let’s do it!” he mocked good-naturedly.

  “Stop it.” Jim slapped his shoulder, but relaxed.

  “Okay, I’ll stop. So…let’s do it!” he said again, and this time when Jim slapped him, they both broke into laughter. They fell back on the bed and lay there until the laughter died and a renewed sexual hunger replaced it. Jim pushed himself up on one elbow and looked down at Dominic, who watched him with a half-lidded gaze.

  “You’re so handsome,” whispered Jim, tracing the planes of Dom’s face with his fingers.

  “No, you’re the handsome one,” answered Dom, sitting up and cupping Jim’s face. He then kissed him, taking the fey’s mouth in a long-drawn battle of tongues. The kiss became gradually more heated, including sucking and nipping with their teeth. Their hands started roaming, and before Jim knew it, they were undressing each other.

  Hands shaking, they got rid of all the clothes except Jim’s tight shirt, which effectively trapped his fluttering wings. Jim looked Dominic deeply in the eyes with a seriousness that belied their previous amusement.

  “Are you sure you want to do it? You remember how you reacted to the dust the last time, right? It will be like that, only maybe even more intense. We won’t be able to back off once we’ve started.”

  “I want this,” Dominic answered, his voice heavy with decision. “I want you. I want to mate you and have a chance at forever. Trust me, Jiminy.”

  “Good. That’s good.” Jim sighed with relief and let Dominic remove his shirt. They went back to kissing and exploring each other’s bodies with their hands. Dominic let his arm snake to Jim’s back and the fey felt those clever fingers getting to the base of his wings. The unruly appendages couldn’t stay still any longer and began fluttering madly. Jim felt them unroll to their full size and by Dominic’s enchanted gaze, he could tell he was right.

  “Your wings are beautiful, babe.” As if in a trance, Dominic outstretched his hand and touched the thin membranes. Jim shivered. It felt good. Better than good. It felt incredible, as if someone caressed his prostate, but different. He knew how it felt to have his prostate played with. He might have not mated anyone, but he’d had his fair share of one-night stands in the fey world.

  Still, he had never allowed the full penetration. He left it for his intended mate. He also never let anyone to play with his wings. Dominic was, as a matter of fact, the first person since he’d matured to touch his wings. Before that, when he was still a child, only his parents and siblings ever touched them. But, as pixie’s wings only got their properties when the pixie went through their equivalent of puberty, Jim had never felt the sensations he experienced with Dom. He didn’t think it was the time to confess that fact, though, so he focused back on what was happening between him and the shifter.

  Dominic became bolder now, playing with the sensitive flesh of Jim’s wings.

  “I dreamed of touching them, babe. I wanted to see how you would react to me licking them.” Jim couldn’t contain his moan at that thought. “You like this idea, don’t you, babe?” Dominic asked. “Go on, lie down on your front, and let me play with your wings.” Jim could do nothing else but comply. He thought about it, too. He had never experienced what having his wings stimulated meant. It was supposed to be the most erotic experience ever. Unfortunately, it wasn’t like with masturbation. A pixie couldn’t actually do it to himself or herself. There had to be another person involved.

  Dominic helped him to lie down and there was a moment when the other man simply watched Jim lying there, stretched out for him like an offering. Then Jiminy felt it, the first touch of Dominic’s hot, wet tongue on his wings. It was the most exquisite pleasure and torture at the same time. He could feel the dust gathering on the membranes of his wings and knew that Dominic had to have ingested it while licking them. Jim’s cock grew painfully hard and his asshole started clenching and unclenching, as if waiting to be filled. No other stimulation was needed. Jim was all ready to come.

  And then he felt something embarrassing he had no idea how to explain. Dominic was so engrossed in exploring his wings that he must have not noticed it, but it was only a matter of time before it happened. Jim tensed, thinking about it, and Dom must have realized something was wrong.

  “What is it, babe? What’s wrong? Do you want me to stop? I’m not sure if I can. The heat is already starting, but you could probably close yourself in the bathroom again…”

  “No, it’s not it,” Jiminy interrupted his frantic speech. “But I think something is wrong with me.”

  “What do you mean?” Dominic calmed down and asked in a curious tone.

  “It’s embarrassing,” Jim answered, his words muffled as he hid his face in his hands, still lying face-down on the mattress.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about with me, babe. Just tell me what it is and I’ll try and help you. We can deal with whatever it is.” Dom’s voice grew a bit more concerned and Jim couldn’t keep him so uncertain.

  “I’m…uh…something happened and I…” He couldn’t say it. He simply

  “What is it? Jim, you’re worrying me.” Dominic become frantic and Jim couldn’t stand it.

  “I’m wet down there,” he said, his voice once again muffled by his hands.

  “What?” Dominic clearly didn’t hear him.

  “Oh, for god’s sake!” Jim was so embarrassed, his cheeks were flaming hot. He turned back to Dominic and looked him straight in the eyes despite that. “My asshole, it’s wet, okay? I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I can feel it!” He turned back and hid his face back in the mattress. He couldn’t stand the embarrassment. Dominic was quiet for the moment and then he cleared his throat.

  “Okay, let me have a look,” he said, and before Jim could protest he felt Dom’s strong hands pulling apart his ass cheeks and a cold breeze blew over his hole. There was a moment of silence and then Jim felt Dominic’s finger gliding over his pucker.

  “Oh, shit,” Jim muttered as his hole clenched greedily. Dom’s finger lingered there a bit longer, encircling his starburst few more times. Jim could feel his cock pulsing with the need to come even as the same weird wetness could be felt around his hole again. Dominic took a sudden intake of breath and then Jim could feel the tip of his finger pressing against his hole, as if preparing to breach him.

  Jim couldn’t help himself. He moaned and pushed against that invading digit. He wanted it in. He wanted to feel it pushing inside him, he wanted…His thoughts were interrupted by Dominic’s quiet, “Shit.” Jim tensed and was about to pull away, but then Dominic thrust his finger all the way in and all Jim could do was moan again.

  “Fuck, babe, it looks like you’re lubricating yourself,” Dominic said in awe, even as he kept fucking Jim with his finger.

  “Whaaat?” Jim managed to croak out, still trying to chase that teasing finger with his ass. It wasn’t enough. He needed more.

  “You have to have some special glands, because your asshole is lubricating itself and opening for me.” He proved his words by adding another finger, and any other time, Jim knew it would be too soon. But not then. His asshole swallowed Dom’s fingers and clenched, begging for more. At the same time, Jim felt his cock pulsing as if it wanted to erupt. It didn’t, and Jim was surprised by his self-control.

  “Dom, please!” he begged, not really knowing for what. A sudden growl erupted from behind him and Dominic’s fingers left his ass. He moaned in protest, but the bigger man simply flipped him over and took his mouth in a hungry, possessive kiss.

  “Fuck!” Dominic swore, ending the kiss, and his voice was all growly, turning Jim on even more. “It’s so hot!”

  Dom’s fingers found their way back to his asshole and he thrust two of them in. Jim moaned and his eyes rolled into his head with the intense pleasure. He opened them again, hearing another low growl, and looked straight into Dominic’s glowing ones.

  “Dom, sweet?” he asked, a bit unsure of what was happening, but at the same time too deep in pleasure to truly care.

  “Yeah, it’s still me,” Dominic stated, his voice less than human. “The wolf is close, but it won’t come out. It wants to see me pleasure our mate, though.” He growled and licked his lips. Jim laughed breathlessly and then moaned when Dominic’s now three fingers pegged his prostate.

  “Well, then he won’t wait long. I’m all but ready to blow,” he said, straining not to do just that.

  “Not yet!” Dominic ordered. “Not until I’m inside you, claiming you properly.”

  “Fuck!” Jim swore and gripped the base of his cock, preventing himself from blowing his load then and there. “Hurry up, then. I don’t think I’m going to last much longer.” He looked up in Dominic’s eyes and saw the wildness of his wolf flashing in them. His suspicion was confirmed when Dom opened his mouth, panting slightly. The tips of sharp, wolf-like fangs were peaking from under his top lip. Jim said nothing, though, as those fangs, together with whole mouth, came down on his to kiss the ever-loving mind out of him.

  * * * *

  Dominic closed his eyes briefly, trying to get at least a tiny bit of his control back. It didn’t work. Kissing Jimmy was like nothing he’d ever done with men before. It was like trying to compare a royal banquet with a meal in McDonald’s—there was simply no way to do it. Jim was his royal banquet. Dominic felt the same telling signs of the heat invading all of his senses, but he tried to resist and keep his wits about him. He didn’t want to accidentally hurt Jiminy while burying himself in heat-induced passion.

  His resolve almost crumbled, however, when he discovered Jim’s very special ability. There had to be something else different about pixie anatomy, besides their wings, that Jim had no idea about. What Dom discovered when delving between the fey’s ass cheeks was that Jim’s hole lubricated itself, somehow preparing Jim for being filled. Dom almost lost it right then. With glee, he found out that the lubrication wasn’t all that surprised them both. It was also almost like the tight muscles of Jimmy’s asshole stretched themselves, allowing for a much faster pace for their intercourse. Dominic couldn’t complain. With the heat invading all his senses and his wolf pushing him to take and claim their mate, he was almost ready to blow as well.

  He pushed a bit away from the kiss and looked Jim deeply in the eyes, panting heavily all the time.

  “Are you ready, babe?” he rumbled, his voice more wolf than human. Jim’s eyes flashed with desire and he managed a throaty “yes.”

  Dom looked down between them to see Jim gripping the base of his dick tightly to prevent orgasm. Dominic’s own cock was painfully hard, the head red and leaking a steady stream of pre-cum. Dominic dove for another kiss while at the same time guiding his dick to Jiminy’s entrance. Soon his head encountered the muscles of Jim’s clenching starburst. Dominic forced himself to go slow, not wanting to hurt his man, even if the heat in his veins made him think he was going to explode if he didn’t fuck him hard and fast. He resisted, but only until he felt the heat of Jim’s channel enveloping the head of his dick. Then he couldn’t do anything but thrust in one long movement. Jim groaned and Dominic lifted his eyes at him in alarm.

  His beautiful fey had his eyes shut tightly, his face twisted in a grimace. Dominic couldn’t tell if it was bliss or suffering.

  “Jimmy, babe?” he inquired, his voice strained with his resolve not to move. The smaller man opened his eyes and a slow glow started from them, slowly enveloping his face and then his entire body.

  “So full…so good… Move, Dom, please move!” His voice took on the melodious lilt he had shown Dominic only once when revealing his true form to the werewolf.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, babe,” he said, his voice catching in his throat with the strain of going against his body’s wishes.

  “I will hurt you if you don’t move, damn it!” It was really weird hearing the annoyed tone in the still unearthly beautiful fey voice. Dominic pondered over their predicament for a fraction of a second before flipping them so that he was on his back and Jim, in his full pixie glory, straddling him on top.

  “Ride me, babe.” The growly voice of his wolf once again poured out of him, the beast despising the pause in their lovemaking as much as Jim seemed to. “Take what you want. This way, I will be sure I’m not hurting you. You’re in full control,” he said, and his wolf was in full agreement. The animal wanted to hurt Jim even less than Dominic did, but it also wanted to feel their mate’s pleasure. Feeling the wolf’s consent, Dominic lay down and decided to simply enjoy whatever Jim decided to give them.

  * * * *

  Jim was momentarily startled when Dominic flipped to his back, seating Jim on top of himself. He said to ride him, and Jim couldn’t help but be thrilled at this prospect. He slowly adjusted his position, eliciting a deep groan from his wolf, and an evil smirk appeared on the pixie’s face. He was in charge now. He could torture his wolf however long he wanted.

  Jim lifted his hips slowly and lowered them down, setting a very slow, steady pace. He knew Dominic wanted more, that he wanted hard and fast. Jim
could sense it. As soon as their bodies were joined, Jim started feeling some of what Dominic felt. Not much, impressions rather than full emotions, but it was enough. He could sense Dominic’s overwhelming need, the wolf urging him to take their mate hard and fast. But Dominic didn’t give in to the animal’s urges. He put Jim in the position of power and Jim was ready to take a full advantage of that.

  He put his hands on Dominic’s chest, playing with the soft sprinkle of chest hair and flicking Dom’s nipples from time to time. The man groaned every time he did it and tensed as if resisting the urge to flip them back and plough into Jim’s willing body. He did no such thing, however, and Jim grew bolder. He made small circles with his hips and ground his ass against Dominic’s balls, feeling the man’s pubic hair tickling his backside and the inside of his thighs. He started steadily to increase the tempo of his movements and felt Dominic’s abdomen tensing as if he wanted to meet his thrust for thrust, but still the man showed his steel control and just lay there, taking whatever Jim had to give him.

  He was going fast now, hips up and down, up and down, Dominic’s cock sliding in and out of his ass, in and out. His breath sped up and his dick bounced and painted Dom’s taut stomach with his pre-cum. It would be so easy to take his hard leaking cock in his hands and give it few hard tugs. He could come all over Dominic’s abs and chest, painting it with his seed. He could then use his hands, still playing with Dom’s nipples, to smear it all over those hard muscles, marking the big wolf as his. It would be sooo easy…


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