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It's Only Make Believe

Page 10

by Roseanne Dowell

  “Three o’clock.” She glanced at her watch and took a sip of her drink, only noon now they had plenty of time.

  “How about I come along? After you discuss your business, I’ll talk to Joe. We’ll see if Louise has any legal ramifications. I can’t believe O’Neil did something like this. What’s wrong with these people?”

  Michele smiled. Thank God he agreed with her. She changed the subject and they discussed new furniture, their parents, and her job. Michele couldn’t remember such a relaxing lunch. Well not since her honeymoon. Her husband’s friendly attitude and the easy way they conversed seemed like they knew each other forever. Now might be a good time to bring up his relationship with Ruby. Air it out. Find out if she was being a jealous idiot or had something to worry about.

  At the thought of Ruby, the sexy, blond girl approached their table, dressed in a provocative, skimpy red dress. Michele’s stomach flipped. She set her fork down, her appetite gone.

  “Brad,” Ruby’s sounded breathless. “I’m so glad I found you. I tried to call, but your cell phone isn’t working. We have to go. Mr. Edgehurst found a problem with the ad and wants it fixed now.”

  Brad set his fork down, wiped his mouth and looked at Ruby. “My cell phone works fine, I turned it off. I’m entitled to a lunch without distraction. How did you find me here?”

  “Susan, uh, Michele’s secretary, told me you walked to lunch, and this was the only restaurant I knew you would like.” Ruby pulled out a chair and sat down.

  Michele resented the intrusion. She found it difficult to speak civilly to Ruby. “My secretary’s name is Sarah.” She made a mental note to discuss her privacy with Sarah.

  “Ruby, go back to the office, call Edgehurst and tell him I’ll meet with him tomorrow. I just got back and I’m not leaving today.” The anger in his voice and on his face surprised Michele. She hadn’t seen this side of him before.

  “Brad, you know that isn’t going to satisfy him.” Ruby made no effort to leave. She laid her hand on Brad’s and leaned close to him while she spoke.

  The small gesture irritated Michele. She couldn’t bring herself to look at either Brad or Ruby. Ruby’s tapped the table with her long fingernails. Unable to believe the woman’s defiant attitude after the angry tone in Brad’s voice, Michele sneaked a glance at Brad. His jaw muscles tensed, the murderous look in his eye, and grim set to his lips scared her. Yet, a quick look at the unmoving Ruby, told Michele she was unfazed by his anger. Uncomfortable with the tension, Michele excused herself to go to the washroom.

  When she returned, Ruby had pulled her chair closer to Brad’s and their heads were close in intimate conversation. Brad must have spotted her, because he pulled his head away and stood.

  “Ruby, make the arrangements, we’ll leave tomorrow at noon.” His voice held a tone of something Michele couldn’t quite pinpoint, she only knew if it was her, she wouldn’t’ cross him on this. He took Michele’s arm and led her out of the restaurant. Michele looked back to see a smiling, smug look on Ruby’s face, almost a victorious look. It sent chills through her.

  “Are you cold?” Brad asked.

  His hand on the small of her back gave her little comfort. Tomorrow he’d leave with Ruby again. They walked back to her office, went in. and picked up the designs she made for the Kirby’s.

  Sarah looked up in surprise as they entered. “I didn’t expect to see you two back so soon.”

  Michele would have liked to discuss the fact that she told Ruby where they were, but held back. It wasn’t something to discuss in front of Brad. “We’re on our way to the Kirby’s. I won’t be back this afternoon. You can leave early if you want.” She followed Brad to the car.

  “It seems silly to take two cars. Why don’t I drive, and I’ll bring you back to the office in the morning.” Brad led her to his car as if the matter were settled. “Besides, it’ll give us more time to talk about Louise and Mark. I need more information if I’m going to discuss it with Joe.”

  Riding with Brad suited her just fine. “What do you need to know? I pretty much told you everything at lunch.”

  “I need to know exactly what the letter said, if you can’t tell me word for word that’s fine, but give me the gist of it.”

  “It was pretty cut and dry, a definite threat to take the baby away if she didn’t leave town. It wasn’t written in legal terms.”

  Brad pulled into the Kirby’s driveway and Linda, who Michele had already become friends with, greeted them as they got out of the car. “Brad, what a surprise to see you. Come in. I’m anxious to get started.”

  Michele liked Linda’s sincere, down to earth attitude. She hadn’t met Joe before, but took an instant liking to him. His warm brown eyes and smile set her at ease. Joe and Linda had a quality about them that she had only experienced with her less fortunate friends. Of course, Joe had once been less fortunate and had only recently earned his way to the elite. Marrying Linda had opened the doors to the best clubs and organizations in town, but Michele had a feeling he would have ended up there anyway.

  His good looks and down home charm mixed with his ability, tact, and attentiveness would have earned his way into the hearts of men and women alike. They made the perfect couple. Petite Linda with her auburn colored hair and pale complexion was the stark opposite of the fair haired, tanned, muscular Joe. They complemented each other in looks as well as personality. Bubbly, out-going Linda balanced the reserved, but confident Joe. From what Michele heard, although quiet and composed in public, he was anything but that in the courtroom. He obviously cared deeply for his clients and fought hard for them. And he never took a case he didn’t believe in.

  Linda and Joe loved the plans for the nursery. They discussed minor changes like using a pale yellow instead of vanilla for the wall color. They decided to use soft greens and blues for the table and chairs. Brad sat back and watched as they went over the plans. Michele glanced at him a few times, hoping he wasn’t bored. But though he stayed out of the way, he seemed to be paying close attention. She even noticed him nod at some of the choices Linda and Joe made.

  Once the decisions were made and noted, she promised to have final color charts and fabrics later. They went into the family room for coffee.

  “Joe, we have a problem we want to discuss with you.” Brad took the coffee Linda offered while he spoke. “It concerns our maid, Louise.”

  Joe sat down in a chair opposite Brad. “How can I help?”

  Brad explained the situation, pausing to let Michele fill in the gaps. “Can he do that legally? Threaten her like that, I mean. Isn’t that against the law? Isn’t it extortion or something?” Michele had never seen Brad so passionate. His face turned red, and he waved his hands as he spoke.

  Brad and Joe discussed the problem and her stomach began to turn somersaults. The room began to spin, and she gripped the arms of the chair. She tried to lean back, but felt herself falling forward. Her eyes blurred, and the floor quickly came up to meet her. Everything turned black. She heard voices but couldn’t see anyone, couldn’t answer them. Aware that Brad knelt next to her, she wanted to talk to him, but no sound came from her mouth. What was happening to her? She fought to swallow back the nausea as a bitter taste filled her mouth. Finally the dark receded. Brad came into focus. Everyone bent over her. She looked into Brad’s concerned face.

  “I think we should take you to a hospital.”

  Michele tried to sit up, Linda sat next to her, wiped her brow with a damp cloth. “Help me get her up, Brad. We’ll take her to my room. Joe, bring a glass of water.”

  They helped her to her feet and the nausea and dizziness subsided. She leaned against Linda. Joe held out the glass of water, and she took a sip, ridding her mouth of the bile taste. Brad insisted on carrying her to Linda’s room, and set her on the bed. Linda motioned for the men to leave and sat down next to her.

  Michele took a deep breath. “I don’t know what came over me, must have been something I ate.”

  “Honey, I’m
not sure but I’d bet just about anything your pregnant.”

  “Pregnant? No, that’s not possible.”

  “You’re married, aren’t you?” Linda laughed. “And if I know Brad, I’m pretty sure it’s more than possible, it’s probable.”

  Michelle shook her head. Pregnant, how could that be? A baby, she and Brad were going to have a baby. The truth of the matter sunk in. Of course that explained everything, the sudden hunger and now the nausea. Her heart did a dance in her chest. A feeling of pride welled up inside her, a baby, her and Brad were going to have a child. How would he take it? He had mentioned children, but was he ready for them. After all their marriage was only for a year, what would happen after? They’d have a baby to deal with, was she ready for a child? Yes, she wanted this baby, wanted her marriage to Brad for more than a year. Would he want the same thing? Or would a baby complicate things?

  “Hey, are you feeling better?” Linda interrupted her thoughts. “Obviously Brad doesn’t know if you didn’t.” Linda sat in the small chair next to the bed. “Are you okay with this? You look...”

  Michele put her hand to her stomach. “Huh? Oh yeah I feel better. A little queasy still but at least the dizziness is gone.”

  “I think you ought to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. I’ll give you the name of mine if you want.”

  “I...uh...yeah thanks I’d appreciate that. Were you... did you experience this when you first got pregnant?”

  Linda laughed. “Are you kidding? I was so sick I thought I’d die. I couldn’t even lift my head off the pillow and it started. Sometimes I hated to open my eyes in the morning. Fortunately it only lasted a couple of months.”

  “A couple of months are you kidding? How did you handle it?”

  “Well I was lucky I guess, mine only lasted for an hour or so in the morning then I was fine the rest of the day.”

  Michele sat up on the bed. “I think I’m okay now. It seems to have passed. This is the second time this has happened to me. I thought it was the flu.”

  A while later they went back into the living room. Joe looked at her with a look that said he recognized the symptoms. Had he said anything to Brad? Brad jumped up and hurried to her side.

  “Are you okay?”

  Michele nodded. How was she going to tell him? What would he say? “I’m fine, but I think we should leave.” Michele hadn’t even thought of using birth control. She and Brad had never discussed it. She hadn’t thought of that aspect of her marriage - hadn’t thought she’d be so attracted to him or him to her. In the beginning she thought their marriage would be in name only and birth control never entered her mind – even after they made love. Hopefully, he’d be as happy about the baby as she was. Darn why did he have to go out of town again tomorrow?

  Joe walked them to the door and handed Brad a card. “Tell Louise to call me. I think I can help her. Oh and tell her my fees are reasonable. I have a feeling she won’t take charity even though I’d take the case for nothing.”

  Brad held the car door open for Michele. “Are you sure you’re okay? You looked awful sick in there. I think you should see a doctor.”

  Should she tell him now on the way home or wait until they got home? Maybe she’d wait until they were in bed, maybe after they made love again.

  His cell phone rang and Ruby’s voice came over the line, even from her side of the car.

  “What? When? Darn it Ruby, why couldn’t you handle it? No, no...Okay I’ll see you in a few.” Brad hung up and turned the car back toward the office. “Change of plans that jerk Edgehurst changed the idea for his ad campaign, and I have to make the changes tonight before we leave tomorrow. I’m sorry Shell, it looks like it’s going to be a long night.”

  Michele’s heart fell. Ruby again. Damn that woman! Couldn’t she handle anything on her own? Of course she couldn’t. She had threatened Michele with that look, and now she was carrying through. Or was it a threat, maybe it was something they had connived together while she was in the washroom. Their heads were sure bent close when she came out. Not to mention the look Ruby had thrown her. She shivered again at just the reminder of it.

  Brad stopped at her car, got out and opened the door for her. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Don’t wait up for me, I’ll probably be late and I’ll sleep in the guest room.”

  “Brad...” She wanted to tell him to come to bed but something prevented her. Maybe because the suggestion to sleep in the guest room came too easy for him. Maybe he liked the idea - maybe he’d grown tired of her already. She looked at her handsome husband and wanted to cry. How could she have fallen in love with him so quickly, so easily?

  Her grandfather must have known she was secretly attracted to him all these years. Too bad Brad didn’t share the feeling. She got into her car and pulled the door closed a little too hard. If Brad had at least kissed her on the lips, maybe she’d have extended the invitation, but a brotherly kiss didn’t quite work for her. He confused the heck out of her. One minute attentive, caring and passionate and the next acting like a brother. She put the key in the ignition and watched Brad walk back to his car. His shoulders seemed to slump a little, and he almost looked rejected. What was running through his mind? Did he mind leaving her? Was he anxious to go to Ruby? He didn’t look anxious, but maybe that was part of an act.


  A wave of nausea hit Michele the minute she opened her eyes. Easing herself out of bed, she hoped to hold it back to no avail. She hurried to the bathroom and vomited. Problem was she had nothing in her stomach and only had the dry heaves. She brushed her teeth trying to rid the vile taste in her mouth and washed her face with cold water.

  The smell of coffee turned her stomach all over again when she went to the kitchen. Anna greeted her with a big smile. She had obviously noticed Brad’s car in the drive. For some reason he rarely parked in the garage. Anna pulled a cup from the cupboard.

  Before she poured the coffee, Michele stopped her. “No coffee this morning, Anna, I think I’d rather have juice.”

  Anna gave her a strange look. “No coffee?”

  Michele rubbed her stomach hoping to settle it. “Maybe some toast too.”

  Anna poured a glass of orange juice and put two slices of bread in the toaster. “Are you feeling okay? You look green. Maybe Missy should call the doctor.”

  A doctor, Michele thought, of course she’d have to make an appointment but with whom? She couldn’t go to her regular doctor her mother would find out in a heartbeat and she didn’t want anyone to know until she told Brad. She forgot to get the name of Linda’s doctor. Maybe Sarah had a one. She made a mental note to ask her. Of course she could always call Linda. But she wanted someone no one knew. Someone who didn’t deal with society ladies. She’d ask Sarah.

  “Missy, you okay?”

  Michele jumped at Anna’s voice. “Uh, Oh yeah I’m fine. I was just thinking about work.” Work, ha, that was the least of her problems. Right now all she thought about was her pregnancy and how to tell Brad.

  Thankfully Michele’s nausea subsided after she ate her toast and drank the orange juice. “I’ll see you later, Anna, but nothing big for dinner okay. I’m gaining too much weight and Mr. Lawson won’t be home anyway.”


  Michele arrived at the office intent on asking Sarah about her doctor, but not wanting to let on why. Not that it mattered, her friend knew her well enough to guess. Sarah pulled in right behind Michele and they walked into together. A quick look at her watch told her Sarah was almost on time.

  “You’re still not looking well, Shell, are you okay? I mean your face is pasty white.”

  Michele paused at Sarah’s desk long enough to ask about her doctor.

  “Well, Dr. Hill is my gynecologist and Dr. Cane is my family doctor. Guess you want his number, huh?”

  “Uh, um, yeah Dr. Cane.” She could look up Dr. Hill’s number herself. “Do you have his number?”

  Sarah flipped
through the rolodex on her desk and wrote the number on a note card. “Here you go, are you sure you shouldn’t be seeing Dr. Hill?”

  The grin on Sarah’s face caused Michele a moment’s panic.

  “Hey, you’re pregnant aren’t you? Of course that explains it, all the stomach problems. It wasn’t what you ate, was it? Oh Shell, that’s so exciting. Does Brad know? What did he say? How do you feel about it? When...?” Sarah stopped short.

  Michele sank down in the chair opposite Sarah’s desk. “Yes, I think I’m pregnant. No. Brad doesn’t know yet, I was going to tell him last night, but something came up. Actually I am excited and I don’t have any idea when. I must have gotten pregnant on our honeymoon or shortly after. Since my wandering husband hasn’t been home all that much since.”

  Sarah flipped through the rolodex again and wrote down another number. “You’ll be wanting this then, but what about your own GYN?”

  “I can’t go to him, my mother would know about it before I left the office. Larraine, Dr. Boon’s receptionist is one of her good friends. Nope can’t go to him. Besides, I’m not really crazy about him and he’s probably about ready to retire soon. Thanks, I’ll call Dr. Hill this afternoon. How is he? As a doctor, I mean.”

  “Oh he’s great I think you’ll like him. Middle-aged, slightly balding, with a sense of humor and great bed-side manner, yeah, you’ll like him.”

  “Thanks, Sar.” Michele stood and hugged her friend. What would she do without her? She even forgave her for telling Ruby where they lunched yesterday. “Oh by the way,” she tried to make a joke of it, “next time someone asks where Brad and I are, don’t tell them.”

  “I didn’t tell Ruby where you were, honest, Shell. She came in here demanding to know where Brad was. I told her I had no idea that you left for lunch about an hour ago.” Sarah waved her hands as she talked. “Don’t tell me she found you?”


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