The Stage of Time
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With so many lies constantly bombarding society from nearly all directions, it can be very difficult to separate what the truth really is from all the misinformation and deception that plagues us. One of the keys to achieving this lofty goal is to objectively study ancient history to understand the origins of where science, mathematics, philosophy, laws, astronomy, and agriculture all came from. In order to do that, we must travel back to one of the earliest civilizations on Earth.
According to some of mankind’s oldest historical records, the origins of complex laws, mathematics, agriculture, astronomy, and even currency began with the Sumerians of Mesopotamia, less than 6,000 years ago. However, I would like to point out that there is extensive evidence that can be found which strongly supports the hypothesis that much older human civilizations existed in this region more than 12,000 years ago, during the time period known as the Pleistocene Epoch. Unfortunately, most of those ancient records were lost over time, but not all of them. I will be going into much more detail about these Pre-Diluvian civilizations later in the chapter.
The Sumerians claimed that all the knowledge they had acquired was handed down to them from gods who resided above them in heaven. This concept of “heaven” can best be equated to the higher dimensions and anything beyond the physical realm of Earth, while “hell” refers to the underworld and lower dimensions. One of the best pieces of evidence that supports these claims is the Sumerian King List, which is a cuneiform tablet from Mesopotamia that lists out the long reigns of many of its early rulers, as well as where kingship, laws, and early agriculture came from. The opening statement in the Sumerian King List says, “When kingship was lowered from heaven, kingship was in Eridu.”
Both the Sumerian King List and Eridu Genesis tablets claim that Eridu was the first city on Earth where kingship was lowered to. These cuneiform tablets discuss these cities in detail, as well as the kings who were chosen to rule there.
The Eridu Genesis tablet states:
“When the royal scepter was coming down from heaven,
the august crown and the royal throne being already down from heaven,
the king regularly performed to perfection the august divine services and offices,
and laid the bricks of those cities in pure spots.
The firstling of the cities, Eridu, she gave to the leader Nudimmud,
the second, Bad-Tibira, she gave to the Prince and the Sacred One,
the third, Larak, she gave to Pahilsag,
the fourth, Sippar, she gave to the gallant Utu,
the fifth, Suruppak, she gave to Ansud."
The reason that these Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets are so important is that the information they contain correlates remarkably well together, which helps to support their authenticity. These early texts completely rewrite the false narrative that we’ve been taught in school, especially regarding mankind’s early achievements and timeline. Most of what we see today is the direct result of these influences that occurred long ago. In order to see the truth more clearly, we should rid ourselves of our foolish pride and instead only follow the evidence and facts.
Records indicate that the Sumerians of Mesopotamia were among the first people to utilize a form of currency for commerce. They called this form of currency a “shekel” which represented a two-sided coin that had a value equal to a bushel of wheat. This evidence not only helps to explain where the first form of currency came from but also shows how important agriculture was to their society. In fact, if you break down the name shekel, the word “she” meant wheat, and “kel” meant the measurement of a single bushel. What’s so significant to understand about a shekel is that its value was entirely based on the specific measurement of a necessary commodity in the community, which in this case was wheat. Think about what that means for a moment when comparing the actual value of money in our current society today.
If a nation’s currency is not backed by something with actual value, then it becomes unstable and extremely prone to manipulation and collapse. Looking all around the world at the numerous wars and conflicts being fought near large oil reserves, opium fields, and rare mineral deposits, it’s clear that there’s a mad race by some powerful industrialized countries to secure these important resources for themselves. However, despite this, evidence shows that most empires eventually collapse over time, due to their unsustainable nature.
The philosopher George Santayana gave a famous quote to explain this progressive ignorance when he said: “Those who do not learn history are destined to repeat it.” Remember those words as we continue further into the book. This unfortunate outcome is one of the main reasons why money became such an integral part of our society, putting productivity above all else, even at the cost of creativity and self-expression. Once the focus of a population becomes structured purely around material gain and the accumulation of wealth, it becomes prone to immense greed, unbalance, and war. It should become apparent that our society; through generations of subconscious conditioning, has become greatly poisoned by this destructive mindset.
Today, this greedy and unsustainable governing structure has managed to corrupt and take over nearly everything in our reality, as most of the wealth of a nation is funneled to the very top through massive corporations and large banks. That means that any government whose finances are run by the privately owned and powerful Central Bank is often used as nothing more than puppets for a specific agenda. Sadly, this includes most of the industrialized nations of the world. One of the best examples of this can be seen with the United States through the privately-owned Federal Reserve, which is owned and operated by the Central Bank. So the real question is, who owns and runs the Central Bank?
It may be shocking for some to learn that the Central Bank is owned by one single family known as the Rothschilds, who also determines the daily price of gold. Researching and studying the Rothschild family legacy is one of the keys to understanding how our reality became structured the way that it did. A profound quote which perfectly illustrates how this elite family was able to take over most of the governments of the world was made by James A. Garfield where he says, “He who controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation.” That’s why it’s so fascinating to discover that the origins of the Rothschild family bloodline; along with many other elite families, can be traced all the way back to the early Sumerian and Babylonian kings of Mesopotamia. This is by no means a coincidence and provides clues to help explain how this ancient model of kingship came to define so much of our lives.
The Rothschild family dynasty was able to achieve supremacy through a clever two-pronged approach; first by seizing control of the global monetary systems, followed by the direct funding of certain empires and armed conflicts around the world. Remember, wars take a tremendous amount of resources and finances for a nation to wage, and in the end somebody always has to pay for them. One of the most difficult realizations to accept is that this secretive and powerful family dynasty has been responsible for the direct funding and even creation of many of the wars that have occurred over the last several hundred years. As difficult as that may be to accept, allow me to explain further. This destructive and devious mentality became collectively known as “the military industrial complex” in which several US presidents, such as Eisenhower and JFK, have repeatedly warned us about. Seems impossible right?
There is concrete evidence to support this “theory” which goes far beyond what some would only call circumstantial. That evidence comes directly from Gutle Rothschild, who was the mother of the five most influential Rothschild banking sons in history. Shortly before she died Gutle nonchalantly stated, “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” This uncomfortable quote means that many of the events that have led to wars in the past are in fact carefully calculated and planned. This perspective greatly differs with the viewpoint that’s held by most of society, who are falsely conditioned into believing that these events are nothing more than the natural course of history. Realizations like t
hese are why many people decide to ignore the truth and look the other way due to how difficult it can be to accept.
To give a little background first, Mayer Amschel Rothschild was considered to be the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty, which emerged in Europe in the early 1800s. Mayer Amschel Rothschild was proceeded by his five sons, who he taught the art of currency exchange and foreign trade thanks to the skills he learned from Jacob Wolf Oppenheimer at his banking firm in 1758. The family name of “Oppenheimer” should be familiar to many considering that J. Robert Oppenheimer is credited as being the “father of the atomic bomb” during its development in the Manhattan Project, which was unveiled in Bohemian Grove. More about that later though. This is by no means a coincidence since each one of these men were part of certain secret societies whose influences would eventually give rise to the powerful global elites who control most of society today.
The five sons of Mayer Amschel Rothschild were then strategically sent to the financial capitals of England, Italy, Germany, France, and Austria in order to establish independent branches there to represent the family’s interests. Each of these important European countries was chosen based on the influences they had over the rest of the region. The Rothschilds knew that the key to controlling a country’s affairs is directly through the ownership of its banking sector. Mayer Amschel Rothschild himself provides proof for this global monetary conspiracy when he famously stated: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws.”
Through the Central Bank, the Rothschild family dynasty was able to amass nearly unimaginable wealth; in excess of hundreds of trillions of dollars, which they used as leverage to govern other nations’ interests. Once the Central Bank was established as the official bank of most of the industrialized countries around the world, it’s power and influence was able to spread to nearly every corner of the planet, controlling not only finances, but politics, laws, and even education. Remember, these are not just empty conspiracy theories, but the real facts behind our history.
In order to understand all this more clearly and see the origins of where this kingship-governing structure came from, we should go back and objectively look at the events of ancient history. The model of kingship that has been ruling past civilizations for thousands of years represents the hierarchy pyramid design for society, where the true power and control lies within a small number of individuals at the very top. This can be clearly seen on the back of the one-dollar bill with the all-seeing eye, known as the Eye of Providence, and the unfinished pyramid. Those selected “rulers” at the top of the pyramid govern over the rest of the population and falsely condition them into believing that their governments made decisions based on their best interests. In reality, most of these governments are heavily controlled and monitored, and officials are kept in a state of strict obedience through the use of bribery, tariffs, blackmail, or even war for those who don’t follow the rules.
A good example of this can be seen today with the war and instability that’s rampant across the Middle East. It can be fascinating to learn that the war-torn nations of Libya, Iraq, Iran, and Syria are some of the only countries left which are not part of the Central Bank. One can’t help but find that to be a little bit interesting and far more than simply a coincidence. Instead of this shocking realization being known by most of the public, the use of propaganda, artificially planted evidence, and paid militants have created the illusion that there’s a common threat that we all must unite against. This tactic is often called a “false flag event” and is done to further an agenda or to fuel a war.
Those who follow and don’t question the rules often achieve great financial success for their blind loyalty. Since the majority of society is still largely unaware of this information, or chooses to ignore it, most freely give up their time and energy towards seeking a certain level of comfort, regardless of what the real costs are associated with that. This mentality has created both large scale environmental destruction, as well as massive inequality and unbalance across nearly the entire planet. Someday in the future, this realization will finally be understood by the public, and we must collectively do everything in our power to prevent this atrocity from ever happening again.
The underlying reason why these global elites favor the suppression of consciousness, rather than its expansion, is due to several complex factors. These include a long-standing desire to maintain order and productivity within society, as well as hiding the identity of those who really govern over the rest of the world. I will be going into much more detail about what that means in the next several chapters. The researcher David Icke spoke about this hidden truth when he eloquently said, “When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so different. One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations.”
Generation after generation, the collective subconscious of society has been conditioned to attack any concepts or ideas that don’t fit into the specific timeline and model of history that’s been designated. Past cultures such as the Maya and Egyptians, frequently discussed this false paradigm in many of their ancient writings and sacred texts. They realized that mankind lived in a created veil of illusion based on our limited perception and lack of understanding of the universe that surrounds us. This lack of awareness caused humans to become eternally trapped in the physical world until they could finally grow consciously to realize their true nature. To better understand how the structure of society became so driven by its basic urges, we must first take a step back in order to see the bigger picture behind the fundamental principles that govern all of reality itself.
Somewhat hypothetically speaking, since there are both higher and lower dimensions to reality, any advanced beings or entities that managed to transcend beyond the limits of the physical world could potentially influence or even control any sentient lifeforms that exist in less aware states below them. In most cases, this would likely occur without them ever knowing about it. That’s one of the main reasons why the universe is perceived by many as being empty, since our collective consciousness hasn’t reached the point yet where we’re mature enough to be privy to the truth.
Due to these hierarchy rules of awareness that exist, it means that any of these beings or entities that potentially influenced mankind’s past would have remained largely hidden from the masses since they primarily communicated with enlightened priests and sages, as well as those in the upper echelons of society. That’s how their legacy in the past became largely considered a myth since only those at the very top were privy to that knowledge. Over time though, those influences became less and less. But are these beings or entities in other dimensions real, and how have they influenced human history?
As hard as it may be to accept, our world is controlled by a very small number of extremely powerful people who are collectively known as the Global Elite, Illuminati, or Cabal. The purpose of this elite group of individuals is to act as a type of delegate to represent the interests of those who still maintain control of our reality today. As mind-boggling as that is to consider, I will be providing extensive evidence that supports these claims over the course of the book. In essence, this secret society maintains the kingship structure model here, in return for nearly unlimited power and wealth. After all, the puppet master doesn’t reveal themselves to the audience until after the show is over. To better understand who these hidden rulers are, we must study the evidence from ancient history, which describes in great detail those who have been referred to as spirits, gods, genies, angels or demons.
There have been many names used throughout history to describe these beings: known as the Anunnaki to the Sumerians, the Jinn in Arabian mythology, the Elohim in the Hebrew Bible, the Watchers in the Book of Enoch, the Archons to the Gnostics, the Titans and Olympians to the Greeks, the Asuras and Devas in Hindu mytholo
gy, and countless others. No matter what you call them, the traits shared by these beings can be found in cultures across the world, and is impossible to ignore any longer. It’s by no means a coincidence then that the word Jinn in Arabic means, “to hide,” or “to conceal,” while the word Archon in Gnosticism means “ruler.”
In fact, going even a step further, the Gnostics not only referred to these beings and entities as “rulers” in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures, but more specifically the “rulers of reality.” The Gnostics go on to explain that these beings remain hidden and nearly invisible to human perceptions by existing primarily in higher and lower dimensions where they can create chaos or provide knowledge to mankind at different time periods. Let’s go further.
According to Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets, hundreds of thousands of years ago a group of advanced beings known as the Anunnaki came to the realm of Earth and conquered its reality, disrupting the balance and harmony that once existed there. The word Anunnaki translates to mean, “those who Anu sent from heaven to Earth,” or “those who from heaven to Earth came.” Unfortunately, this name has developed somewhat of a stigma over the years in much of the academic community and within social media, where many falsely believe the Anunnaki are simply a creation of Zechariah Sitchin and nothing more than a mistranslation. This has prevented a great deal of this important historical information from being known by most of the population and represents a dangerous precedent where facts and evidence are blindly ignored due to a lack of individual research and objective reasoning.