The Stage of Time
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That’s why I will be providing compelling evidence in this book to not only show that the Anunnaki are real, but that they have been extensively mentioned in translations by experts such as George Smith in his 1846 book: The Chaldea Account of Genesis, which was written over 50 years before Zechariah Sitchin. In fact, Stephany Dalley, another expert Assyriologist and researcher, verified the earlier work done by George Smith when she translated the Atrahasis cuneiform tablets. The point that I’m trying to get across here is that the name “Anunnaki” is not a creation from one man, but represents one of the most important keys to the puzzle to accurately understand the past.
The phrases “heaven” and “hell” that are frequently found within many ancient writings and religious texts have been greatly misunderstood in society for generations. This is largely due to the polluted association that were given to them by certain Abrahamic religions, who often used them as a form of deceptive control. If you study these terms, you find that the word “heaven” simply meant from beyond the physical realm of Earth and the higher dimensions, while “hell” meant the underworld and lower dimensions. That’s why some of these beings were called fallen angels in Biblical texts since they attempted to play God here and were cast down for eternity.
As difficult as it may be to wrap your head around, evidence shows that the Anunnaki are part of a superior group of beings or entities that are far older than humans. Some of them became so advanced that they eventually developed the ability to exist in non-corporeal form, as non-physical beings that can move between the higher and lower dimensions. This allowed them to influence our reality at any time using humans as hosts, or even physically incarnating here. That’s the reason why we find so many different names and incarnations from them throughout history, and why Thoth mentions their presence in the Emerald Tablets as “hiding in the shadows” among mankind. You may be wondering, what evidence exists to support these claims?
One of the best pieces of evidence we have comes from the Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets known as the Atrahasis, where on tablet number two it states: “undue the chain and set us free.” This phrase may seem simple at first; however, I feel that its deeper meaning can provide clues to some of the most complicated and misunderstood aspects of our reality. The term “chain” is referencing the hold that the third dimension has on a physical being, in which the Anunnaki sought to conquer and eventually did, becoming non-corporeal and having the ability to exist on an interdimensional level. That’s why the Atrahasis explains that humans were specifically created to fulfill this particular role in the physical realm for them since the Igigi had revolted and refused to do it any longer.
Since the Anunnaki no longer had to be present in physical form here, only the most enlightened priests and mystics became permitted to contact them through altered states of consciousness and certain rituals. After catastrophes destroyed most of these advanced civilizations during the Younger Dryas period, the connections to these higher beings became less and less, until eventually they were considered by most to be merely a myth. This was largely because many of the temples and pyramids used by these sages and priests were destroyed or severely damaged by these disasters, and the legacy of wisdom being passed down to their descendants had substantially decreased over time.
Eventually, this absence of knowledge created a great spiritual divide within mankind, which resulted in many of the early Gnostic and Mesopotamian texts to be tampered with and re-written to personify these beings as angels, demons, and gods within religion. This caused a significant amount of information to become hidden within clever allegories and religious teachings, where their true meanings became nearly lost. That’s how a greatly antiquated version of history became taught to much of society. This antiquated version of history was based on a biased and inaccurate viewpoint that sought to hide the origins of the human race and the secrets of the ancient past. This curriculum of lies will someday end, but until then we must continue to fight for the preservation of truth above all else.
Throughout history, countless brave individuals have been burned at the stake and silenced in order to protect this false doctrine that maintains control of our world. Some call this false doctrine of information “the system,” which represents the constructs that were laid down long ago to define reality for us. Think about what that means for a moment. How do most people view their existence here? What is that view based on? The origins of this system can be traced back to when kingship was first lowered to Eridu in Mesopotamia, thousands of years ago. That’s why learning about this forbidden knowledge is so necessary since this time period represents a rare opportunity when society has free access to this information without the fear of persecution.
In many ways, humans could be considered energetic slaves of the third dimension, incarnating repeatedly in countless bodies until we can finally grow spiritually and ascend our consciousness. The reason I use the term “slave” is that some of the beings and entities have purposely promoted war, distraction, and ignorance in our reality for the means of trapping mankind in an endless cycle of death and rebirth, so that they function as a type of organic battery. Sound familiar? That’s one of the main reasons why those like me are fighting so hard for this information to finally be known.
Since we’ve covered the fundamentals of conditioning, consciousness, and the nature of reality, we must now go deeper into the ancient past to uncover the evidence that explains the true origins of the human race, as well as the real identity of these “gods” of antiquity. The first piece of evidence I want to present comes from Genesis 6:1 of the Old Testament of the Holy Bible which states:
“When people began to multiply on the face of the ground and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that they were fair; and they took wives for themselves of all that they chose. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.”
It’s important to understand that many of the biblical and historical perspectives that have been taught to society are derived from much older texts, such as the Atrahasis or Book of Enoch. Eventually, their original meanings became greatly diluted and altered, creating great confusion in the general population. Despite this, there is still valuable information that can be obtained within the modern Bible by studying and objectively comparing it to many of these earlier Gnostic and Mesopotamian writings in their purest forms.
A good example to show this principle can be found by reading the quote from Genesis 6:1 above, and then deciphering the terms and symbolism used within it. To break down this quote and better understand what each of these references means, we must first lay down some ground rules. The first ground rule to understand is that most references to God and the Lord in the Bible have nothing to do with what most perceive as the true “God” or conscious intelligence of the universe.
Instead, these terms are referencing certain Anunnaki beings and other entities who ruled during the Zodiac Age of Pisces. Over time, their devout followers managed to cleverly alter many of these ancient esoteric teachings to personify these beings as gods or saviors within the Abrahamic religions. This led to centuries of war and religious persecution within mankind, heralding one of the darkest times in all of human history. This information can be hard to accept, as generations of conditioning and suppression have blocked much of the truth from ever becoming known.
So, who exactly were the Nephilim? The Nephilim were considered the offspring of the Anunnaki and a mortal woman on Earth. This created a type of half-breed human that was extremely intelligent, tall, and could potentially live for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Evidence to support this hypothesis can be found in the Sumerian King List and Eridu Genesis with the unusually long reigns held by many of the rulers of Mesopotamia. The reason for this is due to the fact that they were considered the direct descendants of the Anunnaki, who evidence
shows were likely tall, advanced humanoids that managed to transcend beyond the limits of the physical world. That’s why there’s been such a focus on preserving these ancient bloodlines in so many of the secret societies and powerful elite families that still maintain control of our world today.
The Nephilim were referred to as the “giants” in the Bible, who were banished to the realm of mankind for eternity because they were considered an abomination. This is because they were created from the Anunnaki (the fallen angels) mating with mortal women, which created tall humans that could live for long periods of time. Despite being considered an abomination, they were still seen as superior to the rest of the human race, since they contained large amounts of Anunnaki DNA, and therefore were often put in places of great power over society. That’s why we find evidence in cultures from Peru to Mesopotamia that many of their past kings ruled for extremely long reigns, and either had enlarged craniums or were very tall.
Based on this logic, it can be fascinating to discover that in the 1920s, large elongated skulls were found in tombs in Paracas, Peru that contained unusual DNA traits that aren’t shared by any of the indigenous people in the region. On top of that, Peru and Bolivia contain some of the oldest and most impressive megalithic ruins in the world. Just a coincidence? Perhaps this is the missing link to help explain the influences and sophistication shared by these ancient cultures that once thrived from Easter Island and the Americas, all the way to Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
One of the most important concepts to understand about these ancient “gods” of our past is that not all of them supported ignorance, war, and chaos within mankind. In fact, there developed a great rift and divide among them over the specific level of knowledge and conscious awareness that humanity was allowed to have. That’s why it’s so essential to separate these beings into different factions or groups, and not to simply lump them all together in the same category. The best means to determine that is to identify the particular traits, symbols, and mentalities that each of them carried throughout history.
This struggle can be seen through the principal symbols of either the eagle or the serpent, which includes variations such as the phoenix and dragon. In general, the serpent represents wisdom, spirituality, and balance, while the eagle represents strength, control, and dominance over the material world. However, to make things even more complicated, there are even depictions from early Mesopotamia that portray eagle-headed gods passing knowledge to human cultures, while in other parts of the world the serpent and dragon are playing this role. Confused yet? Allow me to explain.
These important symbols came to represent the two competing sides of the Anunnaki who were constantly struggling for dominance over one another. This competition was largely based on who should rightfully decide the fate of the human race and how these beings would be remembered. That’s one of the most critical concepts to understand here, and why there’s still so much confusion over whether these beings played a more benevolent or malevolent role in our reality. Evidence shows that in some cases, they actually played both roles.
The challenge for the Anunnaki became how they would be portrayed in the future, especially considering that some of them caused insurmountable pain and misery in the past. In many cases, those who assumed the role as the “hero” were actually the villains. After all, what really matters more than one’s legacy? That’s the reason why we find depictions of both the eagle and serpent spreading knowledge at different time periods, even though evidence shows that the eagle has largely been the great deceiver here. But wait a minute, isn’t the serpent supposed to be the great deceiver? This is a topic that will be extensively discussed throughout the rest of the book.
Those who sought to provide wisdom to developing human cultures were frequently portrayed in edifices and steles holding a pine cone in one hand, and handbag in the other. That’s why so many civilizations around the world depicted these symbols. An excellent example of this can be seen below in Figure 3. Notice the three horns that are present on the bottom of the helmet being worn by this tall being. This represented the status that each of them held within the Anunnaki royal hierarchy structure. The depiction below also provides clues as to what exactly the Anunnaki looked like in physical form, commonly shown with wings to symbolize their status as enlightened beings who mastered all of reality.
Figure 3
In Figure 3 above, notice the wrist watches, pinecone, and handbag that are shown in this Mesopotamian relief. I believe this was a symbolic representation of the role that they played in our reality as the “keepers of time and knowledge.” After all, the entire concept of following a twelve-hour clock came from their direct influences. It’s important to understand that what was being depicted in this relief has a symbolic meaning and purpose that often goes far beyond a linear mindset. Similar depictions can be found in cultures across the world from Mexico, Peru, and Turkey, all the way to Egypt, Iraq, and India.
The origins of these symbols can be traced back to the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia, where their true meanings can be understood by studying the various cylinder seals, cuneiform tablets, and edifices left behind by these ancient civilizations. To set the record straight- the eagle has always represented military strength, dominance, and control over the material world; while the serpent and dragon have always represented spirituality, knowledge, and higher states of consciousness. That’s why nearly every civilization through history who portrayed an eagle or phoenix on its flag or crest, eventually became morally corrupted and driven by war.
In the Timaeus and Critias, Plato describes this as being one of the main reasons for the eventual downfall of Atlantis. This common theme is quite apparent when looking at the flags and crests of both the Spanish and Roman Empires, as well as the Nazis, Russians, and even the United States. That’s why the economies of these countries often became associated with war and the conquering of other nations. This is not simply based on our natural progression over time, but evidence for the various influences these societies had in the past.
Many of the mainstream archeological “experts” teach society that these gods of the eagle and serpent are simply symbolic and shouldn’t be taken literally; however, there is extensive evidence that strongly indicates to the contrary. When looking into the shared mythology of ancient cultures around the world and the knowledge that was “handed down” to them from above, it becomes clear that these symbols have meanings that go far beyond just describing the various human archetypes. In fact, eagle-headed or falcon-headed gods are frequently depicted in murals in Mexico, Pre-Dynastic Egypt, India, and Mesopotamia, alongside the serpent and dragon. Once you recognize that pattern it can be quite shocking to discover that the gods of the eagle have seemingly defeated the gods of the serpent on Earth. That’s the reason why there are so few flags and crests that can be found today that still honor the serpent and dragon. Even countries such as China and Japan, who historically worshiped the dragon, have little that remains of this great legacy any longer.
With all the misinformation and suppression that has plagued society for so long, it’s somewhat surprising to learn that many of the world’s flags and crests still preserve a somewhat accurate record of what occurred in history. That’s why studying and recognizing the patterns found within them is so important to do. Stop for a moment and look at what symbols are portrayed on the flag or crest of the country your reading this from. Is there a serpent on it? What about an eagle, or one of its many variations that include the Byzantine or double-headed phoenix?
In fact, some of these flags and crests even portray the image of a knight slaying a serpent-dragon, which is overshadowed by the mighty double-headed phoenix. This iconic image on the Russian Coat of Arms is still present today and provides evidence to show the various influences they once had. However, I’d like to point out that these flags and crests represent a historical record of the past, and are not always representative of the current situation there with changing leade
rship. Remember, actions speak louder than words.
So, you may be wondering, what exactly happened to the higher wisdom and conscious teachings of the serpent and dragon? To some, this concept of the serpent being the “good guy” and spreading knowledge may seem backwards, but by the end of this book, I hope to prove to you without a doubt that these symbols eventually became inverted to represent their opposite meanings. One of the best modern examples of this can be seen with how society views the swastika. This important symbol represented eternal life, balance, and knowledge, but eventually became demonized by the Nazis and certain religions. Notice how the symbol of the serpent is still being used today by the medical industry, known as the caduceus, which represents two interwoven serpents with wings at the top. If the serpent is indeed an “evil” symbol like we’ve been taught, then why is it being used by one of the most prestigious institutions of all? Questions like these are an essential part of discovering the forbidden secrets of history.
The caduceus is considered by many ancient cultures to be one of the most important symbols of all, representing the ascension of human energy through the means of maintaining good health in order to increase one’s vibration. This is achieved through a combination of acquiring higher knowledge, balancing the body’s health, and reconnecting with spirituality. This information was passed down and protected by certain secret societies and groups around the world until, over time, much of it became misrepresented due to war and religious persecution. This means that in many cases, it’s necessary to simply start over and relearn concepts again to gain a fresh perspective. This is not a criticism or personal attack, but an unfortunate outcome that can result from a largely deceptive and antiquated version of history that’s been taught for generations. One of the best pieces of evidence to show this can be seen with the official seal and Flag of Mexico, shown below in Figure 4.