The Stage of Time
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Figure 4
The true origin and meaning behind the symbols shown on the Flag of Mexico have become nearly lost to society due to generations of deception and propaganda created after the Spanish conquered the region. Just as people in the United States are taught a greatly biased and inaccurate viewpoint regarding Christopher Columbus and the colonization of America, so too are most Mexicans regarding their true history. According to the Catholic Church, the Flag of Mexico represents the story of how the Aztec people were first led to Tenochtitlan (located on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco) by a mighty eagle that could be seen perched on a cactus eating a snake. The Aztec were told that when they saw this eagle and serpent, that location would become their new capital city. Hmm, now doesn’t that seem more than just coincidental that these particular two symbols were chosen for their flag and origin story? So what really is the truth?
Evidence shows that the Flag of Mexico actually represents the historical account of how the Maya and Aztec civilizations eventually became corrupted and destroyed. First, due to the influences of these ancient “gods” of the eagle, and later by the Spanish conquistadors. This was done for the means of conquering the great serpent-dragon wisdom imparted by Kukulkan and Quetzalcoatl, as well as to gain valuable resources and lands for the Spanish Empire. Even more compelling is the fact that during this time period, one of the principal symbols shown on the Spanish flag was an eagle. These are further clues to show the influences that occurred there long ago. In the next chapter, I will be reviewing the evidence that exists to explain how the Toltec, Aztec, and Maya cultures were all corrupted by the same malevolent beings, known as God L and Huitzilopochtli, who tricked them into becoming war-like and practicing ritual blood sacrifice.
Looking back over the course of human history, following the rise and fall of civilizations, it’s clear that there has existed a hidden power struggle here by beings who reside in higher and lower dimensions since the very beginning. This struggle is represented through the principal symbols of the eagle and serpent, which reflects the conflict that emerged between “heaven” and Earth. These “overlords” of our reality, called the Anunnaki by the Sumerians, structured the different astrological ages to rotate from a negative polarity low vibration to a positive polarity high vibration, as a solution to this problem. These specific energies associated with each time period were supposed to be rotated to preserve balance here; however, as you’re about to read, that wasn’t always the case.
The reason why our past has been dominated by so much war and conflict for centuries is due to the decisions that were made by some of the Anunnaki over who should be allowed to rule over the time of Pisces. For those who study astrology, they may notice that Pisces is shown through the symbol of a fish and should have followed a positive polarity. This is especially true since the previous time of Aries was also negative. So, what exactly happened?
According to ancient records, some of these beings managed to find a way to cheat these rules of balance by allowing a negative polarity to rule the realm of Earth for two entire Zodiacal Ages, representing several thousand years of human history. We’re just now just beginning to emerge out of that chaos as we finally head towards the light of Aquarius. That’s why it’s important that I point out that even though corruption and evil still largely rules our world today, great change is just over the horizon. Remember, it’s always darkest just before the dawn.
This eternal dance of energy that’s found within each of us is shown strikingly well in the Chinese symbol known as the yin yang. The yin yang symbol explains how seemingly opposite and dualistic forces of energy, commonly referred to as the divine masculine and feminine, are actually complementary to one another and necessary towards achieving balance. That’s why evil is always balanced out by good in the end, since everything in the universe follows a perfect rhythm and design to it.
Due to generations of tyrannical rulers, frequent wars, and years of misinformation and propaganda, most of humanity exists in a greatly polluted version of reality that’s driven by fear, hate, greed, and materialism. However, those who are more connected to their higher consciousness, empathy, and the natural world around them, will often discover this disparity and unbalance much sooner than others. Unfortunately, many of these gifted individuals often turn to a life of substance abuse or isolation to deal with the difficulty of living with this realization. The easiest way to avoid this trap is to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will help to raise your vibration rather than lowering it. This often entails forging new relationships with people or even shedding those who are toxic. In the end, we’re all here to help encourage each other to grow through the acquisition of knowledge and by realizing our own unique potential.
In order to grow on a conscious and spiritual level, it’s necessary to study and understand a multitude of different esoteric teachings left behind by the temple priests and mystics from antiquity, which gives a rare glimpse into the wisdom shared by these enlightened thinkers of the past. Of all these sacred texts, the Nag Hammadi Scriptures are among the most important of all, despite the fact that few have ever heard of them. What makes the Nag Hammadi Scriptures so important, is that they represent one of the most complete Gnostic libraries ever found. Unfortunately, due to the control of information that exists, the Nag Hammadi Scriptures have been heavily suppressed ever since their discovery more than 70 years ago. I intend to rectify that by providing a brief history and summary of its contents.
In 1945, a remarkable discovery was made near the village of Hamrah Dom, Egypt when a large cache of rare Gnostic texts was discovered by two brothers in a cave near the Nile River. These Gnostic texts were known as The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, which represented ancient Egyptian wisdom that had been handed down long ago. These esoteric texts were often targeted for destruction by certain religious groups and powerful armies who wanted their contents to remain hidden. But why would so many go to these extreme lengths just to suppress this information? The reason is that the Nag Hammadi Scriptures contains forbidden knowledge that often went against the beliefs of most Abrahamic religions, explaining the true nature of reality, spirituality, and the secrets of consciousness.
The first anomaly of interest to point out about these Gnostic texts is that they were found buried in a cave that was deliberately sealed off from the outside world. This repetitive theme can be seen with many of the other sacred texts and esoteric teachings that have been found throughout history, such as The Book of Enoch and Dead Sea Scrolls, which strongly suggests that they needed to be protected from impending destruction. Even at the megalithic site of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, located hundreds of miles away, we find a similar example of where a society deliberately buried something important to protect it. But from what? The answer to that question is a critical part of understanding how we got to the place we’re in today.
According to evidence, there are two main reasons why these cultures would have deliberately buried these texts and sacred structures. The first is that during this time period, violent changes were occurring on the Earth which put them at great risk. The second is that they would potentially be sought for destruction by invading armies and certain religious groups in the future. It turns out that the second reason was even more dangerous than the first, as the Holy Roman Empire was deliberately seeking out these ancient texts and burning them. The underlying goal of this targeted cleanse of information was to rid the world of these Pre-Christian texts for the means of promoting a certain version to be supreme over the other.
That’s why it’s so fascinating to learn that the word “Nag” comes from the root word of “Naga” which in Sanskrit means snake. The origins of these “snake” writings can be traced back to early Egyptian societies who followed what was known as the Old Religion. The Old Religion represented the ancient spiritual teachings and wisdom that had been passed down from the time of Atlantis, more than 12,000 years ago. This knowledge was carefully guarded by the
Gnostics and Druids, who were eventually hunted down and eradicated by the Holy Roman Empire and Christian church. One of the best modern examples to show this can be seen with the popular holiday known as St. Patrick’s Day, where the Druid people of Ireland were brutally persecuted by the Christian church to rid their influence on the region. This led to many of these important teachings and symbols becoming inverted or demonized years later.
Contained within the second codex of the Nag Hammadi Scriptures, “The Hypothesis of the Archons” is perhaps the most intriguing chapter of all. It states that our reality is ruled by supreme beings who keep mankind enchained in their lowest state of consciousness by preying on their basic urges through the use of fear, division, and creating chaos on the planet. It’s very interesting to learn that the word “archon” comes from the root word of “ruler,” and that the full translation of this name is the “rulers of reality.” The Hypothesis of the Archons explains that long ago, an advanced group of beings came here and took control of the realm of Earth, disrupting the natural balance that once existed. I briefly discussed this earlier in the chapter. So, the most important question is, who exactly were these rulers of reality?
There have been numerous references made throughout history to describe these beings by different cultures and religions across the world. The most compelling evidence can be found in ancient Mesopotamia, with the sky “gods” the Sumerians called the Anunnaki. According to the Sumerians, the Anunnaki are part of an ancient race of beings who learned to conquer the laws of reality, allowing them to transcend beyond a mortal life and exist on an interdimensional level. The “Anunna,” as they call themselves in the Atrahasis, became greatly divided over disagreements they had over the future of mankind and the specific level of consciousness they should be allowed to obtain.
This led to the creation of certain symbols to represent their specific mentalities and influences here in the past. Over time, these influences and symbols became deeply embedded within the human psyche of many of the ancient societies of the planet, who proudly displayed them on many of their structures. These symbols come in many variations, but arguably the most important two are the eagle and serpent. The eagle and the serpent are considered the polar opposites of one another and represent the eternal struggle found within mankind that I call: “the eagle versus the serpent.”
Today, this struggle is largely unknown by most of society, who in most cases, have been heavily conditioned into believing that the symbol of the eagle represents “freedom” and “truth,” when it’s quite the opposite. That’s why it’s often referred to as “the war eagle” by those who have become aware of its extensive use within flags and crests of many of the conquering empires of history. The counter to this symbol was known as the serpent, which represents balanced energy, wisdom, and obtaining higher states of consciousness. Due to generations of indoctrination and blind patriotism, many have been tricked into associated the eagle with “good” and the serpent as “bad,” even though it’s really the opposite.
This realization will be difficult for many to accept at first, which is why I intend on backing up my statements with hard facts and evidence that overwhelmingly supports these conclusions. Once people learn the truth behind these symbols, it will forever change how they perceive reality. To better understand the truth about what happened in the past, we must go back to the very beginning, to one of the oldest texts ever written known as the Emerald Tablets.
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth represent ancient Atlantean wisdom that was brought to Egypt before the time of the Dynastic pharaohs. These writings were recorded by an enlightened temple priest named Thoth, who lived in Atlantis and fled to Egypt to protect its legacy of knowledge. These teachings have been guarded by certain priests and secret societies for thousands of years who, to this day, still watch over the location where it’s kept. That’s why those who ask me where these writings can be found are often surprised by the answer I give them. This may seem strange to some, but there are those who wish to suppress or even destroy these sacred texts due to how important they are, and what they can awaken within each of us.
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth are said to have been created through a special alchemical process, which reportedly made them indestructible. As impossible as that may sound at first, it’s important to understand that Thoth was considered by many to be the greatest alchemist of all time. Thoth was the creator of the early civilizations of Khemet, also called Khem, which later became known as Egypt. The name “Khem” is likely derived from the root word of “alchemy”, which shows how significant the practice of alchemy was to these Pre-Dynastic cultures of Egypt.
According to ancient stories, Thoth originally placed the Emerald Tablets in a special chamber found inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, until it was eventually moved to a secret location within one of the temples in Teotihuacan, Mexico. Over time, those who have been tasked with guarding its location have gone to great lengths to protect its contents. Even the famous physicist Isaac Newton extensively studied the Hermetic version of these tablets, which may have influenced some of his later theories. To those who don’t think they’re genuine, I advise that you simply read the words for yourself in order to truly understand their importance.
Tablet 1 of the Emerald Tablets states:
“I, Thoth, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,
keeper of records, mighty king, magician,
living from generation to generation,
being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,
set down for the guidance of
those that are to come after,
these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis.
In the great city of Keor on the island of Undal,
in a time far past, I began this incarnation.
Not as the little men of the present age did
the mighty ones of Atlantis live and die,
but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew
their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life
flows eternally onward.
A hundred times ten
have I descended the dark way that led into light,
and as many times have I ascended from the
darkness into the light my strength and power renewed.
Now for a time I descend,
and the men of Khem
shall know me no more.
But in a time yet unborn will I rise again,
mighty and potent, requiring an accounting
of those left behind me.”
Tablet 2 of the Emerald Tablets states:
“Far in a past time, lost in the space time,
the Children of Light looked down on the world.
Seeing the children of men in their bondage,
bound by the force that came from beyond.
Knew they that only by freedom from bondage
could man ever rise from the Earth to the Sun.
Down they descended and created bodies,
taking the semblance of men as their own.
The Masters of everything said after their forming:
“We are they who were formed from the space-dust,
partaking of life from the infinite All;
living in the world as children of men,
like and yet unlike the children of men."
Then for a dwelling place, far 'neath the earth crust,
blasted great spaces they by their power,
spaces apart from the children of men.
Surrounded them by forces and power,
shielded from harm they the Halls of the Dead.
Side by side then, placed they other spaces,
filled them with Life and with Light from above.
Builded they then the Halls of Amenti,
that they might dwell eternally there,
living with life to eternity's end.
Thirty and two were there of the children,
sons of Lights who had come among men,
seeking to free from the bondage of darkness
those who were bound by the force from beyond.”
The information contained within the first two Emerald Tablets helps to shed light on a nearly lost time period in human history, one that’s still largely clouded in mystery. It helps to fill in many of the gaps we still have regarding soul incarnation, energy, and the identity of who these “Children of Light” are who descended into our reality long ago. Thoth goes on to explain that when these Children of Light arrived here they were divided into playing certain roles, ruling over either the upper dimensions or lower dimensions. Enki was assigned the ruler of the underworld, where he went to reside deep within what they called the “abzu.” That’s how he became associated with Satan by the church. One of the things I find most fascinating about the second Emerald Tablet is when it mentions the age of these “Children of Light,” stating they were “formed from the space-dust.”
The details provided within the Emerald Tablets is very similar to both the Atrahasis and Enuma Elish, which gives strong credibility to the factual nature of its content. I find it unfortunate and somewhat sad that many haven’t done the research needed to fully appreciate the significance of these ancient texts. Instead, many choose to blindly go along with the false narrative which has been spoon fed to them for years, which unequivocally states that human civilization emerged around 6,000 years ago, and is derived from nothing more than intelligent apes. Evidence strongly indicates that this couldn’t be further from the truth.