The Stage of Time
Page 7
Geneticist experts, such as Lloyd Pye have pointed out that Homo sapiens contain a total of only 46 chromosomes, instead of the 48 found in most primates. This is peculiar since it appears that at some point in our history, two of our chromosomes were fused together. This fusing together of our chromosomes would be impossible in nature, which supports the theory that humans were created through the means of genetic manipulation. To better understand the events which led to the disappearance of many of the megalithic civilizations around the world, as well as the truth behind the origins of the human race, we turn to the Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets that make up the Epic of Atrahasis.
Out of the thousands of ancient texts that have been recovered in the last several hundred years, the Atrahasis may be the most important of them all. This is due to the sheer amount of information it provides regarding the Anunnaki and the human origin story, as well as the violent events that occurred at the end of the Younger Dryas. Before we delve into the actual tablets themselves, I want to provide some background into who Atrahasis was.
The name Atrahasis means, “exceedingly wise,” and was written from the perspective of a past king who ruled in Sumer, just before the events of the great flood. He was called by many names, including Ziusudra in the Sumerian King List, or Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh. His father was known as Ubara-Tutu, who was one of the last kings of Sumer. It’s important that I point out that some of the older translations of the Sumerian King List state that Ubara-Tutu was the last king of Shuruppak; however newer revisions show that Ziusudra, his son, likely ruled after him for a brief amount of time before the flood occurred. Either way, the evidence clearly points to the fact that both Ziusudra and Ubara-Tutu were closely related and both alive before the great flood. This means that they’re a vital part of what’s known as our Antediluvian or Pre-Diluvian past. This is important because it represents a rare look into the events that occurred during a nearly lost time period in human history, which in many ways is still largely unknown to most of society.
Essentially, the account of the flood told through Atrahasis became the religious story of Noah and the ark. Just as with many other cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia, the stories they contain were altered by the church until they no longer resembled their original form. In my opinion, this was done for the means of hiding certain key pieces of information found within them, that if discovered, could greatly disrupt the false doctrine we’ve been taught. As I’ve stated previously, this false narrative and timeline is tightly guarded by powerful individuals in the upper echelons of our governments, who refuse to allow the truth of our past to be revealed.
These cuneiform tablets were written by the Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations of Mesopotamia, who are known as some of the oldest civilizations on the planet. That’s why the information they contain should be held with the highest regard by academics and not simply left on museum shelves and in basements to gather dust. Cuneiform is a style of writing where symbols and letters are etched into stone or clay so that their message can be preserved long into the future. Unlike paper, which has a relatively short lifespan, these cuneiform tablets can withstand fire and even devastating floods, which is the only reason why they’re still around today.
The nearly unknown Ashurbanipal Library, found in the ruins of the city of Nineveh, Iraq in 1849, contained the largest gathering of Mesopotamian cuneiform texts in the world, which included both the Atrahasis and Enuma Elish. The Ashurbanipal Library was eventually burned to the ground by invading armies from Babylon, but unlike the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, which was made up of almost entirely paper records, the majority of the cuneiform tablets from Nineveh survived the fire.
So, you may be wondering, what exactly does the Atrahasis look like? Figure 5 below shows the cuneiform tablets which make up the Atrahasis.
Figure 5
Over time, many of these ancient cuneiform records were either damaged or lost, leaving only fragments and clues today that can tell us what occurred thousands of years ago. To read compelling evidence that directly mentions the Anunnaki, as well as explaining mankind’s origins, we will review the tablets that make up the Atrahasis. The following translation of the Atrahasis was done by leading experts in their field, including George Smith and Stephanie Dalley, and should be viewed as highly accurate and credible. Carefully read and ponder these words for yourself to discover their hidden meanings.
Tablet 1 of the Atrahasis states:
“When the gods instead of man
Did the work, bore the loads,
The gods' load was too great,
The work too hard, the trouble too much.
They took and cast the lots; the gods made the division.
Anu went up to the sky, and Enlil took the earth for his people.
The bolt which bars the sea was assigned to far-sighted Enki.
When Anu had gone up to the sky,
And the gods of the Apsu had gone below,
The Anunnaki of the sky made the Igigi bear the workload.
The Igigi gods had to dig out canals,
Had to clear channels, the lifelines of the land.
For 3,600 years they bore the excess.
Hard work, night and day.
They groaned and blamed each other,
Come, let us carry Enlil,
The counselor of the gods, the warrior, from his dwelling.
And get him to relieve us of our hard work!
Now, cry battle!
Let us mix fight with battle!
The Igigi set fire to their tools,
Put aside their spades for fire.
When they reached the gate of warrior Enlil's dwelling,
It was night, the middle watch,
Ekur was surrounded, Enlil had not realized.
Enlil sent for Anu to be brought down to him,
Enki was fetched into his presence,
Anu, king of the sky was present,
Enki, king of the Apsu attended.
All the great Anunnaki were present.
The Igigi declared,
“Every single one of us declared war!
We have put a stop to the digging.
The load is excessive, it is killing us!
Anu made his voice heard and spoke to the gods his brothers,
“What are we complaining of?
Their work was indeed too hard, their trouble was too much.”
Ea made his voice heard and spoke;
“Let us create a mortal man
So that he may bear the yoke, the work of Enlil,
Let man bear the load of the gods.”
Nintu made her voice heard, and spoke;
“On the first, seventh, and fifteenth of the month
I shall make a purification by washing.
Then one god should be slaughtered.
Then a god and a man will be mixed together in clay.
Let a ghost come into existence from the god's flesh
And let the ghost exist so as not to forget the slain god.”
Tablet 1 of the Atrahasis provides some of the most detailed information we have for the true origin story of mankind, as well as the identity of who these “gods of the Apsu” really were. It explains the reason why scientists find a missing link in the evolutionary timeline of Homo sapiens, as well as how the human brain could have doubled in size over a very short time period. Notice at the end of the tablet when the term “ghost” is used to reference the development of consciousness and a soul within the body. The real question is, how could these cultures have known about this information more than 10,000 years ago if they had no outside influences? The logical conclusion to make, based on reading these tablets and studying history, is that these civilizations were given this information from a supreme race of beings. But who exactly were they? Let’s review what we know about these beings who call themselves the Anunna.
According to Mesopotamian cuneiform texts and cylinder seals, the Anunnaki came to the realm of Earth
to free themselves from the burden of needing a physical body, as well as to harness its abundant electromagnetic energy. However, they eventually realized that they still needed physical beings to maintain the planet after the Igigi, known as the Watchers in the Book of Enoch, eventually revolted and demanded relief. In fact, the exhausting labor involved with building infrastructure and maintaining our world is well documented in the Atrahasis, where it explains in great detail the grueling work involved with digging out and clearing the silt from the river systems used for agriculture. Records indicate that these events may have occurred more than 100,000 years ago. So, you may be wondering, what’s so special about this planet?
The Earth is what’s known as a terrestrial planet, which means that it’s primarily composed of quartz-rich rocks and metals that developed slowly over billions of years from intense heat and pressure. This is an important fact to consider, as these types of rocks were almost elusively used within the megalithic structures that were built around the world. Due to the properties of quartz, some of these masons and builders were known to have traveled more than 100 hundred miles to acquire them, and in some rare cases over 500 miles. This meant sometimes moving stones that were in excess of 1000 tons over great distances. But how exactly could they have achieved this impossible feat? This evidence strongly indicates that these human civilizations were influenced long ago by the beings referred to in the Atrahasis as the Anunna.
Since disasters and extinctions have occurred throughout Earth’s history, from the combination of tectonic changes, solar activity, and cosmic impacts, life had to frequently start over from scratch. To me, the only plausible explanation that makes sense for how so many lifeforms could have survived these disastrous events is if outside intervention played a role. That’s why so many Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets and Gnostic texts indicate that these beings disrupted the delicate balance that once existed here. According to the tablets of the Atrahasis, these beings refer to themselves as the “Great Anunna,” who eventually created mankind to alleviate the “workload of the gods.” Is it any surprise then that the human genome contains so many strange anomalies whose origins can’t be explained by most experts? These anomalies in the human genome are referred to as “non-coding DNA” or “junk DNA,” which means that it’s not shared by any other species on the planet.
Besides quartz-rich rocks, the Anunna, as well as certain kings and pharaohs of antiquity, may have been interested in acquiring rare earth elements such as gold and diamonds. That doesn’t mean that I support the theory that the Anunnaki needed gold to fix the atmosphere of their dying planet, as Sitchin suggests, but I have found evidence that emphasizes the importance of these elements to many of these ancient civilizations. But for what purpose? This is where understanding the properties of the periodic table and alchemy can be beneficial. If one reads the Emerald Tablets, they will quickly notice the significance that alchemy played to many of these past cultures, especially the Egyptians and Atlanteans. These elements were not only used to potentially heal and extend one’s lifespan, but some of them may have been essential components within the advanced drills and saws used to create these precise megalithic structures. Remember, the only way to effectively cut these quartz-rich, granite stone blocks would be with a tool that’s harder than the material you’re working with. That’s how we know that these civilizations didn’t create them using bronze-age tools.
Out of the nearly one hundred natural elements found on the period table, gold and diamonds contain some of the more unique properties of all. Despite the role that these elements played within alchemy and in certain technologies used today, most are unaware of their true value and largely regard them as nothing more than attractive or rare. However, if one was to do a little research into the atomic properties of rare metals such as gold, they may be quite shocked with what they find. Gold, or Au as it’s referred to on the periodic table, is considered a superconductor of electricity and is one of the only elements that’s ever been discovered which is truly eternal, meaning it won’t break down or degrade over time. These unique properties may be one of the main reason why gold was so sought after throughout history, including the obsession that developed over discovering the secrets of the philosopher's stone.
Some of the pharaohs of Egypt that were discovered within the Valley of the Kings were buried alongside what’s known as Monoatomic gold-or Ormus gold. Ormus gold is created through an alchemical process that converts gold into a powder form that’s consumed to extend one’s life. Is this how the kings mentioned in the Sumerian King List were able to rule for such extended periods of time or was it related to genetics? Regardless, these unique properties of gold mean that it may literally be the “Holy Grail” of immortality for any biological being in the universe. We may have only scratched the surface in understanding the significance that gold played to many of the kings and rulers of the past. That’s why it’s so interesting to learn that some experts postulate that the Earth may contain the most gold out of any planet in the Solar System. Curious isn’t it? Instead of viewing gold as just another rare and attractive metal, we should see it as one of the most vital and important elements of all.
In order to help explain these unusual properties of gold, consider for a moment the idea of a Spanish ship that’s full of gold, silver, and copper bullion, traveling back across the Atlantic Ocean after conquistadors had plundered it from the native cultures. During the voyage, the ship sinks in a violent storm, sending all the cargo to the bottom of the ocean, where it remains untouched for hundreds of years. Eventually, a dive team discovers the wreckage and recovers the cargo. As the sunken treasure is revealed in the sunlight, the crew members shockingly discover that the copper has turned green and the silver has turned black; this is due to a chemical process that occurs to these metals when they become exposed to certain amounts of iron, sulfur, and hydrogen over time. That’s why today the Statue of Liberty in New York City is green and not copper-color. But what about the gold? The dive team that recovered the sunken treasure is astonished to find that the gold is as shiny and yellow as the day it was first taken out of the ground, even though it sat at the bottom of the ocean for hundreds of years.
Along with its eternal qualities, gold is also highly reflective, which means that it can reflect nearly 100% of incoming solar radiation. That means that gold would be an essential component needed for any biological being attempting space travel. The reason for this is because no other element found on the periodic table would be able to adequately reflect the extreme radiation and heat that occurs upon leaving the atmosphere of a planet. Today, gold is extensively used by modern astronauts within their spaceships, visors, and suits, which shows its overall importance to space travel. Gold is also highly effective as a conductor of electricity, which is why it’s considered vital within countless electronic devices such as computers, televisions, and cell phones. However, the real value of gold may not simply be from its extensive technological uses, but from its secrets pertaining to human aging. Hopefully, one day, we will re-discover these eternal properties of gold, or perhaps we already have.
Mesopotamia cuneiform tablets state that the Anunna were governed by a male-dominated kingship hierarchy, which was directly based on specific royal bloodlines and family heritage. Sound familiar? That’s why “kingship” is so frequently mentioned in these ancient texts, such as the Sumerian King List and Legend of Etana, since this was the model that was chosen for developing human civilizations to follow. After thousands of years of royal kings and queens ruling in a hierarchy pyramid structure, it’s clear that it’s still largely in place even today. Try not to be fooled by the illusion of democracy and open government, and instead see the bigger picture for who is really in charge.
The purpose of this particular style of governing was to both mimic their kingship structure, as well as to protect certain bloodline descendants that could continuously rule and maintain their best interests. Wait a second, isn’t that precisely
what’s happened with the conquistadors and empires of history? Traditionally, after an army conquers another nation, they enact their own laws and governing structure that mirrors their own. In almost every case, this structure is based on a hierarchy kingship model. The conquering of the Aztec, Maya, and Inca cultures is a great example to prove this point. Now you may be wondering, how do the Igigi fit into all of this?
According to cuneiform records, the Igigi were the non-royal demigods of the Anunnaki, who acted as a type of servant or emissary for them. The Atrahasis states that the Igigi labored on Earth for thousands of years, clearing river channels and building structures, until eventually they revolted and demanded relief from the hard work. That’s why the decision was made to create humans in the first place, to fulfill the role of the Igigi here. In the Book of Enoch, the Igigi were known as “The Watchers,” who constantly observe the events on Earth and the progress of mankind. Some of these beings have the ability to exist in higher dimensions, just like the Anunna, which is why they became associated with angels or archangels by many religions. The reason the Igigi are tasked with monitoring the human race is due to the disparity that exists with the Anunna over our perception of time. I will be discussing this area in further detail throughout the course of the book.
The Book of Enoch goes into great detail discussing these “fallen angels,” who came down to the realm of Earth to breed with the daughters of men. The result of this promiscuous act led to the creation of the Nephilim, who were known as the giants in the Book of Genesis. Evidence to support this hypothesis can be found in the King James version of the Bible, which states: