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Mission Primal (Men of the Pack Book 1)

Page 15

by Parker Skye

  “You're safe with me, Adam. Don’t worry. This is your home now, too. You don’t have to worry,” Ben reassured, coaxing Adam off the bike once they had pulled to a stop in a large lot near the third, and hopefully final, gate. Ben approached the gate, holding firm to Adam’s waist. Adam forced his feet to move forward even though his brain kept screaming for him to run.

  “Who goes there?” a booming voice asked abruptly from a watch tower overhead. Adam flinched at the unwelcoming tone.

  “Damn it, Ryan. Open the fracking gate and quit trying to scare my mate,” Ben replied, squeezing the arm around Adam’s waist in reassurance. A laugh a hyena would have been proud of pierced the air at Ben’s response.

  “What’s the matter, Ben? You turn into an old man now that you’re mated or something? Where’s your sense of humor?” Ryan replied, fighting to stop laughing.

  “I’ll show you my sense of humor up real close and personal as soon as I get inside this damn gate,” Ben replied feigning anger. Thankfully, the banter between Ben and the gate guard was strangely soothing to Adam’s frayed nerves. He leaned his head on Ben’s chest and waited as the gate slowly slid open. When they stepped through, a man as tall as Ben, with black hair and golden eyes walked straight for them, arms outstretched. Ben reached for the other man, smiling widely and they met in a back-slapping hug.

  “It’s good to see you, man. Glad you’re back. We’ve missed you on the line,” Ryan said fondly. Ryan’s attention quickly turned to Adam who stood nervously to the side, both hands shoved deep in his pockets. Ryan’s gaze swept him from head to toe and Adam felt himself start to blush at the blatant perusal.

  “Forgive me. You must be Adam. We’ve been expecting you. I’m Ryan Fearborn. Ben and I have been friends since we were both pups,” Ryan said as he held one hand out to Adam to shake. Adam gripped the offered hand and mumbled a faint greeting in response. Meeting Ben’s gaze, Ryan smiled wide as he congratulated Ben on his chosen mate.

  “You sure know how to pick ‘em, Ben. Do you see those eyes? I could only dream of finding a mate as stunning as yours. You always were a lucky bastard,” Ryan commented, still holding Adam’s hand as he continued to look him up and down.

  “Alright, alright. That’s enough ogling of my mate, you asshole. We’ve got a date with the alpha, so we need to get going,” Ben said, chuckling as he physically removed Adam’s hand from Ryan’s. Adam couldn’t help but look back over his shoulder as Ben pulled him away. Ryan winked and blew him a kiss.

  “Don’t mind him. He’s a huge flirt. He doesn’t mean anything by it. Besides, he knows if he tried to really touch you, I’d rip his throat out,” Ben commented casually like they were discussing the weather.

  “Wolves are weird,” Adam mumbled. Ben obviously still heard him though as he laughed out loud in apparent agreement. Once on the official grounds, Adam stayed close to Ben. He was glad Ben felt no need to drop his hand as he wasn’t sure he could convince his brain that forward momentum was in its best interest. Adam was stunned by the sheer volume of people milling about within the walls.

  “Are all these people werewolves?” Adam asked Ben quietly, hoping not to be overheard and accidentally cause offense. Ben looked around, trying to see his pack through Adam’s eyes.

  “Most definitely. Humans aren’t allowed past the first wall,” Ben replied. “I would say except for you, but I guess that’s not really accurate anymore, is it?” Adam’s responding silence was answer enough for the moment.

  As they progressed through the pack grounds, Adam appreciated the small-town arrangement of most buildings. There appeared to be a larger building in the center surrounded by a grassy area. The rest of the houses spread out from this central area like ripples off a pond. Where Adam had imagined werewolf society as a militaristic zone, all conformity and harsh lines, what he found appeared to be anything but. The houses were painted all different colors, some with porch swings, some with small gardens off to the side, some as barren of adornment as he would expect most bachelor pads to be. Individual expression seemed to be the norm here. Adam found the lack of uniformity to be infinitely soothing. Finally, reaching the large central building, Ben met Adam’s gaze.

  “You ready to meet the alpha?” Ben asked and waited for Adam’s answering nod before he brought his hand down in three sharp raps. Adam could hear footsteps approaching and again had to fight the urge to turn and run. Ben squeezed his hand reassuringly, probably feeling the spike in Adam’s anxiety through their link. Adam reminded himself Ben would protect him, no matter what. His grip on Ben’s hand had to be painful by this point, but Ben didn’t make any attempt to loosen Adam’s firm grasp.

  The door slowly opened and the most imposing man Adam had ever seen stood before him, forcing Adam to look up and up. He had to be at least six-seven, if not more. His long black hair hung in waves around his shoulders. The Alpha, as he couldn’t be anything but the Alpha even in Adam’s limited experience, wore a bright blue Henley that framed his impressive shoulders and brought out the equally startling blue in the Alpha’s eyes.

  Adam couldn’t help himself as he scanned the giant from head to toe, in mock imitation to Ryan’s perusal moments before. His gaze froze just south of the large belt buckle on the Alpha’s waist. The bulge running down the man’s leg was too large to be real. Ben chuckled as he realized where Adam’s gaze had frozen. He reached over and put a hand under Adam’s chin, pushing his mouth closed.

  “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment then,” laughed the giant in the doorway. Adam shook his head as if to clear it and met Ben’s gaze in frank apology.

  “No worries, babe. It’s not the first time he’s gotten that reaction. He is the alpha, after all,” Ben reassured. “Alpha Leikos, please let me introduce Adam Harris, my sufletul pereche.”

  “Adam, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Please come in. You are welcome in my home,” the alpha said formally, his voice a soothing rumble. The wide smile showed more teeth than Adam was truly comfortable with, but the friendliness in his tone was reassuring. Adam looked to Ben for guidance and followed the alpha into his home once Ben had waved him forward.

  If anyone would have asked Adam beforehand what he would expect an alpha werewolf’s home to look like, this was not it. Secretly, Adam was thrilled at the lack of mounted heads and animal skin rugs. Instead, a large chocolate brown leather sectional took up the majority of the front room and faced a widescreen TV large enough to make most grown men cry. Alpha Leikos sat at one end of the sectional and Adam joined Ben on the other.

  “It’s so good you are finally here. I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to bring you to join us, Adam. I take it your journey was pleasant?” the alpha continued.

  “Yes, sir. It was fine. I got to see the ocean,” Adam said, stupidly wondering why he felt the need to tell the alpha that. Alpha Leikos only smiled fondly in response.

  “I love the water, too. I don’t get to see it as much as I used to though since taking over as pack alpha, but we will have to make sure to spend some time there while you are here visiting. Are you hungry? Can I get anything prepared for you?” The alpha made a hint at rising, but Adam’s upraised hand had him sitting down again.

  “Um, no, sir. I’m okay for now. What I could really use instead are answers. Why did you feel the need to send Ben to collect me?” Adam asked, trying to keep the combination of nerves and suspicion out of his voice.

  Adam felt Ben’s growing anxiety over his abrupt line of questioning through their bond, but Adam refused to be treated like a puppet in someone else’s show. He’d done his part by agreeing to come here. Now he wanted answers and he was going to get them. Adam sat back on the couch arms crossed tight over his chest and waited silently for the alpha to start talking.

  Alpha Leikos smirked and met Ben’s gaze fondly. “A fine mate you’ve found there. He’s not afraid of much, is he?”

  “No, sir. He’s definitely a firecracker,” Ben responded, smiling fondly at his
mate’s still scowling face. “I was never sure if what they said about red-heads having fiery tempers was true, but now I can definitely confirm that theory.” Adam huffed in irritation as Ben and his alpha took a moment to laugh at his expense. Finally, realising Adam was about to lose his cool, Alpha Leikos turned to face him directly.

  “Adam, I know this must be a lot to take in, but this has been a long time coming. To be honest, I’ve wanted to bring you here for several years, but until I took over as alpha, I didn’t have the authority to make that decision. My predecessor, may the spirits watch over his soul, was a good man but stuck solidly in the old ways. He didn’t think it was acceptable to introduce a human to our way of life. He was afraid it would risk all our safety if you knew we were here.”

  The alpha paused then, running both hands through his shaggy mane. The fingers of his right hand smoothed down the lines around his mouth as Adam waited for him to continue. The alpha seemed to need a few fortifying breaths before going on with his explanation.

  “You see, Adam, about six years ago, I was sent on a mission by my alpha, too. Nothing too important, just gathering some intel on a pack closer to Shreveport. When I completed my duties, I decided to take the scenic route home since I didn’t know the next time I would be sent outside pack walls and I wanted to see a little more of the world before I returned. Everyday since then I wonder how different my life would have been if I had stuck to the main roads that day.

  “I found her close to death, lying on the edge of a swamp. I knew the instant I smelled her blood in the air that she was meant to be mine. I couldn’t let her die, just as Ben couldn’t let you go either. Once I saw her, my only purpose in life was to protect her. She had to become one of us to heal and in so doing, her ties to her human life had to be severed.”

  Adam had begun to tremble as the story progressed. Deep down he knew where this tale was headed, but couldn’t believe it could really be true. Ben wrapped his arm tight around Adam’s shoulders, offering its comforting weight. Tears began to swim in Adam’s eyes as a movement in his peripheral vision drew his attention. His gaze slowly turned to the side to find his mother standing in the hallway, her vibrant smile as bright as the yellow sundress she wore. Adam shot up from the couch and ran to her, throwing his arms around her. They both held each other tight and cried tears of joy.

  Chapter 38


  Adam was a wreck by the time Ben was able to pry him away from the alpha’s home and the reunion with his long-lost mother. Lucy Harris, or Lucy Leikos as she was now, wasn’t in much better shape when they parted ways with promises of more time together the next day. Ben could feel Adam’s joy at finding his mother alive and well, but it was still tainted with a flavor of betrayal that was impossible to ignore. Ben could understand both feelings, knowing he would feel the same if he had found himself in a similar position.

  He practically poured Adam into his king-sized bed, having to struggle to get him undressed enough not to wake up miserable in the middle of the night. Emotionally and physically exhausted, Adam had instantly fallen into a restless sleep. Ben sat on the edge of his bed and watched his mate fight to stay asleep. He brushed at the strands that feathered across Adam’s forehead and wished he could take Adam’s pain into himself so only the joy remained. Ben’s phone vibrated in his back pocket, and he smiled faintly when he read the incoming text message. He brushed a kiss across Adam’s forehead as he whispered in his ear.

  “I’ll still be here, babe. My brother wants to talk to me so I’m just going to be in the living room if you need me, okay?” he said. Adam only groaned in response and began to snore lightly. Backing out of the room, Ben pulled the door silently closed behind him. Before he’d even had the chance to turn around, his brother had lifted him bodily from the floor and swung him around happily.

  “Baby Brother! You’re home!” Logan practically bellowed.

  “Shhh! Be quiet you asshat! Adam is asleep! And put me down!” Ben whispered irritatedly. Logan set Ben’s feet on the ground and spun him bodily so they were face to face. A wicked gleam was in his eye, making Ben step back to block the doorway, knowing instinctively what a troublemaker his brother could be when he was in the mood.

  “Adam? Who’s Adam?” Logan asked playfully, pausing to draw a deep breath through his nose, obviously smelling the new scent of Ben’s mate. “Oh, Benny boy, what naughtiness have you been up to?” Logan tried his best to push past Ben but Ben wasn’t having any of it. His mate needed his rest. He loved his brother and was glad to see him, but he wasn’t in the mood for his games tonight. The fierce growl ripped through his chest, causing Logan to freeze, his hand stretched out toward the doorknob.

  Logan slowly turned his gaze and caught Ben’s half-shifted expression. He would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to not feel the danger pouring off his brother in that moment. Deciding continuing to breathe was more important than teasing his little brother, Logan dropped his antics and stepped back. He put a good ten feet between himself and the door, casually flopping back onto their couch. Logan propped his feet up on the scuffed coffee table and waited for Ben to calm down. Finally finding his center, Ben joined his brother on the couch. He blew out a deep, exhausted breath, hoping to blow all the tension between them away as he did.

  “Sorry,” Ben simply said, hoping it was enough explanation for tonight. He was too tired to do much more.

  “No problem. Sorry I pushed your buttons there. I was just so glad to see you I couldn’t resist,” Logan replied calmly. “So you want to talk about it?”

  “Can we talk about it tomorrow? It’s a long story and I’m just soooo tired. I just want to climb into bed and turn my brain off for a few hours,” Ben practically pleaded with his brother for understanding.

  “Well, seeing as your bed currently has an ‘Adam’ in it,” Logan said, complete with air quotes flanking Adam’s name, “I think you at least need to give me the cliff notes.” Ben groaned in frustration but complied with his brother’s nosy request. He knew instinctively he would do the same if he were in Logan’s shoes.

  Unfortunately, Logan’s ability to listen without interjecting more questions was limited at best. Ben was forced to tell the story in much more detail than he’d hoped in order to satisfy Logan’s need for information. He wasn’t too upset, though. He knew Logan was just worried about him and needed the full story to reassure himself than Ben was truly safe.

  “Fuck, Ben. I can’t believe all that happened to you in such a short time,” Logan said once Ben had finally finished his epic retelling of all that had happened since he’d departed the month before.

  “Happened to me? What about all the crap that happened to Adam? He’s the one who’s really been through hell and back. I almost lost him, Logan. I can’t imagine what that would have done to me to have been so close to bonding with my soul mate only to lose him in such a horrible way. I mean, his own father tried to kill him. I just can’t fathom how they could even share the same DNA. No matter what, I can’t let anything else happen to him.”

  Logan placed a hand firmly on Ben’s shoulder. “No worries, little brother. I’ll do everything in my power to help you keep your mate safe. He’s my family now, too.”

  Chapter 39


  The smell of bacon cooking gradually seeped its way into Adam’s awareness, forcing him to acknowledge the empty pit where his stomach used to be. The heavy weight of an arm across his waist brought momentary confusion as he realized it wasn’t Ben cooking breakfast. His eyes blinked open and took in his surroundings, finally feeling he could see Ben spending time in this room, unlike the bedroom they shared in Lakeland.

  Family photos covered the cream-colored walls and a bookcase full of movies and video games flanked the head of the bed. A gaming station and reclining chairs took up the other end of the room. He could say one thing for werewolves so far. They sure liked big TV’s. He shimmied out from under Ben’s arm and pulled on the same shirt he’d been we
aring the day before. He found himself drawn to a photo that took up a place of honor on the bookshelf, flanked by trophies for various sporting events. Picking up the frame, Adam couldn’t resist running his fingers across the face of his mate, obviously much younger then, an arm around an older boy on one side and his widely smiling parents on the other.

  “I miss them still,” Ben said softly, unintentionally startling Adam. Adam silently put the photo back on the bookshelf before he risked dropping it. Realizing what Ben meant by those four short words, he felt his mate’s residual pain at such a strong loss. He doubted he would ever feel that way at the loss of his own father and wondered if that somehow made him a bad person. Unable to voice the thoughts rumbling around his mind in that moment, Adam did what came naturally instead, deflect.

  “Geez, I can’t believe how hungry I am. Let’s eat. I smell bacon,” Adam asked, faking joviality.

  “Of course you’re hungry. I think we missed dinner in all the excitement last night. Come on, let’s go see what Logan’s made for us,” Ben said, rising from the bed and pulling on a pair of ratty sweats. Adam stilled just inside the door, pulling Ben’s hand until he turned back to face him again.


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