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Mission Primal (Men of the Pack Book 1)

Page 16

by Parker Skye

  “Who’s Logan?”

  “Logan’s my older brother. That’s him in the picture with me and my parents from before,” Ben replied.

  “Does he know about us?” Adam asked, anxiety spiking through their bond.

  “Yes, Adam, he knows about us and he has absolutely no problem with it. Don’t worry. Shifters aren’t like humans for the most part. Love is love. Now, come on, before he eats all the food. I wouldn’t put it past him. He may be my brother, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be a totally selfish jackass.”

  “I heard that, baby brother,” a deep rumble echoed from the direction of the kitchen. Adam was only slightly surprised as another gorgeous blonde giant entered the room carrying a plate of steaming pancakes. He’d figured out already that all werewolves were variations on the perfect specimen. He’d just better get over being stunned by all the beauty surrounding him.

  Setting the platter down on the table, the blonde reached a hand out in Adam’s direction, “You must be Adam. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Logan Sterling, Ben’s older brother,” he said, clasping Adam’s hand firmly.

  “It’s nice to meet you Logan. I’d say I’ve heard a lot about you, but well...I haven’t before now,” Adam said, turning to glare at his mate. Logan laughed at Ben’s obvious embarrassment.

  “Ouch, you were right about the red hair, little brother,” Logan laughed, motioning for them to sit down and eat.

  Adam couldn’t resist poking at his mate’s pride by praising Logan’s abilities in the kitchen. He took great joy in seeing the growing irritation on Ben’s face as he hummed in obvious joy while buttering another blueberry muffin. Logan, having caught on to Adam’s ploy, took equal pleasure in offering to share recipes and teaching Ben a ‘thing or two’ in the kitchen so he didn’t neglect his mate in the future.

  Finally unable to hold it in anymore, Adam dissolved into a fit of laughter as Ben accidentally broke the handle off his coffee mug from gripping it too tightly in his growing displeasure. Realizing he’d been had, Ben huffed out a self-deprecating laugh. “You guys both suck, you know that?” Ben said, ignoring the mess he’d made to continue eating his stack of pancakes.

  “Logan’s gay, too? I didn’t know that,” Adam said innocently, pleased at Logan’s choking cough as he inhaled his orange juice down the wrong pipe.

  “Well on that happy note,” Logan said, hitting his chest to finish clearing out the OJ, “I’ll leave you guys to clean up since I cooked and all. Adam, I’d say it was a pleasure, but honestly, I’m not sure it was.” Adam laughed seeing the fondness evident in Logan’s gaze. Logan put a strong hand on Ben’s shoulder and squeezed as he walked past.

  “See ya later, Logan,” Ben said. Once they were alone again, Ben turned to meet Adam’s gaze directly, fondness slowly morphing into more. Adam, seeing the building fire in his mate’s gaze, had the instinctive urge to run, not out of fear but out of the joy of the chase. Somehow he knew Ben would always chase him, no matter how far or fast he ran. He loved that about him.

  “Last one naked has to do the dishes,” Adam belted out as he ran from the table.

  Chapter 40


  Ben practically stalked down the hall after his minx of a mate. He’d been teased enough for one morning, being at the mercy of Adam’s wicked tongue and his brother’s acquiescence to his mate’s desire to make him squirm. Ben was determined Adam would be the one squirming now. When he opened the door to his room, Ben stopped cold at the sight before him. Adam was spread out naked on his bed, pupils blown wide and panting, obviously straining for his own control.

  “I guess I’m doing the dishes then,” Ben said as he pulled his shirt overhead, tossing it somewhere, he didn’t really care where. Adam watched Ben’s hands as they fisted at the waistband of his sweats. Ben loved the groan that sounded from his mate as the fleece hit the floor around his feet and he stepped free.

  “What am I going to do with you?” Ben purred, not moving from his spot standing just inside the door. Adam groaned louder when Ben caressed his own shaft in contemplation of the buffet spread out before him.

  “Please, Ben,” Adam sighed, hands fisting in the sheets on either side of his hips.

  “Please, what?”

  “Please don’t tease me, Ben. I need you,” Adam practically begged, grabbing out for Ben’s hands as he climbed over his mate, grateful for the connection.

  “You’ve got me, baby. Always,” Ben replied, capturing Adam’s mouth with his and twining their fingers together over Adam’s head. The taste of his mate mingled with coffee and orange juice hit him straight in the chest with the feeling of home. He hoped his mate felt it, too. He didn’t want Adam to ever want for anything again, especially for that feeling of belonging, for family.

  Ben plundered his mate’s hungry mouth until Adam was practically shaking with need beneath him. His hard cock thrusting against his mate’s felt so perfect, Ben was content to stay like this forever. Ben was frankly startled when Adam wrenched his mouth free and pushed him off with both hands.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Adam panted, his expression bordering on anger.

  “What did I do?” Ben asked, honestly confused.

  “You promised,” Adam insisted.

  “Promised what?”

  “Seriously? You’re going to play dumb now?” Adam’s irritation flared. Understanding finally seeped through Ben’s nearly short-circuited brain.

  ‘Oh,” Ben said, his own pupils dilating as he remembered just what he had promised back in the motel. “Are you sure you’re ready for that, Adam?”

  “I’m dying here, Ben. I need it. I need you to claim me,” Adam replied desperately. Ben sat up and reached for his nightstand, having to place a soothing hand on Adam’s hip in reassurance he wasn’t leaving. He grabbed the lube he stored there for solo missions, grateful he was such a princess when it came to his own pleasure.

  “Do you want me to use a condom? Shifters can’t get human diseases and I’ve already given you the only one you can catch from me. But I’ll use one if it makes you more comfortable,” Ben said, patiently waiting for Adam’s reply.

  “No, I don’t want anything between us,” Adam said faintly.

  “Roll over, babe,” Ben said, patting Adam’s hip again. “It’ll be easier this way for your first time.”

  “How do you know that?” Adam asked, jealousy apparent in his tone.

  “What do you think I was doing on the internet while you were finishing all that schoolwork?” Ben replied with a smirk. Adam laughed in apparent relief.

  “Oh, good. I don’t want to think about you doing this with anyone else,” Adam admitted, rolling over onto his stomach. Ben took in the broad expanse of Adam’s smooth back and beautiful curves rounding into his amazing ass and couldn’t suppress the growl. He lay himself over Adam fully and ground his cock in between Adam’s firm cheeks.

  “You never have to think about me with anyone else like this, love. I’ve never done this before either.”

  “You could have fooled me,” Adam ground out as he writhed underneath his mate, feeling consumed by the heat growing between them. “You better hurry up if you don’t want this over before we even get started.”

  Ben smiled and pulled back, placing a reassuring hand on Adam’s lower back. Adam flinched at the flick of the lube cap opening and Ben rubbed soothing circles until the tension faded from the muscles of his back. He coated two fingers in the slippery substance and rubbed them together to warm the chill before he touched a single digit to Adam’s cleft. He danced along the edge with that slick finger until Adam was begging for more. When he finally breached the tight ring of muscles, Adam’s answering howl echoed through the room.

  Ben made quick work stretching his mate in response to Adam’s continued begging moans. Just as he was about to lose control and claim his mate fully, Adam pulled forward and broke their connection. Understanding dawned when Adam rolled onto his back, pulling Ben’s forward until he was on
ce again lying over his mate. “I need to see your face,” Adam said, sheepishly.

  Ben devoured his mouth in agreement. Adam’s legs locked around his waist as he fought to bring them closer together. Reaching down to Adam’s center again, Ben made sure his love was still ready for him. Once he was sure he wouldn’t hurt his mate, Ben placed himself at Adam’s opening and pushed. Holy hell, the heat that engulfed him almost had him tipping over the edge. Ben stilled all movement trying to fight back his impending orgasm, but Adam’s frantic writhing had him pushing forward again to keep from hurting his mate. Once he was fully seated, he opened his eyes only then realizing he had closed them. He looked down into Adam’s blissed out face and traced a tear streaking down Adam’s cheek with the tip of his tongue.

  “You okay?” he whispered. Adam nodded in response, gripping his legs tighter around Ben’s waist. Taking that as a hint, Ben fought to regain control as he found a rhythm that suited them both. Adam tilted his hips and changed their angle, obviously causing Ben’s cock to hit some hot button inside as he yelled out his pleasure loud enough that Ben was certain he’d never hear the same in his left ear again.

  “Oh, God, Ben. Don’t stop. Just like that,” Adam continued to yell. Ben did his best to pleasure his mate, feeling his own completion building. When Adam broke under him and tightened like a glove, he couldn’t hold back anymore. Heat splattered on his stomach from Adam’s release while his own poured forth into his mate. Ben collapsed boneless on top of his mate, heedless of crushing Adam beneath his weight. Adam was strong. He knew Adam would hold him up if he needed to.

  Chapter 41


  Adam was complete in a way he’d never been before, he realized as he lay crushed under his mate’s sleeping weight. Any doubts he’d had about their connection before, were wiped away after their lovemaking. He felt like a puzzle that had finally found its last missing piece. He felt whole in a way he never would have hoped. No matter what happened in the future, he was Ben’s and Ben was his.

  When Ben finally stirred sometime later, Adam almost sighed at the missing weight. Ben climbed off groaning apologies at having fallen asleep and being too heavy. Adam ran his hands down Ben’s face and pulled him back for more kisses, reassuring him he hadn’t minded at all.

  “We do need to get up, though, I guess,” Adam said.

  “Yes, I’m sure your mom is desperate to see you again,” Ben agreed, sitting up and pulling his sweats back on. Adam couldn’t help himself from noticing the indecent way the sweats hung low on his mate’s hips, faintly showing the cleft of his ass as it peeked from the stretched out waistband. Ben turned back, catching the direction of Adam’s feral gaze.

  “Come on, mate. Let’s go shower before we spend the rest of this day in bed,” Ben growled, pulling Adam bodily from the bed, wrapping his legs around his waist. Adam shrieked when he realized Ben was going to carry him to the bathroom naked.

  “Wait, Ben. What if your brother is out there?” Adam yelled, fighting to be put down before the door opened.

  “Then he better close his eyes because no one looks at my naked mate but me,” Ben laughed, ignoring Adam’s attempts to free himself as he walked out of their room without a care in the world.


  Adam decided he could get used to this as he sat across the table from his mother and watched the smile light up her face in a way he’d never seen before. They had spent the rest of the day alone, Ben and Alpha Leikos leaving them to get reacquainted. It had given them the time and isolation both had needed to start connecting again. Adam was starting to feel himself opening back up to his mother, even though the feeling of betrayal at being abandoned was still there in the back of his mind.

  Lucy had done her best to explain the first few years after her acceptance into the pack as Alpha Leikos’ soulmate. Well, he hadn’t been Alpha then, only Alec. She had been near death when Alec found her lying at the edge of that swamp. While the bite had saved her life, she had lost much of what she was before. It had taken years for her to fully heal and for the memories to start to return. By the time Alec had become the alpha, Lucy was only just beginning to remember the son she had lost.

  “I’m so happy I feel like my heart is going to burst right out of my chest,” Lucy gushed, holding both Adam’s hands firmly within her own. “To have you back and to know that you are safe finally, oh Adam, there are no words to express how complete I finally feel.” Adam allowed himself to be pulled into his mom’s embrace as he fought his own tears of relief.

  Adam and his mother were close to inseparable as the week went on, doing their best to make up for all the time lost getting to know each other again. Adam worried he was neglecting Ben in the process, but true to form, Ben reassured Adam every night in bed that their bond was as strong as ever. As the days passed, the night of Adam’s first shift grew closer and Adam felt the change approaching. Adam awoke on that final morning to find Ben lying on his side, staring at his mate, a smile plastered wide across his joyful face.

  “Why on earth are you looking at me like that?” Adam asked, his voice still thick with sleep.

  “Like what?” Ben asked, honestly looking confused.

  “Like a total loon,” Adam said, putting his hand out to cover the ridiculous expression still on his lover’s face. Ben laughed and fought to restrain the offending hand. Adam found himself pinned under his still glowing mate, strangely enjoying his overflowing glee.

  “I’m just so excited, aren’t you? Tonight’s the big night. I can’t wait to see your wolf,” Ben growled burying his face in the side of Adam’s neck attacking the tender skin over Adam’s collarbone.

  “Honestly, I’m a little nervous about it all, but just keep doing that and I think I’ll get over it,” Adam groaned, fisting his hand in Ben’s blonde locks. Ben’s answering growl of pleasure had goosebumps erupting down Adam’s arms.

  Loud knocking interrupted the moment as Logan’s voice broke the mood. “Get up you lie-abouts! It’s Adam’s big day. Too much to do to hide in bed all day.”

  Ben pulled back and met Adam’s gaze in disbelief. “Excuse me for a second. I have a brother to murder,” Ben said as he started to pull himself from Adam’s arms. Adam only laughed and held him tighter, refusing to let go.

  “I’m counting to five and then I’m letting your mother in this room, Adam. You better be up and ready,” Logan continued, fingers drumming on the doorframe.

  Adam’s eyes flew wide open as he stared at the closed door. “He wouldn’t, would he?” Adam asked his mate. Lucy’s audible giggle emanating from the direction of the living room was all the answer either of them needed. They both flew out of bed and shrugged into the closest items of clothing they could find.

  Chapter 42


  Ben hadn’t been allowed to see his mate since Adam was whisked away by his mother after breakfast. He knew this day was important for Adam, but he hadn’t realized how important this day seemed to be for his pack as a whole. Finding of one’s sufletul pereche was such a rare occurrence that the pack was treating this night as more than just the first shift of a new pack member. This night would be celebrated as Ben and Adam’s official bonding, as close to a human wedding as shifters ever got. Ben found himself pacing his living room again, desperate for the time to pass until moonrise.

  Logan tried to offer words of advice and comfort, but Ben wouldn’t be placated, knowing that Logan was more clueless in this soulmate thing than Ben at that moment. When Logan tried to push food on Ben again for the tenth time since breakfast, Ben snapped and partially shifted in anger.

  “Got it, got it. I’ll leave you alone for a while,” Logan placated, walking backwards to the front door hands outstretched in self defense. “How about I go check on Adam for you? Would that be okay?”

  “Hell, no! That would not be okay, Logan!” Ben growled angrily. “I need my mate. He’s mine and they have no right to keep him from me.”

“Ben, brother, please, calm down. They aren’t keeping Adam from you. They are just trying to make the night special for you both,” Logan continued to soothe his brother. “Come on, Ben. Don’t you want Adam to remember this night forever?” Realizing he was being an impatient ass, Ben pushed his wolf down and breathed deep. Logan breathed out a sigh of relief at seeing his brother’s calm returning.

  “Damn it, Logan. I’m going to lose my mind before this night is over,” Ben sighed, his pacing of the living room renewed. Logan kept his distance but still stood guarding the door. While Ben appreciated the support, he was glad Logan was finally keeping his mouth shut. If there was anything he didn’t need more of it was his overly supportive brother’s unsolicited advice.


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