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Tame Me-To Load-

Page 13

by Bloom, Cassandra

  Devon stood and spoke to the others at the table in a foreign dialect while his hand swept to her.

  The other men and women at the table lowered their eyes.

  Taylor stood motionless. “Married?” He swung his stunned gaze over to Devon.

  The bridegroom grinned and nodded his head.

  Taylor’s eyes glinted, but he smiled and stepped over to Madeline. “I suppose congratulations are in order?” His congenial smile did not reach his dark eyes.

  Madeline felt thoroughly bewildered and numbly shook his offered hand. She glanced over at Devon.

  Devon’s steely gaze followed Taylor as he strode confidently across the room. He looked to Madeline and motioned to a chair.

  Sitting where Devon indicated, Madeline gazed around the room and spotted Kami, who gave her a timid smile.

  “The tribal resolution for the Sun Circle Resort is convened.” Devon glanced over at Taylor. “Our brother has brought us a resolution that will affect the People for many years to come.” His eyes still held a flinty dislike. “Mr. Scott shall speak now.”

  Madeline looked back and forth between these two powerful men. Brother?

  Taylor stood. “As all my People know, I have gone out into the world.” A few murmurs echoed from the other listeners. “I’m an Ananza by blood, and one of the People by spirit.”

  He is? Madeline found herself astounded at his statement.

  “I went out to better myself, and while on that journey, I worked to better the People.”

  Madeline sat very still, attempting to absorb this unexpected development. Taylor Scott of Bel Air is one of the tribal People?

  Taylor glanced over at her. “Miss...” He paused. “Mrs. Ananza knows of what I speak.”

  Hell, no…Madeline Ananza had absolutely no freakin’ clue.

  “Land development carries with it great fortunes, and our tribe needs to utilize the bounty of our land.” His gaze swung over to Devon. “The revenue would be used for building schools, hospitals and colleges.” His eyes narrowed at the handsome tribal leader. “The ways of the past are good and holy in their proper place. However, these ways are sometimes an obstacle to the advancement of the People’s interests.”

  Devon’s expression appeared deadly, as though he were ready to leap across the table and attack the young executive.

  At Devon’s reaction, a smug smile appeared on Taylor’s lips, as he gazed at all the council members. “I propose the tribe build a spectacular complex at the spot where…” he snickered with contempt. “Nowhere stands.”

  There were more murmurs in the background.

  “The project is a deal already brokered. The town there would be bulldozed and become a fantastic resort providing income the people need for the assurance of our tribe’s future.” He nodded to each member and sat.

  Devon apparently overcame his anger, as he smiled politely at Taylor and stood. “The tribal leaders may consider this option.” He glanced over at Taylor. “Mr. Scott has provided the presentation in the packages at your fingertips. I have not decided on this matter and feel a rush to a hasty decision would be foolish.” He glowered at Taylor. After pausing to allow his words to sink in, he motioned his head at Madeline. “I have my own resources to research the proposal, if she will agree?” He met her eyes. “I will hire Madeline, here, to investigate the validity and the key proponents of this resort proposal.”

  Madeline experienced more astonishment at this bit of news. She gazed around at the tribal members, and didn’t know if it required a response, so she just mutely nodded her head.

  “Are there any other motions for this meeting?” Devon asked in a loud voice, and silence stretched out through the room. “This meeting is adjourned, and on the seventh sunset, we will meet again to consider this proposal.”

  The members rose from their seats and spoke in low tones.

  Madeline’s focus remained on Devon.

  “Madeline?” Taylor took her hand.

  She stared down at his hand holding hers.

  “I didn’t know you’d gotten married.” His eyes still held that glint.

  She cleared her throat to respond.

  “It happened suddenly,” Devon answered for her.

  “Yes, well, you’re a lucky man, all right.” Taylor’s cold response could’ve chilled the room.

  Devon’s eyes twinkled. “Most assuredly.”

  Madeline truly felt lost as Taylor released her hand.

  “So, Madeline, are you going to return to work?”

  These two powerful men saturated the touchy conversation with layers of allusions, and she felt as if she were drowning in a pool of intimation. “I really don’t––“

  “We are still discussing our future as of yet,” Devon again answered for her.

  Taylor’s eyes sparkled. “If she leaves, it would be such a loss—to the company, that is.” He winked at her. “Well, I’ll see you.” He left through the double doors.

  Madeline’s perplexed gaze followed him. “What the hell was all that about?”

  Devon took her arm and escorted her out the door. “We will not discuss that here.” They made their way along the stairs to the lodge quarters. He shut the door behind them and strode across the spacious room. “None of it is my doing, you know.”

  She stood with her arms crossed over her chest. “No, I don’t know anything, apparently.”

  He plopped down into the leather easy chair by the window. “Well, it seems there are things you haven’t told me either.”

  Her mouth dropped open.

  “Like, just what was between you and Scott.”

  Her mouth snapped shut.

  “The way he looks at you. He’s always touching you and grabbing your hand.”

  “You’re jealous?” Her hands fell away from her chest while a spontaneous laugh slipped from her lips.

  “Is there anything for me to be jealous of?” He glared at her as she laughed. “I don’t think this is a funny subject, Madeline.”

  “So, you are human!” Her voice held glee at this discovery.

  Devon stood to face her. “Yes!” His irritated voice rose. “What of it?”

  “It’s thrilling to find out that your feathers can be ruffled like the rest of us, or like me actually.” She laughed again.

  His eyes narrowed. “So?”

  Madeline swiped at a tear. “So, what?”

  “Is there?” he asked, meeting her eyes.

  “Well...” I shouldn’t tease him. But after all the teasing he’s done to me?

  Devon strode over to her. “You mean there was a you and him?”

  Madeline lowered her head to hide the sly smile that she knew had glimmered on her lips.

  Devon grabbed her arms. “You belong with me!”

  “Yes, I know,”

  “You do?”

  “I hate his ever-loving, Armani-wearing, good-looking guts!” She grinned at him.


  “Yes, Dev.”

  With a sigh of relief, he tugged her closer.

  At the feel of him so close, her breathing became instantly rapid. “Although…”

  “What?” he asked with apprehension.

  “He’s quite a catch.”

  His brows wrinkled. “He is?”

  “Oh yes, he possesses a massive portfolio. All those magnificent holdings wrapped in that boyish charm?”

  Devon lifted her from the floor. “So, you were interested in him!”

  Madeline tilted her head at him. “What would you do, if I were?”

  His eyes darkened with fury. “I know how to kill with no sound at all.”


  “He wouldn’t even feel it.”

  Devon’s expression reminded her of the brave. “You would kill?” Her voice fell away as he scooped her up into his arms. His manner reminded her of the enraged warrior who chained her to a wall.

  He laid her on the bed. “Are you all mine?” He covered her body with his long, lean f
orm and raised her arms over her head.


  He lowered his lips to hers. “All of you?” he asked, as he held her wrists to the bed with one hand and smoothed his other over her hips.

  “Yes.” Her voice shook.

  Devon tugged her skirt to her waist. “Do you need another trip to the cave?”

  Madeline trembled and felt herself grow moist in her panties. “Oh, yes.”

  “You liked that, did you?”

  With his silky voice, she remembered his thrusting into her, and the splendid ecstasy, which shook her to the core. “Yes.” Licking her lips nervously, anticipation of his actions grew in her body.

  Devon’s tongue followed the same path over her lips. “I can see you may need taming quite often.”


  “You are something, Mrs. Ananza.” He let out a laugh.

  Startled by the sudden laugh, she smiled at him. “Yes, Dev.”

  “As my wife, the cave may well be where we spend a lot of our time.”

  She gulped at this exciting information.

  “The lightening pool and…” he paused and lowered his lips again, “…the taming cave.”

  Her whole body shook violently. “Oh, yeah?”

  Lowering his fingers, he slipped them into her panties, and goose bumps ran along her skin. He cupped her entire labia with his warm palm. “Yes, and I can already tell you will need more punishment involving the pictorials and the rack.”

  “Unh.” She released a jittery moan, feeling him gently tug her.

  He pushed his fingers into her. “Tell me what it was like.”

  “Tell you?”

  “What did it feel like, the taming?”

  Madeline avoided his intense gaze.

  “No,” he admonished in a breathless voice. “Don’t hide anything from me.”

  Her gaze locked with his. “I wasn’t scared, if that’s what you mean.”

  Devon chuckled. “No, I’ll bet you weren’t, but you felt something, right?”

  Nervous again, she licked her lips. “Yes!”

  “You were chained to a wall, wide open and nude.” He breathed the description against her lips, and her heart pounded in her chest as he studied her expression. “You were dripping wet.”

  She gulped again as he described it.

  “You wanted it very badly.”

  She gave him a slight nod of her head as her body quivered.

  “Fucking you, in a violent way?”


  Devon rubbed her clit in hard circles as he released her wrists and tore her blouse wide open.

  Madeline jumped as the buttons flew off and he lifted her breast from her lacey bra.

  “Mmm,” he growled low in his throat.

  The sound caused her to draw in a sharp breath as he lowered his teeth and nibbled on her nipple, grazing it back and forth with his teeth and lips.

  Helplessly, her body rose. “Oh,” she whispered as he latched on and suckled it with a forceful tug.

  Devon watched her flushing face, as he took her other breast out, and both her breasts were raised over the bra, vulnerable to his touch. He pinched one with his finger while lowering his mouth to the other.

  Madeline squirmed on the bed, and a wild throbbing filled her body as her blood pumped through her veins. This man is so sexy and sensuous that I cannot even take a breath when he touches me. She felt a sense of urgency, and wanted him with a fierce neediness. Raising her body and rolling over him, she reached down and tore his shirt open.

  His eyes twinkled at her.

  Gasping heavily, Madeline lowered her hands, unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. She grabbed his cock and stroked it up and down with both hands, straddling his hips with her thighs.

  Devon looked startled and tried to rise.

  “No!” she commanded, and kept up with the rapid sensual stroking of his cock. “You’re so hard.” She bit down on her lip. “And silky smooth.” Madeline tucked her underwear to the side. “And made just for me.” Her voice sounded strained. “I wonder what you taste like?” Aggressive need fueled her with a bold, wanton feeling. Her own moisture soaked the panties and made its way to her thighs.

  In fascination, he watched as different emotions passed over her face.

  “I’ll bet you taste the same way you feel.” She slammed herself down on his hard cock. “Like heaven!”

  Devon grunted at the downward slide and grasped her hips.

  Madeline ripped her blouse the rest of the way off and leaned her hands on his chest. She scooted her hips forward and back, her wet pussy sliding along the length of his hard erection.

  Entranced by her hot, ravenous behavior, he enjoyed it all.

  Panting hard, she slid herself forward on him. “Yes.” She slid backward over his throbbing cock. “So deep and so hard.” She continued her glorious ride, her wet, silky pussy consuming his pulsing cock.

  He grabbed her hips, raised her higher and then slammed them downward, as her body shuddered. “You want it deeper?” he asked.

  She nodded her head violently in answer.

  Devon rapidly plunged her hips to his and raised his pelvis to deepen the feeling.

  She closed her eyes with the superb filling of her pussy. “Can’t get…” Her body grew rigid with an orgasm. “…enough of you!” Her wet pulsing tightened around his cock.

  “Mmm,” he breathed out and held her still over him as he came inside of her.

  Moaning low in her throat, Madeline leaned her whole torso back. “Yes, so hot; it burns so beautifully inside.”

  Devon’s expression reflected his satisfaction as he held her body higher and watched her body shudder. She collapsed forward to his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. “Yes, you are really something, my bride.” He placed her to his side. “I chose so very well.”

  Madeline giggled. “Yes, you did, Mr. Ananza.” She sighed with satisfaction, snuggling her face to his sleek, warm chest and fell into a gentle, contented sleep.


  “Wake up, Maddy.” He nudged her shoulder.

  She stretched the kinks from tender, sore spots, which vibrated all over her body. “Mmm,” she groaned, rolling over. “I’m ready for some more.” Her eyes opened.

  Rick’s face flamed. “I’m sorry. The door was open and I called for you.” He stared up at the ceiling.

  “Oh!” She yanked the sheet over her bare skin. “What are you doing here?”

  “Dev called me. He said to come and get you.”

  “But, why? He was just here.”

  Rick chuckled. “Yeah, that’s obvious.”

  Madeline felt her cheeks flush with color. “Well, did he say why?”

  “No, he said to come get you and take you back to Nowhere.”

  She released a breath. “Well, okay.”

  “I’ll wait downstairs.” He shook his head with a smile and went out the door.

  Madeline scooted to the end of the bed. “What is he up to now?” She searched around for a note or any sign of him. Dammit! Can the man ever stay in one spot for any length of time? She sighed heavily and headed for the bathroom.

  A half hour later, they travelled across the desert. The ride was both dusty and beautiful. All the cacti were in full bloom, scattering dots of red, purple and orange over the desert’s rocky slopes. Above the canyons filled with yucca forests, the Joshua Trees hooked their way toward a clear, blue sky. Wispy, white clouds floated over the pristine blue above, as an accompaniment to the serene, but colorful, image.

  Show you all the true colors of the world. Madeline released a sigh. Why did I never see this before? I hated it here when I first saw it, and now it’s just like Dev. It’s in my blood. She admired the beauty for what it was now. Appreciating the serenity, along with the wild and untamed feeling the landscape elicited. In essence, it matched a particular supernatural resident who roamed this arid land.

  Devon. Just his name sent shivers down her back
and started an ache in most other places. I don’t even care about all that legend stuff. He’s so very real, as real as any addiction. Her chin rose. So much for the cold pride of the old Madeline. Gone was the aloof, detached feeling, which used to encompass her. She rolled her eyes. I don’t even care if I ever go back. That life seems like a foreign story someone wrote about once, a long time ago.

  The Jeep pulled into the Nowhere lot. There were quite a few vehicles in the dusty parking area, expensive type cars, which Madeline recognized from the life she’d just mentally abandoned. A foreboding nudged at her as Rick stopped the Jeep.

  They got out and went into the post.

  Jasp shook his head with revulsion and watched all the stiff suits walk around with bored disinterest pasted on their poised faces.

  Madeline stopped dead in her tracks when she recognized most of the planners and research teams from the firm. So, my old life comes here to me?

  “Madeline!” a woman called out.

  Sophie? Madeline switched to her cold expression, but seeing the bright-eyed woman, she smiled instead. “Sophie!”

  Sophie peered into her face. “Where in the freaking forest of the world have you been?”

  Madeline smiled at the woman’s usual pushy manner. “Just visiting Nowhere.”

  Sophie batted her eyes and looked all around. “Um, Madeline?”


  “Who on this planet of Mars could you possibly visit?”

  Madeline laughed and looked behind her. “Well, this resident alien is my dad.”

  Rick stepped forward with an outstretched hand.

  Sophie’s mouth popped open and she trapped his hand with both of hers, hauling herself close to him, and he chuckled at her animated actions. “This gorgeous piece of male is your father?” She swiveled her gaze to Madeline. “And why would a man who is everything, live in a place called Nowhere?”

  Rick laughed and tried to let go of her hand.

  She yanked it closer. “You have such wonderful hands,” she cooed and batted her lashes at him.

  “Sophie!” Madeline reprimanded her.

  The overly excited woman reluctantly let go of his hand. “Oh, I’m so not sorry.” With dramatic flair, she gave Rick a flirtatious wink.


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