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Tame Me-To Load-

Page 14

by Bloom, Cassandra

  Madeline laughed. “Sophie is our Office Eagle.”

  Rick glanced over at Sophie. “Eagle?”

  “Yes, she can spot a magnificent deal from another country,” Madeline stated with pride in her voice.

  Sophie’s hungry focus never left Rick. “Yes, and I can also spot a magnificent male from just about any place! “

  “Sophie!” Madeline hissed. The post door opened and a surge of hope rose in her chest. Taylor’s eyes locked with hers as he strolled in, and she released a disappointed breath.

  “And here comes another splendid vision of eye candy!” Sophie announced.

  Madeline giggled. “Yes…that he is.” And that’s all he is. She immediately altered her expression to emotionless.

  Taylor smiled, holding out his hand to Rick. The older man glared at it, and the executive’s smile dropped as Rick ignored his hand.

  Jasp walked around the counter. “You be the fella selling and buying Nowhere, right?”

  Taylor swiveled his gaze over the gray-haired man. “Well, it’s not exactly like that.”

  “Oh, really?” Rick asked with a dry tone, as he crossed his arms over his chest. “So, exactly what is it like, then?”

  Taylor blinked at him.

  “Now, Rick, it’s not a done deal, yet.” Madeline tried to deflect all the animosity in the room.

  Taylor’s eyes darted over to her face. “It is nearly there, Miss…” He chuckled and shook his head. “Madeline.”

  That odd vibe pushed at her again; she’d always felt it around this man.

  Taylor stepped closer to her. “I really need to speak with you.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, and it’s really urgent.”

  Madeline glanced over at Rick.

  His expression was not a nice one as he studied Taylor with suspicion and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Well, okay.” She peered out through the window.

  “He’s not here yet.” Taylor smiled at her.

  “And, how do you know that?”

  His brow rose. “That is part of what we need to talk about.”

  “You know where he is?”

  Taylor gave her a cunning grin in answer.

  Turning toward the couple, Madeline observed the preoccupation her coworker had for Rick’s backside. She shook her head at Sophie’s playful antics. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Rick glared at Taylor. “You’d better be.”

  “Oh, don’t worry.” Madeline followed Taylor through the door.

  After they both got in, Madeline impatiently waited for whatever Taylor was up to.

  He maneuvered the car out to the main road, while Madeline sat stiffly in the leather seat. “So, what’s this all about?”

  His eyes remained on the road. “You know I’ve always cared about you, right?”

  Madeline gave no reply and kept her attention on the road.

  “You don’t have to answer.” He laughed.

  “Good, because I won’t.”

  “Do you know about Devon?” His voice fell low.

  Madeline crossed her arms over her chest. “I know enough.”

  He shook his head and drove the Lexus onto a dirt road.

  “Where, exactly, are we going, Taylor?”

  “You need to listen to me, Madeline. This Devon is very dangerous.”

  “When crossed, maybe!”

  He let out a dry laugh. “Yeah and he’s a...” His voice faded.

  “What, Taylor?” She looked straight at him. “A myth, a legend?”

  Taylor looked stunned. “So, you know about it?”

  Her troubled gaze studied the road. “Yes.”

  With a snicker, he gave her a sideways glance. “So, you do know about your part in it?”

  Her brow wrinkled at his insinuations.

  “I see you don’t know all of it. That’s what I thought.”

  She felt annoyed. “Why are you butting into my personal life?”

  “You will change, Madeline.”

  “I already have.”

  “No.” He sounded perturbed. “I mean you are going to––” A black horse stood in the road about a hundred feet away, and astonishment showed on his face as he slammed on the brakes.

  Madeline drew in a shocked breath and grabbed the dash as the car slammed forward and back.

  Taylor glared at Devon as he sat on the black stallion, blocking the road.

  “Dev!” she called and reached for the door handle as she heard a popping noise. She pulled at the handle and it did not budge.

  “Stay there, Madeline,” Taylor warned.

  “What? Unlock it, Taylor!”

  “You don’t know what’s going on!” he exclaimed.

  “I know that you have locked me up in your car!”

  Devon urged his horse toward the car.

  Taylor slammed his foot on the accelerator fully intending to run the horse and rider down.

  “No!” Madeline shrieked and slid across the seat, grabbing the steering wheel.

  Taylor pushed her off and the car jerked sideways, slamming into something that shattered the windshield.

  Madeline screamed as the car rolled and flipped upside down while the airbags slammed forward with a deafening pop.

  Kingman, Arizona

  Madeline groaned, and slowly opened her eyes, to see the room was in a profound darkness.


  “Rick.” Silence rang back as his hand gripped hers. Reaching a hand to her face, she felt at the bandages covering her eyes. “What...?”

  “They covered them.” Rick’s voice was close to her.

  “Where’s Dev?”

  A strained quiet greeted her question.

  “Rick, where is he?” Her heart pounded in her ears as she waited for an answer.

  “I don’t know. He never showed at the Post.”

  “No, he was there on the road.”

  Rick squeezed her hand. “Well, there was no sign of him at the accident scene.”

  “Accident?” she asked with a raspy voice.

  “Yes, Madeline, three days ago.”

  She groaned again, as pain shot through her.

  “You have three broken ribs and a concussion, along with your eyes.”

  Madeline drew a breath in. “What, Rick?”

  He released a faltering breath. “They were damaged by glass.”

  Her body went motionless on the bed.

  “They aren’t sure, but there’s a real strong chance you will see again.”

  Madeline felt tears wash out from her eyes.

  “No, don’t cry; they said you can’t cry!”

  “Oh yeah? Well, that used to be true.” She yanked her hand from his. “I couldn’t cry at all before, but now I say they can go fuck themselves!” A pitiful sob rose in her throat.

  “What happened, Maddy?”


  He clicked his tongue. “Yeah, what about the bastard?”

  “We were on a dirt road, and there in front of us was Dev, on his horse.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure! Taylor tried to run him over and that’s why the car...” She gasped with fright. “Oh, God, he’s dead isn’t he?”

  “No, Dev was not found there, or any horse.”

  She tried to swallow her fear. “And Taylor?”

  “He’s out of commission right now.” His voice came from above her.


  “In a coma, and he can’t wheel and deal from there.” Rick’s voice came from the other side of the bed now.

  She bit down on her lip. “He was babbling about Dev, saying that he was dangerous.”

  Rick made a disapproving sound. “Just jealous, and always has been.”

  “Always?” she asked.

  “It’s a long story, Maddy.”

  She gave out an agonizing, cold laugh. “Well, I’m not going anywhere—apparently.”

  “Yeah, I suppose you aren’t.”

bsp; She heard him chuckle a little. “So, tell me why they hate each other.”

  Rick took her hand again. “Bad blood.”

  “Yes, Rick, obviously!”

  “No, I mean they are, somehow, biological brothers.”

  “What?” A stunned tone vibrated in her voice.

  “Now, Maddy, stay calm, or they will kick my butt outta here!”

  Madeline took a deep, calming breath and let it out slowly. “Okay, so they have the same parents?”

  Rick laughed. “I would assume that.”

  “No, I mean with the legend.”

  Rick drew in a breath. “I keep forgetting.”

  “I always do too, and I need him to be here.

  “He’ll show. He always does, right?”

  Sniffling through her tears, Madeline’s bandages dampened. “Rick, ask them to drug me up, okay?”


  “Just do it or I’m going to weep like a small child!”

  “Okay, okay!” He reached for the com buzzer and pressed it.


  She awoke, floating in the water. “Dev?” she called.

  “Yes, Maddy?”

  “Don’t leave me.”

  “Never, Madeline. Just know that, okay?”

  She felt the sun on her face as the cooling current caressed her body.

  “Dev!” she screamed and rose in the bed.

  Someone grabbed her arms. “Quiet down,” a woman’s voice sternly reprimanded her.

  Madeline felt hands lay her back on the pillow. “Where is he?” she cried out.

  “He will be here. I promise,” the woman assured her.

  “Mom?” A silence stretched through the empty, dark space as Madeline called out, “I know your voice, Phoebe! Are you there?” She waited and heard nothing as drowsiness took over. It must be the drugs. Her head rolled sideways on the pillow.

  Sometime later, the bed swayed back and forth, and it startled her awake. There were all kinds of sound assaults bouncing at Madeline from every direction. A group of voices blended in with it, as different echoes of scraping and sliding noises surrounded her. She could feel the vibrations of her bed as it rolled along.

  Next, she could smell fresh air and a strange diesel smell as the bed jumped around, and Madeline heard the wheels. I’m on a gurney!

  “What is happening?” A loud whirring sound cut off her shout. The helicopter! Her heart pounded wildly in her chest. “Dev!” The chopper blades became louder and the bed rose to a higher level. Oh, he came for me! Tears of relieved joy rolled from her eyes. Finally! When I see him, I’m gonna... She swallowed heavily. If I see him. She held her hands clasped together as the copter rose into the air.

  She must have nodded off, because they were wheeling her out across rough ground. The People’s language murmured around her in low tones. His People! He always referred to them like that. Is he here, I wonder? The surface changed and became very smooth. Like glass? “Wait! You’re taking me to the Skywalk?” The gurney slowed, came to a stop and someone took her hand.

  “Who is it?” she asked.

  “You are his chosen bride, and you shall bring him back.” It was the voice of the old chief.

  Madeline tilted her bandaged head. “How long has he been gone?”

  “A full moon cycle.”

  “Oh.” Madeline let out a disgruntled laugh. Like I know how long that is!

  The chief let go of her hand. “It’s nearly sunset.”

  With the soft-sounding words, the Sunset Wedding came to mind, and her throat tightened.

  “The Leader loves you. He will come,” Kami’s voice spoke close to her ear, and their quiet footsteps faded away on the walk.

  They are using me to get him to come? She shook her head. The things they believe! But will he come? Her hands shook. Come from where?

  Madeleine felt unexpectedly weary. They really believe I can do this? She listened to the silence and waited in the cool desert night air while it caressed her face. She felt the drop in temperature and knew it had become dark. The sunset came and went.

  He did not show.

  Tears formed in her eyes. They overestimated how he feels about me, and I overestimated, too.

  Madeline felt more alone now than any time in her life as she struggled to stay awake and felt the air-drying of her tears as they rolled from beneath the bandages.

  They must have returned as she could feel them rolling her bed again and she passed out.

  Madeline awoke with a start as they peeled her bandages from her eyes.

  “Hold still and don’t open your eyes,” Kami warned from close to her.

  She felt the air hit her tender skin, biting her lip to restrain the overwhelming urge to open her eyes. “Kami?”

  “Open them now.”

  There was only darkness, and a sob rose in her throat.

  “No, don’t cry. We’ve turned all the lights off. We had to make it dark, as no light can reach your eyes right now,” Kami reassured her.

  Madeline felt a hand touch her face.

  “Now, hold your head still.” Kami’s voice took on a severe tone. “I’m going to put something in your eyes, and it will feel cold, then hot, and there may be pain.”

  Remaining mute, Madeline swallowed her tears.

  “Now, remember motionless head and open eyes.”

  “Okay.” Madeline winced, as the cool liquid hit her bare eyes. She drew in a breath, but remained still while it oozed slowly over her face. She released the breath when she felt the heat begin in her eyes. “Oh.”

  Kami squeezed her hand. “I know it’s hard, but keep them open and try not to blink.”

  Madeline winced with the pain from the heat which increased on her eyes, and bit down on her lip until it bled.

  Someone wiped the residue from her face.

  “It’s okay to blink now,” Kami spoke again.

  Madeline blinked hard, wincing with pain.

  “We shall leave the room dark for many hours,” Kami explained.

  Madeline’s breathing picked up with a spark of panic.

  Kami took her hand again. “You may have dreams and believe that you see things.”

  She drew in an agonizing breath at the stinging in her eyes. Well, that would be nothing new, would it?

  “One warning.” Kami’s voice was close again.

  Madeline lifted her head to listen.

  “Do not look at any light until we come back.”

  “All right.”

  “Here, drink this.”

  She tasted a strange drink from the cup at her lips.

  “It will help you to sleep. Now, close your eyes until you hear the door slam.” Kami’s voice sounded farther away.

  Madeline closed them, heard the footsteps rushing away and the door slammed hard.

  Her eyes popped open and the pain in her eyes noticeably receded. “Dev?” she whispered to an empty room. “I’m in trouble again, and I need you.” Madeline closed her eyes and slept.

  He loomed above her as she woke up. “Dev?”

  He smiled and held out his hand.

  Madeline took it, just as they both floated from the bed and drifted through the ceiling. It’s only a dream. She clung to his hand.

  The sky appeared, and colors streaked across it. Madeline felt light and free from pain.

  “Maddy, you will see the colors, and I will come to get you.”

  The light that cascaded around them became bright to her eyes. “You will?”

  “Yes, Madeline.”

  “Dev?” The descending feeling rushed through her like a wind as the light grew overly brilliant and she landed on the bed. Madeline sat upright and struggled for a breath as sweat poured from her forehead, her body nearly bathing in it.

  The room remained dark, and she laid her head back. It was only the dreams Kami mentioned.

  The unwanted weeping began again. What am I even doing here? To be reduced to a weak, blithering fool and needing some man, so
badly. I feel fear, misery and desperation. She balled her hands into fists. I’ll go home and try to forget all of this. I feel pathetic, helpless and so stupid! Aggravation peaked in her, and she pounded the bed with her fists. He doesn’t need to come.

  Tears spilled over her cheeks, and she angrily swiped them away. “I don’t need you!” Madeline yelled to the empty, darkened room. “Can you hear me, Dev?” The bitterness rang like a sting in her cracking voice. “I’m going home!”

  Attempting to hold herself still, she fought to get control of her misery. “Screw you, Devon Ananza! Just stay away!” Madeline stilled, and her breathing returned to normal, as she lay rigid in the bed with dry, pain-filled eyes and glared at the dark.

  Light flooded the room and Madeline peered up with amazement, following its sparkling path across the ceiling. “I see it!” The sunlight crept across the adobe, wood-planked ceiling and streamed out with brilliant colors. Dev!

  “When you see the colors, I will come and get you.”

  Bolting to an upright position, a light-headed sensation flooded her senses. Madeline groaned and drew her gaze over.

  The three maiden women stood there smiling at her, holding a towel, brush, and her green sundress in their hands.

  They’ve seen him! Madeline rose from the bed, and her heartbeat grew rapid. Fighting her anticipation, she sat still for a few moments while the dizziness passed. Oh, yes, I want to see him! She thought about deciding last night to never see him again, when the anxiety and fear of all he now meant to her overwhelmed her better sense.

  Madeline rolled her eyes. What’s better than Dev holding me? What’s better than kissing his beautiful face? She slowly crossed the room to the shower with that now familiar, exhilarating adrenaline surging through her veins. Go home, alone? Screw that! She let out a thrilled laugh.

  The other women giggled shyly and followed behind her.

  After dressing and allowing the women to primp around her again, she now descended the stairs.

  The Skywalk Lodge appeared crowded. People milled around, and a large tour group traveled through the lower floor. Madeline wore her light-green sundress, made her slow descent on the stairs, and didn’t care about the tourists or the beautiful view of the sky bridge through the high-arched windows. Thinking only about only one motivation—to see Devon, and she’d spent a half an hour already, looking for him.


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