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The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2)

Page 20

by Megan A. Hepler

  “Awesome! So, when does the initiation take place?”

  “It’s a good thing you woke up, because my twenty-first birthday happens to be in two days. They asked me if I wanted to have the initiation here, but I said no. I wanted to have it at the church, back home, at headquarters. Besides, from what I hear they are going to be sending a whole bunch of desperately needed volunteers with us.”

  Felix’s eyebrows creased. “How long were we in Dissium?”

  Demona looked down and away. “A month.”

  “What? We were only in Dissium for a few days,” Felix said.

  “It felt like it. We were actually there for a week or so in Dissium time. I think things have become worse at home. I hate to think about all that they’ve gone through while we were gone. And then we come home with nothing.”

  Felix grabbed Demona’s hand. “Stop thinking like that. We found the artifact once, we can get it back.”

  Not easily. “Can I ask you about, you know?” Demona nudged her head in the direction of his wound.


  “How—how did you get next to me so fast?”

  “My ability, it was part of my choice. Aleph gave me speed and agility to be a better defender.”

  “You almost got yourself killed,” Demona said. “What was your sacrifice?”

  Felix scratched his chest around the wound. “Nothing worth discussing…”

  Demona smacked his hand away. “Do you remember…what you said?”

  Felix grabbed her hand. “What? That, I loved you.”

  Demona blushed.

  “I meant it. I still mean it. I love you, Mona.”

  Demona stared deeply into Felix’s eyes. She knew he meant what he said with all of his heart. “I love you, too.” Demona leaned in without taking her eyes from his and their lips met.

  “Eww!” Benen said.

  “Ha-ha, I forgot he was back there,” Demona said. She reluctantly pulled away from Felix.

  Felix peeked around her. “Way to ruin the moment, little man.”

  Demona turned to see a huge grin on Benen’s face. “I bet Benen wants a kiss.” Demona got up from her seat and quickly scooped Benen up in her arms. She gave him pecks all over his bright rosy cheeks.

  “Eww! Stop kissing me!” Benen squealed. “Felix, help me!”

  Felix chuckled. “You’re on your own.”

  “Ahh! Demona, stop! It’s gross!” Benen said. The boy laughed and squealed at the same time.

  Demona placed the boy back on his feet. As soon as she released him from her grip he was wiping his arms all over his face. He giggled and ran out the door.

  “I don’t think he’ll be bothering us for a little while,” Demona said.

  “Yeah, especially after the cootie monster got him,” Felix replied.

  “Well, this cootie monster is going to get you!” Demona approached Felix and leaned in for a long kiss. She sank into the feeling of his arms around her neck and his lips upon hers. Felix pulled her in tighter and their lips pressed together eagerly.

  “Aww, did I just walk in on the wake up kiss?” Ileana said.

  “Man, can’t we get a moment alone?” Felix asked.

  “Not while there are bigger things going on, especially now that you two are a hot topic. Well, me too of course with the whole journey thing.” Ileana plopped down at the foot of Felix’s cot.

  “How’d the Council go?” Demona asked.

  Ileana shrugged. “Eh, you know. Pretty much what we already knew. They’re just trying to figure out how many people they want to send back with us and discussing what is going to happen if Darius is in possession of the artifact.”

  “I guarantee he has it,” Demona replied.

  “As soon as we get home I’ll head down to Terra Hollow and check out the gossip,” Ileana said.

  Demona gave a single nod. “Sounds like a plan. Keep a look out for Kearne, too.”

  “Seriously, after everything, we’re still talking about Kearne?” Ileana said.

  “He didn’t have a choice. He had to go with the artifact. The manipulation charm would not have allowed him to do otherwise. As long as Darius holds up on his part of the bargain, Kearne should be a free man,” Demona said. “Let’s not forget that he also made a sacrifice, so that we could even get the artifact out of the tomb.”

  Ileana held up her hand in surrender. “Alright, I get it…we owe him.”

  “It’s not about owing him. I told him I would make sure Darius keeps his promise…and after everything I now know, I intend to make Darius’ life a living hell. That is, if the king of deceit isn’t already living in his own hell.”

  “Okay, let’s just calm down,” Felix said.

  Demona realized she had been shaking her fist at Ileana. She released the grip to find nail marks in the palm of her hand. “Sorry.”

  “Anything else we should know?” Felix asked.

  “As soon as the Council decides who goes, we can hit the road. They’ve sent for a few rental cars to get us back home.”

  “Any word on home?” Demona asked.

  Ileana took a deep breath. “Yeah…more townspeople died while we were gone.”

  “We need to stop this!” Demona said.

  “Chicka, chill…Look we’ll deal with things when we get back home. For now, we just need to get ourselves ready for the trip home. Do you think you can make the ride?” Ileana looked at Felix.

  “There is no way you are leaving me behind,” Felix replied.

  Chapter 21:

  The Base

  The drive back to the northeast headquarters had been uneventful. Ileana and Demona rode in the front seats of their rental car, switching to drive whenever they found themselves beginning to daze at the road. Felix was stretched out in the back seat and slept the majority of the drive, because his body was still in need of rest. Two cars of volunteers and supplies led their way back to the northeast headquarters.

  Demona turned and placed a hand on Felix’s arm. She reluctantly shook him. “Felix, we’re almost home.”

  Felix’s eyes opened and he carefully slid himself into an upright position, stretched and rubbed his eyes. He gave Demona a sleepy smile and readjusted himself in the seat once more.

  They turned onto the long, gravel driveway that took them in the direction of the headquarters. The car jostled up and down as the tires hit every bump. As the car drew closer the church and its surroundings came into view. Demona leaned forward in her seat as she observed the place she had left behind. Only, it was not the place they had left behind any longer.

  The car pulled closer to the headquarters and Demona saw large canvas tents had been erected on both sides of the church. Men patrolled the perimeter of a high wired fence with barbed wire that threatened any who dared to think about entering without permission. A few children were following the patrolmen and mimicked their walking. A few women stood by a row of charcoal grills, where they cooked and busied themselves by preparing a meal.

  “What happened?” Demona asked.

  Felix leaned as far forward as he could between the two front seats. “It looks like a military operating base.”

  The three cars came to a stop and a few of the patrolmen approached the vehicles. Demona and Ileana stepped out of their doors and were greeted by the men. Ileana popped the hood of the trunk and the men promptly called for help. A group of strangers proceeded to carry the supplies that the elders in Gleannbroch had sent to camp.

  Ezekiel emerged from the church door and walked down the rickety wooden steps. “Welcome home!”

  Ileana crossed her arms over her chest. “Doesn’t look like home.”

  “Yes, well things have changed since you were gone. I know you are eager to tell me about your journey, but save it for dinner. Everyone will be anxious to hear about your travels,” Ezekiel said.

  Demona walked around to the side of the car and helped Felix out. He put his weight on her as he eased his way out of the opening. When both of his feet
were firmly planted on the ground he pulled Demona closer and kissed her forehead.

  “It is good to be home,” Felix said. “Even if it’s not the same.”

  “Unfortunately, things have not changed for the better,” Ezekiel said. “Come, let me give you the tour. You will need to know what is what.”

  Demona, Ileana, and Felix followed Ezekiel. Demona walked beside Felix and kept checking to make sure he was not overdoing himself. Each grimace that appeared on his face made Demona want to send him somewhere to rest. They walked as quickly behind Ezekiel as Felix was able to move and the volunteers that had come with them from Gleannbroch followed close behind.

  They stopped between two tents. “The one on the right is the patrol barracks. The one on the left is the armory.”

  Demona tried to get a peek into the open flaps, but the poor lighting inside made it impossible for her to see anything.

  “An armory, Ezekiel? Why do we need an armory,” Felix asked.

  Ezekiel shook his head and his eyes grew moist. “You’ll know why when you see one.”

  Demona and Felix exchanged worried glances.

  One what?

  The group followed Ezekiel towards the grove of trees where the RVs once sat. Now the grove was littered with more square canvas tents. It was like a city of tents and more tents. Demona was not liking the change with each second Ezekiel guided them around the headquarters.

  “The RVs have had to be repurposed as mobile bases,” Ezekiel said. “I’m sorry guys we needed them.”

  Demona looked at Ileana and Felix who nodded their heads in response to Ezekiel’s apology. Demona could tell that neither of them was pleased with this news. Her little piece of solace was gone. The only thing that kept her from a potential snack had been the four walls of her RV. She would miss her temporary home, but it seemed that there was a greater need for it now.

  Ezekiel pointed to the women Demona had seen earlier. “Those ladies over there are at our new mess hall.”

  “Those tents on either side of the grove are more barracks for GLC members, volunteers, and refugees. Each sleeps about four.” Ezekiel pointed to the smaller square versions of the canvas tents. “Men are on the right and women on the left. We have a few family tents set up farther towards the back for more privacy. Your things are being put in your tents. My guys will let you know where you are sleeping later.”

  They continued to follow Ezekiel around to the other side of the building. “Here is the hospital wing. “One tent for wound care and another for patient recovery.” Ezekiel spun around. “Almost forgot. Out past the barracks is our new training ground. Inside, in the cellar is our food supply. Please, ask before taking. We are trying to make certain that everyone is getting their fair share.”

  Molony walked out of the wound care tent. He opened his arms as Demona walked towards him. “Glad to have you back!”

  Felix strolled towards him and shook his hand. “We are too, but it looks like we might be too late.”

  Molony shook his head. “We can use all of the help we can get.” He peered past his friends to the new volunteers.

  “No, not too late. Just right on time,” Ezekiel said.

  Molony survey the group. “Are any of you healers?”

  One of the volunteers raised their hand.

  “Good, come with me. I need your assistance,” Molony replied.

  A young woman stepped through the crowed and followed Molony into the wound care tent.

  Ezekiel turned to one of several strangers nearby. “Can you show our new volunteers to their tents, so they can settle in?”

  The person nodded and beckoned the volunteers to follow him.

  “Where is everyone?” Ileana asked. “You know…Rowena, Kaleb, and Hannah?”

  They followed Ezekiel toward the front of the church. “Kaleb is out in the training grounds conducting self-defense sessions. He is our new master at arms. Hannah and Rowena are working on preparations for your initiation tom—”

  “We can hold off on that,” Demona said. “It looks like there are more important things to—”

  Ezekiel held his hand. “No, trust me. We need something good around here. Things have been too serious for too long. We could use a temporary distraction.”

  They entered into the church. The inside was mostly the same as Demona had remembered. The windows were still boarded up where the stained-glass windows had broken. The planked floor boards still squeaked with each step. There were tables that lined the room filled with papers and maps.

  Demona stepped closer to one of the tables and sifted through the papers. One pile contained a list of supplies and the amount in stock. Another contained a list of addresses and names. She walked to another table where maps were unrolled and covered in multiple colored dots.

  “Those are attacks.” Ezekiel placed his hand on the map and shook his head.

  Demona looked at him with concern. “There have been that many?”

  “The green dots are for attempted possessions. The red ones are for deaths.” Ezekiel took a deep breath. “And the blue ones are for successful possessions.”

  “How many have succeeded?” Felix asked.

  Ezekiel wiped his brow. “About twenty that we know of.”

  Demona gasped. “Twenty? How…twenty? There weren’t that many demons released from the demon vault.”

  “Abd al-Malik has been gathering more demons,” Ezekiel said.

  “Is that even possible,” Ileana asked.

  Ezekiel nodded. “It is now, somehow.”

  “All of this is too much. I hate to be a burden, but I need to rest,” Felix said.

  Ezekiel stood a little straighter. “Of course, I’ll show you to your tents.”

  They walked past the canvas tents and the busy people running around. Ezekiel approached one of the tents. “This is yours Felix. You’ll be bunking with Kaleb and one of the new volunteers. Demona, Ileana yours is over there. You’re sharing with Hannah and Rowena.”

  “Hannah and Rowena are both staying here now?” Demona looked surprised.

  “Unfortunately, more GLC members are coming in on a daily basis. Everyone feels insecure out there, so they’re coming here for safety. We’ve got about fifty people staying here now. Most of the tents are full; some people are staying on the pews inside. A few others are sleeping under the stars. One or two are in the patient tent at all times, including Molony.

  “Thankfully you returned when you did. We needed more supplies. And a few more of those tents. I’ll let you rest. Dinner is at six in the mess hall.”

  Demona walked with Felix into his tent. His things had already been brought in and placed at the foot of one of the four cots. Felix lay down on top of the blankets that had already been neatly fixed for him and pushed his pillow under his head.

  “Are you okay?” Demona asked.

  “Yeah, just a little sore,” Felix said. “Wake me before supper?”

  Demona nodded. She bent down and gave him a kiss. Then, she exited the tent to find Ileana picking at her nails.

  “It’s strange isn’t it?” Ileana asked.

  “Yeah, I guess it’s like we’re at war,” Demona said.

  Demona and Ileana walked towards their tent. Before they made it half way they heard the sound of two women giggling inside. Ileana turned to Demona and rolled her eyes. Demona reached for the tent flap and pulled it back to find Rowena and Hannah inside.

  “Ehh! You’re back!” Hannah jumped from a cot and hopped toward the tent flap to hug Demona.

  “We’re back,” Demona said.

  “I thought we’d never see you again. I was so worried,” Hannah said.

  “Gee thanks for the vote of confidence.” Ileana scrunched up her lips. “Though, we weren’t sure we’d make it back either.”

  “We’re glad you are safe,” Rowena said. She embraced Demona and then Ileana.

  “Things are pretty different around here huh?” Hannah asked.

  Demona nodded. “When
I imagined coming home, I definitely didn’t think I would be coming home to all of this.”

  “How’s my brother?” Rowena asked.

  “He’s in his tent resting. I think he’s a little sore.”

  Rowena tilted her head. “But, how is he?”

  Demona sat on the cot that her pack sat beside. “Honestly, I wasn’t sure things would be okay after, the incident. I thought I lost him and I’d never get him back. I mean, how does a person come back from something like that?”


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