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The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2)

Page 21

by Megan A. Hepler

  “Felix is pretty tough,” Rowena replied.

  “I wasn’t even sure how to bring it up after he woke up. It seems like he can talk about it, but you can tell he’s not over it.”

  “At least he’s talking. That’s a good thing,” Rowena replied. Rowena narrowed her eyes at Demona. “Is there anything else I should know?”

  Demona blushed and quickly looked away.

  “Awe! I knew it would happen again! Felix is a good guy,” Hannah said.

  “I knew it would too. Who can resist the charm of a Fulbright?” Rowena said.

  Demona nodded in agreement. “So, what was all of the giggling about? Did we interrupt something?”

  “We were just discussing how Kaleb proposed!” Hannah squealed again.

  Ileana snorted. “That was quick.”

  Demona’s mouth fell open. “You’re kidding!”

  “Yes, I know. After everything that’s been going on lately. We’ve just been feeling like we don’t want to wait too long to make that commitment. I mean you know, Demona, it was like love at first sight for me.”

  “Yeah, I remember,” Demona replied. “He was all you could talk about from the moment you saw him.”

  “So, when’s the big day?” Ileana asked.

  “We haven’t set anything in stone yet,” Hannah said. “First, things first. We have to get these initiation plans in order. Any ideas what you’re going to wear?”

  “Does it look like I have any ideas what I’m going to wear? I’ve been wearing the same two sets of clothes for the past week and a half. I don’t have many options right now. At this point I’ll be happy with a nice bath and a clean set of clothes.”

  “You can use the dress I wore to my initiation,” Rowena replied.

  Demona tilted her head. “Really? I don’t know what to say…Thank you.”

  Chapter 22:

  The Initiation

  Demona stood in Ezekiel’s office and smoothed out the ruffles on her dress. Rowena has great taste. Demona dazed at the doorway and allowed her mind to take hold. She subconsciously toyed with the satin ruffles that fell down from her cinched waist to just above her knees. The feeling of butterflies tickled her stomach as she waited.

  Hannah entered the office and she looked at Demona. “Are you okay?”

  Demona nodded. “Just…nervous.”

  “You know if you aren’t comfortable doing this, I think everyone would understand.”

  “No, I have to do this. I was up all night thinking about what it meant to be part of GLC despite what I am.” I want to do this.

  “They’ll be ready for you in a couple of minutes.” Hannah pushed a strand of lose hair behind Demona’s ear. “I can’t believe you are going to be a member.”

  “I wasn’t expecting it either,” Demona said.

  The sound of a strumming guitar flowed in through the open door. Demona heard a soothing voice as a woman began to sing. It was Gale’s voice and it had already helped to sooth Demona’s nerves a little more. She tried to focus on the music and not the knots forming in her stomach.

  “That’s our cue…Remember I’ll lead you to the pulpit and you’ll take it from there.”

  Demona nodded. She took Hannah’s hand and they walked through the doorway and through the next out into the sanctuary. Demona’s stomach clenched when she saw the many sets of eyes staring up at her. There had been so many people that had come for her initiation. She closed her eyes and prepared herself for the next step.

  When she opened her eyes, Felix was staring back at her with his guitar in hand and smiled. He continued to strum the chords as Gale sang along. Demona felt as if time had slowed. Her eyes traveled from Felix back to the wide eyes of the onlookers. Then, she noticed an abundance of decorations around her.

  Pretty pink, tulle bows decorated the aisles and pews. Vases of beautiful wild flowers dotted the tables that had once been littered with maps and documents. The flowers filled the air with a welcoming fragrance that helped to sooth Demona’s nerves.

  Hannah led Demona to the bottom of the pulpit and hugged her tight. Demona looked up to find Molony and Ezekiel waiting to greet her at the top of the platform. She took one awkward step up and then another. She almost tripped on the next step, when Ezekiel took her hand to guide her the rest of the way up.

  Demona smiled at Molony in thanks. She had not been certain that her feet would carry her all the way up, but with his help she had no trouble. She turned to stand between Molony and Ezekiel and faced the many eyes once more. She looked for Ileana, but knew she was probably still in Terra Hollow.

  “You’ve got this,” Molony whispered. “Just relax.”

  Demona closed her eyes again, hoping that it would help her nerves. Her mageia was more difficult to control now that she was home, and with a little effort she was back under control. Demona turned to face the audience and waited for the next part of the process to begin. Felix and Gale’s song ended and silence filled the church.

  “We have come together to witness the initiation of Demona Brennan. As many of you know, this is a most unique situation.” Ezekiel cleared his throat. “Demona is a unique person, to say the least. We are all thankful that she has come to be a close friend and now a sister. She will take the oath, just like all other members have done before her.

  “Aleph has chosen this young woman for a special purpose. As we know, Demona is not the typical initiate for the Good Light Council. She is not only a halfling, but also a vampire. Given her birthright, and that today is her twenty-first birthday, we will welcome Demona as one of our own. Let us hope, given the circumstances, that Demona’s conflicting sides, dark and light, will allow the initiation rite. Let us bow our heads and pray to Aleph.”

  The congregation did as they were instructed. All eyes closed and heads bowed. Demona felt relieved to have a moment where she could allow her face to soften and not hide her fear. Then, Demona also bowed her head for prayer.

  “Aleph, we ask that you watch over us on this special day. Open Demona up to your gift and guide her steadfastly through the ritual. Give her the knowledge and peace of mind, so that she fully understands the words that she will vow to you. Let her consider each word carefully and commit it to heart, as she recites the oath.”

  The audience returned their gaze to the pulpit and to Demona. Her nerves made her tremble and she squeezed her fist. She turned around to face Ezekiel and Molony. Demona was thankful that she did not have to return the watchful stares. Molony instructed her to kneel and she did as she was told.

  “Demona are you ready to speak your vows?” Ezekiel asked.

  “Yes,” Demona replied. “I swear to aid and protect the innocents of this world. I swear to give my all to defend the sick, poor, and unable. I swear to uphold the laws as set down by the prophets of Aleph, and to use them as a guide for my life. I swear to serve where I am needed, if Aleph should call me,” Demona said. Aleph, give me strength.

  “Thank you, you may stand and—”

  Demona stood and turned around to face the audience. She clenched her fists harder as she prepared to speak words that were not part of the initiation, but words she chose to vow on her own.“I swear that Aleph is God and that he has given me a special purpose. I swear that I will rise against the evil we face and fight in his honor. I swear that I will not rest, until evil is wiped from this earth!”

  Some members of the audience were shocked by Demona’s outburst. Her vow proved to the audience that Demona had chosen a side. Her foe, as the Mythos, would forevermore be the dark beings.

  “Demona,” Molony said. “You—”

  Demona was not finished. “I understand the oath that I have sworn. I understand the words that I have said. I ask Aleph to grant me strength and guide me in my task. I ask Aleph for his blessing.”

  A bright light appeared in front of Demona at the bottom of the stairs. Moments later Fotos appeared in his intimidating natural form. He stood behind his shield and pounded the end of his staff
on the floor below where he hovered.

  The audience gasped. Then, the whispers rose as the audience looked to one another for answers.

  Fotos raised the spear and slammed the end of the staff repeatedly on the floor below. The room grew quiet in response.

  “I am the archangel Fotos. Aleph has sent me to deliver a message to his people. This woman is Aleph’s chosen one, let none doubt it.” Fotos stretched his arm outward. “Aleph seeks to prove his dedication to his children and their current sufferings. He has sent this woman to be the answer to your fears.”

  Demona, Ezekiel, and Molony stood frozen in place as they looked down on the hovering form of the angel.

  Fotos turned and looked at Demona. “Demona, come.”

  Demona made her way down the stairs and stood beside Fotos. She was not certain about what would happen next, but she trusted that there was a purpose for Fotos’ presence. She wondered if Aleph required something more from her.

  When Demona stood beside Fotos he looked her in the eyes. “Aleph has watched your suffering. He knows that he has given you a difficult task. You have proven to him that despite your doubts, you have chosen to follow him. You have chosen to protect his people and fight the darkness within you.”

  “Aleph wishes you to know that you are not alone.” Fotos placed his hands on Demona’s shoulders. He looked upward and in a flash of light he was gone.

  Demona looked around in confusion. Then, a strange, warm sensation began emanating from the location that Fotos’ hands had been moments before. Demona looked at her arms as her kataphraktos rippled over her skin. This isn’t right, I’m not in danger.

  Demona searched for Felix. Their eyes met and he watched her in awe. Demona looked at her skin in response to Felix’s strange stare. Her kataphraktos continued to ripple, traveling from her head to toe. Demona looked at her arms and tried to figure out why Fotos would have triggered her defensive armor. The strange sensation continued to tingle throughout Demona’s body. What’s going on? Demona met the glances of those who watched in astonishment.

  Demona’s head snapped backward and she was bathed in a stream of light that shone from the ceiling above. The illuminating light enveloped her and wrapped her in warmth. Demona was helpless to whatever was happening to her. She felt no need to struggle as she was wrapped in the cocoon of light.

  Her body hovered in the air. She closed her eyes and released control. Moments later, the layer of light began to unwrap itself from her body. Slowly, her body was lowered to the floor beneath her. Then, the light was gone and the room was still.

  Most of the members of the audience were on their feet staring at her unmoving body. Felix rushed over to her and checked to see if she was still alive. He almost checked for a pulse and then realized that she would not have one. He lifted her head and called her name.

  “Demona. Wake up,” Felix said.

  Demona’s eyes opened to the sound of his voice and she gasped. She sucked air into her lungs so quickly that she choked on it. She looked up into his concerned eyes and he watched her chest expand and shrink with each breath and exhale that she took.

  “You-You’re breathing!” Felix pulled her to her feet and he helped to straighten her dress. He took her wrist and gripped it tightly. “Demona…you have a pulse.” Then, he stepped to her side.

  Demona stared at the faces around her. Some of the GLC members could not remove their eyes from Demona’s every move; it was like they were glued to her. Others had their mouths hanging open. Demona noticed that Felix was looking at her also in a strange way.

  She lifted a hand to her neck and felt the thumping heart beat as blood flowed through her arteries. A smile spread across her face as she felt the life pump back into her formerly dead body. Felix continued to stare at Demona and she wondered what had him so transfixed on her. She looked downward, but there was nothing on her dress and she smoothed down the ruffles once more. Then, she noticed her arm seemed different somehow. She lifted her right arm closer to her face for a better look.

  Demona’s kataphraktos had changed. Instead of the grayish sheen and the scale like texture that it had once taken, her skin was now a normal complexion with a silver shimmering tint. A white pattern covered her skin from the tip of her fingers up under her sleeves. It looked as if someone had painted her skin white with a stencil pattern.

  Demona glanced down at her legs to see if the same had happened on them and she found more of the same silver and white skin. The white shimmering pattern ran up her calves and thighs. Demona poked and expected to feel the scaly skin that had once formed when the kataphraktos took control. Instead, she only felt skin, just normal skin.

  Demona looked at the staring faces and her own face matched their astonished expressions. She could not understand what these things meant. Why was she breathing, why was her heart beating, and what did this new skin mean? Demona looked back at her arm. She watched as the silver sheen and white patterns began to fade. It seemed as if it was disappearing into her skin tone and then it was gone.

  Ezekiel walked down the stairs to stand on the other side of Demona. He placed a hand on her shoulder. Demona looked into his eyes and hoped she could find answers there. It was by his expression that she knew he could not explain what had happened anymore than the other attendees could.

  “There is no doubt that Aleph has heard our prayers,” Ezekiel said. “Aleph, has brought the dead to life!”

  Chapter 23:

  A Secret

  Demona walked through the park by her old apartment building. She stopped for a moment to stare up at the balcony that had once been hers. Nothing had changed physically since she had packed her things and moved out. Somehow, though, it had changed for her. It was no longer familiar. It was almost as if she were seeing the old apartment building and the park from a different perspective.

  Demona looked at the trail ahead of her and felt her heart thump within her chest. She knew she could not keep this meeting waiting any longer, so she braced herself and stepped forward. Demona walked through the park towards one of the benches. It was near a spot of both sorrow and happiness.

  A man stepped out from around a large tree trunk when Demona grew closer to the bench. Darius stood in Demona’s path with his hands clasped behind his back. He wore a black pea coat and a matching fedora. His face was expressionless as always, but he studied her a moment before speaking.

  “You have changed, but I cannot determine how.”

  Demona clenched her fists at her side and continued towards him. She hoped that he would not hear the now beating heart that pounded quickly with each step she took in his direction. “Neutral ground, huh?”

  “What can I say, this place holds sentimental value,” Darius replied.

  “Sure it does,” Demona said. Her nails dug into her palms, but she refused to show the scowl that she wore on the inside. “You have the artifact?”

  “Very good. I knew you were a bright young woman,” Darius said.

  “I know more than you think I do,” Demona replied. She thought she caught a sparkle in his eye.

  “I am amused, dear. You could not possibly know everything.”

  Demona shook her head. “Maybe not, but I know enough…Now, why are we here? You have the artifact; you are clearly in control of this situation.”

  “You are making my job too simple. I do indeed have the artifact and I do indeed have the power. There is, however, the issue of the demon priest.”

  Demona crossed her arms over her chest. “Let me guess. You want to keep the artifact; but you want to be the one to use it. You want us to perform the exorcism, while the agents watch our backs.”

  Darius continued to observe Demona. “Good, good.”

  “Fine, but there are a few terms that I have. One, you will not betray us and you will keep the agents in line.” Demona crossed her arms over her chest.

  Darius nodded his head. “Agreed.”

  “Two, no humans are to be harmed,” Demona said. />
  Darius nodded.

  “Three, you keep your bargain with Kearne. If you have not done so already…Which something tells me you haven’t.” Demona narrowed her eyes at him.

  “He will be released when I return to TGHC.”

  “Four, you tell me where my parents were buried.”

  “H-how did you—”

  Demona had never seen Darius surprised and it made her heart skip to see him squirm. “You aren’t the only one who has secrets anymore.”

  Darius thought for a moment. “Their remains have been buried at the local cemetery just outside of town.”


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