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Gilded Inferno (The Helio Trilogy Book 2)

Page 27

by Valerie Roeseler

  Jack shouts, “Ivy!”

  I hear the shift in the wind an instant before pain shatters the right side of my body. I blink at the darkness threatening my vision, only to realize I’m on my back. I roll onto my side. Jack battles the Fallen warrior who knocked me off Lucian. Pushing onto my knees, blood runs from my mouth. I swipe it away with the back of my hand.

  Lucian’s movements catch my attention. Solas kicks him in the chest, throwing him into the side of the mountain. My vision crosses, and I shake my head to try and see straight as I stand on weak legs. The warrior fighting Jack keeps eyeing me as they get closer. I’m struck with indecision to continue my assault on Lucian or take out the Fallen who stopped me.

  During my hesitation, Jack’s fight draws closer as if making up my mind for me. I take one step towards them. The warrior throws his arm out in my direction. To my surprise, a thick, black snake sails through the air. It’s body slaps against my neck and coils itself tightly. I claw, twist, and wrench at its scaly body while worrying where its head is. The snake becomes a vice around my throat. I gasp for air.

  Solas dives from the sky to take on Lucian as he rises from the ground. The snake hisses in my ear, its forked tongue brushing my cheek, “Sleep, little pigeon.” Its fangs sink in and fire erupts through my shoulder.

  Jack leaves the dead warrior behind and rushes to my aid while Solas continues to war with Lucian. He grabs the snake behind the head and presses the point of a dagger against its scales at my throat in warning, but doesn’t break the skin. He grits through his teeth, “Let her go, Lilith.”

  My eyes widen. I’m on the verge of blacking out. The snake hisses, tightening itself even more. Camael lands behind Jack, his voice booming, “Release her at once!”

  Its scales grate against my skin as it slowly eases its grip. Azrael lands at my side, his eyes filled with a hatred I’ve never seen in him. Jack holds the snake's head high in the air, letting its tail curl in the mud of The Common. I cough and retch between my boots, my hands digging into my knees. Once I compose myself, Jack asks if I’m alright.

  I nod to the ground, “I’m fine.”

  I stand. What the…

  Somehow, in the time I took to collect myself, the snake’s long, scaly body transformed. Jack’s right hand is clenched around Lilith’s throat, his left with a dagger at the ready. She appears unaffected, and he sneers, “Michael won’t let you get away with what you’ve done.”

  Lilith steadily gazes at my father, unblinking. Camael requests, “Ivy, we should take her down to the dungeons until Michael can arrive. I will stay with her until then. She’s not to be trusted alone.”

  Jack binds her arms behind her back, and I nod. I have no sympathy for her destination. Camael, Jack, and my father escort her through the vaulted door and down to the dungeons.

  As they leave, I witness Solas pin Lucian to the ground, his katana across the prince’s throat. I march to his side, “It’s over, Lucian. You’ve had your fun.” I give Solas a knowing look, and he nods once in understanding. Lucian growls up at us. I forewarn, “Now, it’s my turn.”

  I kneel above him, his head between Solas’ blade and my knees. Gripping his face with both hands, I declare, “You won’t hurt anyone ever… again.”

  He barks, “Wait! You don’t know what you’re doing!”

  “I know exactly what I’m doing.”

  My palms fuse to the skin of his face with a fire so hot it’s like ice. Lucian’s screams fill the air. My vision goes white, engulfing my surroundings. My teeth grind together with the effort as a high pitched ringing fills my ears. Solas curses, jumping from Lucian’s convulsing body. A shuddering seizes my muscles, locking them in place. His back arches in an unnatural curve. My heart feels as if it will rip from my chest, and a guttural cry grinds in my throat. The white illumination of my vision clears, then I ready myself for the pollution of his essence. Black, foul, insidious vines sprout from his chest, writhing with defiance to emerge. I pull harder, my wings surging to their full extent with power.

  As the tendrils of his essence are freed, the immensity of Darkness within him follows. Lucian’s body continues to contort towards his essence, aching to reconnect with his being. It floats in the air before me, crackling with electric iniquity. Agony shoots from my fingertips, through my ribs, and up my spine. I scream in violent anguish, but continue to coax his essence to me.

  With unexpected speed, Lucian’s essence burrows into me. The force causes an extensive and deep gasp to rip the air from my lungs. Unlike any other reaping I had performed, Lucian’s heinous injustices fill my mind. Faces of innocent humans and glowing energies of souls scream with torture. There’s blood, gore, and depravities that churn my stomach. Angels of Light, innocent children, and helpless women cry and plead for release.

  I can’t focus through the affliction, and the pain overwhelms me. I free Lucian’s lifeless form from my hold. His eyes remain wide and unseeing as the fire within them dulls. His mouth hangs open with his softened features. Taking in his beauty, guilt clutches my heart. I turn my head and retch into the mud. Why? Why’d you have to be this way? Why couldn’t you do the right thing? The only brother I ever had, and I had to destroy him.

  My entire body throbs. I’m exhausted physically and emotionally from the reaping. I clear my head and rise from the ground. My only thought is the need to slay the rest of the Dark Legion. My mind goes blank as I slash, tear, and impale everything in my path.

  Sweat pours down my face, mixing with the rain of the storm. The atmosphere is thick and muggy with the putrid stench of death. Solas comes to my side, and we battle Fallen warriors back to back. The act is exhilarating. It’s the first time we’ve battle side by side. Even during the battle at the estate, we had fought the enemy at a distance. Together, it feels right. The way it should be.

  I fail to catch a blow from a Fallen I’m battling as I’m overcome with dizziness. Solas blocks it for me, so I dip back for him to take over. A warrior dives for me. I spin, slashing my wings across his throat. Another six warriors intervene, but Telly, Cass, and Beck are at my side. My arms feel heavy, and I become faint.

  Solas rights my swaying body, “Whoa. You ok?”

  I nod, “I’m fine.” I chalk up my fatigue to the reaping, and push to keep going.

  We fight for another half hour. Finally, the numbers of the Dark Legion dwindle, and some begin to retreat. Something doesn’t feel right within my body. I try to call out, but my voice is a mere whisper, “Chief.” A stiffness grows from my toes to my face. As if I’m frozen, my hardened body plummets towards the water with my wings seized up, hugging my body.

  Solas calls out for me, but it’s Tallulah who catches me before I touch the water. She shakes me, “Hey! You ok?” I can only stare unblinking, suspended in movement. She slaps me across the face, “Ivy! Hey!”

  The other’s come to my side. Beck snaps his fingers over my face, “Hey! What’s wrong?”

  I can’t answer him, so I send thoughts to Solas, Something’s wrong! I can’t move!

  He frets aloud, “What the hell’s going on? Can you blink?”


  “Can you heal yourself?”

  No! What’s happening?

  He brushes my hair from my face, “I don’t know. We’ll figure it out.” He looks between Telly, Cass, and Beck, “Take her to her room. I’ll be right there. Don’t we have a Virtue in the legion?”

  Cass affirms, “Tristan.”

  Solas nods, “Take her to her room, and I’ll find him.”

  Chapter 27

  Telly flies through the vaulted door, Cass and Beck behind her. They land at my bedroom door, and Beck throws it open. Telly lays my body down on the softness of the bed as Cass and Beck lurk behind her in examination. Cass’ tone rasps, “Is she catatonic?”

  Telly pulls at my damp clothes, remnants of rain dripping off her nose. She answers calmly, “It appears so, but I imagine she can hear and see us.”

  Beck bids, “
What can we do?”

  Telly halts her movements. Her eyes pulse with amazement, then a wicked smile plays on her lips. I try to ask, What is it? The look in her eyes turns to pure joy. Fear runs through my bones. Telly? With Cassius and Beckett standing behind her, they don’t see the side of her I do.

  She drops her expression into one of worry as she turns to them, “She’s been bitten.”

  “By what?” Beck asks with confusion.

  Telly points to the snake bite in the crevasse of my collarbone. “Lilith. She’s in the dungeons now. I saw Camael and his son take her down.”

  Cass stands rigid, “What’s wrong with her?”

  Telly explains, “Lilith’s venom immobilizes the body and keeps her from using any of her abilities.” She regards the bite, hiding a grin from them as she adds, “She’ll be catatonic for days if we don’t remove the venom.”

  “How do we get it out?” Beck wonders.

  Telly instructs him, “Get a cold compress. Her body heat lets the venom flow freely and we have to stop it from spreading.” She directs Cass next, “Cassius, you’ll need to suck the venom from the wound. Get out as much as you can until the Virtue comes to heal her.”

  Fear falls over his countenance. He stutters, “Wha… Why can you not do it? I don’t think the Chief or Jack would appreciate me touching her.”

  Telly rolls her eyes as she stands, “We don’t have time to wait. I’m going to get Solas and the Virtue. I’ll be back.” With that, she marches out of the room, the door slamming behind her.

  Beck rushes from my line of sight towards the bathroom. Cass kneels at the bed. He brushes my sweaty face, “I’m sorry, Princess. I mean no disrespect. Please, forgive me.”

  His head dips to the crevasse of my neck. His mouth feels cold against my heated skin as he begins to draw Lilith’s venom from the wound. The venom burns through my shoulder, sending fire to my fingertips. I can’t pull away or even scream. Cass lifts his head, spitting venom from his mouth. Beck returns, laying an ice cold cloth over my forehead. Cass tells him, “We need… We need more.” He sways on his knees, catching himself on the bed.

  Beck puts a hand on his shoulder, “Are you alright, brother.”

  Cass nods. “Get more compresses.”

  Beck leaves again, and Cass dips his head once more. As he rises to spit the venom out, he closes his eyes, sweat pouring down his face. Cass? I’ve never felt so helpless.

  Cass collapses to the floor with a thud. Beck’s stride stomps as he rushes into my view and drops to his brother. “Cassius!”

  Telly emerges behind Beck, a broadsword held high. Beck! Look out! Beck never sees her coming. Without hesitation, Telly thrusts the sword’s sharp point through the back of Beck’s neck. His blood coats the steel and glistens in the dim light as it protrudes from his mouth. Beck! I’m screaming inside. I want to destroy her. Telly pushes up on the hilt of the sword and drives it down further. Beck bends towards the wall as the tip of the sword embeds into the ground. His body hangs there, lifeless in a pool of his own blood.

  Telly approaches me, and I feel the warmth of my own tears caress my temples. You fucking bitch! Beck! Cass! Fuck you!

  She lifts me from the bed, “Time to go, Princess.”

  My stomach drops as my room disappears. Our surroundings are replaced by a warmly lit room with dark gray walls and silver accents throughout. Telly carries me to a large bed and lays me down. The black silk canopy covers my vision. She smiles down to me, “Welcome home, Princess.”

  She leaves my side, her footsteps growing softer. Then, she stops, “I’ll give you some time to recover.” The door closes, but I never hear it lock.

  My mind reels, What the FUCK! Where am I? Solas! Can you hear me? Solas!

  I don’t feel Jack’s bond, and reality bites me in the ass. I’m in Sheol again. That BITCH! Fuck! Is Beck dead? Is Cass? This is all my fault… Again! What the fuck’s wrong with me? I should’ve listened… I’m going to kill her when I can move again.

  I make a conscious effort to move, flex, blink, or anything helpful. Nothing happens. I keep trying until exhaustion takes over. My body is petrified to the point I don’t dream. When I wake, I have no concept of time. The room remains dim, and I’m left alone.

  Telly’s voice whispers into the room before I see her face looming over me, “Are you awake, Princess?” The need to punch her in the face is unnerving. The tip of my index finger twitches. She sees the movement. “It appears I’m right on time.” She turns away, her blonde hair fanning over me. I hear the depression of cushion as she sits beside the bed. I strain to move again, and my toe spasms.

  Her tone is apologetic, “I’m sorry I lied to you. It was necessary to gain your trust. I never wanted to be mortal. Originally, I was going to wait a few weeks after the attack on The Keep—which you handled almost perfectly, may I add, but Lilith’s venom was a welcome change in events.” Telly giggles. “I never thought she would turn on one of her own children. Goes to show how weary she’s become with waiting to take the throne of Sheol. I had no choice but to take my chances while you were paralyzed.”

  A choking sob escapes me for the loss of Beck. Her body shifts, “Oh, don’t worry about your Griffin friends. I promise I didn’t kill them. Cassius will come out of his catatonic state shortly after you do. When the venom touched his tongue, the process of ossification spread faster than it does being injected into the blood stream.”

  My hands fist at my sides. Telly acknowledges, “Right. It won’t be much longer now. I need to tell you something else I’ve been hiding.”

  Telly threads her hands together and swipes up her face. Her soft features morph into strong, angular plains. She continues to pass her hands over her hair, and her blonde locks darken to black as they shorten into a combed back style with a meticulous part over the left eye. Her hands pass over her neck, down her chest, and to her feet as she bends with the motion. As she stands, I’m looking at the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. His eyes open, a blazing fire within.

  I rasp a stutter, gaining my voice back, “Who… Who are you?”

  The man smiles at me, causing my skin to prickle with gooseflesh. “A long time ago, they referred to me as The Morning Star. Now, I have many names, yet I prefer Lucifer.” His eyes flare with his name as my own widen in surprise.

  My voice cracks, “How?”

  Lucifer reaches beneath my languid wings and assists my stiff body in sitting up. “We should move your position. It will help relax your muscles.” He sits back down in a plump Victorian chair, “As to how, I am a master of illusions. I required your trust in Tallulah. Without it, you would not listen to what I have to say.”

  His diction has changed with his features, more formal than modern. I ask, “If you’re… him… Why didn’t you kill me? Where are we?”

  He waves his hand in front of him, and my hair is cleaned, lying straight down my back. My eyes stop burning, feeling more hydrated. The blood coated and dried on my skin and clothes disappears. He explains gently, “You are in my kingdom. As long as you are here, you may have whatever you desire.”

  My reaction is instant, “I want to go home.”

  His burning gaze flickers to my relaxed hands in my lap, then to my face, “I thought you may say that. Before I release you, I would like to make you a deal.”

  A deal with the Devil… I’m screwed.

  “First, I want to apologize for my wife and son.” My head tilts slowly with the quirk of my brow. I’m confused beyond belief, and think I have to be hallucinating. The blaze in his eyes smolders with his softened expression, “Their behavior was inexcusable. Even though Lilith was punished, I regret it was not severe enough. Perhaps her time in Purgatory will correct that. She was mistaken to allow her ego to overcome her actions.”

  “You’re not mad she’ll be in Purgatory for the rest of existence?”

  He shrugs, his tone distant, “We all have to pay a price for our indiscretions. As for Lucian… If you had not dest
royed his essence, I would have made him suffer the same way he tortured you. Demons of Kiaofi will eat anything.” I clench my stomach. The movement has me wondering if I will be able to stand soon. Lucifer nods, “Yes. I know of everything you have been through. For that, I am truly sorry.”

  I steel myself, “Why should I believe you?”

  “I have no reason to lie to you, Princess. I know who you are and what you have become. Any parent should be proud. I am proud of you myself. If only Lucian had shown as much potential.”

  “What do you want with me?”

  He rises, offering a hand to help me stand, “You should try and stand.” I hesitate, looking between his red eyes and his outstretched hand. He adds, “You have my word. No harm will come to you in my presence.”

  Every instinct tells me not to take his hand, yet I’ll never get out of here if I can’t walk. My fingers slip into his palm. His assistance is surprisingly gentle, but I make no mistake in letting my guard down. Lucifer offers a closed, yet pleased, smile as I rise.

  He requests, “I would like to show you something. Would you mind going for a walk?”

  Yes, I mind. I would rather stay right here.

  I nod my consent. The Devil allows me to lean on him as I take my first few steps. The muscles in my legs cramp, but begin to relax. Once we pass through the threshold of the dim room, I’m taken aback by the sight. The corridors are pristine. Black marble laced with golden swirls and flecks cover every inch of the walls, floors, and ceilings. The corridor appears never-ending. “Where are we going?”

  He urges me to continue in my steps, “To my personal gallery. It is not far. Your stiffness should be eliminated before we arrive.”

  I groan inwardly before I prompt. “You said you would let me go home if I made a deal with you. Was that a lie?”


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