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Gilded Inferno (The Helio Trilogy Book 2)

Page 28

by Valerie Roeseler

  Our steps are slow, and my muscles feel more awake as he answers, “It was not a lie. I am in need of your help.”

  Finally able to retract my wings again, I sigh with the relief of the weight in my shoulders. “In what way am I supposed to help you?” He’s the Devil. Why does he need my help?

  He sighs with disappointment. “Sheol is in chaos. Lucian has released beings he should not have, he convinced a large number of beings into following him to overpower me, and there have been multiple portals opened to the surface.”

  I note, “What am I supposed to do about it? This is your kingdom.”

  “I need your help to re-establish supremacy. With you by my side, no one would dare defy Teloch—the one who destroyed their Prince with her bare hands. Without you by my side, Sheol will spill over onto the surface, taking over everything.”

  I feel I can walk on my own again, and release his arm to do so. “Isn’t that what you want?

  We continue down the corridor. “No. I appreciate my place here. I have to be sure the balance is kept while still allowing its inhabitants their needs. Lucian has destroyed that balance. It can only worsen.”

  “Why me?”

  “You have been through a tremendous amount of turmoil and mayhem. Yet here you are, stronger than anyone could have predicted, taking over The Keep, commanding your own legion. You instill fear into beings of Darkness. It is your presence by my side that will correct what Lucian has done.”

  He stops to face me next to a closed marble door. “This is my deal for you. Join my side with a blood oath. Once Sheol is put back into order, you may return home if that is where you would like to go.”

  I test, “What if I say no?”

  Lucifer opens the door, nothing but darkness looms inside. He presents his hand for me to enter, “My gallery, Princess.” I hesitate, and he adds, “There is nothing to be afraid of. You are safe here.”

  Not wanting to show the Devil any fear, I straighten my spine and enter. The temperature in the room drops. I listen for any movement. The darkness is still and seems empty. Lucifer enters behind me, and the door closes as he prompts, “Take a look.”

  My steps are tentative as I advance forward, echoing with hollowness in our surroundings. Lucifer remains at the entrance. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I have no weapons. There’s no telling what’s in here.

  Five feet into the room, I’m blinded with a light to my right. I pivot away, covering my eyes with my forearm. I squint, waiting for my eyes to adjust. As my pupils contract, I ease my arm down. The light emits from a recessed display case in the wall, revealing an enormous set of iridescent, verdant wings. They’re pinned inside the case like a butterfly being collected for its beauty. My eyes widen as I take a step closer. These belong to an Archangel. What happened to the angel? Wings don’t grow back. What’s an angel without its wings?

  In succession, light after light flares on down the wall of the room. Fear embeds itself in my bones. I don’t speak as I walk forward to the next recessed display case. A pair of jade wings highlighted with deep blue are spread wide, displayed in the same manner as the pair before. Power. I keep walking. A smaller set of silver wings shine bright, reflecting my horror stricken face. Virtue. The next pair are a deep brown I’ve never seen on an angel before. Dominion.

  Lucifer’s stride echoes behind me, matching step for step as I proceed. The following display houses a Throne’s wings, dark navy blue and rich in thickness. I keep going and stop at the next sight. The pair of wings’ brilliance pulls me closer. My hand reaches up, touching the glass. They’re more beautiful than I imagined, every inch gilded without imperfection. Flawless. Cherubim. A tear runs down my cheek. I can’t conceive what it would be like to lose something so exquisite. Solas. My heart breaks for him.

  I refuse to go any further. “What is this?”

  The Devil closes the space between us with sorrow in his smoldering, red eyes, “If you do not agree to our deal, I will take you back to the surface… Just know that I have plenty of room for each of your friends' wings.” I scowl, my tears of sadness becoming tears of hate. He lists, “Alice, Eric, Cassius, Beckett, Theodora, Ezra, Jack, Evelyn, Solas… Do you think they would sacrifice their wings for you?”

  I don’t want to answer him, afraid that anything I say will entrap me in a position I don’t want to be in. He walks past me, making his way to the exit of the gallery, “I will let you think on your final decision.”

  Each step he takes echoes, a ticking clock waiting for my decision. I can’t let him do that. Could he really take their wings? My eyes trace the many cases down the wall, coming back to settle on the gold Cherubim’s wings. I know they would sacrifice their wings for me… but I won’t let them.

  “Lucifer!” He stops without turning to face me. “Once Sheol is back in order, I have your word to let me return to the surface for good?”

  The Devil smiles as he turns to me, “You have my word.”

  “I need more than your word,” I demand. He walks back to me, calm and composed. I petition, “If I am to give you my oath in blood to help you until Sheol is back in order, I want your blood oath that I can return to the surface for good when it’s done.”

  The King of Sheol’s massive black wings grow slowly behind him, “Whatever you wish, Princess.” He plucks a feather from the left wing. He scores a deep gash along the Enochian rank in his right arm, through his wrist, and into his palm.

  I release my wings to do the same, but he offers his own feather. I take it from him, then slice the exact path beside my own rank, ignoring the pain. Lucifer offers his hand, and we grasp arms.

  The King recites, “I, Lucifer, King of Sheol, vow to release you, Ivy Harris, Princess of Sheol, to the surface for the rest of your existence if you successfully assist in re-establishing my supremacy and ensuring order within Sheol.”

  The oddest sensation of my blood rushes from the wound in my arm and entrenches into the Devil's own laceration. He continues, “Do you, Ivy Harris, Princess of Sheol, vow to stand by my side and resolve the balance of Sheol, as well as my reign?”

  My breathing picks up, my chest heaving with fear in my final decision. “I do.”

  A sonic boom explodes from between us, shattering the glass of the cases along the wall. Our forearms seize together with the force of our blood oath. A coldness surges through my arm, into my chest. Terror clutches my mind. What’s happening?

  The Darkness reaches my core, souring the pit of my stomach. Its vileness crawls up my throat, aching to purge from my body. What have I done? A wicked smile buds across Lucifer’s beautiful face, tight and full of pleasure. The Darkness melts. Relief floods through me as it spreads into a comforting embrace of warmth. My fear evaporates as the ache in my heart vanishes.

  I can’t explain the gratification coursing through me, a weight lifted from my shoulders. For once, I’m liberated. Lucifer releases his grip. I blink. His hands find my shoulders and turn me towards a shard of glass still hanging from a case of Cherubim wings. I catch my reflection. My eyes are void of color, blackness taking over even the whites of my eyes. I should be angry, sad, hurt, anything, yet I’m smiling.

  The Devil whispers in my ear, “Welcome to the Darkness, Princess.”

  Chapter 28

  In the Darkness, there is escape. Like a salve to my soul, it alleviates fear, affliction, or concern. My only relevant desire is satisfaction. As I stare into my reflection, the corner of my lips curl further in delight.

  Lucifer directs, “Come. I would like to introduce you to the most trusted in the royal court.”

  We march down the endless corridors throughout the castle of Judecca. The King of Sheol leads me into an enormous, round, vaulted colosseum. Its domed roof is intricately designed with bare, entwined bodies. If it wasn’t for the matted coat of stone, they would appear authentic. A turret encircles the room, starting two hundred feet above us. The top three tiers are empty, save for eight thrones. One large throne sits vacantly at the hig
hest point in the topmost tier. Two smaller thrones sit empty in the level below. In the next row down, four of five evenly spaced thrones are occupied.

  Lucifer flies up to hover before them, and I follow at his side. Our wings generate a soft wind towards the four Fallen scowling at me. The King ignores their irritation, “Princess, meet the remaining Dukes of Sheol.”

  I catch his hint of Beleth missing because I killed him, as do the Dukes. They growl at me, and I respond with a grin. Lucifer continues, indicating the blue-eyed Fallen with short, black hair, “Uriel is an Original Archangel. He’s the Second Duke of the royal court.” His hand follows down the line to a Duke with dark brown hair. The Duke’s ice blue eyes examine me, full of judgement. “Roman is a Cherub, and the Third Duke of Sheol.” The next Duke grips the arms of his chair, his knuckles paling. His deep blue irises appear even darker against his dark skin. “Mephistopheles is my Fourth Duke, and a Throne. His temper just may rival your own,” he chides with a smile. The last Fallen Duke lounges in his seat with a leg hanging over the arm as he inspects his nails with boredom. The King clears his throat for his attention. The Duke’s hooded brown gaze gradually looks to his king, his jaded features remaining fixed on his hand. Lucifer barks, “Logan is the Fifth Duke of the royal court, but not for long if he does not care to address me with respect.”

  My chest flutters with excitement at the prospect of bloodshed. I offer, “I may be able to assist you with that.”

  The Devil smiles, “When the time comes.”

  Logan rights his posture, “What’s she doing here?”

  Lucifer’s eyes flare at the Fifth Duke, “The Princess has made a blood oath to correct what Lucian has disordered. She will remain with us in the interim, and will continue to reside if she chooses.”

  Mephistopheles’ chest rumbles with his deep voice, “We are capable of handling it on our own. We do not need a woman to interfere.”

  The King plows into Mephistopheles, clinching his throat with one hand as the wooden chair beneath him splinters and his head collides with the wall of the stone tier. “If you were capable, my son would have been stopped sooner.”

  “Yes, My Liege,” Mephistopheles chokes out.

  He’s thrown across the level as Lucifer retakes his place beside me. “She has already shown an effort by destroying his essence. I have no doubt she will be successful.” The Dukes shout and mumble to each other, calling blasphemy. Lucifer regards my twisted grin, “Now that I have everyone’s attention, I would like to offer the Princess a position within the royal court.” The room falls deathly still. “As you may realize, there is a seat open for the First Duke of Sheol. There has never been a new Duke introduced to the court, nor a woman for that matter.” He takes my hand in his, inclining his head towards me, “Would you do me the honor of accepting the seat of First Duke of Sheol?”

  Roman bellows, “Sacrilege!”

  Lucifer’s flaming irises bore into the Third Duke, “It is rightfully hers to claim! Beleth was vanquished when she consumed his essence! You dare challenge my decree?” Roman’s chest rises and falls in anger. Lucifer adds, “She is more powerful than the lot of you. She is the Princess of Sheol and will be treated with respect. What say you?”

  Roman hesitates before giving in, “Yes, My Liege.”

  Uriel speaks up, “We are at your disposal, Princess.”

  Roman begrudgingly agrees, “I.”

  Mephistopheles grumbles, “I.”

  Logan echoes, “I.”

  Turning to the Devil, I accept, “It would be my pleasure.”

  He inclines his head in an accepting bow, “Good.” Turning to the Dukes of Sheol, he commands, “Mephistopheles. You will escort the Princess to Antenora. You have business to attend and she will assist.”

  Mephistopheles’ chest rumbles in disapproval. He rises from his throne to address me, “Right this way, Princess.” His black wings emerge as he flies over the balcony. He passes us without giving me a second glance.

  Lucifer says, “Meet me back here once you are done.”

  I nod in agreement then catch up to Mephistopheles. We fly through the corridors, then exit the castle. Mephistopheles stops outside of the gates, searching the distance, “The King may believe you are ready for the position he has given you, but I do not.”

  He takes off across the sand dunes of Ptolomaea. It doesn’t take long for the burning horizon of Antenora to come into view. We pass over several blocks, then Mephistopheles lands in the ash-covered streets, retracting his wings. I settle next to him, concealing my own, “Where are we going?” There’s no reply as he continues to walk down the deserted road. I trail behind him, Be a good little soldier. Can’t kill him my first day on the job.

  We veer down another street to our left. I catch a glimpse of demons skittering away like roaches avoiding light. These demons are not like Trey, they appear exactly like the demons who ate my flesh. I have an urge to hunt and slay each of them. Mephistopheles halts, calling out, “There is nowhere for you to run! Show yourselves!” I watch and listen, but there is only silence. His deep voice lowers, “You do not belong here. You will make this worse for yourselves if you do not comply.”

  I snicker at their defiance. Mephistopheles snaps his angry eyes to me. I cross my arms over my chest as I clear my throat and cock my hip out in irritation. A demon’s head peers from the side of a building, its severed nose sniffing the air. Mephistopheles harrumphs at its hesitance. Slowly, more demons emerge, following the first as it stalks closer. I count seven of them. My hands clench, itching to destroy them. I prompt, “Are these demons of Kiaofi?”

  Mephistopheles watches them carefully, “Yes. They have become rebellious against their keepers. It is not the first time. We do not allow such behavior.”

  “What do you do with them?”

  His eyes spark as he admits with a crooked grin, “We kill them.” The first demon lurches for me. Mephistopheles snatches it by the throat, holding it midair, “She is the Princess and the First Duke of Sheol. You will show respect!”

  The demon is flung into two others. They yelp as they collide, tumbling away from us. As they rise, blood oozes from the wounds of their impact. It ignites a frenzy of excitement inside me. The need for bloodshed burns down to my fingertips. Mephistopheles keeps his focus on the demons, addressing me, “I have heard rumors about you. Let us see if they are true. Are you up for a fight?”

  My wings surge out from my shoulder blades with my eagerness, “Always.”

  I don’t wait for him to lead the attack. I advance with angelic speed as the seven demons converge in a unit. My boot connects with one of the demon’s faces, caving it in beyond recognition. Another pounces on my wings, biting into my shoulder with its sharp teeth. The pain doesn’t register. I grip its head and plant my feet into a demon’s chest attempting to attack me from the front. We sail away from each other. I crush the demon on my back with my fall, and it releases me. Rolling into a crouch, two more run for me from behind. I throw my wings wide, decapitating them. Three down, four to go.

  Mephistopheles keeps his position, watching with interest as I slay the rogue demons of Kiaofi on my own. I’ve never felt a release like this. My conscience is quiet. I’m free to break the rules. I have no scruples, no morals, no inhibitors to hold me back.

  And it feels good.

  The enemy within is now my friend. Once an unstoppable rage, now a fury of sadistic pleasure, it surges in ripples through my entire being. I have no problem killing the remaining four demons. I give them a punishment that isn’t their own, feeding the desire in me for retribution. Mephistopheles is mute as we return to Judecca. As we fly over Ptolomaea, he enlightens me, “You smile as you slay.”

  I grin, “I do?”

  He doesn’t seem as entertained as I am, “Yes… So did your brother.”

  My fist connects with Mephistopheles’ jaw. He twists in the sky, ploughing into me. We crash to the sand below. He clutches my hair with one fist and punches
me across the face with the other as he straddles my chest. I throw my legs up, locking my ankles in front of his neck. Throwing him back to the ground, I roll on top of him.

  I grasp his face. The icy fire of Immortal Pestilence shoots through my palms, seizing my touch to his skin. Instead of a blinding white light, darkness consumes my vision as my ears ring. Mephistopheles wails, then my vision clears to take in the sight before me. The mass of his essence, a deep blue with swirls of gray, tethers to his body. Before someone can come to his aid, I release his odd essence back to him. The ringing in my head falls silent.

  Mephistopheles breathes heavy with anger. I pull his face towards me, “Compare me to my brother again, and I will end you. I don’t care what title Lucifer has given me, I am Teloch above all else. I will rip your essence from your chest and you will be no more. Am I understood?” He scowls back at me. I slam my head into his, knocking him unconscious, then fly back to the castle alone.

  Chapter 29


  Jack’s fist shatters my jaw. I sail into Ivy’s dresser. The wood explodes as garments, trinkets, and accessories rain through the air before littering the floor.

  “Fuck!” He roars as I roll onto my knees. “I thought we were on the same page, Chief? How the fuck do you lose her again?”

  “How the hell is this only my fault?” I counter.

  I charge. His wings flatten against the far wall as we crash into it, my forearm shoved across his neck. He pushes against the weight of my arm with his left hand while I pin his right to the wall. I add, “I thought we were on the same page as well! You are just as much to blame for leaving her side as I am!”

  His knee connects with my thigh as I’m gripped from behind, arms threading beneath my biceps and clenching my neck. Beck eases, “Careful, Chief. This isn’t the answer.”

  Cass puts a hand to Jack’s chest, “If anyone is to blame, it’s us.”


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