The Asking Price of Stars
Page 17
"NO! By the gods, we don't want diseased filth. Move on and don't come back this way, scum!"
As soon as they were safely down hall, Kat said, "People, we need to move. How much further is it, Emmelyn?"
"Three hundred and fifty meters or more,” Emmelyn responded and added,” the corridor turns several times. His personnel troops will guard the door."
As they jogged ahead, Tracey looked at Kat and asked, “What in the god's wide space is the ‘Queen's Black Drip’?"
"You don't want to know," Kat replied.
Minutes later, they faced five guards in Trocnavar uniforms at the ornate doors of a suite. "Three bottles, sir?" Emmelyn asked. The question was the signal for the kill or be killed action. Tracey slipped the carbine off her back and shot the Troc officer in the neck where his armor thinned between his helmet and body armor. The shock drove him back. Tracey stepped forward and placed carbine's muzzle to his neck and fired again. Dark red Troc blood spattered outward.
Tracey caught the flash of Kat's sword as it split the helmetless head of the human sergeant. Light and Shadow drew rocket pistols and shot two of the other guards in the faceplate cracking their helmets and knocking the two guards unconscious. Two more shots each to their faceplates sent the guards to the gods. However, the delay for three shots was too long. A third guard raised his carbine and fired. Light screamed and was blown to floor. Shadow emptied his pistol into the man's face. Emmelyn drove a wire knife into his neck. The battle was over in seconds.
Light desperately tried to focus. I am shot. Where is the wound? My left leg feels wet, it's the left leg. Damn, lucky the guard wasn't able to fully raise his carbine. I can't feel arterial blood pumping out--- still blood loss. I need to do something. Get medipack and --- everything is turning to mist.
Tracey realized she just killed a Troc face to face. In the past, she had killed humans face to face. In addition, there were those who died on the pirate cruiser when she fired the rail gun. She killed at least three during the fight on the great liner White Star. She had seen her own people die, Marsborn and others. Yet, Light's wounding shocked her to her core. The twins were special to Tracey. In that moment, she dedicated herself to getting Light out alive.
The flash grenade tumbled through the double doors into the suite. The flash came seconds later as Kat, Shadow and Tracey dived into the room. In a small space the shock blasted the room. Red and gold curtains ripped open revealing a second room furnished in blue, orange and lavender sparkle fabrics. It was, if possible, more ornately furnished than first room. The room was circular and ten meters from side to side. In the center of the room a pool of bubbled hot water was driven by air jets. The air was warm and moist. A massive bed ringed the back half of the pool. Two young men and two Troc females lay on the bed. All were nude. Just as the flash grenade went off, Kat thought he saw two heads disappearing underwater in the pool.
The two young men looked up with panic in their eyes. They both froze in place. In contrast, the two Troc females were moving fast. One was tall for a Troc. Her face and body looked as if carved from stone with deep gold eyes and black and silver hair. She quickly pulled a rocket pistol out from under the bed covers. Shadow shot her before she could raise the pistol. She fell behind the bed.
The other young female Troc with a bright splash of red hair went for a gun case stacked on the right side of the bed. Tracey shot her as she dove behind the bed.
A moment later two figures emerged from the pool. One was a human female who held a cord twisted around the neck of a small princely Troc. Both were nude.
"My I present Lord Markiii the son of Count-Viceroy Markiii commander of all the Troc forces," were the first words out of Auntie Tara's mouth. "Don't let me kill the slimy bastard. His head holds a full set of the Troc battle plans. Don't just stand there; help me get him out of the pool," she ordered. They could all see the hatred in Auntie Tara's eyes.
Back in the blue room, Emmelyn reached Light in seconds. She pulled a knife and a medipack from her pack. She cut away Light's pants and slapped the medipack over the wound in the front of her thigh. Next, she placed a second medipack over the large exit wound on the back of Light’s leg. She found a third medipack and wrapped it around Light's head, hoping the living medipack could deal with Light's unconscious state. She then carried Light from the hallway into the outer blue room and placed her on a couch.
In the inner room, Kat sheath his sword, looked at Auntie Tara and said, "Get them out of the pool; keep the short Troc away from Major Freeborn!”
The major added, "Get out the Markiii's data pack. It also contains battle plans."
Within minutes Auntie Tara was in her pirate utilities and Lord Markiii was in gray utilities that Shadow had found in a locker at the guard station. His mouth and hands were taped. Tracey gathered up the guard’s weapons and distributed them.
Emmelyn sat beside Light as Shadow came back into the blue room and knelt beside Light. "You ok, sis?” he asked. “We will get you out of here."
She replied, "Get Auntie Tara and her prisoner out of here. I am all right. Don't worry about the lime green Vraciek you are riding." But Light was not alright.
Emmelyn said, "Blood loss and drugs are clouding her mind. I don't think the bone is broken so we can move her."
Kat called out, "Then let's move! We won't have much time after this."
Shadow then picked up Light and placed her over his shoulder.
Just before walking out Auntie Tara said, "We need to kill the bed boys; they saw too much." She walked back into the pool room. The two young men were still frozen in terror. Auntie Tara raised her pistol. The dark haired one said, "No, Sandy we were together an hour ago! Please, No Sandy, No!" She took them both with clean head shots. A cold chill ran down Auntie Tara’s back as she came to terms with what she had done.
The group headed out of the suite. Kat pushed the button sending the signal to Peter's team.
Fifty meters later, Tracey took Light from Shadow. They would switch carrying Light back and forth for the return to guard room.
Kat's signal reached Spider just as she saw Peter towing Cici and Mark. She held the remote detonator control. She would detonate the charges as soon as she got them out the water. She and Peter dragged the other two on to the deck of the derelict. She turned slamming detonator button. Within seconds the military ship's waterline ripped open. The whole hull rose out of water on a wall of fire and then dropped back into the water sinking to its deck line. People could be seen running on deck. Several crew men were on fire.
Peter plugged Cici's, Mark's and his own envirosuit into the aux power unit. He felt warmth spreading. Spider launched the first shoulder missile into the lifter landing area then a second and third. Four or five lifters on dock were soon engulfed in flame.
Peter grabbed the auto rifle gun and began raking the dock area. Two other lifters attempted to lift off. One came directly at them. Peter sprayed fire across it as it closed on them. It fell from the sky burning. The second lifter rose from the field as they watched it fly north away from battle and the harbor. There was no hero in that one.
Peter continued to rake the dock and small boats in the harbor. Spider's next missile hit the stone dock doing no damage. Spider launched another missile at a large freighter tied up along the dock. It did not explode but within a minute, flames were spreading from the damaged hull. "Only one missile left! I' m going keep it for our grand exit!" Spider shouted to Peter.
Bullets hit the hull of the derelict. One of the troops on the dock must have figured out were the fire was coming from. It would soon be time to go. Peter checked Mark and Cici. Cici was conscious and sitting up. Mark appeared to have just opened his eyes. Peter hand signaled to Cici to get Mark into the boat and stand by. He hoped she plugged them into the boat's aux power. He then turned back to the fight.
More troops were reaching the harbor and dock area. Even with the confusion of the rain more shots were hitti
ng the derelict. Someone in the left side guard tower fired on them. Peter knew fire from the guard tower would cut them to pieces as they exited the harbor. He swung the big auto rifle around and blasted the top of the tower. Spider, who was firing her carbine at the docks, grabbed Peter by the shoulder and pointed. A military boat was racing out from the docks directly toward them. Peter pointed to the missile launcher and yelled, "Time to go!" Spider shouldered the launcher and fired.
Minutes later, Peter went into full power racing out of the harbor with the four of them safe on board. Spider laid in a course through the delta to the South where the lake flowed into the sea.
Kat and the group reached the guard room where they started the night. They heard the noise like the buzzing of thousands of insects. Emmelyn pushed open the door. Tracey gasped; thirty or more children and a score of adults jammed the room. Boys and girls from three to mid-teens stood by the walls, sat on tables, under tables and filled every chair. Two girls found sitting space on top of the cabinets. One boy and girl ran to Emmelyn and hugged her. They said nothing to each other.
Two adults armed with a few rocket carbines and pistols stood guarding the door that was just breached. Some adults were armed with pitch forks and axes. Two were wounded. All were bound labor and would be killed if found with a weapon.
Grabbing Emmelyn’s shoulder Kat yelled, "You said two kids! “A tall dark haired man stepped forward and put his arm around Emmelyn.
"I am Owen, Emmelyn’s mate,” the dark-haired man said. “People found out and nothing will stop a parent from saving their child from life as Troc bound labor. We ask only that you take the children, we adults will stay. Already nine died getting these children here. For the mercy of the gods take them." Tears streamed down his face."
Kat stood in the doorway. "We can't take them all. Our boat is designed to hold no more than twenty. There are eight of us plus the prisoner; at best, we might be able to take fifteen. Some of the children are small."
"We stole a boat. Six parents died stealing it. We plan to go with you to your pickup point. Once the children are safe we will head to the Great South Forest."
"There is still a problem,” Kat said. “Our lifter is a twenty-person ship. It is designed to lift twenty troops with combat gear. There will be thirteen of us including our prisoner plus a crew of two. Even if we count one and a half kids for each adult and overload the lifter to the max it's still short. We might be able to take twenty children. Maybe a few more," Kat said.
"The risk is nothing!" Emmelyn and Owen replied together.
Tara slammed the butt of her carbine on the heavy table in center of the room. "Call in your boat, Kat. Emmelyn, start loading kids into the stolen boat. Tracey and I will ride with you. Load the rest of the kids into Kat's boat then we will head for the pickup point. From the sounds of destruction in the harbor, I believe the second team has completed their attack. The faster we move the better chance both teams have of escaping. My deepest thanks to each for what you have done tonight. Now Move!"
Chapter Forty-Three–
Some Where Far to the South - 11-10-518.
Two days of travel brought them far to the South. Here the sea became shallow and hundreds of islands filled an archipelago. On one small island three boats were pulled up on a wide sand beach. The island, in the shape of a crescent moon, was formed by the edge of sunken volcano crater. The walls of the volcano protected the sand beach which ran along the inside of the wall. It was late afternoon and no sign of the lifter.
A tarp on poles created a temporary med station. Inside Nirabella worked on Light's wound. She replaced the medipacks with fresh ones then attached two IVs, one plasma and one saline solution. She hoped that would hold until they could get her up to the Outcast Lady. Shadow knelt on the other side of Light holding her hand. "Sis, we will get out of here, you are going to be fine."
"I know. How is Baryic? Damn Shadow! Your face gives that one away. Go and help take care of him," Light softly said.
Nirabella looked over at makeshift cot on which Baryic lay. Last night she hooked Baryic to her main med unit in the boat as they awaited Kat's team. She hoped med unit IVs and the fresh medipacks that she applied an hour ago were stopping the pain and controlling the hemorrhaging. She could do no more.
Tara sat on a box beside Baryic. She placed her hand gently on Baryic's left arm. "Sorry old friend I didn't expect to see you like this. Colonel, you did wonderfully with this task. We have the information that Ax needs. We can get it to Green Fleet. Rest my brave Colonel, you can rest now." Baryic griped her hand and smiled faintly.
Cici, on watch at top the volcano rim, saw the first flash of sunlight on the lifter as it dropped from the sky. She clicked a tight beam signal to the beach below. This was going to be difficult, thirty-nine children. We surly we can't take them all. Tracey, as your expert lifter pilot, would have to make impossible choices.
As the lifter dropped from the sky, Tracey stood near the landing area and once more ran the numbers on her data pack. By the gods, we can't take them all. The ship was designed to lift twenty fully equipped troops at max. If I over loaded twenty-five percent beyond max, I might lift off fourteen adults, without equipment and thirty-three children. Six children left behind. There must be a way. Out of scrap bits Fidelity has built a scale. Could it help?
Auntie Tara and Kay walked up to Tracey as the lifter settled on to the sand. Auntie Tara spoke, "Tracey, we can't allow the lifter to be overloaded beyond ten percent of max. The prisoner and the information we are taking back can save hundreds of thousands of lives and keep Green Line trade open to the League. We can't risk that to save a handful of children. We must get up to the Outcast Lady and get the information to General Bridgeford. I am deeply sorry but we have no choice."
Tracey quickly redid the numbers in her head. Twelve children would not be going.
Peter, Fidelity and parents were organizing children. Tracey walked over to tell them but was stopped by Spider and Cici who had just come down off the volcano. Spider told Centari to grab Fidelity's scale. Spider and Cici jumped on to the lifter. Centari set the scale on the sand outside lifter. Seat cushions, emergency ration, water and spare parts began flying out door. Centari weight each item.
When the last item was weighed, Tracey was down to six children left behind.
Minutes later Mark Bittman and one of the parents carried Baryic from the med station. Nirabella walked alongside him. They stopped where Auntie Tara, Kat and Tracey stood by the lifter. Auntie Tara said, "We are going load you now old friend."
In moment of clarity Baryic replied "Don't think so. How many not going? Truth?"
Tracey answered, "Six."
Baryic said, "Take more. Not me, I will not live. Nirabella send me to the gods." Then in a clear strong voice he said, "By the gods, now!"
Nirabella, Auntie Tara and Kat looked at each other. They knew in their hearts that Baryic would never make the voyage back. All three nodded “yes”. Nirabella took the ‘Kiss of the Gods’ from her pack and placed it on back of Baryic's neck. The heard a soft puff. Nirabella knew she was giving Baryic a way to peace. Auntie Tara held his hand until he was gone.
Tracey thought, will I ever again see an act of heroism like this? To give your life to save children is as fine a death as a warrior could know.
Kat asked, “How many now, Tracey?”
"Two more. In addition, if we dump our boots as we board that could mean two more,” she said.
Kat said, "Hells we’re going to lift off overloaded by two children! Let's get everyone on board.”
Emmelyn stepped forward, "We will see that Colonel Baryic is buried with honor in the far South where the Troc scum will never find him. The Trocs will find no trace that we were ever on this island. Our deepest thanks for what you have done. May you find the speed of the gods and a fare passage home. The risk was worth it Kat, was it not?"
Kat was the last one aboard. He waited as mother said
goodbye to a child who would not let go. He lifted the last child, a little girl, up to Tracey and Cici standing in the rear hatch. Tracey's heart stopped. Peering out her blouse was tiny blue and green head, a c-cat kitten. The rule was absolutely no pets. Tracey and Cici looked at each other stripped off their socks and tossed them out the hatch. Kat stepped aboard and said, “Tracey, I think that will cover the weight."
Cici closed the hatch. Tracey made her way forward through the packed cabin. Someone clapped. Then Auntie Tara stood and clapped and applause filled the cabin.
Czajka stepped out of the pilot's seat as Tracey slipped into the seat and strapped in. Spider, who was riding in the gunner position next to Tracey said, "Everything is green, lift when ready." Tracey went to full power, pulled the control back and very, very slowly they lifted off.
Chapter Forty-Four
– In Space Aboard the Outcast Lady- 11-11-518.
As soon as the Outcast Lady was underway Kat called together the crew and officers on the mess deck. "First, my thanks to each of you. You made this operation possible. It’s not just the team on ground but also those who kept the ship hidden in orbit. We pulled Major Tara Freeborn out of a Troc base and captured Lord Markiii, the son of Count-Viceroy Markiii commander of the Troc forces. We also have his data pack with a full copy of their battle plans. As you know we lost Baryic, may the gods give him grace. He died a hero's death.