The Asking Price of Stars
Page 18
“We have only a single priority; get Major Freeborn and her prisoner to General Bridgeford. We are not part of Green Fleet or The Free Space Force. However, we all have family and friends back on the League planets. Without the Green Line their lives will become very difficult. The League will face an invasion from two directions. The Trocnavar will have both the main trade routes and Green Line open. I, for one, do not want to see friends and family dead or Troc bound labor.”
“We are accelerating at max Gs. We will go to time wave as soon as possible and make the fastest feasible passage back to Green Four. It is the closest planet where we are sure to find Green Fleet ships. It will be a long voyage, three months riding a tight high time wave. The risks of a long run in a time wave with a high narrow wave are well known. May the gods keep us safe!”
“One final note, we will not delay to unload the children. They will be placed in safe hands when we reach Green Four. Three months with thirty-nine children onboard will challenge each of us."
Nirabella whispered to Cici, "’Challenging’ is an understatement".
A week later Tracey, Auntie Tara and the team sat in the Ward Room. Spider was not present. Erica Nguyen and she were totally involved in keeping Outcast Lady on the high-speed time wave. Peter was present but in a daze and barely keeping is eyes open.
The team was reviewing the action during the rescue. Tracey outlined what happen as they burst into the inner room. "The tall Troc with black and silver hair pulled a rocket pistol. Shadow shot her before she raised her pistol. She collapsed behind the bed. The other Troc female, young with a bright splash of red hair, went for a gun case. I shot her as she dove behind the bed. Then Auntie Tara pulled Lord Markiii from the pool. We were very busy!"
Auntie Tara asked, "Did you make sure the Trocs were dead?”
"Yes, as soon as could I checked their pulses. No sign of a pulse on either one. They were dead."
Auntie Tara asked, "You put at least two more rounds into their heads?
Tracey replied, "No they were dead."
Peter, half asleep from hours of time wave navigation, raised his head, "No, No, No!"
Auntie Tara, visibly shaken asked, "No one shot them a second time?"
Kat answered, "Correct, none of us shot them a second time."
"Does the term Biikidori mean anything to anyone except Peter and me?" asked Auntie Tara. She continued, "Both Niikia Kaiii-var and Artystaar Tiigano may be alive. Some Trocnavar officers are trained in Biikidori, an ancient art of body control which allows them stop their hearts for up to half an hour. It reduces bleeding by stopping blood flow. It also allows them to appear dead when checked. I watched Niikia train Artystaar in the art. Let us hope they did not survive, the two of them are driven dark souls. The description sociopath does not do them justice. But, both are excellent leaders with great command presence. To gain their confidence, I killed the innocent; sent unarmed prisoners to slow and painful deaths, sold children as bound labors and countless other unspeakable things," Auntie Tara reflected.
"I made a horrible mistake. May the gods forgive me," Tracey sighed.
Kat told her, "Yes, but I made the same mistake. Years ago, I was told to always shoot Troc officers at least twice in the head and I failed to remember and act."
"I was the only one present who knew about Biikidori. I should have checked. The error is mine and mine alone. May the gods protect the innocent” Auntie Tara responded.
Chapter Forty-Five –
In Space Aboard Dark Song- 12-01-518
Three weeks after the capture of the Count’s son, Dark Song accelerated out of the Nameless One system. In the control room Niikia Kaiii-var turned to Artystaar, "Count-Viceroy Markiii ought to have killed us for losing his son. Instead he chose to send us after the raiders who took him. We search alone. The rest of the fleet is preparing for war. The Count gave us a free hand to do whatever is needed. We Will!”
The new ship’s doctor was a free human and intended to stay that way. As the ship's doctor, he performed complete medical checks on two Troc officers and changed their medipacks each day. The Count sent the doctor with them to ensure their recovery. If Count Markiii wanted these two healed so be it, He was the man for the task. Conversely, before they shipped out, the Count told him to kill Kaiii-var and Artystaar if they tried to break off the pursuit and run. After a few days with the Trocs, the doctor was sure he would not need the second option.
Niikia addressed the crew gathered on the mess deck, "You all know our mission is to find Lord Markiii. I intend to push this ship beyond the limit in this quest. However, when we find him alive, the reward will be one million imperials for the crew to split. More if we capture the raider's commander and officers. Lord Count-Viceroy Markiii has special plans for them. “
“Here is what we know about the raiders. They may have come from a ship called Outcast Lady. Whatever the ship's name it escaped the Nameless #8 system. Based on what Lord Sunstar, the Prime Minister of Horizon told us the ship is an old League built escort and the commander is named Kat and the first officer could be named Watkins. Lord Sunstar told us they are killers and tough. Kat and Watkins killed Major Karrack Rayyan, who was known as the ‘Hand of Death’. Our first task is to find where they staged the raid. We will see just how tough they are!”
After traveling over a month in the High Wave, Kaiii-var placed Dark Song in orbit well out beyond Blue Port's moons. The plan had been simple. Artystaar lead a team who repainted the ship to appear a contract warship. They cleaned up the crew by removing the red dye marks and covering kill dots. Clean new light gray utilities completed the illusion.
The Dark Song docked at the Blue Port Station. Soon the first watch of the crew was given station leave. Artystaar and Niikia proceeded to the station master's office on the pretext of looking for a new contract. Eight crew members, including Xiggott their new sergeant, drifted into the area near the office. Two guards were stationed at the entrance. Artystaar and Niikia walked through the door and asked to speak to the station master. One of the assistant station masters asked if he could help them. Niikia said, "We really must speak to Ms. Bradshaw."
After ten minutes, it became apparent Amy was not going give them any information about the raiders. Artystaar signal Xiggott and the crew. Thirty seconds later the crew killed the two guards. Charging into the outer office the pirates met gun fire. Three of Amy's staff chose to fight. They drew pistols from their desks as pirates rushed in. Xiggott was killed outright.
In the inner office, Amy drew her compact pistol and fired one round before Niikia and Artystaar slammed her back into the wall. Artystaar turned Amy's right arm back forcing the pistol into Amy's chest. Artystaar yelled, "Now you'll tell us what we want or die. “Amy looked into Artystaar's eyes inches away, yelled in Noble Trocnavar, "Bitch, may your children be born colorless armless slugs". A second later Amy pulled the trigger sending a rocket into her own chest.
It is a warrior’s death, thought Artystaar. Station Master Amy Bradshaw died a warrior’s death even if she died in her office. The same could not be said for some of her staff. Three of the staff killed two more pirates before they died fighting, but two hid beneath their desks. Half an hour later Niikia and Artystaar knew a great deal about the Outcast Lady, Kat, Tracey, Peter and the rest of the crew. The pirates only had to rip out the scum’s nails and sliced open an eye ball before Artystaar threatened to usemotans in a jar to break him. Once they finished the interrogation, Artystaar killed both of the cowards using motans in jars.
Three of the staff killed two more pirates before they died fighting, but two hid beneath their desks. Half an hour later Niikia and Artystaar knew a great deal about the Outcast Lady, Kat, Tracey, Peter and rest of the crew. Once they finished the interrogation, Artystaar killed both of the cowards using the motans in jars.
Chapter Forty-Six –
In Space Aboard Outcast Lady- 01-01-519
Tracey watched Lotus, the little girl with the c-cat kitten, sleeping on the bench in her quarters. The c-cat kitten curled up with her and Purple Cat. Lotus refused to sleep anywhere else. After all the child had been through, Tracey did have the heart to make her sleep in the children's quarters. Lotus named the kitten Blue Cat to match Purple Cat.
It was a long voyage. Three months in the Wave was almost unknown. The children were holding up. Probably because ship life was better than the living hell of bound labor. Supplies of dark matter, water and food rations would be near exhaustion by the time they reached Green's Four. Anna Morgan, daughter of an innkeeper, used all her skills as Sergeant of the Mess to provide for thirty-nine extra mouths. She was already tapping into the emergency rations that all ships carried. She was mixing emergency rations with the standard food supply.
On New Year’s Day Tracey took Lotus for a tour of the Control Room. The little girl was awed by the operation and asked question after question. On another day, while in the Navigation Station, Lotus studied Spider for a time and asked, "Is she going die?" It occurred to Tracey what a strain the time wave navigators were under. Riding the high narrow wave drained their minds and bodies. Gods help us if we lose a navigator, Tracey thought. A new year had begun but with months of space travel ahead.
Chapter Forty-Seven
– Aboard the Outcast Lady& the Lady Delapasse- 02-20-519
After three months, Peter brought the Outcast Lady out of the wave. Tracy checked their position. They were a light hour out from Green's Four. It was an incredible piece of navigation. Tara and Kat sent a tight beam message to the planet side base. Two hours and ten minutes later General Bridgeford's reply was received.
“Congratulations, Major Freeborn and Commander Jang! Our deepest thanks to you and your outstanding crew. We all mourn the loss of Colonel Chahill. Baryic was a friend and a fine officer. We will miss him.
The summary report of your interrogations of Lord Markiii Count and the information on his data pack is of the greatest value. Please send the full report on the contents the Markiii’s data pack and the details of your interrogation. Attached you will find our plan to resupply Outcast Lady and offload the children. Green Fleet will be outward bound as soon as possible. Once the more, the thanks all of Green Fleet to each of you.”
Tracey read the note then asked Peter who was next to her in the control room, "Green Fleet thanks us; way too late for that. What is this Colonel Chahill? It's is second time I've heard him called Colonel. "
Peter replied, “I believe we have not yet begun to understand the Baryic mystery.”
Cici read over Tracey's shoulder and whispered to Nirabella, "Whatever Baryic Cahill’s rank, a thousand women on a hundred planets will mourn him."
Nirabella whispered, "You and I among them."
Days later, Kat took Outcast Lady around the Green’s Star. They were now on a vector to match Green Fleet's outbound course. The General’s plan was to have a merchantman Fast Friend and Outcast Lady meet in space. Tracey carefully matched course and speed with that of the merchant ship Fast Friend, a mixed passenger and cargo ship. Both ships raced outward from Green's Star.
Colonel Chung, the Executive Officer of Green Fleet contracted with the merchantman to meet them before they reached Green Fleet. The merchantman was loaded with new missiles, supplies, water, dark matter flasks, spare parts and small arms. Everything that was either used or lost during their odyssey to find Auntie Tara was replaced. FastFriend also carried a team of social workers, teachers, and medical people. They would take the children to safety at the Free Space Force ground base. Chung also offered additional personnel but Kat told him no thanks; his crew was outstanding.
Tracey said goodbye to Lotus and her c-cat kitten before she went on duty. She hoped the little girl would find a loving home. When this all was over she would try to check on Lotus and Blue Cat.
Both ships exactly matched speed then cut acceleration Tracey said, "Match complete, Commander. You may deploy the transfer tube." At this speed, the tube was only way because no lifter would work at the ship's speed. Slowing would delay catching Green Fleet.
The commander of Fast Friend transmitted, "Deploying tube. Let us hope the front shields hold on both ships. At these speeds a grain of sand would destroy us if it hit the tube." In the open main hatch Cici and several crew members worked in space suits to capture the tube being deployed from the other ship. Once the tube was locked into place, Nirabella and Shadow lead small groups of children through. When the transfer of the children was completed Cici supervised the flow of supplies. As they struggled to transfer the dissembled missiles, Cici was surprised to see Spider in the tube working with the crew. How times have changed, Cici observed.
Once the transfer was complete and the tube retracted, the merchant commander began to slow her ship and follow an orbit back to Green Four. Kat told Fidelity, acting engineering officer, "Full power on the plasma drive then go to the dark matter drive as soon as Fast Friend is clear. We have a date with Lady Delapasse and Ax!”
A day later, the officers, and sergeants of Outcast Lady, Major Freeborn and their prisoner Lord Markiii, crossed over to the Lady Delapasse via transfer tube. General Bridgeford had made a specific request for each of them by name. Major Freeborn joined them. Captain Montgomery, Kat's old friend, met them just outside hanger bay. He told them, “The old man requests this meeting.”
Ten minutes later Kat, Peter, Tracey and Spider sat across the table from General Bridgeford, Colonel Harrison Chung, Major Tara Freeborn and Capitan Gunson Montgomery. The General specifically asked that Spider attend.
The General began, "Once more let me offer my apology. I read the report by Major Freeborn of the raid on Nameless One. Also, I read key parts of your logs. Before that, I saw reports of your defense of White Star, and your actions on Horizon. Mr. Jang, you command the finest escort of all the contract warships and of escorts in the Free Space Force. Outcast Lady is a good ship. But the officers and crew make her the finest. We need you with the Green Fleet. What can I say to convince you to rejoin the FSF? Mr. Jang, I am offering you a Major’s Parliamentary Commission."
“NO!” was Kat’s immediate reply. Silence filled the office.
After a minute the General continued, "Mr. Guderian, what will change your mind? I offer you a Captain’s Commission and FSF will pay off your bank loans."
"Ax you always said I never quit," Peter replied.
No junior officer ever called the General Ax to his face. Bridgeford ignored Peter’s remark and moved on to Tracey, “How do we move you Ms. Watkins? Command of your own ship?"
"You can't move me." was her reply.
He turned to Spider and said, “Captain Constantine you were not part of the original group; will you do us the honor of rejoining Green Fleet as Chief Time Wave Navigator?"
Spider replied, "I find greater honor as Third TWN on the Outcast Lady."Shock filled the room; the most driven and ambitious officer in Free Space Force just said no to what had previously been her dream.
Auntie Tara stood and said, “For the coming battle I am going to serve on the Lady Delapasse. I will not ask you again to join us. All of us know the League of Free Stars needs you. I hope you will reconsider. If not, go with the god’s speed and a fair wave.”
Twenty minutes later Outcast Lady detached from the great battle cruiser. Kat set a course away from Green Fleet.
Chapter Forty-Eight –
Aboard Dark Song in Space 02-21-519
Niikia and Artystaar docked first at Horizon then Schwaigerland. At both space stations, they found people willing to sell them information on the Outcast Lady. Kat had not stopped at either planet on his way back to the main trade routes. Niikia said, "I think he is rushing to sell Lord Markiii to Green Fleet. If he is going to Green Four without stopping how is he doing it? What other planets can he head for? Where do we head Artystaar?”
p; "I say we meet the Strike Fleet at the target planet. The distance is shorter than the voyage Outcast Lady is making. The humans will have Lord Markiii aboard one of the major ships. Our best chance is to find which ship he is on and take his lordship back." Niikia directed their CTWN Robert Jones to set a high wave to take them to the target site.
Chapter Forty Nine –
Outcast Lady in Space - 02-21-519
A day after they left Green Fleet, Kat lay on the wide bunk in the commander’s cabin The Outcast Lady neared transition speed. He was drunk, totally and completely drunk.
I haven't been drunk since the day Light found me, what was the planet's name? Free something. Why do this now? Because Ax made me feel like space marsh or is trash? We did the damn contract. All of us were rejected by the Free Splace Farce. I maybe got drunk because - know did wrong thing. Auntie is going with Axie. By gods I love Tracey and can't fell tell her. What did I do to save her? His thoughts were incoherent in his drunken stupor.