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Love in the Fast Lane

Page 15

by Melissa Kate

  “Momma, Aunt Emma, look!” Noah called out.

  The two women turned in unison and they could have been part of a beauty magazine advertisement. Nate looked to Luca beside him and from the dumb look on his face, he had the same thoughts.

  Brielle took in her excited child as he waved in the direction of the two shirtless men before her. She barely noticed Luca as she stared at the distraction that was Nate. He wore board shorts low on his hips and absolutely nothing else but a sexy grin on his face. As she remembered them, his six-pack gleamed hot and hard on his body, beckoning for her to taste them with her tongue. His eyes looked into hers, a dark green like the ocean on a troubled night. They spoke of dark sin and hot sex.

  “Look what I caught!” Noah exclaimed, running toward Brielle and Emma.

  She snapped out of her reverie and only then noticed the large red fish in Nate’s hands.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “Your dinner,” Nate said with a smile. “Compliments of our son.”

  The words out of Nate’s mouth spoke too much of family bonding for her comfort but she dismissed it to gaze upon Noah.

  “Really honey? Was that all you?”

  He nodded vigourously, his small teeth wide in his face as his smile stretched from ear to ear. “Well, Dad helped reel him in.”

  Brielle stared at Noah, shocked. He’d actually called Nate ‘dad.’ She turned her shocked gazed to Nate, who seemed to be bursting with pride. The word obviously wasn’t lost on him. But there it was again. The insinuation of family.

  “That’s awesome, Lovebug. I’m so proud of you.” She pulled him into a big hug and smothered him with kisses.

  “Well done, Bucket,” Emma joined, kissing his legs and feet.

  “Heeeeeelp me!” he screamed at Nate and Luca, giggling despite the female smothering. “Daaaaaad, help!”

  Brielle though she heard Nate say, “You don’t know how lucky you are, kiddo.” But when she looked at him, he was exchanging a look with Luca.

  She must have been hearing things.

  Noah managed to escape and ran to Nate.

  “So, who’s going to clean that sucker?” Brielle pointed. “Because I surely ain’t.”

  That night, after Luca and Emma had left for the night, Brielle cleared the dishes for the evening and set about washing them as Noah and Nate were talking fishing. Now that her son had caught his first fish, he was sucked in on the topic. He wanted to know everything about it. She was glad that they had a common interest and more than that, she was glad that they had bonded over something that she could never teach Noah. She knew nothing about fishing. The closest she had ever come was buying fresh fish from a street market. At least this was something that her son and his father had – just the two of them.

  She washed up the dinner dishes then poured herself more wine as she joined them in the living room. “Hey baby, I think it’s bedtime for you. Best you go and wash off the fish stink.”

  “Oh man.”

  “No arguments, get going.”

  “Can Dad wash my back?” he asked tentatively.

  “You have to ask your Dad, honey.”

  He looked to Nate with large green eyes.

  “Sure, Buddy. Come on.”

  They disappeared upstairs and Brielle was left with a few moments reprieve to herself. It had been an amazing day. So relaxed and free of drama. It was exactly what she needed and reminded herself to thank Nate later for extending the invite to her. She heard the two of them giggling softly, sharing some inside jokes. Instead of feeling left out, she was glad that her son now had a father in his life. It was what she had hoped for from the day he was born and she was glad that Nate had not turned and run when he had found out about Noah.

  “I’m cleeeeean, Mom!” Noah shouted from the second floor.

  She put aside her wine glass and padded upstairs to join them in Noah’s room.

  “Let me inspect,” she informed Noah. She made a grand show of sniffing his hair and then his ears and then his armpits before giving her approving nod. “That will do. In your PJs now.”

  To her surprise, Nate helped him into his night clothes and took great care in buttoning him up. The sight warmed her heart.

  “Can Dad tell me a story tonight, Mom?”

  “Sure, Sweetheart,” she brushed his hair off his forehead and kissed his head. “See you in the morning, ok?”

  “Ok, Momma.”

  “Goodnight, Lovebug.”

  “Goodnight, Mom.”

  “I love you.

  “Love you.”

  Brielle left the room as Nate and Noah talked, not wanting to intrude on their moment together.

  Deciding that a shower would do her good after the day’s activities, the water felt amazing on her sun-heated skin. She would have a nice tan after the day on the yacht, she thought as she lathered the soap across her body and felt thoroughly energized afterward. She put on her silk nightgown and left her damp hair across her shoulders to air dry.

  She found herself on the long balcony that led out from her bedroom and overlooked the dark ocean ahead. How she wished she could live in a place that had an ocean view. Her life was hectic at the best of times and she always felt that a few moments looking at the ocean put her crazy life back into perspective. There was something about the vastness of the sea that made her feel like her problems or challenges were never as large as she thought. She must have stood there for about thirty minutes before she heard the adjoining room door also open and Nate joined her on the balcony.

  He was bare-chested, looking gloriously half-naked with his feet bare, which just added to his sex appeal. His jeans were on but his top button was left open, promising entry into a place of pure passion and lust.

  “Hey,” he greeted.

  “Hey you. Is Noah asleep?”

  “Out like a light.”

  “He had an eventful day. You were pretty amazing with him today.”

  Nate came to stand beside Brielle, resting his arms on the railing. “He’s a pretty amazing kid.” She inhaled the fresh scent of soap off his warm skin.

  Brielle smiled, pleased that he felt that way about Noah. It was all she could have ever hoped for from him, coming into his life.

  The heat came off his body as he stood beside her, sharing the silence as they stared off into the distance. “Thank you,” she began, to break the silence. “For inviting me to come along. It was a nice break.”

  He turned to look at her and he again had that dark green gaze. He stared into her eyes before his gaze lowered to her full lips.

  The look alone heated her skin and liquid lust pooled between her thighs. How could this man spark lust in her with just a look? Her lips separated to take in a calming breath but in that moment, Nate’s lips were on hers, taking advantage of her open mouth. His tongue delved into her and Brielle felt every ounce of the suppressed lust between them. Her arms found their way around his shoulders and into his soft dark hair. She pulled his face toward hers to get more of him.

  His jeaned thigh came to rest between hers, separating her legs. Oh, the pressure on her sex was more action than she’d had in years and she moaned into his mouth. His hands were at her waist and before she knew what he was doing, her nightgown lay open, baring her breasts and black lace panties.

  He stood back and looked at her, his eyes wild and his lips plump from her kisses. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

  She raised her hands to cover herself but his mouth was on her breast before she could even react.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned as she arched her back, pushing her breast deeper into his warm mouth. His wet tongue laved her nipple and she thought she’d died and gone to heaven before his skilled hand replaced his knee at her crotch. He stroked her through her scant panties and her knees buckled with the unconstrained passion
flowing through her veins.

  Nate was quicker though and had his other arm around her waist, holding her in place. He pushed her panties aside and stroked her plump nub with this thumb. “Oh, Baby, you’re so wet. I love that I do this to you”

  “Nate,” she breathed. “I need you now,” she practically begged.

  “Not yet, Baby.” His lips suddenly left her breast and her arousal soared as the cool night air breezed against her still-wet nipples. Before she realized what he was doing, he was on his knees and had pushed her panties down and his hot mouth was on her.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned, throwing her head back and grabbing onto his hair. His deft tongue stroked down into her folds and he gently sucked on her swollen nub. She’d never experienced this kind of pleasure before. And then he slipped his finger into her and the rhythmic stroking of his tongue and finger pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm started from deep within her and then pulsed through her entire body until she was seeing stars. When she reached completion, Nate placed a gentle kiss on her mound and stood up to face her, a satisfied grin on his face.

  “You ok?” he seemed slightly out of breath.

  Brielle felt boneless and instead of answering, nodded her head yes. She had never had an orgasm like that in her life and she was utterly sated. She hadn’t cared who could have seen them on the balcony in the dark night. All she’d needed was her own six-year release.

  He placed his open palms on either side of her small waist and stroked his thumbs into her belly. Oh, how was the mere touch of him getting her aroused again? How could this be possible? Hell, she didn’t know how long she would have to go without orgasms after this so she wanted to take as many as she could get.

  In one swift move, she spun him around so he was against the railing. Her lips were on him at the same time that her hands were unbuttoning his pants. What she lacked in actual male to female experience, she made up for in her sexually pent-up fantasies.

  She could taste herself, still on his lips, and that aroused her even more. His hands were on her breasts again and in one swift move she dropped to her knees, taking his jeans down with her. Her mouth was on his long, hard erection before he even realized he was bare-assed. She took him deep into her mouth and coaxed his hard penis with her hot tongue. She cupped his balls with her right hand and gently massaged them as she sucked and stroked him deeper with her mouth. It was time for her to return the favor.

  “Fuck, Brielle, when did you get so good at this? Aaaah, God.”

  She stroked his chest with her free hand as she sucked him harder and harder until she felt him explode with release. Brielle stayed with him till he reached completion.

  She stood up and wiped the corner of her mouth.

  “I think you ruined me for blowjobs in future.”

  She smiled sexily, “I aim to please.”

  “I haven’t had enough,” he kicked off his jeans and grabbed her hand and led her into his bedroom. “We just got the first one out the way.”

  Brielle followed behind him, her lady parts already tingling with excitement.

  She waited for him to reach the bedroom before she spun him around and planted him on the bed. She dropped her panties and climbed atop him, straddling him as she had just the week before.

  “Oh, so we’re back to this then?”

  “I believe we never finished, Mr. Wolfe. You owe me an orgasm.”

  “Oh? Do I now?”

  “Yes, you do.”

  She rubbed her wet sex against the already plump head of his penis.

  “Oh, baby.” He reached over to the drawer at the side of the bed and just managed to slip on a condom before Brielle was pressed against him again.

  Her nipples burned with burgeoning passion as they touched against Nate’s hot chest. He kissed her deep and hard and his tongue found its way across her neck and along her shoulder where he bit her lightly.

  She couldn’t contain it any longer. She couldn’t handle the bated foreplay. She lifted herself and guided his thick penis into her moist folds. As she lowered herself against him, he eased in while she adjusted to his size.

  “Oh baby, you are so tight.”

  Brielle couldn’t respond even if she had a comeback. The feeling of him inside her left her speechless. She started to move against him and every stroke brought her closer to the edge. She pressed her body against his and pulled him to her, wanting to touch every inch of him. In one deft move, he spun her around on her back, their bodies still connected. She wrapped her legs tightly aroung his waist, grinding her hips against his.

  His hands all over her body, he pounded into her over and over again. Long, deep strokes that had her meeting him, maximizing the pleasure. He pulled out and then buried himself deep within her. Feeling every inch of him inside of her, her body started to contract in orgasm. Oh what an amazing feeling! And then he found his release just as she found hers. They held on to each other for a few minutes afterward, both trying to catch their breath, savoring the passion.

  “Wow,” he said finally, pulling out of her and heading to the bathroom to get rid of the condom. The toilet flushed and he returned to her side.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned, a smile on her face. “So much better than yoga.”

  “Yoga feels like sex?”

  “No, I keep doing it to control my sexual frustration.”

  “Why would you need to? How long haven’t you had sex?”

  She turned away from him, suddenly feeling embarrassed. She raised herself off the bed and bent to collect her clothes.

  “Hey,” he asked gently, pulling her back against him. “What’s to be embarrassed about?” he searched her face. “How long has it been?”

  “Six years,” she answered matter of factly.

  “You must be kidding.”

  “I kid you not.”

  “How do you go that long without it?”

  She shrugged. She had wondered the same thing over the years.

  “Wait,” he said suddenly, the penny finally dropping. “So, I was your last?”

  She nodded, again feeling self-conscious.

  “Oh baby,” he murmured as he squeezed her bare ass and rubbed his once again growing erection into her. “I am going to have to make that up to you.”

  “Six years worth of orgasms? I like the sound of that!”


  THE NEXT MORNING BRIELLE AWOKE in her own bed feeling utterly sated. Her body was pleasantly sore in all her happy places. Nate had promised to make up her sexual abstinence to her and he was off to a great start. He’d had her in the shower and then again on the balcony and then again in his bed. The man had the sexual prowess of a God. It amazed her how he was ready to go not even ten minutes after they had found their release. She wasn’t complaining though. The past six years had the frustration coming off in waves.

  She rolled off the bed and quickly showered and changed into shorts and a tank top before heading downstairs. Nate was already up and entertaining Noah at the breakfast nook. She was greeted with matching eyes and matching smiles as she walking in on their private parade.

  “Good morning,” they said in unison.

  “Good morning,” she parroted as she kissed Noah on the head and shared a secret smile with Nate. “What’s for breakfast?” she asked.

  “Pancakes,” Noah announced. “Dad makes them best.”

  Brielle feigned insult, “Better than mine?”

  “Sorry Mom.” Although he looked anything but sorry “But Dad’s are better.”

  “Not even a month and he’s already replacing me,” she grumbled good naturedly, snapping a pancake off Noah’s plate. “Mmmm, this is delish.”

  “Told ya.”

  “What’s in it?”

  “Family secret,” Nate said with a smile. “Just eat and enjoy.”

  “Mmmm, it’s so yu
mm,” she closed her eyes in appreciation of the bursting flavor. When she opened them Nate was staring at her. And he had the same look he’d had last night. Just looking at him had her nipples pebbling. She still needed to get him out of her system. It may take a few more times. “So, what’s on the agenda today?”

  “Well, I thought we could go go-carting?”

  “Isn’t that dangerous for children?” Brielle asked.

  “Not if he’s in the cart with a professional driver.”

  “Well there’s that,” she reasoned. “I guess it would be ok.”

  “Great, plus you will be right there with us.”

  “Ok. Come on, Wolfe, hurry up so I can beat you already.”

  “I hear a challenge, Woods.”

  “Good to know your hearing hasn’t gone, old man,” she goaded playfully.

  Oh, it was on and the prize was something they would both benefit from.

  Brielle spent the afternoon go-carting and eating hot dogs with Nate and Noah. It was so comfortable, as though they were an actual family. But she knew better. She knew that if Nate hadn’t been injured, he would be in some country or the other, racing around a track, putting himself at risk. And at some point, in a few months that would be his life again. His shoulder and ankle had already healed up and he was getting back into driving condition. She knew that it would be just a matter of time before he started travelling with the team again. But for now, Noah had his dad and she made sure that their time was well spent.

  When they got home that afternoon, Brielle headed straight upstairs for a nap while the boys decided to conjure up a snack. She left them to their own devices and fell exhausted in her own bed. The night before she hadn’t gotten much sleep. She smiled when she thought about all the different positions that had been the reason for her fatigue today. It had been so long since she’d had sex and her body ached in a very nice way, reminding her of the hot kisses and sultry touches of the night before. Say what you wanted about Nate Wolfe; the man was an amazing lover.


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