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Love in the Fast Lane

Page 16

by Melissa Kate

  She drifted off into a dream-filled slumber, evoking the memories of the night before. When she awoke an hour later, she was both rested and aroused as hell. She needed to do something to squelch her excitement. She put on her bikini and decided to go for a few laps in the indoor swimming pool. The cold water and repetitive laps would do the trick – hopefully.

  As she neared the doorway of the pool, she heard Noah scream and her greatest fear came to fruition – he was drowning. She barged in and felt her blood drain.

  Instead of Noah gasping for air as his small head sank to the bottom, he was swimming! Her little rugrat was actually lapping about in the large pool. Albeit he did have on large water-wings.

  “Good job, Noah!” Nate cheered him on. “Don’t forget to lift your head and breathe.”

  Noah did as he was instructed and Brielle found herself even more shocked. She could not believe the sight before her. He was actually swimming!

  She lowered herself to sit on the edge of the pool and dipped her feet in as she watched her son in the deep water. He started to flounder but Nate was on him, keeping him steady before he could even think to start panicking. Father and son were a sight to behold. They hadn’t seen her yet and she didn’t want them to. Watching them like this was amazing, seeing the closeness that they shared in such a short space of time.

  Noah flipped around and noticed her. “Momma, look!! I’m swimming.” Of course at that moment he stopped paddling and sank. Nate was there to pick him up once again.

  “You’re looking great, Baby,” she called to him, smiling broadly.

  Brielle looked at Nate at the same moment that he looked at her. Their gazes locked and the heat was tangible. The man looked even sexier wet than he did when he was dry. How was that even possible? Rivulets of water ran off his soft hair and onto the top of his strong nose. He was barely smiling and the look in his emerald gaze was hot and fiery, reminding her once again of the incredible night they had shared.

  Noah splashing about broke their contact and he swam another lap before he decided to get out of the pool.

  “I’m so proud of you, Sweetheart,” Brielle addressed him, running her hands up and down his small towel-covered arms.

  He just beamed at her, his green eyes so much like his father’s, shining with accomplished excitement.

  “Now, go and have a nice hot bath. I will be in to see you in a few.”

  “Ok, Momma. Can I play with SpongeBob?” he asked, referring to his bathtub toy.

  “Of course, Honey.”

  He ran from the pool room and she could hear him padding up the wooden staircase.

  Before she could turn around to face Nate, his hot, hard body was between her legs and his muscular arms circling her hips.

  “What are you doing?” she exclaimed in surprise.

  “How can you sit there in that skimpy gold bikini and not expect me to have my hands all over you?” In one quick movement he turned her around and bent his head, his teeth and tongue grazing her inner thigh.

  Her arousal pooled between her legs.

  Against her will she threaded her fingers into his wet hair as he trailed hot, wet kisses along her thigh.

  She rolled her head back and was surprised when he pulled her into the pool with him. Instinctively, she grabbed his shoulders and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. “Noah could walk in at any moment,” she scolded between girlish giggles. His already engorged erection nudged against the thin triangle of her bikini bottoms and her nipples pebbled in awakened anticipation.

  “Last night was fun,” he whispered close to her ear, pinning her against the side of the pool. “But I didn’t enjoy waking up in bed alone.”

  “Well that’s too bad,” she teased, sucking at the flesh on his shoulder. “Cos I only wanted you for your hot body and what it could do for me.” She pushed her pelvis into his erection to make her point.

  “In that case, best I not disappoint.” With that he captured her mouth with his and kissed her deeply, exploring her tongue with his own.

  Brielle had no control when it came to Nate, nor did she try and fight it. She gave herself to his hot, hungry kisses willingly.

  His mouth traced the line of her neck and in an instant the warmth of his tongue was on her hard nipples, making her ache for him. She arched her back, giving him more and wanting more – a whole lot more.

  “Nate,” she breathed. “I need you now.”

  “Honey, I haven’t even gotten started yet.”

  “Well our son is upstairs so—” she was cut off by him stroking his hard length against her creamy folds. She moaned with bated anticipation.

  Nate leaned over the pool and dug into his discarded shorts pocket for a condom. He dropped his swim shorts and expertly rolled the condom on.

  Not waiting for Brielle, he slipped his finger to stroke her moist folds. She just about orgasmed with the pleasure. She rolled her head back and leaned her elbows against the side of the pool as she savored the feel of Nate’s fingers in her body. Suddenly, he shoved aside her bikini bottoms and thrust himself into her. She cried out, loving the fullness of him within her.

  Arms on either side of her head, he pushed and pulled in and out of her. She felt every ridge of his penis and she mimicked his movements, wanting to feel more and more of him deep inside her. Their pace accelerated and their breathing got harder as they both climbed higher and closer to the edge. Brielle’s release exploded a minute before Nate followed her over. She was hot and satisfied and yet somehow, still yearned for more. Their bodies still connected, she started to move against him again.

  “Hold on, Sweetheart,” he whispered. “I’m not Superman.” She smiled against him as he kissed her cheek.

  At that moment Noah chose to walk in, his hair still wet from his bath. He looked at them curiously. “What ya doing?”

  Brielle was flustered, how was she going to answer him.

  “I’m just teaching your mom how to breathe underwater kiddo.” Nate answered easily, moving away from her in the pool.

  She managed to find some composure and straighten out her bathing suit.

  “Can you teach me next?” the half pint asked excitedly.

  “Sure buddy.” Noah propelled himself out of the pool, surprisingly with his swim shorts on. How had he done that?

  Brielle watched the muscles in his arms bunch as he held his weight against the pool edge. Using his knee, he pulled himself out and reached for a towel to dry himself off.

  “Can we go fly a kite now?” Noah asked, the underwater breathing lessons already forgotten.

  Brielle waited for the boys to leave the pool room before submerging herself in the cool water. She needed to do something to cool off the heat that was threatening to burn her.

  After he’d showered, Nate found an old kite in the back of his closet and took Noah out on the beach. There was nothing extraordinary about the kite at all, yet in true five-year-old fashion, Noah was completely smitten with it, complementing its shape and materials.

  The weather was windy, thankfully. Lucky for them, they were on the beach which was always sure to have some sort of breeze.

  “Ok, buddy,” Nate instructed. “You hold this string. It’s connected to the kite and it’s called a bridle. Whatever happens, do not let go of this. ”

  Noah nodded enthusiastically, the mirth shining in his jade eyes.

  Nate determined the direction of the wind and positioned the kite on one end of the beach. He played out about fifteen yards of string and walked with Noah to stand at the opposite end from the kite.

  “I’m going to hold up the kite at the end and we are going to take a small jog in that direction,” he stated, pointing away from the kite. “When I release the kite, it will be in the air so I want you to start releasing the yarn as it picks up wind, ok?”

  “Ok Dad.”

>   Nate walked toward the kite and signalled to Noah to start jogging. They both jogged, a distance apart in the same direction. He could see the concentration and determination in the young boy’s face. When they picked up some speed, Nate released the kite and it floated in the air for a few seconds before it landed in a heap on the sand, unmoving.

  “It’s alright, Noah,” he called, seeing the light dimming in his eyes. “Let’s try it again.”

  Noah tried it three more times before his expression started to show his dejection. “I just can’t do it,” he said softly, his eyes brimming with tears.

  Nate knelt down in front of him, his ankle injury straining with the pressure. He ignored the pain to address his son. “You can do this Noah. Don’t give up.”

  “Easy for you to say, you’re so good at everything.”

  “I wasn’t always good at things kiddo. For a long time I wasn’t good at anything in life, until I found my calm place and focused. That’s all you need to do. Don’t feel pressure. This is meant to be fun. Ok?”

  Noah sniffed and nodded.

  “Now let’s try it again.”

  But the next time they tried it, it again failed to take flight but this time Noah’s expression showed hard determination instead of wary failure.

  “One more time, please Dad?” he called from a distance away.

  Nate nodded and lifted the kite again and started to jog toward Noah who jogged away from him. They jogged a little longer this time before Nate released the kite. It wobbled in the air for a bit and Nate was sad that Noah would see this as a defeat. Instead the young boy lifted the bridle high in the air and jogged a few more yards and to their astonishment, the bird-shaped kite remained airborne.

  “You did it!” Nate exclaimed, running toward Noah, a mile wide grin on his face. He looked at his son, a determined smile on his face as he stared fervently at the kite.

  “Now slowly release some string.” Nate guided Noah.

  “No, I’m scared to move in case it falls.”

  “Here,” he said, kneeling behind Noah. He wrapped his arms around him and placed his larger hands around Noah’s smaller ones on the bridle and together they released the string. The kite soared high in the air.

  “I’m doing it, Dad,” he whispered, as though the mere sound of his voice would bring the kite down.

  “I knew you would.” He kissed Noah atop his head and a surge of pride filled his heart, making his chest tight with emotion. His child never ceased to amaze him. He tried new things with such enthusiasm and excelled at them with so little effort. He knew that the world had great things in store for Noah, he just hoped he would be given the opportunity to stand beside him and experience it.

  That afternoon, Nate fired up the gas grill for an early dinner before they were scheduled to leave. They sat outside on the patio and Noah enthralled Nate and Brielle with the antics of his classmates. It was beyond him how a five-year-old had that many stories but then again, Noah astounded him at every turn.

  After dinner, Nate cleared up while Brielle went upstairs with Noah to pack their things. The housekeeper would come in tomorrow as she did every Monday, so Nate knew that the beach house would be back in order. He stared out over the patio railing onto the beach beyond and realized that he hadn’t thought about his career at all this past weekend. How could he keep something that was such an intricate part of his life in the recesses of his memory? He knew the answer to that actually. It was Noah. Noah was more important to him than anything in his life. Noah was a part of him and that trumped anything else he may have.

  For the first time, Nate was actually glad for the accident that destroyed his play this season. It gave him an opportunity that he would not otherwise have gotten – he got to be a father to his son. He got to teach his son new things that nobody else had. That gave him a great sense of pride. Who would have thought? Nate the father figure. How ironic.

  “We’re all set,” Brielle announced.

  Nate turned to face her and the luggage at her feet.

  It took them a full ten minutes to load up the SUV and get on the road.

  The night sky was darkening already and Noah was out cold in no time.

  “He really had an eventful weekend,” Brielle commented, turning to stare at the slumped-over child.

  “We all did,” he commented with a sly smile.

  Brielle ignored his comment and settled into a comfortable silence beside him.

  “I’m travelling with the team next week,” he announced after a long while. “So, I won’t get to see Noah till the weekend.”

  “Yeah sure, that’s great. I will be busy next weekend, too, so it would help me if you spent time with him then.”


  Nate had the feeling something had changed. Brielle seemed different, more closed off now. Like the Brielle he had met a few weeks ago. He brushed it off. He didn’t really have the time for a full-time commitment with a woman anyway. He was in this situation only for his son, not at all the hot blonde breathing beside him, no matter how hot and pliable she had been beneath his fingers just mere hours ago. He knew it made him a douche but Brielle knew the stakes and this wasn’t about them.

  When he pulled up beside Brielle’s house late that evening, Noah was deep in la la land. Brielle opened the back door to get him out but Nate beat her to it. He cradled the small child in his arms and moved him into his small bedroom. Feeling Brielle’s presence behind him, he lay Noah beneath the covers and managed to pull off his socks and shoes. Brielle stepped forward to peel him out of his clothes and change him into his pajamas.

  Noah stirred and looked drowsily at Nate. He crouched beside the bed to stroke his son’s head. “I will see you soon, ok buddy? Maybe next weekend?”

  “Thanks for all the stuff this weekend Dad, I had fun,” he croaked. He reached his small arms to encircle Nate’s neck and he pulled the child close to his chest. Oh what a feeling. “I love you, Dad.”

  Nate’s throat tightened and he knew the waterworks were on the brink. Right then and there. The moment Noah said the words, was indescribable. This child who knew next to nothing about him, suddenly loved him with open arms and an open heart. It was more than he’d had all his life. “I love you too, Noah.”

  He released Noah, who almost instantly fell into a deep slumber. Nate bent down again to kiss his forehead and with one last glance, turned around and walked right past Brielle and out of the house.


  THE NEXT WEEK PASSED BY in a flurry for Brielle and by the time the weekend rolled around, she was ready to kick back and relax. She hadn’t so much as heard a peep from Nate, although Noah had mentioned that he’d called a few times after school to talk to him – obviously choosing the times when he knew Brielle would not be home.

  Their weekend away was amazing, until the reality had hit home and she’d emotionally pulled back. It was too easy to fall into a family cycle and she couldn’t allow herself to go there until she knew where Nate stood with Noah – permanently. So she’d withdrawn and Nate had tried to engage her up to the point he’d stopped and he’d walked out and was now giving her the same treatment she’d given him.

  She didn’t know how to feel about that. Yes, they had shared a few orgasms together and she wasn’t expecting him to suddenly go steady with her but she would have liked a little acknowledgement too. Well she was over it now. Her life was too crazy to worry about a man, wondering about whether he would or would not call her.

  On Saturday she dressed in a white summer dress and pulled her hair back as she waited for Nate to pick up Noah for their weekend together. He arrived promptly and as expected, was the epitome of cool and aloof.

  “Hey,” she greeted as she walked out with Noah and locked the door behind her.

  “Hey,” he parroted.

  “Hi, Dad!” Noah jumped into his waiting ar
ms, oblivious to the tension between the two adults.

  “Hey squirt,” he beamed at the young boy. “You ready for today.”

  “You bet‘cha.”

  Nate strapped him into the back seat of the Range Rover and moved aside for Brielle to say her goodbyes. To her surprise, she got choked up. He’d never gone away for a weekend before. He’d never stayed anywhere overnight without her. She quickly pulled herself together and looked to Noah with bright eyes and a big smile. “You have fun this weekend, ok?”

  Noah nodded.

  “And behave yourself. Always listen to what your dad says.”

  Noah nodded again, his eyes starting to shine.

  “And eat your vegetables ok? And don’t eat too much ice cream.”

  “Bree,” Nate said, putting his hand on her bare shoulder. “We will be fine.”

  Brielle nodded then kissed Noah and ruffled his brown hair, but not before the spark zinged through her shoulder all the way down to her toes. “See you tomorrow kiddo.”

  “Bye, Momma.”

  And just like that, Nate hopped into the driver’s seat and was off.

  Brielle found herself at Emma’s house within fifteen minutes.

  “Hey! You’re early!” she greeted as she stood aside to let Brielle in.

  “I know, I’m sorry.” She breezed in. “Nate just now took Noah and I couldn’t stand to be alone in the house.”

  “That’s a change. You’re normally craving a moment of peace and solitude away from the pineapple under the sea.”

  Brielle rolled her eyes at her modelesque friend. “Tell me about it.”

  “Come,” Emma ushered. “Let me make us some margaritas.”

  “Em, it’s still morning.”

  “Yeah I know. But it’s afternoon somewhere, best to get an early start,” she countered with a wink.


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