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In the End (Lifetime #3)

Page 9

by Ariadne Wayne

  “It’s just that now Finn knows you’re his father, and because you helped me get my head together when Connor and I were separated, it makes sense for you to be there.”

  “I’d love to.” The thought of those two getting married was heartwarming.

  “I’ll send you an invitation. Are you still at the same address?”

  I grinned. “I sure am. I’m so happy for you guys. It’s about time.”

  Vanessa laughed. “That’s what everyone’s saying. I think so too. I’ll see you there.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  As we finished the call, I sat back in my seat, smiling to myself. Vanessa deserved every bit of happiness. She’d been through so much, breaking up with Connor after her miscarriage, needing help when the guy she moved on with didn’t turn out to be who she thought he was. Connor was it for her—he had been for years. Now she had her happy ending, and I couldn’t be more pleased and proud.

  Could I get my happy ending? Could Natasha be the one for me to love?

  After her story about her ex-husband, I wanted to wrap her in cotton wool and never let the outside world hurt her again. This feeling of protectiveness was foreign for me, outside of my family. I had regrets about my past, but maybe it was time to move on. Within myself I’d changed, grown as a person. It might be time to share my life with someone else.

  The thought of her brought a smile to my face. We'd made such a huge connection, and not just through the sex. I wanted to spend time with her.

  After spending only a few nights with Natasha in my arms, sleeping alone would suck.

  ON WEDNESDAY, I did road patrol with Paige by my side. She could have played in the playground until her mum turned up, but instead she chatted away to me like we were old friends.

  “Do I call you Sam now, or Mr Mason?”

  I frowned. “That’s a tough one. Technically we’re still at school.”

  “So when we get in your car, then I can call you Sam?”

  I nodded. “That sounds like a good idea for a demarcation point.”

  “What’s that?”

  Laughing, I directed the children holding the traffic signs to pull them back to let the traffic flow.

  “It’s the limit. Like before we get in the car, it’s Mr Mason. When we’re in the car, it’s Sam.”

  “Ohhh.” She nodded, her brown eyes so serious.

  Natasha appeared in the distance, loaded up with bags. I slapped my palm to my forehead. This could have been so much easier for her.

  “Mr Mason?” Paige watched me, confusion all over her face.

  I smiled at Paige. “Your mum’s nearly here.”

  She grinned.

  I nodded for the signs to be put out to hold up the traffic again. Most of the children had already crossed and gone, so once the last of them were over and Natasha was on this side of the road, I’d get the kids to pack up the signs.

  Natasha walked across the pedestrian crossing, the only person coming my way, and I smiled as she approached.

  “I’m so sorry. I should have offered to take you to the supermarket. Then you wouldn’t have had to lug those bags.”

  She shrugged. “It’s fine.”

  “I’ll just get these kids packed up, and we’ll get you home. Want my car keys?”

  Natasha shook her head. “I can wait a little while.”

  “Here.” I reached for the bags. “I can at least take these.”

  She handed them over reluctantly. At a guess, it was because she’d been independent for so long, she hated accepting help. This was something she needed to get used to. I wasn’t going anywhere in a hurry, and she didn’t have to do everything alone anymore.

  “Time to pack up, kids. Let’s get this gear put away,” I called out.

  When the signs were packed away, I led Natasha and Paige to the car. Opening the boot, I dropped the grocery bags into it and unlocked the doors.

  “I knew Paige needed a booster seat and I wasn’t sure if you had one, so I grabbed one earlier in the week.”

  Natasha gaped before slamming her hand over her mouth. “I’m terrible. I didn’t even think about that.”

  “Well, I did.” I rubbed her back. “It’s okay. If Finn decided to come and stay I’d have had to get one anyway.”

  I opened the back door and Paige leapt in. Natasha went after her, buckling her tight. She closed the back door and opened the front.

  “You’re so thoughtful. I’ll pay you for the seat.”

  “Don’t even worry about it.” I walked around the car and got into the driver’s side. “Everybody ready?”

  “Yes, Sam,” Paige sang.

  Natasha buckled her seat belt. “Sure am.”

  “Let’s go.”

  The traffic was a bit nuts, it always was this time of day, but once I got clear of the school area, it thinned out and we sped up.

  “This is so much better than the bus,” Paige said.

  I laughed. “I bet it is. Being on the bus can be pretty cool, though. At least they can go down the bus lanes and past all the waiting cars.”

  Natasha’s hand touched my knee, and I shot a glance at her to see her smiling. If bus was their form of transport, the last thing I wanted was to rile Paige up and leave her only wanting to be in the car. The truth was, on every other day I was still in my classroom at this time, preparing lessons for the next day. I could give them a regular lift if they wanted it, but the last thing I wanted was to push even with something so simple and freak Natasha out.

  “Yeah, that’s cool,” Paige said. “There’s our house.”

  I pulled up outside the block of flats. “Here we go.”

  “Did you want to come in?” Natasha said.

  “I want to, but I think I’ll head home.”

  Her eyebrows dipped. “Oh?”

  “I’m trying not to crowd you. Believe me, it’s hard to stay away.”

  Natasha dropped her gaze.

  She nodded. “I know.”

  “I was thinking we could spend time together this weekend. It’s my time to visit Finn, but they’ve got a family thing on Sunday, and I thought I might just pop up there for Friday night and come back Saturday afternoon. I’ve been trying to switch weekends for a while so I’m not frazzled the night before we have our staff meeting every second Monday morning, so I’ll go up again next weekend.”

  She smiled. “I would love to see you on Saturday. Maybe you could join us for dinner.”

  “I’d love that.”

  Leaning over, she gave me a soft kiss on the lips. “You’re a good dad, going up there for a night.”

  “Gotta make the moments count, you know? I could probably have gone on Sunday, but it’d be a bit weird hanging out with Ella’s parents, and I wouldn’t get the quality time with Finn.”

  Gripping my arm, Natasha looked at me with those deep, soulful eyes. “I think it’s great. See you on Saturday when you get back.”

  “I’ll text you in between, or give you a call. Give me another of those kisses and I’ll get going. Before I move in.”

  Laughing, she leaned forward, and I caught her tongue with mine briefly before backing off.

  “Stop kissing.” A young voice came from the back seat.

  “Sorry, sweetheart.” Natasha laughed.

  “Do you want a hand getting the groceries inside?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “We’ll be fine. It’s not far. Thank you.”

  “It’s all part of the service.” Damn I loved the way her skin flushed pink when I winked.

  “Bye, Sam,” Paige said.

  “See you tomorrow.” I waved as Natasha climbed out of the passenger seat and helped Paige out the back door. Pressing the boot release, I kept watching until Natasha had retrieved her groceries and got to the front door.

  I would drive home, but I was pretty sure my heart would stay right there.

  I SPENT Friday night in Kerikeri, and Saturday with Finn. He was still unsure about everything that was
going on, but growing in confidence. We played football together, and then I helped him with some homework that Matt and Ella had left for me to work on. This was a first. Somehow we were finding our feet in this new world of ours by working together, and being able to spend time with just him grew our relationship more.

  “Do you have a girlfriend?” he asked out of the blue while he was working on a project, colouring a page. Maybe that question was something he’d picked up from his parents.

  “I do. At least I think I do.”

  “Is she nice?”

  I smiled. “She’s very nice. Maybe you’ll get to meet her one day. She’s got a daughter the same age as you.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Another girl.”

  “Dude, you’ve got Zach. And Matt.” I chuckled. “Then there’s me.”

  “Mum is Dad’s girlfriend.”

  I nodded. “That’s right. She’s his wife.”

  “But she used to be your girlfriend.”

  We were sailing into unchartered territory here. Past our first discussion about this, Finn hadn’t brought any of our history up, and I didn’t know if I had answers to all the questions he might have.

  “Yeah, she did.”

  “She likes Dad better now. Kate likes Dad, too.”


  “The girl at the supermarket. Mum’s really rude to her.”

  I snickered. Ella would make mincemeat of anyone who had an eye on her man. I once knew what it was to have a woman love you like that. Maybe now there was a chance I’d have it again.

  “Good for Ella. Matt loves her a lot.”

  He grunted. “They’re always kissing.”

  I grabbed his hand. “That’s good. It means they love each other very much, and that they’ll always be here for you.”

  “If they stop kissing do I have to come and live with you?” There was no fear in his eyes this time, but in front of me was a little boy still more confused than he was letting on.

  “Those two will never stop kissing. And no, you don’t ever have to come and live with me if you don’t want to. When you’re ready, you can come and spend the weekend with me though, and we can hang out together.”

  He went back to his drawing. “Will there be girls there?”


  Finn groaned, and I smiled to myself as I let him get on with his work. What I wanted, what I always wanted was for him to get in the car and come away with me. Not forever, just for a holiday, so we could spend time together and just hang out. Matt and Ella gave us space, but there were times when it felt constricting. All I wanted was to be with Finn.

  I loved my son so much.

  “HAVE YOU GOT A SECOND?” I’d said goodbye to Finn, and Matt was outside, chopping wood for Ella’s parents.

  He paused, nodding. “What’s up?”

  “I think Finn’s a bit worried about you and Ella. Is everything okay?”

  Confusion crossed Matt’s face. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “He asked me if you two stopped kissing if he would he have to live with me.”

  Matt dropped the axe. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t let him see it worried me, but I wanted to let you know.”

  He nodded. “Thanks. Things are great, but Ella’s struggling a bit, and I think it’s just with her identity. She’s been Matt’s wife and Finn’s mother for so long she needs something for just her.”

  I smiled. That would make sense. Ella was always good at putting other people first, sometimes to her own detriment. Maybe it was catching up with her.

  “Okay. Just thought I’d mention it as he’s clearly bothered about whatever he thinks he’s heard.”

  “Thanks, Sam. I’ll have a chat with him. What else is happening in Sam world?”

  My smile spread into a grin. “I’ve met someone.”

  “It’s about time. What’s she like?”

  There weren’t enough words to describe Natasha. Any attempt would be pathetic. “Amazing. She’s a single mum with a little girl about Finn’s age.” I let out a breath. “It’s been a week, and I think I’m in love.”

  “I’ve heard that one before.” He reached out and gripped my shoulder. “I’m happy for you. I hope it all works out.”

  “Yeah, me too.” I swallowed. “I’ve not felt a connection like that since …”

  Matt’s expression grew serious. We hadn’t really discussed my relationship with Ella; it never felt right with the man who was now married to her. “Dude, that’s awesome. You and Ella had such a spark when you first met.” A grin curled his lips. “Of course, I was more like the TNT to your sparkler.”

  I shrugged his hand off, and chuckled. “Bro, that is such a shitty thing to say.”

  “I’m only saying it because I love you.”

  I shook my head. “Things are almost back to normal with us, aren’t they?”

  He nodded. “They’re getting there. I try not to talk about my relationship with Ella, and I think you try not to talk about your relationship with her, but other than that I think we’re doing fine.”

  “I’ll do you a deal. You can tell me whatever you want and I’ll do the same, but the past stays in the past.”

  Matt’s shoulders shook as he laughed. “Deal.”

  I shrugged. “We’re smart. We’ll make it work.”

  “Are you heading back to Auckland now?”

  “I’ve got a date with my girls.”

  He lifted his chin. “Enjoy.”

  “See you next weekend.”

  “What? I gotta put up with you next weekend too?”

  I laughed as I walked back to the car, feeling more settled than I had in ages. At home, Natasha and Paige were expecting me. Here, I had Matt back, and having my best friend by my side after so long was wonderful.

  For the first time in a long time, I looked forward to going home.

  NATASHA’S EYES shone with happiness as she opened the door and laid eyes on me. “Sam.”

  “Hey, beautiful. I hope I’m here at a good time.”

  She grinned. “Perfect. Dinner is cooking. I’m roasting a chicken with all the trimmings.”

  “I hope you haven’t gone overboard for me.”

  Licking her lips, she hesitated before answering. “Maybe a little.”

  “You didn’t have to do that. I’m happy whatever we do.”

  She shrugged as she turned back inside the house, and I followed her through the living room where Paige sat watching television, and into the kitchen.

  “What can I do?”

  Natasha smiled, her eyes so warm and welcoming. “Go and sit in the living room. Spend some time with Paige.”

  “I brought my laptop. I thought maybe we can find something to keep ourselves occupied.”

  “That would be great.” Her cheeks were flushed as if she was shy, and I leaned over, pecking her on the lips. “Missed you.”

  “You only saw me on Wednesday.”

  “That was three long days ago.”

  She grinned as I kissed her again, taking my time. It was easy to lose myself with her. My life hadn’t felt that empty until she came along. Now, I craved her company, and when I wasn’t with her, I thought of little else.

  “How was your visit with Finn?”

  God, I loved how she cared. “It was great. We’re getting more time for ourselves, and we had a good talk. I told him about you.”

  Her eyebrows crept up. “That’s a big step.”

  “He started the conversation. Asked me if I had a girlfriend. I told him I think I do.”

  A sly smile crossed her face. “Is this like school where you ask someone to be your girlfriend?”

  “Could be. Do you want to be my girlfriend?” I grinned.

  “Let me think about that for five seconds.”

  I wrapped my arms around her waist, devouring her mouth until she gave me that little moan that drove me crazy. “Can I take that as a yes?”

  She giggled. “I think you’d better.”
/>   “Dinner smells amazing.” I took a deep breath, inhaling the distinct scent of roasting chicken.

  “I haven’t roasted a chicken in ages, and they were on special at the supermarket.”

  I raised my hand to palm her cheek, and she closed her eyes. “Then I feel very spoiled.”

  A smile spread across her face as she opened her eyes again. “I like having you here.”

  “I like being here.”

  “Let me get back to it, and you go and relax.”

  “Yes, boss.”

  It was on the tip of my tongue, the urge to tell her that I loved her. But the last thing I wanted to do was scare her off, and I doubted myself after events of the past. Could you fall in love in just a week? Maybe I was more of a hopeless romantic than I ever gave myself credit for.

  “Boss.” That sly smile returned. “I like that.”

  Pecking her again on the lips, I let go. “I’ll go hang with Paige for a bit. Tell me if there’s anything you need me to do.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  PAIGE CLAPPED as I sat beside her on the couch and opened the laptop on the coffee table.

  “Got any games?”

  I grinned. “No, but maybe we can look online and find some. Would that be cool? I’ve got some work to do, but that can wait until tomorrow.”

  Her eyes widened, and she nodded with so much enthusiasm I thought she might explode.

  “Right.” I had barely a functional knowledge of computers. Matt was always the geek, so I’d relied on him in the past to find me what I was after. I had no real clue about this stuff. But by the time Natasha had finished making dinner, Paige and I had lost interest in games and logged into Netflix. We sat together on the couch, watching Zootopia. We laughed so hard, and Paige got so excited she’d make big eyes and tell me what was happening, even though I sat watching the same film as her.

  This was what I needed. Both Natasha and Paige filled a gap in my life I never knew existed. And I thought I did the same for them.

  “Sam?” Natasha said.

  I nudged Paige’s elbow with my own. “Be back in a minute. Your mum needs me.”

  “Should I pause it?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. You catch me up afterward.”

  Paige beamed as I stood and made my way to the kitchen.


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