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In the End (Lifetime #3)

Page 10

by Ariadne Wayne

  Natasha stood at the kitchen bench with a smile on her face.

  “What’s up?”

  “It’s good to see you two getting along,” Natasha said.

  “She’s a great kid.” I let out a breath. “You two are a package deal, so it’s not like I’m gonna ignore her.”

  She laughed. “It’s very sweet. When she’s not at school, she spends most of her time hanging out with me, so it’s good for her to have more company.”

  “It’s been fun. She wants to find another movie after this.”

  Natasha moved closer. “I hope you don’t mind her using your computer.”

  “There was nothing I needed to do that can’t wait until tomorrow. Besides, I thought she might enjoy it.” I reached for her with my right hand, looping my fingers in her hair and pulling her toward me. Her lips were warm and tasted of roast chicken as I kissed them. “Dinner tastes good.”

  “You haven’t even tried the sage and onion stuffing yet,” she said.

  I waggled my eyebrows. “I’ll stuff you.”

  Peals of laughter filled the kitchen. “You’re so bad, Sam.”

  “I am, but I just like flirting with my girl.”

  Her lips parted as she let out a little sigh.

  How did I ever think I’d be able to keep my hands off her? I never would when she reacted like that. “Am I making assumptions?”

  A shy smile crossed her face. “No assumptions.”

  I raised my other hand, tangling it in her hair and pulling her in for another kiss. This time I lingered, breathing in her familiar scent, the light floral with a hint of vanilla.

  “Well, I really like doing that,” I said.

  She laughed softly. “I like it too.”

  “I like you.” I kissed her again, deeper this time. She wriggled and moaned as my tongue caressed hers.

  “You have to stop that,” she whispered as she pulled away.

  “Why’s that?”

  “You know why.”

  I grinned. “Because holding back is hard when Paige is just in the next room.”

  Natasha narrowed her eyes. “Don’t say it.”

  “And it’s not the only thing that’s hard.” I grinned.

  “You’re terrible sometimes.”

  “Only sometimes?”

  I let go of her head and slipped my arms around her waist. “You know I’m only teasing, right? We’ll go at whatever pace you like. There’s no way I want to screw things up by rushing.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  I planted a kiss on her nose and she wrinkled it, laughing.

  “Saaaam.” Paige called from the living room.

  Natasha laughed, and I pressed my forehead to hers, kissing her again. “I’d better go and see what that girl of yours wants.”

  “She’s probably found another movie to watch. Dinner will be ready in five.”

  “I … sure.” Nearly did it—nearly said I love you. Here I was telling her I didn’t want to rush, but then almost coming out with that after such a short amount of time.

  But I did love her.

  AFTER DINNER, Natasha gave Paige a bath while I finished off my work—not that it was easy to concentrate. I could settle into evenings like this so easily. While I’d got used to being alone, having the company was good for my soul, and lord knew that had been empty for long enough.

  There was a tap on my knee and I looked up to see Paige, a big grin plastered over her face.

  “Are you ready for bed?”

  She nodded. “Mummy told me to say goodnight.”

  “Mummy did, huh? Come here.” I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. “Goodnight, Paige. You have a good sleep.”

  “Night, Sam.” With a quick squeeze, she was off, running up the hallway to her bedroom.

  “I’ll be back shortly,” Natasha said from the hall doorway.

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  She shivered as our gazes met. I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t wait for us to be alone.

  I turned back to the computer as she headed up the hallway, and closed the lid of the laptop. As if I’d ever get anything else done tonight.

  “Sam?” Natasha’s voice carried from the hallway.


  “Paige is in bed. Wants to know if you’ll read her a story.”

  “Really? I’d love to.” I stood, meeting her at the entrance to the hall.

  She grabbed my hand and squeezed. “Are you really alright with this? I’m not expecting you to magically become her dad, if you think I am.”

  “I’m fine with it. The way I see it, you’re both my girls.”

  Natasha laughed. “No, you’re right.” She licked her lips. “You don’t have to go home tonight.”

  “I thought we were going to hold off on the sleeping together.”

  She shrugged. “I like this, Sam. I like you being here with us, and I know you like it too. Part of me wants to keep you at arm’s length, but then if we’re not suffocating each other by being together all the time, what harm can spending nights together on the weekend be?”

  How could I say no?

  Chapter 10


  Eight weeks later

  There was nothing better than waking, surrounded by Sam. He was the big spoon.

  Every time we’d fall asleep with his solid chest pressed against my back, his knees folded up behind mine, one arm under me and the other over the top. I’d never slept well touching anyone, but with Sam it just felt right. For the first time in a long time, I felt safe.

  I wriggled, trying to get comfortable again. The downside was sleeping on one side left me a bit sore and achy in the morning. It was something I was willing to put up with for the benefits.

  “Do that again and I’ll be inside you,” Sam murmured.

  “Would that be so bad?” I laughed.

  “Only if you’re not ready for anal sex. I’m more likely to poke you there right now than anywhere else. Unless I move.” He buried his face in my neck, kissing me softly.

  “Okay, I’ll put a stop to the moving.” I laughed. “I love waking up like this.”

  “Waking up with me poking you in the back?”

  I turned my head, nuzzling his cheek. “I’ll take it along with everything else.”

  “Just as well I have so much else to give you.” His lips were warm and soft, and they met mine in a gentle kiss that left me melting inside. In such a short time, he’d not only become my friend and lover, but my protector. If there was bad out there, Sam would never let it touch me.

  It was the complete opposite to the way I used to feel. I got used to being raw, exposed to the nasty things in the world, some of which ended up walking right into my house.

  “I love waking up with you,” he said. “Might be my favourite thing ever.”

  “Remember when we decided on a ban on sex?”

  Sam chuckled, his chest vibrating against my back. “As if that was going to last with two sex-starved people like us.”

  “Who are you calling sex-starved?”

  He sucked on my earlobe, his hand stroking my breast. “I think that’s a pretty accurate term for the two of us.”

  I rolled onto my back, meeting that gaze with so much happiness in my heart, I thought it might burst.

  “I’m glad I found you,” he said, in a soft tone.

  “I’m glad I found you.”

  He ran his thumb down my neck and along my collarbone, and I closed my eyes at his gentle touch.

  “Muuum.” Paige’s voice came from the hallway.

  Sam laughed. “I’ll go.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I bet anything she’s looking for breakfast, and I had planned to make it for you.”

  I smiled. “Really?”

  “It’s the least I can do given that it’s only been a few weeks, and I’ve all but moved in.”

  Laughing, I pecked his lips. “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to. If it�
��s anything she really needs her mum for, I’ll come and get you.”

  He climbed out of bed, tugging on his underwear and jeans, and looked around. “Seen my shirt?”

  “Not since I pulled it off you last night.”

  Sam rolled his eyes.


  “I’ll come back and get it later. At least I’ve got pants to wear.” He laughed, leaning over to brush his lips against mine. “See you soon.”

  As he left the room, I lay back on the pillow with a contented sigh. This was what life should be, not running in fear, but a house full of love.

  Giggles floated through the air back to me, and I grinned until my face ached. My girl was happier than she had been in a long time; the grind of normal life had got to her as much as it had got to me. A little light relief was welcomed by both of us.

  I closed my eyes. It was nice to have someone else around the place, someone who wasn’t afraid to help out, even if he didn’t live with us. Although, the way we were going, moving in was just a matter of time.

  Rolling over, I grasped Sam’s pillow and held it close to me. For someone who had been so cautious, it felt weird to open my heart, but right.

  Screw it. I loved seeing my girl and boyfriend interacting, see the smile on her face with someone other than me paying attention to her. She’d dragged out her toys twice since that first morning we’d all spent together, but Sam had the patience of a saint, commenting on each one that appeared and showing a genuine interest. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

  I tugged a nightgown over my head and headed out toward the kitchen.

  Sam stood at the bench, stirring something in a bowl. Paige was right next to him, standing on a chair and giving directions.

  I watched from the doorway. Every time we were all together, Sam stole a little bit more of my heart. Scenes that this gave me hope. Paige was as enamoured as I was.

  “I wish we had chocolate chips,” she said.

  “Maybe next time I can get some. For now, we have to make do with what we have. Besides, golden syrup will make these taste amazing.”

  “Can I have a hot chocolate too?”

  He nodded. “I’ll get these pancakes on and make you a drink to go with them. Want to stir?”

  Her head bobbed up and down as she did this exaggerated nod, and he laughed, handing her the bowl. “Just be gentle or you’ll get pancake mix everywhere.”

  She giggled as she ignored his warning, sending splatters of flour and water over his chest.

  “Can’t get good help anywhere.” Sam threw his hands up in mock disgust.

  The kitchen filled with Paige’s laughter, and the sound brought tears to my eyes. The two of us had our moments, but Sam’s inclusion felt so right.

  “Tash?” Concern was in his tone as he approached me.

  “I’m okay. I just love watching you two together.”

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. “I love being here. You two are very special to me.”

  “So special you’ll share the pancake mix with me?” I dabbed at the spots now on my nightgown.

  Sam laughed. “I’m so sorry. I’ll grab the tea towel.”

  “It’s okay. I can get changed.” I patted him on the chest. “Keep up the good work.”

  He bent a little, giving me a tender kiss.

  “You’re so good with Paige.”

  Shrugging, he smiled. “Call me selfish, but it’s nice to spend time with her too. Every weekend I spend up north, I miss both of you like crazy.”

  “We miss you.”

  His eyes told me how torn he was, and for the first time I saw how much being together meant to him too.

  “I want more. We’ve slipped into this routine, but every spare moment, I want it to be the three of us. Whether it means I stay a night during the week, or even spend Sunday night …”

  Nodding, I raised my face to be kissed. “I love that idea. This is what I want more of.”

  He lowered his voice. “I thought maybe today we could go and see the butterfly house at Butterfly Creek. I took a school trip out there a while ago, and we took the kids to the petting zoo and on the train.”

  “Paige would love that,” I murmured. “But I can’t afford …”

  “My shout.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t ask you to pay for it.”

  “You don’t have to ask. I’m offering. Pretty sure I’m allowed to treat my girls when I want to. Go sit at the table and I’ll bring the food.” He patted me on the backside as I walked away, and I rolled my eyes with a grin on my face. Getting changed could wait. This was more important.

  “I got the syrup,” Paige announced, carrying it to the table.

  “Good girl. I’ll just get these cooked and we’ll have some breakfast. It won’t take long.” Sam smiled.

  Paige sat beside me, and I bent to kiss her head. “Good morning, baby. Are you having fun?”

  She nodded. “I made a bit of a mess, but mixing it all together was awesome. We should do pancakes every morning.”

  I laughed. “If we didn’t have to catch the bus so early, we could.”

  Sam stood at the stovetop, spatula in hand, with this look in his eyes I couldn’t work out. The closer we got, the more it felt like he wanted to be a part of our routine. He’d already offered to drive us to school and work every day. I couldn’t accept, not yet—I didn’t want him feeling obligated to do it.

  “We could make it a weekend tradition, though,” I said.

  “Okay.” She sighed.

  “TA-DAH.” Sam placed a large plate full of pancakes in front of us. “Help yourselves.” Within minutes we were all digging in with butter and golden syrup.

  “These are so good. I bet that’s because you helped cook them.” I winked at Paige.

  “Oi.” Sam laughed.

  “Oh, I’m not dissing your contribution either.”

  He grinned. “I used to suck at cooking. My ex-wife used to tease me about how bad I was. I struggled with tinned spaghetti.”

  “Well, these are really good.”

  Sam shrugged. “Living alone I had to cook for myself, or live on pizza, and that wasn’t really an option.”

  “I like pizza,” Paige said.

  “We make our own. Paige usually chooses the ingredients, and sometimes we have tinned spaghetti with cheese on them.”

  Sam made big eyes at Paige. “That sounds good.”

  “We buy spaghetti with sausages, or meatballs, and make it. Then it’s extra good.” Paige took another bite of her pancake. “Can we do this again next Sunday, with the chocolate chips?”

  He frowned. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. It’s my weekend to go and see my boy, so I won’t be here. But we’ll do it the next weekend I stay.”

  Paige’s face fell.

  “We can do it next Sunday. Then again when Sam’s here.” I smiled.

  She pouted. “I wanted Sam to do it.”

  “He will, but it’ll happen the next Sunday he’s here.”

  Her lips quivered. Now I knew for sure how deep she was in this too. That was either the best thing ever, or the worst mistake I could have made. Things were serious, and this was the first relationship I’d been in since her father. What if it all fell apart?

  “Tell you what,” Sam said. “I’ll be back Sunday afternoon. How about I pop in, and we’ll do something? The three of us.”

  Paige gave him a little smile.

  “And we’ve got a special trip planned for today, so we’ll get lots of Sam time before he does go,” I said.

  Her eyes widened. “Really?

  “I thought I might take you two to Butterfly Creek. Want to go see some butterflies?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, eat up and we’ll get ready to go. I can’t wait.” Paige laughed as Sam waggled his eyebrows for effect.

  Breakfast like this every morning would be wonderful.

  PAIGE GOT to the door of the butterfly house and paused. “What if I fr
eak out at the butterflies flying around?”

  “I’ll bring you back here,” I said. If I was honest with myself, I was a little afraid too. Me and bugs didn’t get on too well either. With it just being Paige and me, someone had to take care of the spiders in the bathtub. It wasn’t her

  “Okay.” She still clung to my arm as we walked in.

  Inside was beautiful. There was a garden with ferns and plants for the butterflies to land on, and at first we didn’t see a lot.

  “Come over here.” Sam beckoned us toward a tree where butterflies sat on the trunk. A rainbow of colours covered the bark, and Paige gasped as she saw them. It only took one to move and a group of them took off. Paige beamed, spinning around as the butterflies flew.

  “Settle down, sweetheart. If you stay still they might just come and land on you.” Sam chuckled.

  “Really?” Her eyes were so big.

  “Just watch.”

  A dark butterfly with bright blue spots on its wings fluttered down, and Paige held her arm out. It touched down on her sleeve, and for a moment I thought she would squeal and run away.

  “That’s it. Isn’t it pretty?” Sam took a step toward her. She nodded. “Those are some gorgeous wings.”

  “It’s blue and black.”

  “It sure is.”

  A monarch butterfly landed on Sam’s shoulder, and Paige giggled. “Now there’s one on you.”

  “I can’t see it. What colour is it?”

  “Orange and black.”

  His gaze met mine, and heat travelled from my head to my toes when he winked at me. This was why I was falling so hard—his complete acceptance of and love for my daughter. In two months we’d become a family—at least during the weekends we had with him. His dedication to us just made me want him more. I wanted this all of the time.

  “That’ll be a monarch butterfly. I wonder what your little friend is called,” Sam said.

  Paige shrugged, moving her arm, and the butterfly took off, fluttering past her head and away. “That was cool.”

  “It was. Let’s keep going. Maybe we’ll see some more.” He took her hand in his and led her through the butterfly house. I hung back a little, just watching my daughter bonding with the man I was falling in love with.

  Turning his head, Sam gave me a quizzical look. “Coming?”


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