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In the End (Lifetime #3)

Page 13

by Ariadne Wayne

  “She’s perfect for Matt.” His eyes lit up, and I could read what was in his heart as he looked at me. Maybe he’d had regrets over his marriage ending, but he was mine now and there could be no doubt about it. “Maybe I was lucky enough to be part of her life for a while, but she’s with who she needs to be and so am I.”

  I let out a breath and that lump in my throat released as a sob sounded.

  “You never have to worry about me wanting someone else. You’re all I need.” Sam let go of my face and slid his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him, taking a deep breath and exhaling. “Are you going to say anything?”

  “I love you.” The words came out far easier than I’d ever thought they would, and I meant it. These past few weeks Sam had come to mean everything to me, and Paige was enamoured too. She’d seen the worst of her father, and here was a man who wanted to be with me and hadn’t blinked at the thought of me having a child with someone else.

  “I love you too.”

  “I thought for a moment you were going to tell me you were still in love with Ella.”

  Sam’s lips brushed the top of my head. “I’ll always have a soft spot for her. She’s Finn’s mother. But that’s it. I put everything on hold while I got to know my son, but now I have a life again.” He squeezed my shoulder. “Now I have you. And I have Paige. You two mean more to me than I ever thought possible.”

  I bit down the tears that threatened to form, turning to wrap my arm around his back. This man not only loved me, but he made me feel safe. When we went back to Auckland, I’d be more than ready to move in with him, giving Paige the life she should have always had and maybe spending the rest of my life being loved.

  Ella made her way over to where we were standing, a big smile on her face. “Natasha, sorry I haven’t got here earlier. Vanessa just about drove me insane before she left. But she’s gone. She and Connor sneaked off rather than make a fuss. She’s usually such an attention seeker, but I think she’d had enough of being fussed over.” She looked at me. “Have you had a good day?”

  I nodded. “It’s been lovely. It was such a beautiful wedding.”

  “It was. I always thought Vanessa would be the one to run off to the registry office and tell us later, but I’m glad she didn’t.”

  “They looked very happy,” Sam said.

  Ella’s expression changed to wistful. “They are. It’s always nice to see a happy ending.” She focused on me. “Now, I have something I need to ask you.”


  “Georgia wondered if Paige could stay the night. We’ve already got little Ella and Molly staying, so she’s more than welcome if you two want a night to yourselves.”

  A mix of fear and excitement hit me. Other than the odd night with Mum, I hadn’t had a night away from Paige since she was born, mostly because I couldn’t trust Dean with her. But she’d be in good hands, and the thought of having the entire night alone with Sam left me woozy with delight.

  “I’ll have to talk to Paige, make sure she’s okay with it. Her things are at the motel.”

  Ella grinned. “Georgia’s got a spare nightie. They’ve already disappeared to destroy Georgia’s room. Come inside when you’re ready. Matt and I are going to open a bottle of bubbly for ourselves if you want to join us. Mum and Dad are saying goodbye to the last of the guests, it’s down to a few of their friends now.”

  I nodded, watching as she walked away. If Paige felt confident enough to want to stay, that was wonderful. She’d seen far too much in her short time on this planet.

  “You know what this means?” Sam said, pressed up behind me. His arms surrounded my waist, pulling me tight against him.


  “We’ve got the motel room to ourselves for the night.”

  My heartbeat quickened at the thought. I was used to sleeping, or rather not sleeping, with an ear out for Paige just in case she interrupted us. “What do you think we can do?”

  He dropped his lips to my ear. “I thought I might just kiss every inch of you. If you’re interested.”

  “Very,” I whispered.

  His grip tightened around my waist. “Don’t move. I need a moment.”

  Laughter escaped me, and Sam nuzzled my ear as I reached up to stroke his hair. At the sound, Ella turned and cast her gaze over us. Her lips twisted for a second before she smiled and was joined by her husband. He didn’t notice us—his entire focus was on his wife, but I caught a glimpse of the look she gave him before he lowered his head a little and kissed her. Sam was right. Her heart was in that look, and it belonged to Matt.

  “She’s no threat to you,” he murmured.

  “I know.”

  “I’m just confirming what you’re already thinking.”

  I grinned. “How do you know?”

  “I love that I can read you so easily.”

  Laughing, I turned my face toward his and gazed into his eyes. “I kinda love that too.”

  “It was meant to be, then.”

  Chapter 13


  This was surreal—sitting in the living room at Matt and Ella’s, enjoying a quiet wine with them and my girlfriend while our children settled down for sleep.

  Although, there was an awful lot of giggling coming from the bedrooms.

  “You’re in for a tough night,” I said to Ella.

  She grinned. “They’ll sort themselves out. It’s been a big day for all of them. Paige is fitting in really well.”

  “She is. It’s good to see the kids all playing together.”

  Ella nodded. “Today was great, but very tiring. I’m glad I only have one sister.”

  “So am I. Vanessa’s snark is brutal.”

  Ella threw her head back and laughed loudly. “That’s so true, but it takes someone special to bring it out in her. You were a pro.”

  I let out a sigh. “I sure was. Still am. We had words earlier. Not in a bad way, but it was like coming home.”

  Natasha snuggled up against my side, and I gazed at her for a moment. Since we’d said the words back in the marquee, all I wanted to do was tell her I loved her again and again. There was something extra special in the way she looked at me now.

  “We’ve had a good day,” I said.

  “I’m glad. The clean-up won’t be fun, but that can wait until tomorrow.”

  Matt appeared from the hallway, his eyebrows knitted together. “Those kids are going to drive us nuts. Whose idea was it to have one big sleepover?”

  Ella raised her index finger in the air, a huge grin on her face.

  He sighed. “I should have known.” Walking across the room, he sat on her lap, and she laughed as he stole her glass of wine. “You owe me for this.”

  “It’ll be great. Georgia’s over the moon that Paige is staying. I think they’ve bonded.”

  “It’s not Paige and Georgia I’m worried about.”

  Vanessa’s daughter appeared in the hallway, and Matt rolled his eyes. “No. You are going back to bed, little miss.” She giggled, and ran down the hallway.

  “I’ll go and sort her out,” Ella said.

  “Only Vanessa’s child.” Matt stood to let Ella up, and she went after Isabella. He turned his gaze to us as he sat back down again. “So, what have you two got planned for tonight? Or need I ask?”

  Natasha blushed.

  “I’m going to enjoy a quiet night with my girl. Any other details are none of your business,” I said.

  Matt chuckled. “Fair enough. I hope you enjoy your child-free night.”

  “Oh, we will.”

  I’D NEVER understood Matt’s constant need to keep fit. He’d pound the pavement for hours, running—not to mention the gym sessions. I was the one who sat at home, often with a beer in hand, but had been thankfully blessed with good metabolism.

  When things had gone bad with Petra, I’d taken solace in taking care of myself and finally understood. It had also helped a lot when it came to sexual frustration.

  Tash had turned my li
fe on its ear. Her and Paige meant the world to me, but being so close to this woman whom I’d come to love had certain side effects. Only seeing her on weekends and Wednesdays had been tough in the early stages of our relationship when all I’d wanted was to be with her.

  Tonight, I had her all to myself.

  Once we went home and when she was ready to move in, I’d be with her every night. I planned on making the most of that.

  When she’d told me she loved me, I’d thought my heart might stop. They were the words I’d ached to hear and the words I’d wanted to say. I hadn’t wanted to put pressure on her. She had to go first.

  In the car next to me sat the woman I loved. Even thinking of her as that made me tingle.

  Natasha tapped her foot on the floor, her knee bouncing like she was nervous. All I wanted was to get to the motel in one piece and hold her, reassure her everything was okay. Paige was safe and sound with Matt and Ella, and Natasha could relax.

  I reached across the centre console and moved her hand to the gear stick, enclosing it in mine. “Are you alright?”

  “It’s a little weird to be without Paige.”

  I flicked a glance at her and smiled. “I know. She couldn’t be in better hands.”

  She nodded. “I know. Ella and Matt are great.”

  We turned the last corner toward the motel and pulled into the car park right outside the room.

  “Shall we?” I said, turning off the car engine.

  She nodded, a hazy smile on her face—one that told me she was ready to be loved all night.

  The room was cosy. It had a living area and a bedroom with a queen-sized bed. When we’d dropped our things off earlier, Paige had taken over the fold-out couch. It was covered in a Disney princess duvet and a big pink pillow.

  Natasha bent to pick up the duvet, and I grabbed her arm. “Don’t worry about that. Let’s just get ready for bed.”

  She turned, and I slid my arms around her waist, finding it hard to breathe when she licked her lips slowly. “Sam,” she murmured.

  “I love you. All I want is to be with you. You can bet I’ll be making the most of our time alone tonight.” Everything about her was enticing. The way she smelled, so familiar now, the way my heart sang when she was in my arms—I wanted this all of the time, every single night. For her to be in my bed for me to worship. To love.

  “Me too.”

  “It’s okay to miss her.”

  At that, Natasha’s lips twitched into a smile. “It’s scary how you know what I’m thinking sometimes.”

  “It’s because we’re so in tune with each other. I’ve never had that with anyone.”

  Her eyes widened. “Not even Ella?”

  “I don’t really want to discuss my relationship with my ex-wife when we’re about to go to bed, but no. We had that spark, that much is true, but with you it’s something deeper. So much deeper.”

  It was hard to ignore Natasha’s chest rising and falling as her breathing accelerated. This was the woman for me, the only one. I’d spend the rest of my life proving it to her.

  “Let’s go and get ready for bed.” I released my hold on her and followed her into the bedroom. Her bag sat on the end of the bed and while I unbuttoned my shirt, she dug through the luggage.

  “I can’t find my nightgown.”

  “Does it matter? Not like you’ll need it.” I grinned, and her mouth fell open.

  “I guess …”

  “Will this do?” I pulled out a spare shirt from my suitcase. It would be big on her, covering the parts that I wanted so desperately to touch, to taste, but at the same time it’d make her comfortable.

  “Your shirt?”

  “What’s mine is yours.” I didn’t mean that to sound as committed as it did. The last thing I wanted to do was freak her out. I smiled as one of her eyebrows crept up. “I mean, take it if it’s of use to you.”

  “I know we’ll be naked soon enough, but in a strange bed, I feel weird stripping off.”

  I nodded. “It’s okay.”

  She grabbed her toiletries bag and the shirt, and disappeared into the small bathroom. “I need to brush my teeth and wash my make-up off anyway.”

  We’d spent nights together, and I wasn’t sure what was causing what seemed to be nervousness on her part. For my part, I removed the remainder of my clothing and jumped into bed in my underwear. All I wanted was that woman in there with me.

  The bathroom door opened, and Natasha stood in the doorway, her hair falling loose around her shoulders, the shirt large on her. The sight of her brought my cock to attention—that and the thought of her nipples grazing the fabric of my shirt. She was temptation and modesty all at once.

  “Do I look alright?”

  I couldn’t speak. So many thoughts ran through my head, and none of them were decent. I wanted to take her, make her cry my name, and never let her go. I’d never felt so protective of anyone in my life.

  Licking my lips, I willed myself to speak. “I don’t know if alright is the right word.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you’ll be the death of me.”

  Blush spread from her cheeks, and I followed it down to the top of her neck. I wanted her more than anything in that moment, but I needed to take my time.

  Despite saying the words, I didn’t know if she believed me when I said I loved her. Her ex had eroded her trust, and there was still one thing I’d held back, the one thing that had the potential to hurt her. We’d got through the day without her finding out why Ella and I had broken up, and I didn’t know whether that was a good thing or not.

  I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. I didn’t want to ruin her night. She’d been surrounded by warm, caring people, made welcome by my ex’s family. Something told me she hadn’t had a lot of that in her life.

  It was something I planned to change.

  Natasha trembled as I took her into my arms. I closed my eyes, breathing in the scent of her skin. I kissed her.

  She couldn’t be more unlike Ella if she tried, and I loved it. I loved her breasts that fit snug in my hands, her dark hair just long enough that during the day it was curled up in a messy bun on top of her head. Natasha hated feeling so disorganised, so clumsy, but I loved that about her. I loved the lack of order, the spontaneity that being with her produced. I loved her.

  Never in a million years did I think I’d feel this good again, but I did, and it was all because of Natasha. What we had transcended everything. I’d be everything she and Paige needed.

  If she wanted me.

  My mouth explored hers, and when I’d finished kissing her lips so hard I thought I’d bruised her, I moved to kiss her cheek, her neck. The buttons on the shirt disappeared as I released them one by one. Little by little, her trembling stopped. As I peeled back the shirt and exposed those perfect breasts, she gave a little gasp that left me aching.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” I said.

  Her chest moved as her breathing grew ragged, and I’d barely touched her.

  I drew circles around her left nipple while taking the right one in my mouth. She was so responsive to my touch—she arched her back and moaned before I switched sides.

  “Equal opportunities, and all that.” I laughed. I hadn’t realised how tense she was until her body relaxed. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m good.” She licked her lips. “Sex with you is just so intense, and today things changed with us, so I’m nervous for some stupid reason.”

  “The sex is really good.”

  Natasha laughed. “Trust you to take that one thing out of that sentence.”

  I trailed kisses down her stomach until I reached her clit and teased it, ever so slowly. She bucked her hips, running her fingers through my hair. I’d always enjoyed her reaction to my going down on her; her body responded to mine as mine did to hers.

  “Don’t wait. I need you inside me.”

  I raised my eyebrows. She’d never been so forward, and I loved it.r />
  Her hand was already on the bedside cabinet where she’d placed the condom box. With a sparkle in her eyes, she tore open the condom pack and I knelt in position for her to take charge.

  With complete confidence now, she rolled the condom down my cock. Her hands on me left me straining with the overwhelming urge to come, but I had to be inside her.

  “I love that. I love you.” I grasped her chin and pulled her gaze to meet mine.

  She hooked her leg around me and pulled me closer. “Show me,” she whispered.

  I leaned over and slid into her, and she wrapped her other leg around me to pull me in. Moving slowly, I kept eye contact with her, knowing I couldn’t hold on too long. Her eyes were so full of emotion, so full of the love I now knew for sure she felt for me.

  Her soft moans told me she felt fantastic, and her eyes flickered as she struggled against the urge to close them. Instead she maintained that eye contact, and if I hadn’t been in love with her before, I would have fallen in love again in that moment.

  My body exploded, and I soared with a groan and an overwhelming feeling of relief. It was all for her. Every little thing in my life had been leading to this moment. We might have had sex before, but this was it, the moment that we became one.

  I collapsed beside her, spent, but on an emotional high.

  Nothing could bring me down now.

  She was mine.

  Chapter 14


  Being with Sam was so easy. Sure, my insecurities had got on top of me a little, but that was only to be expected when surrounded by his former wife and her family. And yet, they’d welcomed me into their home and taken both Paige and me under their wings. The bond she’d form with Finn by staying the night would do them well in the future. A future I was now sure of.

  Sam and I lay in bed, still naked and wrapped around each other. I think me admitting my feelings to him had taken us to another level.

  “I’m glad we came,” I said.

  He squeezed my shoulder. “So am I. It was a great wedding.”

  “Vanessa looked amazing. They’re such a lovely family.”


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