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In the End (Lifetime #3)

Page 18

by Ariadne Wayne

  Ella filled my thoughts. I’d hurt her so badly, put her through so much. She had what she’d always needed with Matt, and now he was lying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood after helping me fight a bully, just as he always had. Now he was the one to suffer. I couldn’t let her down. Not again.

  “You’re going to be okay. You have to be,” I said.

  He took a deep breath. “Ella …”

  “Help’s on its way, Matt. I’ll call her as soon as you leave for the hospital.”

  Matt nodded. I was too scared to lift my jacket off him to see how bad the wounds were, but the blood seemed to have slowed down.

  “He got one hand out of my grip, and he must have had a knife on him. He stabbed me in the back,” he whispered.

  “I can see that. I’m so sorry, Matt. I knew he was fucked up, but I had no idea how bad.”

  “Is Natasha safe?” The colour was gone from his face. He needed professional help and soon. One of the policemen knelt next to me.

  “I can take over,” he said.

  Shaking my head, I kept my focus on Matt. “I have to stay with him. I can’t—”

  “Let me, mate.” He pushed his hands in beside mine and nodded. I couldn’t move. If I let go, Matt could bleed out and it’d kill Ella all over again. I would lose him just when I got him back. There was no way I was lifting my hands.

  “What’s your name?” he asked.

  “Sam,” I croaked.

  “And his name?”


  “I promise I’ll take good care of him. If that’s your lady out there, she needs you too. The ambulance is on its way.”

  I swallowed. “I can’t.”

  “Yeah, you can. He’ll have proper care really soon, but right now we need to take care of him. And you.”

  “Sam, call Ella,” Matt murmured.

  “Is that your wife, Matt?”

  Matt nodded.

  “Then, that’s what we need to do, right Sam?”

  He was right. I couldn’t do both. The sooner Ella could be here, the better.

  Whatever happened.

  AS SOON AS our eyes met, Natasha and Paige ran, throwing themselves at me. I held Natasha tight, Paige clinging to my leg. I never wanted to let them go ever again.

  “What’s happened to Matt? They wouldn’t tell me what was going on.”

  “Dean stabbed him. There’s so much blood. I have to call Ella,” I whispered.

  “Here’s your phone, Sam.” Paige held up my mobile.

  “Thanks, sweetheart.” I squatted in front of her. “You did so good, Paige. Matt’s going to get the help he needs because of you.”

  A siren screamed down the road. It had to be the ambulance. My hand shook as I stood and scrolled through my contacts to find Ella’s name. Of all the people to deliver this news ... I could leave it to the police, but if that took longer she might not get here in time. If … if …

  I couldn’t think that way.

  Scrolling down one more name, I came to her father and dialled. She couldn’t be alone when she heard this, and if anyone could take care of her right now, it was Eric. Maybe I was a coward not calling her directly, but at the same time I couldn’t bear the thought of her by herself.

  His gruff voice came down the line. “Eric speaking.”

  “Uh, hi, Eric. It’s Sam here.”


  “Sam Mason.”

  He huffed. “I know who you are. I just don’t know why you’re calling me. Ella’s at home. Matt’s been away for the night, but he’s due back later today.”

  “I know. It’s just that I need to give Ella some bad news, but I don’t want her to be alone when she hears it.”

  His tone softened. “Bad news?”

  “It’s about Matt.”

  “What about Matt? He’s in Auckland today.”

  “He’s been with me. Natasha’s ex turned up, kept her and her daughter home for the day. When I went around to investigate, Matt came with me.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “There was a scuffle getting Natasha out, and Matt was stabbed.”

  There was silence on the other end of the phone.

  “How bad is he?”

  “It’s bad.” I turned my head to see Matt being carried out on a stretcher. He had an oxygen mask on his face and his eyes were closed. At least the mask told me he was still alive. “They’re just taking him to hospital now. He asked me to call Ella. I wondered if you could go and be with her while I told her.”

  “Leave it with me, Sam. I’ll go and talk to her. The kids can come over here and I’ll bring her down to Auckland. She’ll want to see him, and there’s no way I’ll let her drive.”


  “I’m sure you have enough on your plate right now. I’ll take care of Ella.”

  “Thank you.” My voice cracked.

  “Natasha and her daughter. Are they safe? And you, are you okay?”

  I’d thought Ella’s dad might rip me a new one, tell me how I’d caused this, blame me for everything but he took a moment to worry about us. “We’ll be fine. Natasha’s got an injury, but we’ll get that checked out when we get to the hospital.”

  Paige tugged on my arm. “Sam.”

  “Glad to hear it. Talk to you soon, Sam.”

  “Sam.” Paige tugged on my arm again. “Mummy fell.”

  I turned. Natasha was on the footpath behind me, a paramedic running from the ambulance.

  “Got her.”

  “I didn’t see what happened.”

  He nodded. “We carried the stretcher out, and I think she fainted when she saw it. We’ll take her with us.”

  After he checked her over, we helped her to her feet and half carried her to the back of the ambulance. I stepped to the side as the paramedic jumped in and the vehicle backed down the driveway, the sirens going as soon as it hit the road. If that didn’t tell us how urgent the situation was, I didn’t know what would.

  “Sam?” Paige was scared. I could hear it in her voice. What a crazy day for my strong, brave little girl.

  “It’s okay. We’ll go to the hospital too. They’ll be taking good care of your mum.” I squatted to talk to her.

  She flung her arms around my neck, her small body trembling like a leaf.

  “Everyone will be fine. I just know it.”

  “Does Finn know?”

  I shook my head. “Not yet, but he will soon. His mummy is on her way too.”

  “I was so scared.”

  Holding her tight, I kissed her cheek. “I know, but you were also so brave. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Hi, Sam. I’m Detective Mackleroy.”

  I stood, and shook the hand of the man standing beside us. “Sam Mason.”

  “Good to meet you. I’d like to speak to both you and Natasha when you’re ready, but in the meantime, do you want a lift to the hospital?”

  “My car’s here,” I said. “Shit. So’s Matt’s.”

  He gave me a wry smile. “I’m picking you’re in no state to drive. Neither are you, missy.” His smile grew as he shifted his gaze to a giggling Paige. That did it—this guy was a good one to be so kind to a kid, especially after all Paige had been through.

  “Sure. Do you know which hospital they were taking him to? Matt’s wife’s on the way, and I’ll have to let her know.”

  “Waitakere. Does she have to travel far?”

  “They live just out of Kerikeri. Matt’s been here on business.”

  I didn’t like the way he blanked his face. “Let’s hope she gets here soon. I have a feeling he’s going to need all the support he can get.” The detective nodded toward a blue Holden. “This way. I’ll take you there now.” He pointed back at the house. “We’ll secure the property. It’ll be closed off while it’s being investigated as a crime scene, so we need to find you somewhere to stay.”

  “I live not far from here. Natasha and Paige can stay with me,” I said.

  He nodded. “Good.

  We pile
d in his car, Paige and me in the back seat.

  Hold on, Matt.

  Chapter 20


  “Hey, baby.” Sam’s voice was soft, caring, and I smiled despite the pounding in my head. Sam was with me, and I was safe, away from Dean. Paige … Paige …

  “Where’s Paige?” I struggled to open my eyes, and Sam slowly came into focus with an expression of huge relief on his face.

  He let out a breath as he stroked my temple. “Paige is safe. She’s with Vanessa, fast asleep in the waiting room.”

  “Waiting room?” I forced myself to sit up, my head throbbing, and I held tight onto Sam’s hand as he helped me.

  “We’re in the hospital. You fainted and hit your head on the footpath.”

  Raising my hand to my head, I ran my fingers through my hair until they hit a massive bump and I winced. My face ached and the back of my head beat a rhythm all of its own.

  “What happened? I remember …” I clapped my hand across my mouth. “Matt. Is he okay?”

  Sam frowned. “He’s still in surgery. Multiple stab wounds. That’s what that bastard did to him. He had a flick knife—must have been in his pocket or something.”

  “It’s all my fault.”

  Sam shook his head. “No. If anything, I’m to blame. I was just so angry seeing that he’d hit you that I lashed out. If I’d just stuck to my insane plan, I would have taken you out the back door and we’d all be okay.”

  “Sam.” I let out a sob. “What if Matt dies?”

  “They won’t tell Vanessa what’s going on because this isn’t her hospital, but she says that the fact he’s still in surgery is a good sign. It means he’s not dead and they’re still working on him.”

  I nodded. “I guess. How’s Ella?”

  He let out a sigh. “I suspect her father’s breaking land-speed records to get her here. I called him rather than her so he could break the news and get her here safely. Knowing Ella, she’s frantic.”

  I pulled my hand out of his and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I was so scared. Paige opened the door and he just walked right in. All because I had the divorce papers delivered to him.”

  “You did?”

  “Whatever happened between us, I wanted my marriage to be over and done with. I knew there was something better out there for me that wasn’t violence and pain. I’m so sorry, Sam. You were never anything but good to me.”

  He eased my arms back and met my gaze. “You don’t need to apologise. I should have been honest with you from the start. I’m sorry.” A small smile appeared on his lips. “If you’re feeling up to it, we’ll go sit in the waiting room. You were cleared by the doctor. Ella should be here soon, and I want to see her.”

  I nodded. “Me too. I need to see Paige, even if she’s asleep.”

  Vanessa looked up as we reached the waiting room door and smiled as I sat opposite. Sam sat in the corner near the entrance of the waiting room. Beside Vanessa, Paige was stretched out along the padded seats with a pillow under her head.

  “She’s barely stirred since she fell asleep. I got here as fast as I could, and Paige looked a bit lost. I got her something to eat, and got a nurse to get a pillow.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  She smiled. “I’m glad you two are okay. I hope Ella gets here soon.”

  Her words made my throat tighten. Did she know more than she was letting on about Matt’s condition?

  “Is there any more word on Matt?” I croaked.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Not yet. I tried the whole I’m-a-doctor thing, but because I’m family and I don’t work here, they’re holding back. I doubt we’ll know anything more until Ella gets here.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. What she’d said made sense now. Ella would be able to get more information. All I could think about was her now—Ella and her children. What the hell would they do without Matt? He had to get through this, he had to pull through. Despite my backing away from Sam, I would be a mess if it was him in that operating theatre.

  “All we can do now is wait,” she said.

  I nodded. “You sound tired.”

  “I was nearly at the end of my shift when Sam called. It’s been a long day.”

  “I’m sorry that you had to come.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t be. Bad things happen sometimes, and Matt was trying to do the right thing. I wouldn’t be anywhere else but here. Connor’s probably pacing at home, but he’s with Isabella.”

  “You and Matt are close.” I’d observed that at the wedding. They weren’t just family—they were friends.

  “Apart from Connor, he’s probably the best friend I’ve ever had.” She smiled. “When I met him, he was hopelessly in love with Ella, and she was about to marry Sam. We bonded. He’s like a brother to me.”

  Tears rolled down my cheeks. My pain was secondary to this.

  “Now, how are you feeling?” Vanessa moved to sit beside me.

  “I’m fine.”

  She reached up and gently touched my face. “You don’t look fine to me. That’s some pretty impressive bruising you have going on there. Bastard. I hope the cops throw everything at him.”

  “I think they will this time. He’s been in trouble for hitting me before, but what he did to Matt …” Tears welled again, and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “I’m so sorry you went through this, Natasha.”

  “You’re being so kind to me.”

  She chuckled. “You’re part of the family now, whether you like it or not.”

  “I don’t expect—”

  Vanessa smiled as she let me go and held onto my arms. “Sam is Finn’s dad. He might not be married to Ella anymore, but he’s still a part of our lives, and so are you and Paige.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Sam helped me at my lowest, so I have a soft spot for the douchebag. Don’t tell him that, though.”

  I laughed. “I won’t.”

  “I’ll go and sort you out some pain relief.”

  A sound made me turn my head.

  “Ella.” Vanessa jumped up, and I turned in my seat to look back at the entrance.

  Ella had no colour in her cheeks, and her eyes were heavy, like she desperately needed sleep. She offered me a wan smile. Vanessa rushed to her, pulling Ella into her arms as Ella’s shoulders slumped.

  “Is there any word?” Ella asked.

  “Nothing they’ll tell me, but I’ll go let them know you’re here.” Vanessa held her sister tight.

  Ella nodded and sat on the closest seat to her. Away from me.

  Sam left the corner of the room where he’d quietly been watching my exchange with Vanessa, and sat beside Ella. As he slid his arm around her shoulders, she leaned into him like it was the most natural thing in the world. He said something to her, and she nodded, fixing her gaze on me for a moment.

  I wouldn’t blame her if she hated me.

  Turning back, I looked at my daughter. The seats might have been padded, but they weren’t that comfortable. Paige had always been a child who could sleep anywhere.

  Mum. I grimaced. The last thing I needed was to dump on her again, but I’d have to tell her what was going on, maybe even stay with her while our flat was sorted out. Given that it was a crime scene, I couldn’t see us going home tonight.

  At least we were safe. Dean was in custody, and he’d be charged with something. With him already having a record, it couldn’t be good. He deserved everything he got.

  A hand landed on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Ella’s father smiling at me. “I’m going to do a coffee run. Want something?”

  I nodded. “A latte would be nice. Thank you.”

  He sat in the seat beside me. “I’m glad you and Paige are safe. I never knew Sam had it in him, but getting you two out of that house in those circumstances was a brave thing to do.”

  Hot tears spilled down my cheeks. The guilt over Matt had been eating me alive, but here was his father-in-law, just as concerned
for our safety as he was Matt’s.

  “I just feel so awful about Matt. It’s all my fault.”

  He shook his head. “No, sweetheart. None of this is your fault. The only person getting the blame for this one is your ex-husband. No one holds you responsible.”

  “I’m a little afraid to approach Ella. She has every right to be angry with me.”

  I received a mournful smile. “Ella’s holding things together because she’s strong. Just like you are. She loves that man like crazy, and she knows he’ll fight until the end to be with her and the kids. Matt’s tough, mentally and physically. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

  Something told me he was telling me this to make me feel better, and it worked.

  “Natasha?” Sam dropped to his knees in front of me, raising his hands to my face and wiping the tears away.

  “I’m good. Go take care of Ella.”

  “I think I need to take care of both of you. Why don’t you go back to my place and get some sleep?”

  Shaking my head, I sighed. “I don’t know if I could sleep. I need to know Matt’s okay.”

  He stood, bending to kiss me on the forehead. “I guess at least if you’re here I can keep an eye on you. For a little while there I thought I’d lost you.”

  “Not a chance.” I sniffed and laughed.

  Ella’s father grabbed hold of my arm. “I’ll go get that coffee now. I think we could all do with one.”

  “Thanks, Eric,” Sam said.

  Eric stood, patting Sam on the shoulder. “That’s a great little family you’ve got there. Don’t fuck this one up.”

  I slammed my palm over my mouth and laughed as he walked away.

  “He never did like me. At least not with his daughter.”

  “I think he’s been won over a little. What you and Matt did was stupid, but brave.”

  Sam frowned. “If the police had listened in the first place …”

  “It is what it is. We just have to hope and pray that Matt will be okay.”

  Sam leaned over and kissed me tenderly. “I love you.”

  “I know,” I whispered.


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