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In the End (Lifetime #3)

Page 19

by Ariadne Wayne

  Sam reached for my hands and squeezed them. “Once we know Matt’s out of the woods, we’ll go to my place.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  “Eric’s right, though. We could be a great little family. If you wanted to be.” His expression was nothing but earnest, and I believed him, I really did. My head was still full of the events of the day, but if at the end of it I got Sam, I could live with his past mistakes.

  “Let’s get today out of the way before we start talking about tomorrow.”

  He leaned forward and pecked me on the cheek. “Of course. Whatever happens, you have a place to stay. I hope you know that.”

  “I know.” I closed my eyes, his breath warm on my skin. This was something I wanted as much as he did. I pulled my hands out of his and wrapped my arms around his neck, giving in to my need to be near him. I’d tried to fight tears, but now I completely gave in, clutching him tight against me as they rolled down my cheeks and dripped from my chin.

  “Let it all out, babe,” he whispered, lifting his hand to cup the back of my head.

  “I was so scared. I’ve never seen Dean like that, even at his worst.” Swallowing was hard; breathing became strained with my nose running. Sam and Matt had risked their own safety to save Paige and me, and they were the ones who’d suffered the most from it.

  “I’ve got you. Whatever it takes to keep you safe, I’ll do it.”

  All I could think about was Ella, sitting on the other side of the waiting room and somehow holding it together. We were connected now, in some screwed up fate that would forever leave me with regrets. No one should be going through what she was, what Matt was.

  I turned to Sam. “Go and check on Ella. She’s the one who needs you now.”

  “I don’t want to leave you by yourself.”

  I smiled. “I’ll be fine. I’ve got Paige to keep me company.”

  Sam frowned. “Are you sure she’s comfortable there? I’m sure we could find a bed …”

  “I just want her near me.”

  He nodded. “Okay. Be back in a minute.”

  I took a deep breath as he crossed the room. What a mess this whole thing was.

  “One latte,” Eric said. I reached up and took it from him as he smiled at me. “Keep your chin up, Natasha. We’ll get there.”

  I gave him a small smile and closed my eyes as I took a sip of the hot liquid.

  And then I was left alone for a moment, taking deep breaths in relief that we were safe. It came in waves, in between my worry for Matt. Despite everyone’s reassurance, I’d never forgive myself if he died. I could barely look at Ella.

  Ella stood, walking straight toward me. In one insane moment, I thought she might yell, but instead she sat and took hold of my free hand.

  “How are you holding up?” she asked.

  “I think I need to ask the same of you.”

  She raised her chin and took a big breath. I knew that movement. I’d done it enough while trying to keep it together when Dean was cruel. “Matt’s strong, and I have faith in him. But I’m terrified. He’s everything.” Her voice cracked a little.

  I nodded. “I understand.”

  Ella gave me a little smile. “I know you do. Tell me to butt out if you want, but I think you’re good for Sam. Things didn’t work for us, but he lights up when you’re in the room. Give him a chance.”

  “After today, I think I owe him that.” I met her gaze, her blue eyes so full of sorrow and fear.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” She squeezed my hand. “Despite everything, I don’t think he’s a bad person. He shows me all the time how much he loves our son. We’re both in a much better place now.”

  Vanessa appeared at the door to the waiting room. She handed me a small package and a slip of paper. “The nurse gave me some paracetamol, and there’s a prescription for something stronger if you need it.”

  “Thanks, Vanessa.”

  She sat on the other side of Ella. “I also asked if they could come and talk to you.”

  “Did they give you any news?” Ella asked.

  Vanessa shook her head. “All I know is that they’re still operating. That they’re still in there isn’t necessarily a bad thing. At least we know he’s alive.”

  “I hadn’t thought of it that way,” Ella said.

  “Glass half full, right?”

  Ella bit down on her bottom lip. “Who are you, and what have you done with my sister?”

  Vanessa rested her head on Ella’s shoulder. “They can’t take too much longer, surely.”

  Ella sighed. “At least you tried. I’m glad you’re here.”

  For a moment, I felt like an intruder watching a private family moment. Vanessa turned her gaze to me. “Do you want me to call Connor to pick up Paige? We’ve got a spare bed in Isabella’s room if it makes her more comfortable.”

  I looked at my sleeping daughter. “It’d be great, but after today I just want her close. If that makes sense.”

  Vanessa smiled. “Of course it does. Looks like she’ll sleep through anything.”

  “I appreciate the thought, Vanessa.” I sipped on my coffee, and Vanessa went back to her father and Sam, leaving me with Ella.

  “Ella, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for all this.”

  Ella gave me a small smile. “I don’t want you to feel bad. Matt’s an adult, and he does what he wants to do. And he wanted to help Sam get you out. I’ve had some bad things happen in my life, but I can’t begin to imagine what you’ve been through.”

  “I’ll never forgive myself if …”

  Her lips wobbled. She tried so hard to keep it together, but her resolve was failing. I could see it. “He can’t. He just can’t. He has to be here for me and for our children. It’s as simple as that.”

  I nodded, taking her hand in mine. “I’ll wait with you. As long as it takes.”

  The corners of her lips turned up into a forced smile. “Thank you.”

  We sat, hand in hand. The longer it took, the harder it was to keep optimistic. But we all had to. For Ella.

  “ELLA.” Vanessa pointed toward the of the waiting room.

  A doctor in scrubs stood in the doorway,

  “Doctor?” Ella croaked.

  “Mrs Carver?”

  She nodded.

  “I’m Doctor Jacobs. I’ve been in the operating theatre with your husband.”

  Ella nearly ripped my hand off, she gripped it that tight. “Please … Matt …”

  “Your husband will be fine. He lost a lot of blood, and it’s taken this long as we had to remove his left kidney. He’s in recovery at the moment, and you’ll be able to see him shortly.”

  Ella could barely breathe as the relief swept over her, her hands shaking.

  Vanessa stood, wrapping her arms around Ella’s neck as Ella slowly let go of my hand. “I knew he’d be okay, Ell. He’d fight tooth and nail to be with you—he loves you so much.”

  Sobs erupted from Ella, and Sam enveloped me in his arms as tears rolled down my cheeks.

  “I just want to see him, and then we’ll get out of here. Okay?” he murmured.

  I nodded. “I’m so glad he’s going to be alright.”

  Nothing else mattered in that moment. Relief washed over me that everyone was alright. We might be battered and bruised, but Dean hadn’t beaten us. Any of us.

  “I need to call that detective. He was waiting for an update, and I want to make sure he knows what’s going on.”

  I nodded.

  Sam licked his lips. “Now they’ll know what to charge Dean with. Let’s hope they throw the book at him.”

  All I could do was breathe deeply, grateful forever that it wasn’t manslaughter.

  We were all safe.

  Chapter 21


  I fought the fuzziness in my head and forced open my eyes. Gradually, the room came into focus and I laid eyes on my wife. Either I was in Heaven seeing angels, or Ella really was by my side. Every part of my body ached, and I tilted my h
ead to see a cannula in my hand. Flexing my fingers, I looked back toward Ella. Her head was bowed, her eyes closed as if she was praying.

  “Ella,” I croaked.

  Her eyes flew open, those beautiful blue eyes I loved so much. She barely took a breath before wrapping her arms around my neck, and hot tears spilled onto my skin.

  “Hey,” I whispered.

  “I thought … I thought …” She couldn’t finish what she had to say, so I just held her, raising my hand to cradle her head and hold her tight. So long ago I swore never to make her cry. It broke my heart to hear her weeping over me.

  “Ella, I’m okay. I’m here. You know I’ll do whatever it takes to be here for you and our babies,” I whispered.

  “I could have lost you,” she sobbed on my shoulder.

  “But you didn’t. I’m here.”

  Ella pulled away, her eyes still filled with tears. It hurt so much to be putting her through this. “You were in surgery for hours. Natasha’s ex was high on meth, and he did some internal damage. I had to sit in the waiting room forever not knowing if you were going to be okay.”

  “Is Natasha safe?”

  She nodded.

  “I’m sorry, Ella. I had to help Sam. He was desperate to get her out of there.”

  She licked her lips. “I know you did the right thing.” Dragging her gaze over my face, she sighed. “If he had killed you …”

  “He didn’t.” I palmed her chin as she closed her eyes, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

  “When you’re allowed out of hospital, we’re going home and I might not ever let you out of my sight again.” Her voice hiccupped as she spoke.

  The thought of hurting her left me miserable. I’d have agreed to anything to get her a smile on her face again. “Well, the good thing is that I got the contract. So I’ll be home and working on that the next few months. Bad news is I’m guessing your dad will have to find some help on the farm.”

  “I think that’s the least of our worries.” She pressed her lips to mine, and I tasted the familiarity that was Ella. For so many years those were the only lips I’d wanted to kiss. Despite my grogginess, I opened my mouth and ran my tongue over hers.

  “I love you, Ella Carver. Every day a little more. And I’d defend you until my last breath if I had to. It just happened that it was Sam’s turn. He loves Natasha as much as I love you.”

  Ella nodded in a short, sharp fashion. “He told me. I’m happy for him, and I’m glad Natasha is safe, but I’m pissed you had anything to do with it.”

  I gave her a tired smile. “Can we talk about this later? I’m tired. I don’t even know the extent of what happened, and I don’t want to know right now.” Moving hurt, but I wriggled over as far as I could. “Get up here and let me hold you. You’re all the medicine I need.”

  She rolled her eyes and climbed onto the bed. It was a tight fit, but just having her next to me gave me a sense of relief. “I love you, Matt. Don’t ever scare me again.”

  “I’ll try not to.” I buried my face in her neck, squeezing her tight against me.

  Ella always was all I ever needed.

  I DIDN’T KNOW how long I held her, but some time later I looked up to see Sam looking down at us, a smile on his face.

  “That can’t be comfortable,” he teased.

  “I just need my girl with me,” I said. Ella didn’t look quite as scared now, giving me a small smile.

  “Yeah, I can understand that. I wanted to come and thank you. I’m taking my girls home.”

  I nodded. “Give them our love.”

  “I will. Thanks for everything, Matt. I’m sorry how this ended up. I’ll never be able to repay you for what you did.”

  “I’m just glad Natasha and Paige are safe. That’s some little family you have there.” The thought of Sam getting his happy ending made me smile. After everything we’d been through, he’d grown up and was much more mature than he had been back when he was with Ella. There would never be any excuses for what he’d done to her, but I had a feeling he’d never do anything like that again. He’d lost too much the first time.

  “Yeah. I hope so, anyway.” He bent and kissed Ella on the cheek. “I’ll spend a long time trying to make up for this. As if I didn’t already owe you.”

  “Just be a good dad for Paige. She needs it.”

  Sam nodded. “You’re right, as always.”

  Ella chuckled and leaned her head against mine. “About time you learned that.”

  “I know I’m supposed to come and see Finn this weekend, but I think I need to get those two moved into my place. Providing Natasha agrees.”

  “We’ll sort it out, Sam,” she said.

  “We will. I’ll come and see you in the morning, Matt. If you need anything, just give me a call.”

  She nodded, and I held up my hand for Sam to fist-bump.

  He gently met my offer. “Glad you’re still with us, mate. You had me worried there for a while.”

  “Not the greatest end to the day.”

  Ella rolled her eyes. “You are the king of understatements.”

  “Eric and Vanessa are out there still. They didn’t want to disturb you, but I wanted to see you myself before I left.”

  I nodded. “Tell them to come in. They’ll have to take this one away so she can get some sleep.”

  Ella tightened her grip on my shoulder, and I kissed her forehead. “I’ll be fine. You need to rest too.”

  “I’ll leave you to argue. See you later on.” Sam walked out of the room, and I was left with my scowling wife.

  “The last thing I need is to be worried about you. So you go and stay the night at Vanessa’s and come back up in the morning. I’m not going anywhere, Ella, I swear.”

  She bit on her lower lip. “This has brought my life into perspective. Little things have been winding me up, but you know what? I know you’ll always put us first, and nothing’s going to come between us.”

  I ran my fingers through her hair. “You’re allowed to act a little crazy. Do you have any idea what I’d do if I found some guy flirting with you?”

  Her lips twisted into a smile. “I still don’t want to let you out of my sight. But it’s because you’re hurt rather than me being jealous.”

  “I get that. I’d be the same with you.” I sighed. “When I get home and recover, we’ll go somewhere, just you and me.”

  “What about the children?”

  I smiled. “Your mum and dad will take them for a few days if we ask. Let’s go back to that resort where we spent our first night together.”

  A grin spread across her face. “I like that idea. Can’t we take the kids, though?”

  “Not if we all end up in one big room. Considering what I plan on doing to you.”

  Ella laughed, and it was music to my ears. “What would that be?”

  “Well, Ella Carver, you’ll just have to wait and find out.”

  Chapter 22


  I wasn’t about to argue with Sam when he said he wanted to take Paige and me to his place. It made sense. We’d be safe from Dean, and I already knew Sam would do what it took to protect us. He’d proven that.

  Paige was already asleep by the time we got to Sam’s place, and I carried her into his spare room and tucked her in. We’d have to go back tomorrow to get some clothing. It didn’t matter that she was sleeping in her day clothes instead of her pyjamas. Nothing mattered except our safety.

  I walked back out to the living room. Sam sat on the couch with his head buried in his hands. He must have been exhausted. I sat, placing my hand on his back.

  Looking up, he turned his head and smiled. “Is she okay?”

  “Thanks to you. You didn’t have to swoop in the way you did.”

  His eyes filled with need, and he raised his hand to palm my cheek. “You know I did. I would never have left you to that monster. Not while there’s air in my lungs and my heart’s still beating.”

  Maybe there was air in his lungs, but the a
ir in mine went whoosh at his words. Whatever he’d done in the past, Sam loved me. He’d proven that beyond any doubt today. My heart still felt torn about his previous infidelity, but he’d not given me any reason to mistrust him. He’d been there when I needed him.

  “Sam.” I flung my arms around his neck.

  “It’s okay.” He cradled me, holding me tight and rocking.

  Tears rolled down my cheeks. I’d nearly given this away, nearly turned my back on what we’d had. How would I ever know if this would work if I didn’t give it a chance? “I’m sorry.”

  He let go, scrutinising me closely. “Sorry for what? I’m the one who held back. I was so scared of losing you, and then my worst nightmare happened anyway. You’re safe, and you’re with me.”

  I let out a sob, and he grabbed hold of me, one hand gripping my neck, the other around my shoulders.

  “I love you so much, Natasha. I’ll always be here if you need me. Whether we’re together or not.”

  Nodding, I relaxed into him, resting my head on his shoulder. He could have walked away when I pushed him, but he didn’t, putting his life at risk to help us. Only a man who truly meant those words would have done that. My breath grew short and hitched as I struggled to get it under control. My cheeks and his shoulder were wet with tears, a mixture of relief and happiness.

  I was right where I belonged.

  With Sam.

  “Maybe you need to get some sleep. You can take my room and I’ll stay on the couch,” he said softly.

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “I’m not letting you take the couch. The bed’s more comfy.”

  “I’m not sleeping alone.” I leaned back in Sam’s arms.

  His gaze swept my face. I must have looked a mess. My eyes would be red and puffy—I’d seen them after crying so many times.

  All I saw in Sam’s eyes was love.

  “We … Not until you’re sure.” His voice cracked.

  “I’ve never been more sure. I should have talked things out with you. All you’ve ever given Paige and me was your heart. You deserved better than me walking away.”

  He said nothing further. He couldn’t when his lips were on mine with all the aching urgency I felt too. I wanted him, only ever him, and I had a feeling he might just have felt the same way. That was what his kiss told me.


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